com.spun.util.StringUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.spun.util;
import org.lambda.functions.Function1;
import org.lambda.query.Query;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* A static class of convenience functions for database access
public class StringUtils
public static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public static String toURLEncode(String input)
return input == null ? null : java.net.URLEncoder.encode(input, "UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw ObjectUtils.throwAsError(e);
public static String loadNullableString(String i)
return StringUtils.isNonZero(i) ? i.trim() : null;
* Decode a URLEncoded input
* If input
is null
, URLEncode()
* return null
* @see java.net.URLDecoder
public static String URLDecode(String input)
return input == null ? null : java.net.URLDecoder.decode(input, "UTF-8");
catch (Exception e)
return null;
public static String[] split(String string, String splitOn)
return split(string, splitOn, true);
public static String[] split(String string, String splitOn, boolean trim)
if ((string == null) || (splitOn == null) || (splitOn.length() < 1))
{ return null; }
Vector temp = new Vector();
int length = splitOn.length();
int start = 0;
int next = 0;
while (next != -1)
String word = null;
next = string.indexOf(splitOn, start);
if (next == -1)
word = string.substring(start);
word = string.substring(start, next);
start = next + length;
temp.add(trim ? word.trim() : word);
return toArray(temp);
public static String replace(String string, String find, String replace)
if ((string == null) || (find == null) || (replace == null))
{ throw new NullPointerException(String.format("[string,find,replace] = [%s,%s,%s]", string, find, replace)); }
String[] parts = split(string, find, false);
if (parts.length == 1)
{ return string; }
String result = "";
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
result += parts[i] + replace;
return result.substring(0, result.length() - replace.length());
public static String stripWhiteSpace(String text)
return stripWhiteSpace(text, false);
public static String padNumber(long number, int digits)
String text = "" + number;
while (text.length() < digits)
text = "0" + text;
return text;
public static String padNumber(int number, int digits)
return padNumber((long) number, digits);
public static String stripWhiteSpace(String text, boolean all)
StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer();
boolean whitespace = false;
int num = text.length();
char whiteSpaceChar = ' ';
boolean atStart = true;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
char c = text.charAt(i);
switch (c)
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
whiteSpaceChar = '\n';
whitespace = true;
case '\t' :
case ' ' :
whitespace = true;
default :
if (whitespace && atStart)
whitespace = false;
if (whitespace)
whitespace = false;
newText.append(all ? '_' : whiteSpaceChar);
whiteSpaceChar = ' ';
atStart = false;
return newText.toString();
* Turns "mr. frank m Peter" into "Mr. Frank M Peter"
public static String toNameUpperCase(String name)
if (name == null)
{ return null; }
StringBuffer returning = new StringBuffer(name.length());
String upper = name.toUpperCase();
int place = 0;
while (place < name.length())
char letter = name.charAt(place);
if (letter == ' ')
returning.append(' ');
if ((place + 1) < name.length())
else if ((place == 0))
return returning.toString();
public static String toConvertCamelCaseString(String varName, String insertBeforeCaps)
StringBuffer staticVarName = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < varName.length(); i++)
char letter = varName.charAt(i);
if ((i > 0) && (letter == Character.toUpperCase(letter)) && Character.isLetter(letter))
return staticVarName.toString();
* Turns "ATTRIUBE_NAME" into "AttributeName"
public static String toMethodNameCase(String name)
StringBuffer returning = new StringBuffer(name.length());
String upper = name.toUpperCase();
String lower = name.toLowerCase();
int place = 0;
while (place < name.length())
char letter = lower.charAt(place);
if (letter == ' ' || letter == '_')
if ((place + 1) < name.length())
else if ((place == 0))
return returning.toString();
public static String stripNonNumeric(String number)
return stripNonNumeric(number, false, false);
public static String stripCharacters(String dirtyString, String toStrip)
StringBuffer cleanStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < dirtyString.length(); i++)
char currentChar = dirtyString.charAt(i);
if (toStrip.indexOf(currentChar) == -1)
return cleanStringBuffer.toString();
public static String escapeForXml(String string)
return string.replaceAll("&", "&");
public static String stripNonNumeric(String number, boolean allowDecimal, boolean allowNegative)
boolean allowExponential = allowDecimal;
boolean afterE = false;
if (number == null)
{ return ""; }
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < number.length(); i++)
char c = number.charAt(i);
switch (c)
case '0' :
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' :
case '4' :
case '5' :
case '6' :
case '7' :
case '8' :
case '9' :
afterE = false;
case '-' :
if (allowNegative || afterE)
allowNegative = false;
case '.' :
if (allowDecimal)
allowDecimal = false;
afterE = false;
case 'e' :
case 'E' :
if (allowExponential)
allowExponential = false;
afterE = true;
default :
return result.toString();
* A convenience function to check that a String has at least 1 character.
* @param string
* The string in question
* @return true if Non Zero.
public static boolean isNonZero(String string)
return ((string != null) && string.trim().length() > 0);
public static boolean isEmpty(String string)
return !isNonZero(string);
* A convenience function to turn a vector of String objects into an Array
* of the String objects.
* @param vectorOf
* a Vector of String objects
* @return the array of String.
* @throws Error
* if an element of vectorOf is not a String object.
public static String[] toArray(java.util.Collection vectorOf)
if (vectorOf == null)
{ return new String[0]; }
String[] array = new String[vectorOf.size()];
java.util.Iterator iterator = vectorOf.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext())
java.lang.Object rowObject = iterator.next();
if (rowObject instanceof String)
array[i++] = (String) rowObject;
throw new Error(
"toArray[" + i + "] is not an instance of String but a " + ObjectUtils.getClassName(rowObject));
return array;
public static int resolveEnumeration(String value, String[] enumeration)
return resolveEnumeration(value, enumeration, false);
public static int resolveEnumeration(String value, String[] enumeration, boolean force)
for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.length; i++)
if (enumeration[i].equals(value))
{ return i; }
if (force)
{ throw new Error("Enumeration '" + value + "' not in " + Arrays.asList(enumeration).toString()); }
return -1;
public static String truncate(String string, int maxLength)
if (string == null)
{ return null; }
return (string.length() <= maxLength) ? string : string.substring(0, maxLength);
public static boolean hasNumeric(String teamId)
return isNonZero(stripNonNumeric(teamId, false, false));
public static String toHTMLEncode(String string)
if (string == null)
{ return null; }
string = string.replaceAll("<", "<");
string = string.replaceAll("\n", "
return string;
public static String toJavaScriptEncode(String string)
if (string == null)
{ return "null"; }
string = string.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"");
string = string.replaceAll("\r", "\\\\r");
string = string.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n");
return "\"" + string + "\"";
public static boolean isIn(String target, String... fromList)
return Arrays.asList(fromList).contains(target);
public static boolean isIn(String target, String[] fromList, boolean allowNulls)
return (target == null && allowNulls) ? true : isIn(target, fromList);
public static void assertIn(String target, String[] fromList, boolean allowNulls)
boolean valid = isIn(target, fromList, allowNulls);
if (!valid)
{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value '" + target + "' not in " + Arrays.asList(fromList)); }
public static void assertIn(String target, boolean allowNulls, String... options)
assertIn(target, options, allowNulls);
public static String convertEnumeration(final Object forValue, Class> clazz)
Function1 filter = a -> {
return (ClassUtils.IsPublicStatic(a) && a.get(null).equals(forValue));
catch (Throwable e)
throw ObjectUtils.throwAsError(e);
List fields = Query.where(clazz.getFields(), filter);
if (fields.isEmpty())
return "unknown Type " + forValue;
return fields.get(0).getName();
* 'Tom S Hardy' becomes 'Tom S' - 'Hardy'
public static String[] splitName(String fullName)
String[] names = {null, null};
int split = fullName.lastIndexOf(' ');
if (split != -1)
names[0] = fullName.substring(0, split);
names[1] = fullName.substring(split);
names[1] = fullName;
return names;
public static Properties createProperties(String[] properties)
Properties props = new Properties();
if (properties == null)
{ return props; }
if (properties.length % 2 != 0)
throw new Error(
"number of strings must be even. found [" + properties.length + "] = " + Arrays.asList(properties));
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i += 2)
if (properties[i + 1] != null)
props.setProperty(properties[i], properties[i + 1]);
props.setProperty(properties[i], "");
return props;
public static String toString(String name, T[] array)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
name = (name == null ? "array" : name);
if (array == null || array.length == 0)
buffer.append(name + ".length = 0");
int maxPadding = ("" + array.length).length();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
buffer.append(name + "[" + padNumber(i, maxPadding) + "] = " + array[i] + "\n");
return buffer.toString();
public static String toString(String name, Iterable array)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
name = (name == null ? "array" : name);
if (array != null)
int count = 0;
for (T t : array)
buffer.append(name + "[" + count + "] = " + arrayStringHelper(t) + "\n");
if (buffer.length() == 0)
buffer.append(name + ".length = 0");
return buffer.toString();
public static String arrayStringHelper(Object o)
if (o == null)
{ return "null"; }
return o.getClass().isArray() ? Arrays.toString((Object[]) o) : o.toString();
public static String getFirstName(String fullName)
return splitName(fullName)[0];
public static String getLastName(String fullName)
return splitName(fullName)[1];
public static boolean isLengthWithin(String string, int length)
return string == null || string.length() <= length;
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String one, String two)
return (one == two || (one != null && one.equalsIgnoreCase(two)));
public static StringBuffer trim(StringBuffer buffer, int i)
if (buffer == null || buffer.length() < i)
{ return buffer; }
buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - i);
return buffer;
public static String join(String first, String joinBy, String second)
return isEmpty(second) ? first : first + joinBy + second;
public static InputStream convertToInputStream(String string)
return new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
public static String toString(Map, ?> map)
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
Object[] keySet = map.keySet().toArray();
if (!(map instanceof SortedMap))
for (Object key : keySet)
b.append(String.format("%s : %s \n", key, map.get(key)));
return b.toString();
public static String join(T[] list, String delimiter, Function1 convertor)
return String.join(delimiter, Query.select(list, convertor));
public static String join(Collection list, String joinWith)
return join(list, joinWith, n -> n.toString());
public static String join(Collection list, String joinWith, Function1 converter)
return String.join(joinWith, Query.select(list, converter));
public static String replaceAll(String input, Pattern pattern, Function1 replacer)
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
boolean result = matcher.find();
if (result)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int start = 0;
sb.append(input, start, matcher.start());
start = matcher.end();
result = matcher.find();
while (result);
return sb.toString();
return input;
public static String pad(String contents, int targetLength)
while (contents.length() < targetLength)
contents += " ";
if (contents.length() < targetLength)
contents = " " + contents;
return contents;
public static String padLeft(String contents, int targetLength)
while (contents.length() < targetLength)
contents = " " + contents;
return contents;