com.arangodb.model.ExplainAqlQueryOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package com.arangodb.model;
import com.arangodb.internal.serde.UserDataInside;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Michele Rastelli
public final class ExplainAqlQueryOptions {
private Map bindVars;
private String query;
private AqlQueryOptions.Options options;
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions() {
public Map getBindVars() {
return bindVars;
* @param bindVars key/value pairs representing the bind parameters
* @return options
ExplainAqlQueryOptions bindVars(final Map bindVars) {
this.bindVars = bindVars;
return this;
public String getQuery() {
return query;
* @param query the query which you want explained
* @return options
ExplainAqlQueryOptions query(final String query) {
this.query = query;
return this;
public AqlQueryOptions.Options getOptions() {
if (options == null) {
options = new AqlQueryOptions.Options();
return options;
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions options(final AqlQueryOptions.Options options) {
this.options = options;
return this;
// ------------------------------------
// --- accessors for nested options ---
// ------------------------------------
public Map getCustomOptions() {
return getOptions().getCustomOptions();
* Set an additional custom option in the form of key-value pair.
* @param key option name
* @param value option value
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions customOption(String key, Object value) {
getOptions().setCustomOption(key, value);
return this;
public Boolean getAllPlans() {
return getOptions().getAllPlans();
* @param value if set to true, all possible execution plans will be returned. The default is false, meaning only
* the optimal plan will be returned.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions allPlans(final Boolean value) {
return this;
public Boolean getAllowDirtyReads() {
return getOptions().getAllowDirtyReads();
* @param allowDirtyReads If you set this option to true and execute the query against a cluster deployment, then
* the Coordinator is allowed to read from any shard replica and not only from the leader.
* You may observe data inconsistencies (dirty reads) when reading from followers, namely
* obsolete revisions of documents because changes have not yet been replicated to the
* follower, as well as changes to documents before they are officially committed on the
* leader. This feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions allowDirtyReads(final Boolean allowDirtyReads) {
return this;
public Boolean getAllowRetry() {
return getOptions().getAllowRetry();
* @param allowRetry Set this option to true to make it possible to retry fetching the latest batch from a cursor.
* This makes possible to safely retry invoking {@link com.arangodb.ArangoCursor#next()} in
* case of I/O exceptions (which are actually thrown as {@link com.arangodb.ArangoDBException}
* with cause {@link java.io.IOException})
* If set to false (default), then it is not safe to retry invoking
* {@link com.arangodb.ArangoCursor#next()} in case of I/O exceptions, since the request to
* fetch the next batch is not idempotent (i.e. the cursor may advance multiple times on the
* server).
* Note: once you successfully received the last batch, you should call
* {@link com.arangodb.ArangoCursor#close()} so that the server does not unnecessary keep the
* batch until the cursor times out ({@link AqlQueryOptions#ttl(Integer)}).
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.11
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions allowRetry(final Boolean allowRetry) {
return this;
public Boolean getFailOnWarning() {
return getOptions().getFailOnWarning();
* @param failOnWarning When set to true, the query will throw an exception and abort instead of producing a
* warning. This option should be used during development to catch potential issues early.
* When the attribute is set to false, warnings will not be propagated to exceptions and will
* be returned with the query result. There is also a server configuration option
* --query.fail-on-warning for setting the default value for failOnWarning so it does not
* need to be set on a per-query level.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions failOnWarning(final Boolean failOnWarning) {
return this;
public Boolean getFillBlockCache() {
return getOptions().getFillBlockCache();
* @param fillBlockCache if set to true
or not specified, this will make the query store
* the data it reads via the RocksDB storage engine in the RocksDB block cache. This is
* usually the desired behavior. The option can be set to false
for queries that
* are known to either read a lot of data that would thrash the block cache, or for queries
* that read data known to be outside of the hot set. By setting the option
* to false
, data read by the query will not make it into the RocksDB block
* cache if it is not already in there, thus leaving more room for the actual hot set.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.8.1
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions fillBlockCache(final Boolean fillBlockCache) {
return this;
public String getForceOneShardAttributeValue() {
return getOptions().getForceOneShardAttributeValue();
* @param forceOneShardAttributeValue This query option can be used in complex queries in case the query optimizer
* cannot automatically detect that the query can be limited to only a single
* server (e.g. in a disjoint smart graph case).
* If the option is set incorrectly, i.e. to a wrong shard key value, then the
* query may be shipped to a wrong DB server and may not return results (i.e.
* empty result set).
* Use at your own risk.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions forceOneShardAttributeValue(final String forceOneShardAttributeValue) {
return this;
public Boolean getFullCount() {
return getOptions().getFullCount();
* @param fullCount if set to true and the query contains a LIMIT clause, then the result will have an extra
* attribute
* with the sub-attributes stats and fullCount, { ... , "extra": { "stats": { "fullCount": 123 }
* } }. The
* fullCount attribute will contain the number of documents in the result before the last LIMIT
* in the
* query was applied. It can be used to count the number of documents that match certain filter
* criteria,
* but only return a subset of them, in one go. It is thus similar to MySQL's
* Note that setting the option will disable a few LIMIT optimizations and may lead to more
* documents
* being processed, and thus make queries run longer. Note that the fullCount attribute will
* only be
* present in the result if the query has a LIMIT clause and the LIMIT clause is actually used
* in the
* query.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions fullCount(final Boolean fullCount) {
return this;
public Long getIntermediateCommitCount() {
return getOptions().getIntermediateCommitCount();
* @param intermediateCommitCount Maximum number of operations after which an intermediate commit is performed
* automatically. Honored by
* the RocksDB storage engine only.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.2.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions intermediateCommitCount(final Long intermediateCommitCount) {
return this;
public Long getIntermediateCommitSize() {
return getOptions().getIntermediateCommitSize();
* @param intermediateCommitSize Maximum total size of operations after which an intermediate commit is performed
* automatically.
* Honored by the RocksDB storage engine only.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.2.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions intermediateCommitSize(final Long intermediateCommitSize) {
return this;
public Integer getMaxDNFConditionMembers() {
return getOptions().getMaxDNFConditionMembers();
* @param maxDNFConditionMembers A threshold for the maximum number of OR sub-nodes in the internal representation
* of an AQL FILTER condition.
* Yon can use this option to limit the computation time and memory usage when
* converting complex AQL FILTER conditions into the internal DNF (disjunctive normal
* form) format. FILTER conditions with a lot of logical branches (AND, OR, NOT) can
* take a large amount of processing time and memory. This query option limits the
* computation time and memory usage for such conditions.
* Once the threshold value is reached during the DNF conversion of a FILTER
* condition, the conversion is aborted, and the query continues with a simplified
* internal representation of the condition, which cannot be used for index lookups.
* You can set the threshold globally instead of per query with the
* --query.max-dnf-condition-members startup option.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions maxDNFConditionMembers(final Integer maxDNFConditionMembers) {
return this;
public Integer getMaxNodesPerCallstack() {
return getOptions().getMaxNodesPerCallstack();
* @param maxNodesPerCallstack The number of execution nodes in the query plan after that stack splitting is
* performed to avoid a potential stack overflow. Defaults to the configured value of
* the startup option --query.max-nodes-per-callstack.
* This option is only useful for testing and debugging and normally does not need any
* adjustment.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions maxNodesPerCallstack(final Integer maxNodesPerCallstack) {
return this;
public Integer getMaxNumberOfPlans() {
return getOptions().getMaxNumberOfPlans();
* @param maxNumberOfPlans Limits the maximum number of plans that are created by the AQL query optimizer.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions maxNumberOfPlans(final Integer maxNumberOfPlans) {
return this;
public Double getMaxRuntime() {
return getOptions().getMaxRuntime();
* @param maxRuntime The query has to be executed within the given runtime or it will be killed. The value is specified
* in seconds. The default value is 0.0 (no timeout).
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions maxRuntime(final Double maxRuntime) {
return this;
public Long getMaxTransactionSize() {
return getOptions().getMaxTransactionSize();
* @param maxTransactionSize Transaction size limit in bytes. Honored by the RocksDB storage engine only.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.2.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions maxTransactionSize(final Long maxTransactionSize) {
return this;
public Long getMaxWarningCount() {
return getOptions().getMaxWarningCount();
* @param maxWarningCount Limits the maximum number of warnings a query will return. The number of warnings a
* query will return
* is limited to 10 by default, but that number can be increased or decreased by setting
* this attribute.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.2.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions maxWarningCount(final Long maxWarningCount) {
return this;
public AqlQueryOptions.Optimizer getOptimizer() {
return getOptions().getOptimizer();
* @param optimizer Options related to the query optimizer.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions optimizer(final AqlQueryOptions.Optimizer optimizer) {
return this;
public Boolean getProfile() {
return getOptions().getProfile();
* @param profile If set to true, then the additional query profiling information will be returned in the
* sub-attribute
* profile of the extra return attribute if the query result is not served from the query cache.
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions profile(final Boolean profile) {
return this;
public Double getSatelliteSyncWait() {
return getOptions().getSatelliteSyncWait();
* @param satelliteSyncWait This enterprise parameter allows to configure how long a DBServer will have time to
* bring the
* satellite collections involved in the query into sync. The default value is 60.0
* (seconds). When the
* max time has been reached the query will be stopped.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.2.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions satelliteSyncWait(final Double satelliteSyncWait) {
return this;
public Collection getShardIds() {
return getOptions().getShardIds();
* Restrict query to shards by given ids. This is an internal option. Use at your own risk.
* @param shardIds
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions shardIds(final String... shardIds) {
return this;
public Boolean getSkipInaccessibleCollections() {
return getOptions().getSkipInaccessibleCollections();
* @param skipInaccessibleCollections AQL queries (especially graph traversals) will treat collection to which a
* user has no access rights
* as if these collections were empty. Instead of returning a forbidden access
* error, your queries will
* execute normally. This is intended to help with certain use-cases: A graph
* contains several
* collections and different users execute AQL queries on that graph. You can
* now naturally limit the
* accessible results by changing the access rights of users on collections.
* This feature is only
* available in the Enterprise Edition.
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.2.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions skipInaccessibleCollections(final Boolean skipInaccessibleCollections) {
return this;
public Long getSpillOverThresholdMemoryUsage() {
return getOptions().getSpillOverThresholdMemoryUsage();
* @param spillOverThresholdMemoryUsage This option allows queries to store intermediate and final results
* temporarily on disk if the amount of memory used (in bytes) exceeds the
* specified value. This is used for decreasing the memory usage during the
* query execution.
* This option only has an effect on queries that use the SORT operation but
* without a LIMIT, and if you enable the spillover feature by setting a path
* for the directory to store the temporary data in with the
* --temp.intermediate-results-path startup option.
* Default value: 128MB.
* Spilling data from RAM onto disk is an experimental feature and is turned
* off by default. The query results are still built up entirely in RAM on
* Coordinators and single servers for non-streaming queries. To avoid the
* buildup of the entire query result in RAM, use a streaming query (see the
* stream option).
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions spillOverThresholdMemoryUsage(final Long spillOverThresholdMemoryUsage) {
return this;
public Long getSpillOverThresholdNumRows() {
return getOptions().getSpillOverThresholdNumRows();
* @param spillOverThresholdNumRows This option allows queries to store intermediate and final results temporarily
* on disk if the number of rows produced by the query exceeds the specified value.
* This is used for decreasing the memory usage during the query execution. In a
* query that iterates over a collection that contains documents, each row is a
* document, and in a query that iterates over temporary values
* (i.e. FOR i IN 1..100), each row is one of such temporary values.
* This option only has an effect on queries that use the SORT operation but
* without a LIMIT, and if you enable the spillover feature by setting a path for
* the directory to store the temporary data in with the
* --temp.intermediate-results-path startup option.
* Default value: 5000000 rows.
* Spilling data from RAM onto disk is an experimental feature and is turned off
* by default. The query results are still built up entirely in RAM on Coordinators
* and single servers for non-streaming queries. To avoid the buildup of the entire
* query result in RAM, use a streaming query (see the stream option).
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions spillOverThresholdNumRows(final Long spillOverThresholdNumRows) {
return this;
public Boolean getStream() {
return getOptions().getStream();
* @param stream Specify true and the query will be executed in a streaming fashion. The query result is not
* stored on
* the server, but calculated on the fly. Beware: long-running queries will need to hold the
* collection
* locks for as long as the query cursor exists. When set to false a query will be executed right
* away in
* its entirety. In that case query results are either returned right away (if the resultset is small
* enough), or stored on the arangod instance and accessible via the cursor API (with respect to the
* ttl). It is advisable to only use this option on short-running queries or without exclusive locks
* (write-locks on MMFiles). Please note that the query options cache, count and fullCount will not
* work
* on streaming queries. Additionally query statistics, warnings and profiling data will only be
* available after the query is finished. The default value is false
* @return this
* @since ArangoDB 3.4.0
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions stream(final Boolean stream) {
return this;
public Collection getRules() {
return getOptions().getOptimizer().getRules();
* @param rules A list of to-be-included or to-be-excluded optimizer rules can be put into this attribute,
* telling the
* optimizer to include or exclude specific rules. To disable a rule, prefix its name with a -, to
* enable
* a rule, prefix it with a +. There is also a pseudo-rule all, which will match all optimizer rules
* @return this
public ExplainAqlQueryOptions rules(final Collection rules) {
return this;
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