com.arangodb.model.TraversalOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright holder is ArangoDB GmbH, Cologne, Germany
package com.arangodb.model;
* @author Mark Vollmary
* @see API Documentation
public class TraversalOptions {
public static enum Direction {
outbound, inbound, any
public static enum ItemOrder {
forward, backward
public static enum Strategy {
depthfirst, breadthfirst
public static enum UniquenessType {
none, global, path
public static enum Order {
preorder, postorder, preorder_expander
private String sort;
private Direction direction;
private Integer minDepth;
private String startVertex;
private String visitor;
private ItemOrder itemOrder;
private Strategy strategy;
private String filter;
private String init;
private Integer maxIterations;
private Integer maxDepth;
private Uniqueness uniqueness;
private Order order;
private String graphName;
private String expander;
private String edgeCollection;
public String getSort() {
return sort;
* @param sort
* JavaScript code of a custom comparison function for the edges. The signature of this function is (l,
* r) -> integer (where l and r are edges) and must return -1 if l is smaller than, +1 if l is greater
* than, and 0 if l and r are equal. The reason for this is the following: The order of edges returned
* for a certain vertex is undefined. This is because there is no natural order of edges for a vertex
* with multiple connected edges. To explicitly define the order in which edges on the vertex are
* followed, you can specify an edge comparator function with this attribute. Note that the value here
* has to be a string to conform to the JSON standard, which in turn is parsed as function body on the
* server side. Furthermore note that this attribute is only used for the standard expanders. If you use
* your custom expander you have to do the sorting yourself within the expander code.
* @return options
public TraversalOptions sort(final String sort) {
this.sort = sort;
return this;
public Direction getDirection() {
return direction;
* @param direction
* direction for traversal
* if set, must be either "outbound", "inbound", or "any"
* if not set, the expander attribute must be specified
* @return options
public TraversalOptions direction(final Direction direction) {
this.direction = direction;
return this;
public Integer getMinDepth() {
return minDepth;
* @param minDepth
* ANDed with any existing filters): visits only nodes in at least the given depth
* @return options
public TraversalOptions minDepth(final Integer minDepth) {
this.minDepth = minDepth;
return this;
public String getStartVertex() {
return startVertex;
* @param startVertex
* The id of the startVertex, e.g. "users/foo".
* @return options
public TraversalOptions startVertex(final String startVertex) {
this.startVertex = startVertex;
return this;
public String getVisitor() {
return visitor;
* @param visitor
* JavaScript code of custom visitor function function signature: (config, result, vertex, path,
* connected) -> void The visitor function can do anything, but its return value is ignored. To populate
* a result, use the result variable by reference. Note that the connected argument is only populated
* when the order attribute is set to "preorder-expander".
* @return options
public TraversalOptions visitor(final String visitor) {
this.visitor = visitor;
return this;
public ItemOrder getItemOrder() {
return itemOrder;
* @param itemOrder
* The item iteration order can be "forward" or "backward"
* @return options
public TraversalOptions itemOrder(final ItemOrder itemOrder) {
this.itemOrder = itemOrder;
return this;
public Strategy getStrategy() {
return strategy;
* @param strategy
* The traversal strategy can be "depthfirst" or "breadthfirst"
* @return options
public TraversalOptions strategy(final Strategy strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
return this;
public String getFilter() {
return filter;
* @param filter
* default is to include all nodes: body (JavaScript code) of custom filter function function signature:
* (config, vertex, path) -> mixed can return four different string values:
* "exclude" -> this vertex will not be visited.
* "prune" -> the edges of this vertex will not be followed.
* "" or undefined -> visit the vertex and follow it's edges.
* Array -> containing any combination of the above.
* If there is at least one "exclude" or "prune" respectivly is contained, it's effect will occur.
* @return options
public TraversalOptions filter(final String filter) {
this.filter = filter;
return this;
public String getInit() {
return init;
* @param init
* JavaScript code of custom result initialization function function signature: (config, result) -> void
* initialize any values in result with what is required
* @return options
public TraversalOptions init(final String init) {
this.init = init;
return this;
public Integer getMaxIterations() {
return maxIterations;
* @param maxIterations
* Maximum number of iterations in each traversal. This number can be set to prevent endless loops in
* traversal of cyclic graphs. When a traversal performs as many iterations as the maxIterations value,
* the traversal will abort with an error. If maxIterations is not set, a server-defined value may be
* used.
* @return options
public TraversalOptions maxIterations(final Integer maxIterations) {
this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
return this;
public Integer getMaxDepth() {
return maxDepth;
* @param maxDepth
* ANDed with any existing filters visits only nodes in at most the given depth.
* @return options
public TraversalOptions maxDepth(final Integer maxDepth) {
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
return this;
public UniquenessType getVerticesUniqueness() {
return uniqueness != null ? uniqueness.vertices : null;
* @param vertices
* Specifies uniqueness for vertices can be "none", "global" or "path"
* @return options
public TraversalOptions verticesUniqueness(final UniquenessType vertices) {
return this;
public UniquenessType getEdgesUniqueness() {
return uniqueness != null ? uniqueness.edges : null;
* @param edges
* Specifies uniqueness for edges can be "none", "global" or "path"
* @return options
public TraversalOptions edgesUniqueness(final UniquenessType edges) {
return this;
public Order getOrder() {
return order;
* @param order
* The traversal order can be "preorder", "postorder" or "preorder-expander"
* @return options
public TraversalOptions order(final Order order) {
this.order = order;
return this;
public String getGraphName() {
return graphName;
* @param graphName
* The name of the graph that contains the edges. Either edgeCollection or graphName has to be given. In
* case both values are set the graphName is prefered.
* @return options
public TraversalOptions graphName(final String graphName) {
this.graphName = graphName;
return this;
public String getExpander() {
return expander;
* @param expander
* JavaScript code of custom expander function must be set if direction attribute is not set function
* signature: (config, vertex, path) -> array expander must return an array of the connections for vertex
* each connection is an object with the attributes edge and vertex
* @return options
public TraversalOptions expander(final String expander) {
this.expander = expander;
return this;
public String getEdgeCollection() {
return edgeCollection;
* @param edgeCollection
* The name of the collection that contains the edges.
* @return options
public TraversalOptions edgeCollection(final String edgeCollection) {
this.edgeCollection = edgeCollection;
return this;
public static class Uniqueness {
private UniquenessType vertices;
private UniquenessType edges;
public UniquenessType getVertices() {
return vertices;
public void setVertices(final UniquenessType vertices) {
this.vertices = vertices;
public UniquenessType getEdges() {
return edges;
public void setEdges(final UniquenessType edges) {
this.edges = edges;
private Uniqueness getUniqueness() {
if (uniqueness == null) {
uniqueness = new Uniqueness();
uniqueness.vertices = UniquenessType.none;
uniqueness.edges = UniquenessType.none;
return uniqueness;
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