com.appnexus.oas.mobilesdk.adcontroller.adgenerator.XMraidJsInterface.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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AppNexus OpenAdStream Android Advertising Libraries
???? 2E Ecom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/adcontroller/adgenerator/XMraidJsInterface java/lang/Object JAVASCRIPT_METHOD_PREFIX Ljava/lang/String;
XMraidWebView adView $Lcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/XAdView; webView CLcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/adcontroller/adgenerator/XMraidWebView; orientationProperties Ljava/util/List; Signature 1Ljava/util/List; orientationSyncObject Ljava/lang/Object; expandProperties expandSyncObject resizeProperties resizeSyncObject mraidStateListener :Lcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/listeners/IMRAIDStateListener; j(Lcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/XAdView;Lcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/adcontroller/adgenerator/XMraidWebView;)V Code
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H J I -com/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/utilities/XLogUtil K L d '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
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StackMapTable V java/lang/Throwable log (Ljava/lang/String;)V Z java/lang/StringBuilder \ log message=
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? ? ? f getLocalizedMessage resize ? ? ? ? java/util/List ? ? isEmpty ()Z
7 ? ? ? getXMRAIDProperties K()Lcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/adcontroller/adgenerator/XMraidConfiguration; ? Resize parameters not set
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properties Lorg/json/JSONObject;
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? "get_CALENDAR_EVENT_PARAMETERS_name w(Lcom/appnexus/oas/mobilesdk/adcontroller/adgenerator/XMraidConfiguration$CALENDAR_EVENT_PARAMETERS;)Ljava/lang/String;
!" has (Ljava/lang/String;)Z
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