com.arangodb.velocypack.VPackSlice Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package com.arangodb.velocypack;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.exception.VPackException;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.exception.VPackKeyTypeException;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.exception.VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.exception.VPackValueTypeException;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.VPackAttributeTranslatorImpl;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.util.BinaryUtil;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.util.DateUtil;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.util.NumberUtil;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.util.ObjectArrayUtil;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.util.ValueLengthUtil;
import com.arangodb.velocypack.internal.util.ValueTypeUtil;
* @author Mark - mark at
public class VPackSlice implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3452953589283603980L;
public static final VPackAttributeTranslator attributeTranslator = new VPackAttributeTranslatorImpl();
private final byte[] vpack;
private final int start;
protected VPackSlice() {
this(new byte[] { 0x00 }, 0);
public VPackSlice(final byte[] vpack) {
this(vpack, 0);
public VPackSlice(final byte[] vpack, final int start) {
this.vpack = vpack;
this.start = start;
public byte head() {
return vpack[start];
public byte[] getBuffer() {
return vpack;
public int getStart() {
return start;
protected ValueType type() {
return ValueTypeUtil.get(head());
private int length() {
return ValueLengthUtil.get(head()) - 1;
private boolean isType(final ValueType type) {
return type() == type;
public boolean isNone() {
return isType(ValueType.NONE);
public boolean isNull() {
return isType(ValueType.NULL);
public boolean isIllegal() {
return isType(ValueType.ILLEGAL);
public boolean isBoolean() {
return isType(ValueType.BOOL);
public boolean isTrue() {
return head() == 0x1a;
public boolean isFalse() {
return head() == 0x19;
public boolean isArray() {
return isType(ValueType.ARRAY);
public boolean isObject() {
return isType(ValueType.OBJECT);
public boolean isDouble() {
return isType(ValueType.DOUBLE);
public boolean isDate() {
return isType(ValueType.UTC_DATE);
public boolean isExternal() {
return isType(ValueType.EXTERNAL);
public boolean isMinKey() {
return isType(ValueType.MIN_KEY);
public boolean isMaxKey() {
return isType(ValueType.MAX_KEY);
public boolean isInt() {
return isType(ValueType.INT);
public boolean isUInt() {
return isType(ValueType.UINT);
public boolean isSmallInt() {
return isType(ValueType.SMALLINT);
public boolean isInteger() {
return isInt() || isUInt() || isSmallInt();
public boolean isNumber() {
return isInteger() || isDouble();
public boolean isString() {
return isType(ValueType.STRING);
public boolean isBinary() {
return isType(ValueType.BINARY);
public boolean isBCD() {
return isType(ValueType.BCD);
public boolean isCustom() {
return isType(ValueType.CUSTOM);
public boolean getAsBoolean() {
if (!isBoolean()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.BOOL);
return isTrue();
public double getAsDouble() {
if (!isDouble()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.DOUBLE);
return getAsDoubleUnchecked();
private double getAsDoubleUnchecked() {
return NumberUtil.toDouble(vpack, start + 1, length());
public BigDecimal getAsBigDecimal() {
return new BigDecimal(getAsDouble());
private long getSmallInt() {
final byte head = head();
final long smallInt;
if (head >= 0x30 && head <= 0x39) {
smallInt = head - 0x30;
} else /* if (head >= 0x3a && head <= 0x3f) */ {
smallInt = head - 0x3a - 6;
return smallInt;
private long getInt() {
return NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, length());
private long getUInt() {
return NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, length());
public Number getAsNumber() {
final Number result;
if (isSmallInt()) {
result = getSmallInt();
} else if (isInt()) {
result = getInt();
} else if (isUInt()) {
result = getUInt();
} else if (isDouble()) {
result = getAsDouble();
} else {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.INT, ValueType.UINT, ValueType.SMALLINT);
return result;
public long getAsLong() {
return getAsNumber().longValue();
public int getAsInt() {
return getAsNumber().intValue();
public float getAsFloat() {
return (float) getAsDoubleUnchecked();
public short getAsShort() {
return getAsNumber().shortValue();
public BigInteger getAsBigInteger() {
if (isSmallInt() || isInt()) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(getAsLong());
} else if (isUInt()) {
return NumberUtil.toBigInteger(vpack, start + 1, length());
} else {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.INT, ValueType.UINT, ValueType.SMALLINT);
public Date getAsDate() {
if (!isDate()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.UTC_DATE);
return DateUtil.toDate(vpack, start + 1, length());
public java.sql.Date getAsSQLDate() {
if (!isDate()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.UTC_DATE);
return DateUtil.toSQLDate(vpack, start + 1, length());
public java.sql.Timestamp getAsSQLTimestamp() {
if (!isDate()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.UTC_DATE);
return DateUtil.toSQLTimestamp(vpack, start + 1, length());
public String getAsString() {
if (!isString()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.STRING);
return isLongString() ? getLongString() : getShortString();
public char getAsChar() {
return getAsString().charAt(0);
private boolean isLongString() {
return head() == (byte) 0xbf;
private String getShortString() {
return new String(vpack, start + 1, length(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
private String getLongString() {
return new String(vpack, start + 9, getLongStringLength(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
private int getLongStringLength() {
return (int) NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, 8);
private int getStringLength() {
return isLongString() ? getLongStringLength() : head() - 0x40;
public byte[] getAsBinary() {
if (!isBinary()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.BINARY);
final byte[] binary = BinaryUtil.toBinary(vpack, start + 1 + head() - ((byte) 0xbf), getBinaryLength());
return binary;
public int getBinaryLength() {
if (!isBinary()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.BINARY);
return getBinaryLengthUnchecked();
private int getBinaryLengthUnchecked() {
return (int) NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, head() - ((byte) 0xbf));
* @return the number of members for an Array, Object or String
public int getLength() {
final long length;
if (isString()) {
length = getStringLength();
} else if (!isArray() && !isObject()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.ARRAY, ValueType.OBJECT, ValueType.STRING);
} else {
final byte head = head();
if (head == 0x01 || head == 0x0a) {
// empty
length = 0;
} else if (head == 0x13 || head == 0x14) {
// compact array or object
final long end = NumberUtil.readVariableValueLength(vpack, start + 1, false);
length = NumberUtil.readVariableValueLength(vpack, (int) (start + end - 1), true);
} else {
final int offsetsize = ObjectArrayUtil.getOffsetSize(head);
final long end = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, offsetsize);
if (head <= 0x05) {
// array with no offset table or length
final int dataOffset = findDataOffset();
final VPackSlice first = new VPackSlice(vpack, start + dataOffset);
length = (end - dataOffset) / first.getByteSize();
} else if (offsetsize < 8) {
length = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1 + offsetsize, offsetsize);
} else {
length = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, (int) (start + end - offsetsize), offsetsize);
return (int) length;
public int size() {
return getLength();
* Must be called for a nonempty array or object at start():
protected int findDataOffset() {
final int fsm = ObjectArrayUtil.getFirstSubMap(head());
final int offset;
if (fsm <= 2 && vpack[start + 2] != 0) {
offset = 2;
} else if (fsm <= 3 && vpack[start + 3] != 0) {
offset = 3;
} else if (fsm <= 5 && vpack[start + 6] != 0) {
offset = 5;
} else {
offset = 9;
return offset;
public int getByteSize() {
final long size;
final byte head = head();
final int valueLength = ValueLengthUtil.get(head);
if (valueLength != 0) {
size = valueLength;
} else {
switch (type()) {
case ARRAY:
case OBJECT:
if (head == 0x13 || head == 0x14) {
// compact Array or Object
size = NumberUtil.readVariableValueLength(vpack, start + 1, false);
} else /* if (head <= 0x14) */ {
size = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, ObjectArrayUtil.getOffsetSize(head));
case STRING:
// long UTF-8 String
size = getLongStringLength() + 1 + 8;
case BINARY:
size = 1 + head - ((byte) 0xbf) + getBinaryLengthUnchecked();
case BCD:
if (head <= 0xcf) {
size = 1 + head + ((byte) 0xc7) + NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, head - ((byte) 0xc7));
} else {
size = 1 + head - ((byte) 0xcf) + NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, head - ((byte) 0xcf));
case CUSTOM:
if (head == 0xf4 || head == 0xf5 || head == 0xf6) {
size = 2 + NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, 1);
} else if (head == 0xf7 || head == 0xf8 || head == 0xf9) {
size = 3 + NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, 2);
} else if (head == 0xfa || head == 0xfb || head == 0xfc) {
size = 5 + NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, 4);
} else /* if (head == 0xfd || head == 0xfe || head == 0xff) */ {
size = 9 + NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, 8);
throw new InternalError();
return (int) size;
* @return array value at the specified index
* @throws VPackValueTypeException
public VPackSlice get(final int index) {
if (!isArray()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.ARRAY);
return getNth(index);
public VPackSlice get(final String attribute) throws VPackException {
if (!isObject()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.OBJECT);
final byte head = head();
VPackSlice result = new VPackSlice();
if (head == 0x0a) {
// special case, empty object
result = new VPackSlice();
} else if (head == 0x14) {
// compact Object
result = getFromCompactObject(attribute);
} else {
final int offsetsize = ObjectArrayUtil.getOffsetSize(head);
final long end = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, offsetsize);
final long n;
if (offsetsize < 8) {
n = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1 + offsetsize, offsetsize);
} else {
n = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, (int) (start + end - offsetsize), offsetsize);
if (n == 1) {
// Just one attribute, there is no index table!
final VPackSlice key = new VPackSlice(vpack, start + findDataOffset());
if (key.isString()) {
if (key.isEqualString(attribute)) {
result = new VPackSlice(vpack, key.start + key.getByteSize());
} else {
// no match
result = new VPackSlice();
} else if (key.isInteger()) {
// translate key
if (VPackSlice.attributeTranslator == null) {
throw new VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException();
if (key.translateUnchecked().isEqualString(attribute)) {
result = new VPackSlice(vpack, key.start + key.getByteSize());
} else {
// no match
result = new VPackSlice();
} else {
// no match
result = new VPackSlice();
} else {
final long ieBase = end - n * offsetsize - (offsetsize == 8 ? 8 : 0);
// only use binary search for attributes if we have at least
// this many entries
// otherwise we'll always use the linear search
final long sortedSearchEntriesThreshold = 4;
final boolean sorted = head >= 0x0b && head <= 0x0e;
if (sorted && n >= sortedSearchEntriesThreshold) {
// This means, we have to handle the special case n == 1
// only in the linear search!
result = searchObjectKeyBinary(attribute, ieBase, offsetsize, n);
} else {
result = searchObjectKeyLinear(attribute, ieBase, offsetsize, n);
return result;
* translates an integer key into a string, without checks
protected VPackSlice translateUnchecked() {
final VPackSlice result = attributeTranslator.translate(getAsInt());
return result != null ? result : new VPackSlice();
protected VPackSlice makeKey() throws VPackKeyTypeException, VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException {
if (isString()) {
return this;
if (isInteger()) {
if (VPackSlice.attributeTranslator == null) {
throw new VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException();
return translateUnchecked();
throw new VPackKeyTypeException("Cannot translate key of this type");
private VPackSlice getFromCompactObject(final String attribute)
throws VPackKeyTypeException, VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException {
for (final Iterator> iterator = objectIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
final Entry next =;
if (next.getKey().equals(attribute)) {
return next.getValue();
// not found
return new VPackSlice();
private VPackSlice searchObjectKeyBinary(
final String attribute,
final long ieBase,
final int offsetsize,
final long n) throws VPackValueTypeException, VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException {
final boolean useTranslator = VPackSlice.attributeTranslator != null;
VPackSlice result;
long l = 0;
long r = n - 1;
for (;;) {
// midpoint
final long index = l + ((r - l) / 2);
final long offset = ieBase + index * offsetsize;
final long keyIndex = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, (int) (start + offset), offsetsize);
final VPackSlice key = new VPackSlice(vpack, (int) (start + keyIndex));
int res = 0;
if (key.isString()) {
res = key.compareString(attribute);
} else if (key.isInteger()) {
// translate key
if (!useTranslator) {
// no attribute translator
throw new VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException();
res = key.translateUnchecked().compareString(attribute);
} else {
// invalid key
result = new VPackSlice();
if (res == 0) {
// found
result = new VPackSlice(vpack, key.start + key.getByteSize());
if (res > 0) {
if (index == 0) {
result = new VPackSlice();
r = index - 1;
} else {
l = index + 1;
if (r < l) {
result = new VPackSlice();
return result;
private VPackSlice searchObjectKeyLinear(
final String attribute,
final long ieBase,
final int offsetsize,
final long n) throws VPackValueTypeException, VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException {
final boolean useTranslator = VPackSlice.attributeTranslator != null;
VPackSlice result = new VPackSlice();
for (long index = 0; index < n; index++) {
final long offset = ieBase + index * offsetsize;
final long keyIndex = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, (int) (start + offset), offsetsize);
final VPackSlice key = new VPackSlice(vpack, (int) (start + keyIndex));
if (key.isString()) {
if (!key.isEqualString(attribute)) {
} else if (key.isInteger()) {
// translate key
if (!useTranslator) {
// no attribute translator
throw new VPackNeedAttributeTranslatorException();
if (!key.translateUnchecked().isEqualString(attribute)) {
} else {
// invalid key type
result = new VPackSlice();
// key is identical. now return value
result = new VPackSlice(vpack, key.start + key.getByteSize());
return result;
public VPackSlice keyAt(final int index) {
if (!isObject()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.OBJECT);
return getNthKey(index);
public VPackSlice valueAt(final int index) {
if (!isObject()) {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.OBJECT);
final VPackSlice key = getNthKey(index);
return new VPackSlice(vpack, key.start + key.getByteSize());
private VPackSlice getNthKey(final int index) {
return new VPackSlice(vpack, start + getNthOffset(index));
private VPackSlice getNth(final int index) {
return new VPackSlice(vpack, start + getNthOffset(index));
* @return the offset for the nth member from an Array or Object type
private int getNthOffset(final int index) {
final int offset;
final byte head = head();
if (head == 0x13 || head == 0x14) {
// compact Array or Object
offset = getNthOffsetFromCompact(index);
} else if (head == 0x01 || head == 0x0a) {
// special case: empty Array or empty Object
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
} else {
final long n;
final int offsetsize = ObjectArrayUtil.getOffsetSize(head);
final long end = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1, offsetsize);
int dataOffset = findDataOffset();
if (head <= 0x05) {
// array with no offset table or length
final VPackSlice first = new VPackSlice(vpack, start + dataOffset);
n = (end - dataOffset) / first.getByteSize();
} else if (offsetsize < 8) {
n = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, start + 1 + offsetsize, offsetsize);
} else {
n = NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, (int) (start + end - offsetsize), offsetsize);
if (index >= n) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (head <= 0x05 || n == 1) {
// no index table, but all array items have the same length
// or only one item is in the array
// now fetch first item and determine its length
if (dataOffset == 0) {
dataOffset = findDataOffset();
offset = dataOffset + index * new VPackSlice(vpack, start + dataOffset).getByteSize();
} else {
final long ieBase = end - n * offsetsize + index * offsetsize - (offsetsize == 8 ? 8 : 0);
offset = (int) NumberUtil.toLong(vpack, (int) (start + ieBase), offsetsize);
return offset;
* @return the offset for the nth member from a compact Array or Object type
private int getNthOffsetFromCompact(final int index) {
final long end = NumberUtil.readVariableValueLength(vpack, start + 1, false);
final long n = NumberUtil.readVariableValueLength(vpack, (int) (start + end - 1), true);
if (index >= n) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
final byte head = head();
long offset = 1 + NumberUtil.getVariableValueLength(end);
long current = 0;
while (current != index) {
final long byteSize = new VPackSlice(vpack, (int) (start + offset)).getByteSize();
offset += byteSize;
if (head == 0x14) {
offset += byteSize;
return (int) offset;
private boolean isEqualString(final String s) {
final String string = getAsString();
return string.equals(s);
private int compareString(final String s) {
final String string = getAsString();
return string.compareTo(s);
public Iterator arrayIterator() {
if (isArray()) {
return new ArrayIterator(this);
} else {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.ARRAY);
public Iterator> objectIterator() {
if (isObject()) {
return new ObjectIterator(this);
} else {
throw new VPackValueTypeException(ValueType.OBJECT);
protected byte[] getRawVPack() {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(vpack, start, start + getByteSize());
public String toString() {
try {
return new VPackParser().toJson(this, true);
} catch (final VPackException e) {
return super.toString();
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + start;
result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(getRawVPack());
return result;
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final VPackSlice other = (VPackSlice) obj;
if (start != other.start) {
return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(getRawVPack(), other.getRawVPack())) {
return false;
return true;
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