package com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.exc.StreamReadException;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.FilteringParserDelegate;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.JsonPointerBasedFilter;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.TokenFilter;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.TokenFilter.Inclusion;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.ContextAttributes;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.DatatypeFeature;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DataFormatReaders;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DefaultDeserializationContext;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DeserializationProblemHandler;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TreeTraversingParser;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
import com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
* Builder object that can be used for per-serialization configuration of
* deserialization parameters, such as root type to use or object
* to update (instead of constructing new instance).
* Uses "mutant factory" pattern so that instances are immutable
* (and thus fully thread-safe with no external synchronization);
* new instances are constructed for different configurations.
* Instances are initially constructed by {@link ObjectMapper} and can be
* reused, shared, cached; both because of thread-safety and because
* instances are relatively light-weight.
* NOTE: this class is NOT meant as sub-classable (with Jackson 2.8 and
* above) by users. It is left as non-final mostly to allow frameworks
* that require bytecode generation for proxying and similar use cases,
* but there is no expecation that functionality should be extended
* by sub-classing.
public class ObjectReader
extends ObjectCodec
implements Versioned, // since 2.1
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; // since 2.9
/* Immutable configuration from ObjectMapper
* General serialization configuration settings; while immutable,
* can use copy-constructor to create modified instances as necessary.
protected final DeserializationConfig _config;
* Blueprint instance of deserialization context; used for creating
* actual instance when needed.
protected final DefaultDeserializationContext _context;
* Factory used for constructing {@link JsonGenerator}s
protected final JsonFactory _parserFactory;
* Flag that indicates whether root values are expected to be unwrapped or not
protected final boolean _unwrapRoot;
* Filter to be consider for JsonParser.
* Default value to be null as filter not considered.
private final TokenFilter _filter;
/* Configuration that can be changed during building
* Declared type of value to instantiate during deserialization.
* Defines which deserializer to use; as well as base type of instance
* to construct if an updatable value is not configured to be used
* (subject to changes by embedded type information, for polymorphic
* types). If {@link #_valueToUpdate} is non-null, only used for
* locating deserializer.
protected final JavaType _valueType;
* We may pre-fetch deserializer as soon as {@link #_valueType}
* is known, and if so, reuse it afterwards.
* This allows avoiding further deserializer lookups and increases
* performance a bit on cases where readers are reused.
* @since 2.1
protected final JsonDeserializer _rootDeserializer;
* Instance to update with data binding; if any. If null,
* a new instance is created, if non-null, properties of
* this value object will be updated instead.
* Note that value can be of almost any type, except not
* {@link com.arangodb.shaded.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.ArrayType}; array
* types cannot be modified because array size is immutable.
protected final Object _valueToUpdate;
* When using data format that uses a schema, schema is passed
* to parser.
protected final FormatSchema _schema;
* Values that can be injected during deserialization, if any.
protected final InjectableValues _injectableValues;
* Optional detector used for auto-detecting data format that byte-based
* input uses.
* NOTE: If defined non-null, readValue()
methods that take
* {@link Reader} or {@link String} input will fail with exception ,
* because format-detection only works on byte-sources. Also, if format
* cannot be detect reliably (as per detector settings),
* a {@link StreamReadException} will be thrown).
* @since 2.1
protected final DataFormatReaders _dataFormatReaders;
/* Caching
* Root-level cached deserializers.
* Passed by {@link ObjectMapper}, shared with it.
final protected ConcurrentHashMap> _rootDeserializers;
* Lazily resolved {@link JavaType} for {@link JsonNode}
protected transient JavaType _jsonNodeType;
/* Life-cycle, construction
* Constructor used by {@link ObjectMapper} for initial instantiation
protected ObjectReader(ObjectMapper mapper, DeserializationConfig config) {
this(mapper, config, null, null, null, null);
* Constructor called when a root deserializer should be fetched based
* on other configuration.
protected ObjectReader(ObjectMapper mapper, DeserializationConfig config,
JavaType valueType, Object valueToUpdate,
FormatSchema schema, InjectableValues injectableValues)
_config = config;
_context = mapper._deserializationContext;
_rootDeserializers = mapper._rootDeserializers;
_parserFactory = mapper._jsonFactory;
_valueType = valueType;
_valueToUpdate = valueToUpdate;
_schema = schema;
_injectableValues = injectableValues;
_unwrapRoot = config.useRootWrapping();
_rootDeserializer = _prefetchRootDeserializer(valueType);
_dataFormatReaders = null;
_filter = null;
* Copy constructor used for building variations.
protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config,
JavaType valueType, JsonDeserializer rootDeser, Object valueToUpdate,
FormatSchema schema, InjectableValues injectableValues,
DataFormatReaders dataFormatReaders)
_config = config;
_context = base._context;
_rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers;
_parserFactory = base._parserFactory;
_valueType = valueType;
_rootDeserializer = rootDeser;
_valueToUpdate = valueToUpdate;
_schema = schema;
_injectableValues = injectableValues;
_unwrapRoot = config.useRootWrapping();
_dataFormatReaders = dataFormatReaders;
_filter = base._filter;
* Copy constructor used when modifying simple feature flags
protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config)
_config = config;
_context = base._context;
_rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers;
_parserFactory = base._parserFactory;
_valueType = base._valueType;
_rootDeserializer = base._rootDeserializer;
_valueToUpdate = base._valueToUpdate;
_schema = base._schema;
_injectableValues = base._injectableValues;
_unwrapRoot = config.useRootWrapping();
_dataFormatReaders = base._dataFormatReaders;
_filter = base._filter;
protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, JsonFactory f)
// may need to override ordering, based on data format capabilities
_config = base._config
.with(MapperFeature.SORT_PROPERTIES_ALPHABETICALLY, f.requiresPropertyOrdering());
_context = base._context;
_rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers;
_parserFactory = f;
_valueType = base._valueType;
_rootDeserializer = base._rootDeserializer;
_valueToUpdate = base._valueToUpdate;
_schema = base._schema;
_injectableValues = base._injectableValues;
_unwrapRoot = base._unwrapRoot;
_dataFormatReaders = base._dataFormatReaders;
_filter = base._filter;
protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, TokenFilter filter) {
_config = base._config;
_context = base._context;
_rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers;
_parserFactory = base._parserFactory;
_valueType = base._valueType;
_rootDeserializer = base._rootDeserializer;
_valueToUpdate = base._valueToUpdate;
_schema = base._schema;
_injectableValues = base._injectableValues;
_unwrapRoot = base._unwrapRoot;
_dataFormatReaders = base._dataFormatReaders;
_filter = filter;
* Method that will return version information stored in and read from jar
* that contains this class.
public Version version() {
return com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.PackageVersion.VERSION;
/* Helper methods used internally for invoking constructors
/* Need to be overridden if sub-classing (not recommended)
/* is used.
* Overridable factory method called by various "withXxx()" methods
* @since 2.5
protected ObjectReader _new(ObjectReader base, JsonFactory f) {
return new ObjectReader(base, f);
* Overridable factory method called by various "withXxx()" methods
* @since 2.5
protected ObjectReader _new(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config) {
return new ObjectReader(base, config);
* Overridable factory method called by various "withXxx()" methods
* @since 2.5
protected ObjectReader _new(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config,
JavaType valueType, JsonDeserializer rootDeser, Object valueToUpdate,
FormatSchema schema, InjectableValues injectableValues,
DataFormatReaders dataFormatReaders) {
return new ObjectReader(base, config, valueType, rootDeser, valueToUpdate,
schema, injectableValues, dataFormatReaders);
* Factory method used to create {@link MappingIterator} instances;
* either default, or custom subtype.
* @since 2.5
protected MappingIterator _newIterator(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
JsonDeserializer> deser, boolean parserManaged)
return new MappingIterator(_valueType, p, ctxt,
deser, parserManaged, _valueToUpdate);
/* Methods for initializing parser instance to use
protected JsonToken _initForReading(DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonParser p)
throws IOException
_config.initialize(p, _schema);
/* First: must point to a token; if not pointing to one, advance.
* This occurs before first read from JsonParser, as well as
* after clearing of current token.
JsonToken t = p.currentToken();
if (t == null) { // and then we must get something...
t = p.nextToken();
if (t == null) {
// Throw mapping exception, since it's failure to map, not an actual parsing problem
"No content to map due to end-of-input");
return t;
* Alternative to {@link #_initForReading} used in cases where reading
* of multiple values means that we may or may not want to advance the stream,
* but need to do other initialization.
* Base implementation only sets configured {@link FormatSchema}, if any, on parser.
* @since 2.8
protected void _initForMultiRead(DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonParser p)
throws IOException
_config.initialize(p, _schema);
/* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for DeserializationFeatures
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature enabled.
public ObjectReader with(DeserializationFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.with(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features enabled.
public ObjectReader with(DeserializationFeature first,
DeserializationFeature... other)
return _with(_config.with(first, other));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features enabled.
public ObjectReader withFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features) {
return _with(_config.withFeatures(features));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature disabled.
public ObjectReader without(DeserializationFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.without(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features disabled.
public ObjectReader without(DeserializationFeature first,
DeserializationFeature... other) {
return _with(_config.without(first, other));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features disabled.
public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features) {
return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features));
/* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for DatatypeFeatures (2.14+)
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature enabled.
* @since 2.14
public ObjectReader with(DatatypeFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.with(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features enabled.
* @since 2.14
public ObjectReader withFeatures(DatatypeFeature... features) {
return _with(_config.withFeatures(features));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature disabled.
* @since 2.14
public ObjectReader without(DatatypeFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.without(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features disabled.
* @since 2.14
public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(DatatypeFeature... features) {
return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features));
/* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for JsonParser.Features
/* (to be deprecated in 2.12?)
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature enabled.
* @param feature Feature to enable
* @return Reader instance with specified feature enabled
public ObjectReader with(JsonParser.Feature feature) {
return _with(_config.with(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features enabled.
* @param features Features to enable
* @return Reader instance with specified features enabled
public ObjectReader withFeatures(JsonParser.Feature... features) {
return _with(_config.withFeatures(features));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature disabled.
* @param feature Feature to disable
* @return Reader instance with specified feature disabled
public ObjectReader without(JsonParser.Feature feature) {
return _with(_config.without(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features disabled.
* @param features Features to disable
* @return Reader instance with specified features disabled
public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(JsonParser.Feature... features) {
return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features));
/* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for StreamReadFeatures (added in 2.11)
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature enabled.
* @return Reader instance with specified feature enabled
* @since 2.11
public ObjectReader with(StreamReadFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.with(feature.mappedFeature()));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature disabled.
* @return Reader instance with specified feature enabled
* @since 2.11
public ObjectReader without(StreamReadFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.without(feature.mappedFeature()));
/* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for FormatFeature (2.7)
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature enabled.
* @since 2.7
public ObjectReader with(FormatFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.with(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features enabled.
* @since 2.7
public ObjectReader withFeatures(FormatFeature... features) {
return _with(_config.withFeatures(features));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified feature disabled.
* @since 2.7
public ObjectReader without(FormatFeature feature) {
return _with(_config.without(feature));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* with specified features disabled.
* @since 2.7
public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(FormatFeature... features) {
return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features));
/* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods, other
* Convenience method to bind from {@link JsonPointer}.
* {@link JsonPointerBasedFilter} is registered and will be used for parsing later.
* @since 2.6
public ObjectReader at(final String pointerExpr) {
_assertNotNull("pointerExpr", pointerExpr);
return new ObjectReader(this, new JsonPointerBasedFilter(pointerExpr));
* Convenience method to bind from {@link JsonPointer}
* {@link JsonPointerBasedFilter} is registered and will be used for parsing later.
* @since 2.6
public ObjectReader at(final JsonPointer pointer) {
_assertNotNull("pointer", pointer);
return new ObjectReader(this, new JsonPointerBasedFilter(pointer));
* Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance that has
* specified underlying {@link DeserializationConfig}.
* NOTE: use of this method is not recommended, as there are many other
* re-configuration methods available.
public ObjectReader with(DeserializationConfig config) {
return _with(config);
* Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that uses
* passed {@link InjectableValues} to provide injectable values.
* Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
public ObjectReader with(InjectableValues injectableValues)
if (_injectableValues == injectableValues) {
return this;
return _new(this, _config,
_valueType, _rootDeserializer, _valueToUpdate,
_schema, injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders);
* Method for constructing a new reader instance with configuration that uses
* passed {@link JsonNodeFactory} for constructing {@link JsonNode}
* instances.
* Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
public ObjectReader with(JsonNodeFactory f) {
return _with(_config.with(f));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance with configuration that uses
* passed {@link JsonFactory} for constructing underlying Readers.
* (that is, ones that return false
* {@link JsonFactory#requiresCustomCodec()}) can be used: trying
* to use one that requires custom codec will throw exception
* @since 2.1
public ObjectReader with(JsonFactory f) {
if (f == _parserFactory) {
return this;
ObjectReader r = _new(this, f);
// Also, try re-linking, if possible...
if (f.getCodec() == null) {
return r;
* Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that
* specifies what root name to expect for "root name unwrapping".
* See {@link DeserializationConfig#withRootName(String)} for
* details.
* Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
public ObjectReader withRootName(String rootName) {
return _with(_config.withRootName(rootName));
* @since 2.6
public ObjectReader withRootName(PropertyName rootName) {
return _with(_config.withRootName(rootName));
* Convenience method that is same as calling:
* withRootName("")
* which will forcibly prevent use of root name wrapping when writing
* values with this {@link ObjectReader}.
* @since 2.6
public ObjectReader withoutRootName() {
return _with(_config.withRootName(PropertyName.NO_NAME));
* Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that
* passes specified {@link FormatSchema} to {@link JsonParser} that
* is constructed for parsing content.
* Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
public ObjectReader with(FormatSchema schema)
if (_schema == schema) {
return this;
return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, _valueToUpdate,
schema, _injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders);
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* to data bind into specified type.
* Note that the method does not change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
* @since 2.5
public ObjectReader forType(JavaType valueType)
if (valueType != null && valueType.equals(_valueType)) {
return this;
JsonDeserializer rootDeser = _prefetchRootDeserializer(valueType);
// type is stored here, no need to make a copy of config
DataFormatReaders det = _dataFormatReaders;
if (det != null) {
det = det.withType(valueType);
return _new(this, _config, valueType, rootDeser,
_valueToUpdate, _schema, _injectableValues, det);
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* to data bind into specified type.
* Note that the method does not change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
* @since 2.5
public ObjectReader forType(Class> valueType) {
return forType(_config.constructType(valueType));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* to data bind into specified type.
* WARNING! Note that type resolution from {@link java.lang.reflect.Type}
* may fail to properly resolve generic type declarations because it does not
* pass any context (like {@code Field} or {@code Method} it is included for;
* or encloding {@link Class}).
* For this reason you should only use this method if you really know what
* you are doing.
* Note that the method does not change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
* @since 2.16
public ObjectReader forType(java.lang.reflect.Type valueType) {
return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueType));
* Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured
* to data bind into specified type.
* Note that the method does not change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
* @since 2.5
public ObjectReader forType(TypeReference> valueTypeRef) {
return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueTypeRef.getType()));
* @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(JavaType)} instead
public ObjectReader withType(JavaType valueType) {
return forType(valueType);
* @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(Class)} instead
public ObjectReader withType(Class> valueType) {
return forType(_config.constructType(valueType));
* @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(java.lang.reflect.Type)} instead
public ObjectReader withType(java.lang.reflect.Type valueType) {
return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueType));
* @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(TypeReference)} instead
public ObjectReader withType(TypeReference> valueTypeRef) {
return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueTypeRef.getType()));
* Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that
* updates passed Object (as root value), instead of constructing
* a new value.
* Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
public ObjectReader withValueToUpdate(Object value)
if (value == _valueToUpdate) return this;
if (value == null) {
// 18-Oct-2016, tatu: Actually, should be allowed, to remove value
// to update, if any
return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, null,
_schema, _injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders);
JavaType t;
/* no real benefit from pre-fetching, as updating readers are much
* less likely to be reused, and value type may also be forced
* with a later chained call...
if (_valueType == null) {
t = _config.constructType(value.getClass());
} else {
t = _valueType;
return _new(this, _config, t, _rootDeserializer, value,
_schema, _injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders);
* Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that
* uses specified View for filtering.
* Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but
* rather construct and returns a newly configured instance.
public ObjectReader withView(Class> activeView) {
return _with(_config.withView(activeView));
public ObjectReader with(Locale l) {
return _with(_config.with(l));
public ObjectReader with(TimeZone tz) {
return _with(_config.with(tz));
public ObjectReader withHandler(DeserializationProblemHandler h) {
return _with(_config.withHandler(h));
public ObjectReader with(Base64Variant defaultBase64) {
return _with(_config.with(defaultBase64));
* Fluent factory method for constructing a reader that will try to
* auto-detect underlying data format, using specified list of
* {@link JsonFactory} instances, and default {@link DataFormatReaders} settings
* (for customized {@link DataFormatReaders}, you can construct instance yourself).
* to construct appropriate {@link JsonParser} for actual parsing.
* Note: since format detection only works with byte sources, it is possible to
* get a failure from some 'readValue()' methods. Also, if input cannot be reliably
* (enough) detected as one of specified types, an exception will be thrown.
* Note: not all {@link JsonFactory} types can be passed: specifically, ones that
* require "custom codec" (like XML factory) will not work. Instead, use
* method that takes {@link ObjectReader} instances instead of factories.
* @param readers Data formats accepted, in decreasing order of priority (that is,
* matches checked in listed order, first match wins)
* @return Newly configured writer instance
* @since 2.1
public ObjectReader withFormatDetection(ObjectReader... readers) {
return withFormatDetection(new DataFormatReaders(readers));
* Fluent factory method for constructing a reader that will try to
* auto-detect underlying data format, using specified
* {@link DataFormatReaders}.
* NOTE: since format detection only works with byte sources, it is possible to
* get a failure from some 'readValue()' methods. Also, if input cannot be reliably
* (enough) detected as one of specified types, an exception will be thrown.
* @param readers DataFormatReaders to use for detecting underlying format.
* @return Newly configured writer instance
* @since 2.1
public ObjectReader withFormatDetection(DataFormatReaders readers) {
return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, _valueToUpdate,
_schema, _injectableValues, readers);
* @since 2.3
public ObjectReader with(ContextAttributes attrs) {
return _with(_config.with(attrs));
* @since 2.3
public ObjectReader withAttributes(Map,?> attrs) {
return _with(_config.withAttributes(attrs));
* @since 2.3
public ObjectReader withAttribute(Object key, Object value) {
return _with( _config.withAttribute(key, value));
* @since 2.3
public ObjectReader withoutAttribute(Object key) {
return _with(_config.withoutAttribute(key));
/* Overridable factory methods may override
protected ObjectReader _with(DeserializationConfig newConfig) {
if (newConfig == _config) {
return this;
ObjectReader r = _new(this, newConfig);
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
r = r.withFormatDetection(_dataFormatReaders.with(newConfig));
return r;
/* Simple accessors
public boolean isEnabled(DeserializationFeature f) {
return _config.isEnabled(f);
public boolean isEnabled(MapperFeature f) {
return _config.isEnabled(f);
* @since 2.14
public boolean isEnabled(DatatypeFeature f) {
return _config.isEnabled(f);
public boolean isEnabled(JsonParser.Feature f) {
return _config.isEnabled(f, _parserFactory);
* @since 2.11
public boolean isEnabled(StreamReadFeature f) {
return _config.isEnabled(f.mappedFeature(), _parserFactory);
* @since 2.2
public DeserializationConfig getConfig() {
return _config;
* @since 2.1
public JsonFactory getFactory() {
return _parserFactory;
public TypeFactory getTypeFactory() {
return _config.getTypeFactory();
* @since 2.3
public ContextAttributes getAttributes() {
return _config.getAttributes();
* @since 2.6
public InjectableValues getInjectableValues() {
return _injectableValues;
* @since 2.10
public JavaType getValueType() {
return _valueType;
/* Factory methods for creating JsonParsers (added in 2.11)
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified {@link File}.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(File src) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("src", src);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(src), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified {@link File}.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(URL src) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("src", src);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(src), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content using specified {@link InputStream}.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(InputStream in) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("in", in);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(in), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content using specified {@link Reader}.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(Reader r) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("r", r);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(r), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified byte array.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(byte[] content) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("content", content);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified byte array.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(byte[] content, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("content", content);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content, offset, len), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified String.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(String content) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("content", content);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified character array
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(char[] content) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("content", content);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content from specified character array.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(char[] content, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("content", content);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content, offset, len), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content using specified {@link DataInput}.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createParser(DataInput content) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("content", content);
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema);
* Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser}
* to read content using non-blocking (asynchronous) mode.
* Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible
* for properly closing it once content reading is complete.
* @since 2.11
public JsonParser createNonBlockingByteArrayParser() throws IOException {
return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createNonBlockingByteArrayParser(), _schema);
/* Deserialization methods; basic ones to support ObjectCodec first
/* (ones that take JsonParser)
* Method that binds content read using given parser, using
* configuration of this reader, including expected result type.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public T readValue(JsonParser p) throws IOException
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return (T) _bind(p, _valueToUpdate);
* Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using
* configuration of this reader, except that expected value type
* is specified with the call (instead of currently configured root type).
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public T readValue(JsonParser p, Class valueType) throws IOException
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(p);
* Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using
* configuration of this reader, except that expected value type
* is specified with the call (instead of currently configured root type).
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public T readValue(JsonParser p, TypeReference valueTypeRef) throws IOException
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return (T) forType(valueTypeRef).readValue(p);
* Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using
* configuration of this reader, except that expected value type
* is specified with the call (instead of currently configured root type).
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public T readValue(JsonParser p, ResolvedType valueType) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return (T) forType((JavaType)valueType).readValue(p);
* Type-safe overloaded method, basically alias for {@link #readValue(JsonParser, ResolvedType)}.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public T readValue(JsonParser p, JavaType valueType) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(p);
* Convenience method that is equivalent to:
* withType(valueType).readValues(p);
* Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream.
* Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding
* JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array.
* In either case {@link JsonParser} MUST point to the first token of
* the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced
* to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences,
* parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding START_ARRAY
(one that
* contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first
* token of the first value to read.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public Iterator readValues(JsonParser p, Class valueType) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return forType(valueType).readValues(p);
* Convenience method that is equivalent to:
* withType(valueTypeRef).readValues(p);
* Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream.
* Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding
* JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array.
* In either case {@link JsonParser} MUST point to the first token of
* the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced
* to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences,
* parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding START_ARRAY
(one that
* contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first
* token of the first value to read.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public Iterator readValues(JsonParser p, TypeReference valueTypeRef) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return forType(valueTypeRef).readValues(p);
* Convenience method that is equivalent to:
* withType(valueType).readValues(p);
* Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream.
* Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding
* JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array.
* In either case {@link JsonParser} MUST point to the first token of
* the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced
* to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences,
* parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding START_ARRAY
(one that
* contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first
* token of the first value to read.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public Iterator readValues(JsonParser p, ResolvedType valueType) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return readValues(p, (JavaType) valueType);
* Convenience method that is equivalent to:
* withType(valueType).readValues(p);
* Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream.
* Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding
* JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array.
* In either case {@link JsonParser} MUST point to the first token of
* the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced
* to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences,
* parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding START_ARRAY
(one that
* contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first
* token of the first value to read.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public Iterator readValues(JsonParser p, JavaType valueType) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return forType(valueType).readValues(p);
/* TreeCodec impl
public JsonNode createArrayNode() {
return _config.getNodeFactory().arrayNode();
public JsonNode createObjectNode() {
return _config.getNodeFactory().objectNode();
@Override // since 2.10
public JsonNode missingNode() {
return _config.getNodeFactory().missingNode();
@Override // since 2.10
public JsonNode nullNode() {
return _config.getNodeFactory().nullNode();
public JsonParser treeAsTokens(TreeNode n) {
_assertNotNull("n", n);
// 05-Dec-2017, tatu: Important! Must clear "valueToUpdate" since we do not
// want update to be applied here, as a side effect
ObjectReader codec = withValueToUpdate(null);
return new TreeTraversingParser((JsonNode) n, codec);
* Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using
* configuration of this reader, except that content is bound as
* JSON tree instead of configured root value type.
* Returns {@link JsonNode} that represents the root of the resulting tree, if there
* was content to read, or {@code null} if no more content is accessible
* via passed {@link JsonParser}.
* NOTE! Behavior with end-of-input (no more content) differs between this
* {@code readTree} method, and all other methods that take input source: latter
* will return "missing node", NOT {@code null}
* Note: if an object was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate}, it
* will be ignored.
* NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual
* (data-format specific) parser is given.
public T readTree(JsonParser p) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("p", p);
return (T) _bindAsTreeOrNull(p);
public void writeTree(JsonGenerator g, TreeNode rootNode) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/* Deserialization methods; others similar to what ObjectMapper has
* Method that binds content read from given input source,
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* @param src Source to read content from
public T readValue(InputStream src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _detectBindAndClose(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src), false);
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(InputStream)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param src Source to read content from
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(InputStream src, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src);
* Method that binds content read from given input source,
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* @param src Source to read content from
public T readValue(Reader src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(Reader)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param src Source to read content from
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(Reader src, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src);
* Method that binds content read from given JSON string,
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* @param src String that contains content to read
public T readValue(String src) throws JsonProcessingException, JsonMappingException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
try { // since 2.10 remove "impossible" IOException as per [databind#1675]
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) { // shouldn't really happen but being declared need to
throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e);
* Same as {@link #readValue(String)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param src String that contains content to read
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(String src, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src);
* Method that binds content read from given byte array,
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* @param content Byte array that contains encoded content to read
public T readValue(byte[] content) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _detectBindAndClose(content, 0, content.length);
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(content), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(byte[])} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param content Byte array that contains encoded content to read
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(byte[] content, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(content);
* Method that binds content read from given byte array,
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* @param buffer Byte array that contains encoded content to read
* @param offset Offset of the first content byte in {@code buffer}
* @param length Length of content in {@code buffer}, in bytes
public T readValue(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _detectBindAndClose(buffer, offset, length);
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(buffer, offset, length),
* Same as {@link #readValue(byte[],int,int)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param buffer Byte array that contains encoded content to read
* @param offset Offset of the first content byte in {@code buffer}
* @param length Length of content in {@code buffer}, in bytes
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(buffer, offset, length);
* Method that binds content read from given {@link File}
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* @param src File that contains content to read
public T readValue(File src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _detectBindAndClose(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), true);
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(File)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param src File that contains content to read
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(File src, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src);
* Method that binds content read from given input source,
* using configuration of this reader.
* Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that
* was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}.
* NOTE: handling of {@link} is delegated to
* {@link JsonFactory#createParser(} and usually simply
* calls {@link}, meaning no special handling
* is done. If different HTTP connection options are needed you will need
* to create {@link} separately.
public T readValue(URL src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _detectBindAndClose(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), true);
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(URL)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param src URL pointing to resource that contains content to read
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(URL src, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src);
* Convenience method for converting results from given JSON tree into given
* value type. Basically short-cut for:
* objectReader.readValue(src.traverse())
* @param content Tree that contains content to convert
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public T readValue(JsonNode content) throws IOException
_assertNotNull("content", content);
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(treeAsTokens(content), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(JsonNode)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param content Tree that contains content to convert
* @param valueType Target type to convert content to
* @since 2.11
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public T readValue(JsonNode content, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(content);
public T readValue(DataInput src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readValue(DataInput)} except that target value type
* overridden as {@code valueType}
* @param content DataInput that contains content to read
* @param valueType Target type to bind content to
* @since 2.11
public T readValue(DataInput content, Class valueType) throws IOException
return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(content);
/* Deserialization methods; JsonNode ("tree")
* Method that reads content from given input source,
* using configuration of this reader, and binds it as JSON Tree.
* Returns {@link JsonNode} that represents the root of the resulting tree, if there
* was content to read, or "missing node" (instance of {@link JsonNode} for which
* {@link JsonNode#isMissingNode()} returns true, and behaves otherwise similar to
* "null node") if no more content is accessible through passed-in input source.
* NOTE! Behavior with end-of-input (no more content) differs between this
* {@code readTree} method, and {@link #readTree(JsonParser)} -- latter returns
* {@code null} for "no content" case.
* Note that if an object was specified with a call to
* {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}
* it will just be ignored; result is always a newly constructed
* {@link JsonNode} instance.
public JsonNode readTree(InputStream src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _detectBindAndCloseAsTree(src);
return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content accessed through
* passed-in {@link Reader}
public JsonNode readTree(Reader src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
* Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read from
* passed-in {@link String}
public JsonNode readTree(String json) throws JsonProcessingException, JsonMappingException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
try { // since 2.10 remove "impossible" IOException as per [databind#1675]
return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(json), false));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) { // shouldn't really happen but being declared need to
throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e);
* Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read from
* passed-in byte array.
public JsonNode readTree(byte[] json) throws IOException
_assertNotNull("json", json);
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(json), false));
* Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read from
* passed-in byte array.
public JsonNode readTree(byte[] json, int offset, int len) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(json, offset, len), false));
* Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read using
* passed-in {@link DataInput}.
public JsonNode readTree(DataInput src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false));
/* Deserialization methods; reading sequence of values
* Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream.
* Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding
* JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array.
* In either case {@link JsonParser} must point to the first token of
* the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced
* to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences,
* parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding START_ARRAY
but rather
* to the token following it.
public MappingIterator readValues(JsonParser p) throws IOException
_assertNotNull("p", p);
DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
// false -> do not close as caller gave parser instance
return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), false);
* Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream.
* Sequence can be either wrapped or unwrapped root-level sequence:
* wrapped means that the elements are enclosed in JSON Array;
* and unwrapped that elements are directly accessed at main level.
* Assumption is that iff the first token of the document is
, we have a wrapped sequence; otherwise
* unwrapped. For wrapped sequences, leading START_ARRAY
* is skipped, so that for both cases, underlying {@link JsonParser}
* will point to what is expected to be the first token of the first
* element.
* Note that the wrapped vs unwrapped logic means that it is NOT
* possible to use this method for reading an unwrapped sequence
* of elements written as JSON Arrays: to read such sequences, one
* has to use {@link #readValues(JsonParser)}, making sure parser
* points to the first token of the first element (i.e. the second
which is part of the first element).
public MappingIterator readValues(InputStream src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _detectBindAndReadValues(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src), false);
return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true));
* Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}.
public MappingIterator readValues(Reader src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
JsonParser p = _considerFilter(createParser(src), true);
DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
_initForMultiRead(ctxt, p);
return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), true);
* Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}.
* @param json String that contains JSON content to parse
public MappingIterator readValues(String json) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
JsonParser p = _considerFilter(createParser(json), true);
DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
_initForMultiRead(ctxt, p);
return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), true);
* Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}.
public MappingIterator readValues(byte[] src, int offset, int length) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _detectBindAndReadValues(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src, offset, length), false);
return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src, offset, length),
* Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}.
public final MappingIterator readValues(byte[] src) throws IOException {
_assertNotNull("src", src);
return readValues(src, 0, src.length);
* Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}.
public MappingIterator readValues(File src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _detectBindAndReadValues(
_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), false);
return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true));
* Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}.
* NOTE: handling of {@link} is delegated to
* {@link JsonFactory#createParser(} and usually simply
* calls {@link}, meaning no special handling
* is done. If different HTTP connection options are needed you will need
* to create {@link} separately.
* @param src URL to read to access JSON content to parse.
public MappingIterator readValues(URL src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _detectBindAndReadValues(
_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), true);
return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true));
* @since 2.8
public MappingIterator readValues(DataInput src) throws IOException
if (_dataFormatReaders != null) {
return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true));
/* Implementation of rest of ObjectCodec methods
public T treeToValue(TreeNode n, Class valueType) throws JsonProcessingException
_assertNotNull("n", n);
try {
return readValue(treeAsTokens(n), valueType);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) { // should not occur, no real i/o...
throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e);
* Same as {@link #treeToValue(TreeNode, Class)} but with type-resolved target value type.
* @since 2.13
public T treeToValue(TreeNode n, JavaType valueType) throws JsonProcessingException
_assertNotNull("n", n);
try {
return readValue(treeAsTokens(n), valueType);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) { // should not occur, no real i/o...
throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e);
public void writeValue(JsonGenerator gen, Object value) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented for ObjectReader");
/* Helper methods, data-binding
* Actual implementation of value reading+binding operation.
protected Object _bind(JsonParser p, Object valueToUpdate) throws IOException
// First: may need to read the next token, to initialize state (either
// before first read from parser, or after previous token has been cleared)
Object result;
final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
JsonToken t = _initForReading(ctxt, p);
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
if (valueToUpdate == null) {
result = _findRootDeserializer(ctxt).getNullValue(ctxt);
} else {
result = valueToUpdate;
} else if (t == JsonToken.END_ARRAY || t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
result = valueToUpdate;
} else { // pointing to event other than null
result = ctxt.readRootValue(p, _valueType, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), _valueToUpdate);
// Need to consume the token too
if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) {
_verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _valueType);
return result;
protected Object _bindAndClose(JsonParser p0) throws IOException
try (JsonParser p = p0) {
Object result;
final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
JsonToken t = _initForReading(ctxt, p);
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
if (_valueToUpdate == null) {
result = _findRootDeserializer(ctxt).getNullValue(ctxt);
} else {
result = _valueToUpdate;
} else if (t == JsonToken.END_ARRAY || t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
result = _valueToUpdate;
} else {
result = ctxt.readRootValue(p, _valueType, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), _valueToUpdate);
// No need to consume the token as parser gets closed anyway
if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) {
_verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _valueType);
return result;
protected final JsonNode _bindAndCloseAsTree(JsonParser p0) throws IOException {
try (JsonParser p = p0) {
return _bindAsTree(p);
protected final JsonNode _bindAsTree(JsonParser p) throws IOException
// 16-Apr-2021, tatu: Should usually NOT be called this way but
// as per [databind#3122] should still work
if (_valueToUpdate != null) {
return (JsonNode) _bind(p, _valueToUpdate);
// Need to inline `_initForReading()` due to tree reading handling end-of-input specially
if (_schema != null) {
JsonToken t = p.currentToken();
if (t == null) {
t = p.nextToken();
if (t == null) {
return _config.getNodeFactory().missingNode();
final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
final JsonNode resultNode;
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
resultNode = _config.getNodeFactory().nullNode();
} else {
// Will not be called for merge (need not pass _valueToUpdate)
resultNode = (JsonNode) ctxt.readRootValue(p, _jsonNodeType(), _findTreeDeserializer(ctxt), null);
// Need to consume the token too
if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) {
_verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _jsonNodeType());
return resultNode;
* Same as {@link #_bindAsTree} except end-of-input is reported by returning
* {@code null}, not "missing node"
protected final JsonNode _bindAsTreeOrNull(JsonParser p) throws IOException
// 16-Apr-2021, tatu: Should usually NOT be called this way but
// as per [databind#3122] should still work
if (_valueToUpdate != null) {
return (JsonNode) _bind(p, _valueToUpdate);
// Need to inline `_initForReading()` (as per above)
if (_schema != null) {
JsonToken t = p.currentToken();
if (t == null) {
t = p.nextToken();
if (t == null) {
return null;
final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
final JsonNode resultNode;
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
resultNode = _config.getNodeFactory().nullNode();
} else {
// Will not be called for merge (need not pass _valueToUpdate)
resultNode = (JsonNode) ctxt.readRootValue(p, _jsonNodeType(), _findTreeDeserializer(ctxt), null);
// Need to consume the token too
if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) {
_verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _jsonNodeType());
return resultNode;
* @since 2.1
protected MappingIterator _bindAndReadValues(JsonParser p) throws IOException
DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p);
_initForMultiRead(ctxt, p);
return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), true);
* Consider filter when creating JsonParser.
protected JsonParser _considerFilter(final JsonParser p, boolean multiValue) {
// 26-Mar-2016, tatu: Need to allow multiple-matches at least if we have
// have a multiple-value read (that is, "readValues()").
return ((_filter == null) || FilteringParserDelegate.class.isInstance(p))
? p : new FilteringParserDelegate(p, _filter, Inclusion.ONLY_INCLUDE_ALL, multiValue);
* @since 2.9
protected final void _verifyNoTrailingTokens(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
JavaType bindType)
throws IOException
JsonToken t = p.nextToken();
if (t != null) {
Class> bt = ClassUtil.rawClass(bindType);
if (bt == null) {
if (_valueToUpdate != null) {
bt = _valueToUpdate.getClass();
ctxt.reportTrailingTokens(bt, p, t);
/* Internal methods, format auto-detection
protected Object _detectBindAndClose(byte[] src, int offset, int length) throws IOException
DataFormatReaders.Match match = _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src, offset, length);
if (!match.hasMatch()) {
_reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match);
JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch();
return match.getReader()._bindAndClose(p);
protected Object _detectBindAndClose(DataFormatReaders.Match match, boolean forceClosing)
throws IOException
if (!match.hasMatch()) {
_reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match);
JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch();
// One more thing: we Own the input stream now; and while it's
// not super clean way to do it, we must ensure closure so:
if (forceClosing) {
// important: use matching ObjectReader (may not be 'this')
return match.getReader()._bindAndClose(p);
protected MappingIterator _detectBindAndReadValues(DataFormatReaders.Match match, boolean forceClosing)
throws IOException
if (!match.hasMatch()) {
_reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match);
JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch();
// One more thing: we Own the input stream now; and while it's
// not super clean way to do it, we must ensure closure so:
if (forceClosing) {
// important: use matching ObjectReader (may not be 'this')
return match.getReader()._bindAndReadValues(p);
protected JsonNode _detectBindAndCloseAsTree(InputStream in) throws IOException
DataFormatReaders.Match match = _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(in);
if (!match.hasMatch()) {
_reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match);
JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch();
return match.getReader()._bindAndCloseAsTree(p);
* Method called to indicate that format detection failed to detect format
* of given input
protected void _reportUnkownFormat(DataFormatReaders detector, DataFormatReaders.Match match)
throws IOException
// 17-Aug-2015, tatu: Unfortunately, no parser/generator available so:
throw new JsonParseException(null, "Cannot detect format from input, does not look like any of detectable formats "
/* Internal methods, other
* @since 2.2
protected void _verifySchemaType(FormatSchema schema)
if (schema != null) {
if (!_parserFactory.canUseSchema(schema)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use FormatSchema of type "+schema.getClass().getName()
+" for format "+_parserFactory.getFormatName());
* Internal helper method called to create an instance of {@link DeserializationContext}
* for deserializing a single root value.
* Can be overridden if a custom context is needed.
protected DefaultDeserializationContext createDeserializationContext(JsonParser p) {
return _context.createInstance(_config, p, _injectableValues);
// @since 2.12 -- needed for Deserializer pre-fetch
protected DefaultDeserializationContext createDummyDeserializationContext() {
return _context.createDummyInstance(_config);
protected InputStream _inputStream(URL src) throws IOException {
return src.openStream();
protected InputStream _inputStream(File f) throws IOException {
return new FileInputStream(f);
protected void _reportUndetectableSource(Object src) throws StreamReadException
// 17-Aug-2015, tatu: Unfortunately, no parser/generator available so:
throw new JsonParseException(null, "Cannot use source of type "
+src.getClass().getName()+" with format auto-detection: must be byte- not char-based");
/* Helper methods, locating deserializers etc
* Method called to locate deserializer for the passed root-level value.
protected JsonDeserializer _findRootDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws DatabindException
if (_rootDeserializer != null) {
return _rootDeserializer;
// Sanity check: must have actual type...
JavaType t = _valueType;
if (t == null) {
ctxt.reportBadDefinition((JavaType) null,
"No value type configured for ObjectReader");
// First: have we already seen it?
JsonDeserializer deser = _rootDeserializers.get(t);
if (deser != null) {
return deser;
// Nope: need to ask provider to resolve it
deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(t);
if (deser == null) { // can this happen?
ctxt.reportBadDefinition(t, "Cannot find a deserializer for type "+t);
_rootDeserializers.put(t, deser);
return deser;
* @since 2.6
protected JsonDeserializer _findTreeDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws DatabindException
final JavaType nodeType = _jsonNodeType();
JsonDeserializer deser = _rootDeserializers.get(nodeType);
if (deser == null) {
// Nope: need to ask provider to resolve it
deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(nodeType);
if (deser == null) { // can this happen?
"Cannot find a deserializer for type "+nodeType);
_rootDeserializers.put(nodeType, deser);
return deser;
* Method called to locate deserializer ahead of time, if permitted
* by configuration. Method also is NOT to throw an exception if
* access fails.
protected JsonDeserializer _prefetchRootDeserializer(JavaType valueType)
if ((valueType == null) || !_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.EAGER_DESERIALIZER_FETCH)) {
return null;
// already cached?
JsonDeserializer deser = _rootDeserializers.get(valueType);
if (deser == null) {
try {
// If not, need to resolve; for which we need a temporary context as well:
DeserializationContext ctxt = createDummyDeserializationContext();
deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(valueType);
if (deser != null) {
_rootDeserializers.put(valueType, deser);
return deser;
} catch (JacksonException e) {
// need to swallow?
return deser;
* @since 2.10
protected final JavaType _jsonNodeType() {
JavaType t = _jsonNodeType;
if (t == null) {
t = getTypeFactory().constructType(JsonNode.class);
_jsonNodeType = t;
return t;
protected final void _assertNotNull(String paramName, Object src) {
if (src == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("argument \"%s\" is null", paramName));