com.apollographql.apollo.gradle.internal.ApolloDownloadSchemaCliTask.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.apollographql.apollo.gradle.internal
import com.apollographql.apollo.gradle.api.CompilationUnit
import okhttp3.HttpUrl.Companion.toHttpUrl
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectContainer
import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFileProperty
import org.gradle.api.provider.MapProperty
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import org.gradle.api.tasks.options.Option
* This task is very similar to [ApolloDownloadSchemaTask] except it allows to override parameters from the command line
abstract class ApolloDownloadSchemaCliTask : DefaultTask() {
@get:Option(option = "endpoint", description = "url of the GraphQL endpoint")
abstract val endpoint: Property
@get:Option(option = "schema", description = "path where the schema will be downloaded, relative to the current working directory")
abstract val schema: Property
@get:Option(option = "variant", description = "Variant to download the schema for. Defaults to the main variant")
abstract val variant: Property
@get:Option(option = "service", description = "Service to download the schema for. Defaults to the only service if there is only one or throws")
abstract val service: Property
@set:Option(option = "header", description = "headers in the form 'Name: Value'")
var header = emptyList() // cannot be abstract for @Option to work
lateinit var compilationUnits: NamedDomainObjectContainer
init {
* We cannot know in advance if the backend schema changed so don't cache or mark this task up-to-date
* This code actually redundant because the task has no output but adding it make it explicit.
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
outputs.cacheIf { false }
fun taskAction() {
val candidates = compilationUnits.filter {
if (variant.isPresent && it.variantName == variant.get()) {
return@filter true
it.variantName == "main" || it.variantName == "release"
val compilationUnit = if (service.isPresent) {
candidates.firstOrNull { it.serviceName == service.get() }
} else {
check(candidates.size <= 1) {
"please specify the --service"
check(compilationUnit != null) {
val services = { it.serviceName }.distinct().sorted().joinToString("\n")
val variants = { it.variantName }.distinct().sorted().joinToString("\n")
"Cannot find compilation unit, check variant and service.\nPossible services:\n$services\nPossible variants:\n$variants"
val (compilerParams, _) = compilationUnit.resolveParams(project)
val endpointProp = project.findProperty("com.apollographql.apollo.endpoint") as? String
var endpointUrl = when {
endpoint.isPresent -> endpoint.get()
endpointProp != null -> {
logger.lifecycle("Using the com.apollographql.apollo.endpoint property is deprecated. Use --endpoint instead.")
else -> compilationUnit.service.introspection?.endpointUrl?.get()
check(endpointUrl != null) {
"Specify the endpoint either with --endpoint or the introspection {} block"
val schemaProp = project.findProperty("com.apollographql.apollo.schema") as? String
val schemaFile = when {
schema.isPresent -> File(schema.get())
schemaProp != null -> {
logger.lifecycle("Using the com.apollographql.apollo.schema property is deprecated. Use --schema instead.")
else -> compilerParams.schemaFile.asFile.get()
val headersProp = project.findProperty("com.apollographql.apollo.headers") as? String
val headers = when {
headersProp != null -> {
logger.lifecycle("Using the com.apollographql.apollo.headers property is deprecated. Use --header instead.")
else -> header.toMap()
val queryParamsProp = project.findProperty("com.apollographql.apollo.query_params") as? String
if (queryParamsProp != null) {
logger.lifecycle("Using the com.apollographql.apollo.query_params property is deprecated. Add parameters to the endpoint instead.")
endpointUrl = endpointUrl.toHttpUrl().newBuilder()
.apply {
ApolloPlugin.toMap(queryParamsProp).entries.forEach {
addQueryParameter(it.key, it.value)
endpoint = endpointUrl,
schema = schemaFile,
headers = headers,
connectTimeoutSeconds = System.getProperty("okHttp.connectTimeout", "600").toLong(),
readTimeoutSeconds = System.getProperty("okHttp.readTimeout", "600").toLong()
private fun List.toMap(): Map {
return map {
val index = it.indexOf(':')
check(index > 0 && index < it.length - 1) {
"header should be in the form 'Name: Value'"
it.substring(0, index).trim() to it.substring(index + 1, it.length).trim()
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