org.apache.spark.sql.arangodb.commons.ArangoDBConf.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.apache.spark.sql.arangodb.commons
import com.arangodb.model.OverwriteMode
import com.arangodb.{ArangoDB, entity}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{CaseInsensitiveMap, DropMalformedMode, FailFastMode, ParseMode, PermissiveMode}
import{ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream}
import java.util
import java.util.Base64
import{SSLContext, TrustManagerFactory}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.{mapAsJavaMapConverter, mapAsScalaMapConverter}
object ArangoDBConf {
val USER = "user"
val userConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(USER)
.doc("db user")
val PASSWORD = "password"
val passwordConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(PASSWORD)
.doc("db password")
val ENDPOINTS = "endpoints"
val endpointsConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(ENDPOINTS)
.doc("A comma-separated list of coordinators, eg. c1:8529,c2:8529")
val ACQUIRE_HOST_LIST = "acquireHostList"
val acquireHostListConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(ACQUIRE_HOST_LIST)
.doc("acquire the list of all known hosts in the cluster")
val PROTOCOL = "protocol"
val protocolConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(PROTOCOL)
.doc("communication protocol")
val CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType"
val contentTypeConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(CONTENT_TYPE)
.doc("content type for driver communication")
val TIMEOUT = "timeout"
val DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Int = 5 * 60 * 1000
val timeoutConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(TIMEOUT)
.doc("driver connect and request timeout in ms")
val SSL_ENABLED = "ssl.enabled"
val sslEnabledConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_ENABLED)
.doc("SSL secured driver connection")
val SSL_VERIFY_HOST = "ssl.verifyHost"
val sslVerifyHostConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_VERIFY_HOST)
.doc("hostname verification")
val SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD = "ssl.trustStore.password"
val sslTrustStorePasswordConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD)
.doc("trustStore password")
val SSL_TRUST_STORE_PATH = "ssl.trustStore.path"
val sslTrustStorePathConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_TRUST_STORE_PATH)
.doc("trustStore path")
val SSL_CERT_VALUE = "ssl.cert.value"
val sslCertValueConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_CERT_VALUE)
.doc("base64 encoded certificate")
val SSL_CERT_TYPE = "ssl.cert.type"
val sslCertTypeConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_CERT_TYPE)
.doc("certificate type")
val SSL_CERT_ALIAS = "ssl.cert.alias"
val sslCertAliasConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_CERT_ALIAS)
.doc("certificate alias name")
val SSL_ALGORITHM = "ssl.algorithm"
val sslAlgorithmConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_ALGORITHM)
.doc("trust manager algorithm")
val SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "ssl.keystore.type"
val sslKeystoreTypeConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE)
.doc("keystore type, deprecated: use ssl.trustStore.type instead")
val SSL_PROTOCOL = "ssl.protocol"
val sslProtocolConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(SSL_PROTOCOL)
.doc("SSLContext protocol")
val DB = "database"
val dbConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(DB)
.doc("database name")
val COLLECTION = "table"
val collectionConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(COLLECTION)
.doc("ArangoDB collection name")
val BATCH_SIZE = "batchSize"
val batchSizeConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(BATCH_SIZE)
.doc("batch size")
val BYTE_BATCH_SIZE = "byteBatchSize"
val DEFAULT_BYTE_BATCH_SIZE = 8388608 // 8 MB
val byteBatchSizeConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(BYTE_BATCH_SIZE)
.doc("byte batch size threshold for writing")
val QUERY = "query"
val queryConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(QUERY)
.doc("custom AQL read query")
val SAMPLE_SIZE = "sampleSize"
val sampleSizeConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(SAMPLE_SIZE)
.doc("sample size prefetched for schema inference")
val FILL_BLOCK_CACHE = "fillBlockCache"
val fillBlockCacheConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(FILL_BLOCK_CACHE)
.doc("whether the query should store the data it reads in the RocksDB block cache")
val STREAM = "stream"
val streamConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(STREAM)
.doc("whether the query should be executed lazily")
val TTL = "ttl"
val DEFAULT_TTL = 30
val ttlConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(TTL)
.doc("cursor ttl in seconds")
val PARSE_MODE = "mode"
val parseModeConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(PARSE_MODE)
.doc("allows a mode for dealing with corrupt records during parsing")
val COLUMN_NAME_OF_CORRUPT_RECORD = "columnNameOfCorruptRecord"
val columnNameOfCorruptRecordConf: OptionalConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(COLUMN_NAME_OF_CORRUPT_RECORD)
.doc("allows renaming the new field having malformed string created by PERMISSIVE mode")
val NUMBER_OF_SHARDS = "table.shards"
val numberOfShardsConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(NUMBER_OF_SHARDS)
.doc("number of shards of the created collection (in case of SaveMode Append or Overwrite)")
val COLLECTION_TYPE = "table.type"
val collectionTypeConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(COLLECTION_TYPE)
.doc("type of the created collection (in case of SaveMode Append or Overwrite)")
val WAIT_FOR_SYNC = "waitForSync"
val waitForSyncConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(WAIT_FOR_SYNC)
.doc("whether to wait until the documents have been synced to disk")
val CONFIRM_TRUNCATE = "confirmTruncate"
val confirmTruncateConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(CONFIRM_TRUNCATE)
.doc("confirm to truncate table when using SaveMode.Overwrite mode")
val OVERWRITE_MODE = "overwriteMode"
val overwriteModeConf: ConfigEntry[String] = ConfigBuilder(OVERWRITE_MODE)
.doc("configures the behavior in case a document with the specified _key value exists already")
val MERGE_OBJECTS = "mergeObjects"
val mergeObjectsConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(MERGE_OBJECTS)
.doc("in case overwrite.mode is set to update, controls whether objects (not arrays) will be merged")
val KEEP_NULL = "keepNull"
val keepNullConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(KEEP_NULL)
.doc("whether null values are saved within the document or used to delete corresponding existing attributes")
val MAX_ATTEMPTS = "retry.maxAttempts"
val maxAttemptsConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(MAX_ATTEMPTS)
.doc("max attempts for write requests, in case they can be retried")
val MIN_RETRY_DELAY = "retry.minDelay"
val minRetryDelayConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(MIN_RETRY_DELAY)
.doc("min delay in ms between write requests retries")
val MAX_RETRY_DELAY = "retry.maxDelay"
val maxRetryDelayConf: ConfigEntry[Int] = ConfigBuilder(MAX_RETRY_DELAY)
.doc("max delay in ms between write requests retries")
val IGNORE_NULL_FIELDS = "ignoreNullFields"
val ignoreNullFieldsConf: ConfigEntry[Boolean] = ConfigBuilder(IGNORE_NULL_FIELDS)
.doc("whether to ignore null fields during serialization (only supported in Spark 3.x)")
private[sql] val confEntries: Map[String, ConfigEntry[_]] = CaseInsensitiveMap(Map(
// driver config
USER -> userConf,
PASSWORD -> passwordConf,
ENDPOINTS -> endpointsConf,
ACQUIRE_HOST_LIST -> acquireHostListConf,
PROTOCOL -> protocolConf,
CONTENT_TYPE -> contentTypeConf,
TIMEOUT -> timeoutConf,
SSL_ENABLED -> sslEnabledConf,
SSL_VERIFY_HOST -> sslVerifyHostConf,
SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD -> sslTrustStorePasswordConf,
SSL_TRUST_STORE_PATH -> sslTrustStorePathConf,
SSL_CERT_VALUE -> sslCertValueConf,
SSL_CERT_TYPE -> sslCertTypeConf,
SSL_CERT_ALIAS -> sslCertAliasConf,
SSL_ALGORITHM -> sslAlgorithmConf,
SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE -> sslKeystoreTypeConf,
SSL_PROTOCOL -> sslProtocolConf,
// read/write config
DB -> dbConf,
COLLECTION -> collectionConf,
BATCH_SIZE -> batchSizeConf,
BYTE_BATCH_SIZE -> byteBatchSizeConf,
// read config
QUERY -> queryConf,
SAMPLE_SIZE -> sampleSizeConf,
FILL_BLOCK_CACHE -> fillBlockCacheConf,
STREAM -> streamConf,
TTL -> ttlConf,
PARSE_MODE -> parseModeConf,
COLUMN_NAME_OF_CORRUPT_RECORD -> columnNameOfCorruptRecordConf,
// write config
NUMBER_OF_SHARDS -> numberOfShardsConf,
COLLECTION_TYPE -> collectionTypeConf,
WAIT_FOR_SYNC -> waitForSyncConf,
CONFIRM_TRUNCATE -> confirmTruncateConf,
OVERWRITE_MODE -> overwriteModeConf,
MERGE_OBJECTS -> mergeObjectsConf,
KEEP_NULL -> keepNullConf,
MAX_ATTEMPTS -> maxAttemptsConf,
MIN_RETRY_DELAY -> minRetryDelayConf,
MAX_RETRY_DELAY -> maxRetryDelayConf,
IGNORE_NULL_FIELDS -> ignoreNullFieldsConf
* Holds information about keys that have been deprecated.
* @param key The deprecated key.
* @param version Version of Spark ArangoDB where key was deprecated.
* @param comment Additional info regarding to the removed config. For example,
* reasons of config deprecation, what users should use instead of it.
final case class DeprecatedConfig(key: String, version: String, comment: String)
* Maps deprecated Spark ArangoDB config keys to information about the deprecation.
* The extra information is logged as a warning when the Spark ArangoDB config is present
* in the user's configuration.
val deprecatedArangoDBConfigs: Map[String, DeprecatedConfig] = {
val configs: Seq[DeprecatedConfig] = Seq()
CaseInsensitiveMap(Map( { cfg => cfg.key -> cfg }: _*))
* Holds information about keys that have been removed.
* @param key The removed config key.
* @param version Version of Spark ArangoDB where key was removed.
* @param defaultValue The default config value. It can be used to notice
* users that they set non-default value to an already removed config.
* @param comment Additional info regarding to the removed config.
final case class RemovedConfig(key: String, version: String, defaultValue: String, comment: String)
* The map contains info about removed Spark ArangoDB configs. Keys are Spark ArangoDB config names,
* map values contain extra information like the version in which the config was removed,
* config's default value and a comment.
val removedArangoDBConfigs: Map[String, RemovedConfig] = {
val configs: Seq[RemovedConfig] = Seq()
CaseInsensitiveMap(Map( { cfg => cfg.key -> cfg }: _*))
def apply(): ArangoDBConf = new ArangoDBConf(Map.empty)
def apply(options: Map[String, String]): ArangoDBConf = new ArangoDBConf(options)
def apply(options: util.Map[String, String]): ArangoDBConf = ArangoDBConf(options.asScala.toMap)
class ArangoDBConf(opts: Map[String, String]) extends Serializable with Logging {
import ArangoDBConf._
private val settings = CaseInsensitiveMap(opts)
settings.foreach(i => checkConf(i._1, i._2))
@transient protected val reader = new ConfigReader(settings.asJava)
lazy val driverOptions: ArangoDBDriverConf = new ArangoDBDriverConf(settings)
lazy val readOptions: ArangoDBReadConf = new ArangoDBReadConf(settings)
lazy val writeOptions: ArangoDBWriteConf = new ArangoDBWriteConf(settings)
lazy val mappingOptions: ArangoDBMappingConf = new ArangoDBMappingConf(settings)
def updated(kv: (String, String)): ArangoDBConf = new ArangoDBConf(settings + kv)
def updated(other: ArangoDBConf): ArangoDBConf = new ArangoDBConf(settings ++ other.settings)
protected def getRequiredConf[T](entry: OptionalConfigEntry[T]): T =
getConf(entry).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Required ${entry.key} configuration parameter"))
/** Return the value of Spark ArangoDB configuration property for the given key. */
@throws[NoSuchElementException]("if key is not set")
def getConfString(key: String): String = settings.getOrElse(key, throw new NoSuchElementException(key))
* Return the value of Spark ArangoDB configuration property for the given key. If the key is not set
* yet, return `defaultValue`. This is useful when `defaultValue` in ConfigEntry is not the
* desired one.
def getConf[T](entry: ConfigEntry[T], defaultValue: T): T =
* Return the value of Spark ArangoDB configuration property for the given key. If the key is not set
* yet, return `defaultValue` in [[ConfigEntry]].
protected def getConf[T](entry: ConfigEntry[T]): T = entry.readFrom(reader)
* Return the value of an optional Spark ArangoDB configuration property for the given key. If the key
* is not set yet, returns None.
protected def getConf[T](entry: OptionalConfigEntry[T]): Option[T] = entry.readFrom(reader)
* Return the `string` value of Spark ArangoDB configuration property for the given key. If the key is
* not set, return `defaultValue`.
def getConfString(key: String, defaultValue: String): String = settings.getOrElse(key, defaultValue)
* Return all the configuration properties that have been set (i.e. not the default).
* This creates a new copy of the config properties in the form of a Map.
def getAllConfigs: Map[String, String] = settings.toMap
* Return all the configuration definitions that have been defined in [[ArangoDBConf]]. Each
* definition contains key, defaultValue and doc.
def getAllDefinedConfigs: Seq[(String, String, String)] =
confEntries.values.filter(_.isPublic).map { entry =>
val displayValue = settings.getOrElse(entry.key, entry.defaultValueString)
(entry.key, displayValue, entry.doc)
* Logs a warning message if the given config key is deprecated.
private def logDeprecationWarning(key: String): Unit = {
ArangoDBConf.deprecatedArangoDBConfigs.get(key).foreach {
case DeprecatedConfig(configName, version, comment) =>
s"The Spark ArangoDB config '$configName' has been deprecated since version v$version " +
s"and may be removed in the future. $comment")
private def requireDefaultValueOfRemovedConf(key: String, value: String): Unit = {
ArangoDBConf.removedArangoDBConfigs.get(key).foreach {
case RemovedConfig(configName, version, defaultValue, comment) =>
if (value != defaultValue) {
throw new AnalysisException(
s"The Spark ArangoDB config '$configName' was removed in the version $version. $comment")
private def checkConf(key: String, value: String): Unit = {
requireDefaultValueOfRemovedConf(key, value)
class ArangoDBDriverConf(opts: Map[String, String]) extends ArangoDBConf(opts) {
import ArangoDBConf._
val user: String = getConf(userConf)
val password: Option[String] = getConf(passwordConf)
val endpoints: Array[String] = getRequiredConf(endpointsConf).split(",")
val acquireHostList: Boolean = getConf(acquireHostListConf)
val contentType: ContentType = ContentType(getConf(contentTypeConf))
val timeout: Int = getConf(timeoutConf)
private val arangoProtocol = (Protocol(getConf(protocolConf)), contentType) match {
case (Protocol.VST, ContentType.VPACK) => com.arangodb.Protocol.VST
case (Protocol.VST, ContentType.JSON) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Json over VST is not supported")
case (Protocol.HTTP, ContentType.VPACK) => com.arangodb.Protocol.HTTP_VPACK
case (Protocol.HTTP, ContentType.JSON) => com.arangodb.Protocol.HTTP_JSON
case (Protocol.HTTP2, ContentType.VPACK) => com.arangodb.Protocol.HTTP2_VPACK
case (Protocol.HTTP2, ContentType.JSON) => com.arangodb.Protocol.HTTP2_JSON
val sslEnabled: Boolean = getConf(sslEnabledConf)
val verifyHost: Boolean = getConf(sslVerifyHostConf)
val sslTrustStorePassword: Option[String] = getConf(sslTrustStorePasswordConf)
val sslTrustStorePath: Option[String] = getConf(sslTrustStorePathConf)
val sslCertValue: Option[String] = getConf(sslCertValueConf)
val sslCertType: String = getConf(sslCertTypeConf)
val sslCertAlias: String = getConf(sslCertAliasConf)
val sslAlgorithm: String = getConf(sslAlgorithmConf)
val sslKeystoreType: String = getConf(sslKeystoreTypeConf)
val sslProtocol: String = getConf(sslProtocolConf)
def builder(): ArangoDB.Builder = {
val builder = new ArangoDB.Builder()
if (sslEnabled) {
.foreach(host =>, host(1).toInt))
def getSslContext: SSLContext = {
if (sslCertValue.isDefined) {
val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder.decode(sslCertValue.get))
val cert = CertificateFactory.getInstance(sslCertType).generateCertificate(is)
val ks = KeyStore.getInstance(sslKeystoreType)
ks.load(null) // scalastyle:ignore null
ks.setCertificateEntry(sslCertAlias, cert)
} else if (sslTrustStorePath.isDefined) {
val ks = KeyStore.getInstance(sslKeystoreType)
val is = new FileInputStream(sslTrustStorePath.get)
try {
} finally {
} else {
private def createSslContext(ks: KeyStore): SSLContext = {
val tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(sslAlgorithm)
val sc = SSLContext.getInstance(sslProtocol)
sc.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers, null) // scalastyle:ignore null
class ArangoDBReadConf(opts: Map[String, String]) extends ArangoDBConf(opts) {
import ArangoDBConf._
val db: String = getConf(dbConf)
val collection: Option[String] = getConf(collectionConf)
val query: Option[String] = getConf(queryConf)
val batchSize: Int = getConf(batchSizeConf)
val sampleSize: Int = getConf(sampleSizeConf)
val fillBlockCache: Boolean = getConf(fillBlockCacheConf)
val stream: Boolean = getConf(streamConf)
val ttl: Int = getConf(ttlConf)
val parseMode: ParseMode = ParseMode.fromString(getConf(parseModeConf))
val columnNameOfCorruptRecord: String = getConf(columnNameOfCorruptRecordConf).getOrElse("")
val readMode: ReadMode =
if (query.isDefined) {
} else if (collection.isDefined) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either collection or query must be defined")
class ArangoDBWriteConf(opts: Map[String, String]) extends ArangoDBConf(opts) {
import ArangoDBConf._
val db: String = getConf(dbConf)
val collection: String = getRequiredConf(collectionConf)
val batchSize: Int = getConf(batchSizeConf)
val byteBatchSize: Int = getConf(byteBatchSizeConf)
val numberOfShards: Int = getConf(numberOfShardsConf)
val collectionType: entity.CollectionType = CollectionType(getConf(collectionTypeConf)).get()
val waitForSync: Boolean = getConf(waitForSyncConf)
val confirmTruncate: Boolean = getConf(confirmTruncateConf)
val overwriteMode: OverwriteMode = OverwriteMode.valueOf(getConf(overwriteModeConf))
val mergeObjects: Boolean = getConf(mergeObjectsConf)
val keepNull: Boolean = getConf(keepNullConf)
val maxAttempts: Int = getConf(maxAttemptsConf)
val minRetryDelay: Int = getConf(minRetryDelayConf)
val maxRetryDelay: Int = getConf(maxRetryDelayConf)
override def toString: String =
|\t db=$db
|\t collection=$collection
|\t batchSize=$batchSize
|\t byteBatchSize=$byteBatchSize
|\t numberOfShards=$numberOfShards
|\t collectionType=$collectionType
|\t waitForSync=$waitForSync
|\t confirmTruncate=$confirmTruncate
|\t overwriteMode=$overwriteMode
|\t mergeObjects=$mergeObjects
|\t keepNull=$keepNull
|\t maxAttempts=$maxAttempts
|\t minRetryDelay=$minRetryDelay
|\t maxRetryDelay=$maxRetryDelay
class ArangoDBMappingConf(opts: Map[String, String]) extends ArangoDBConf(opts) {
import ArangoDBConf._
val ignoreNullFields: Boolean = getConf(ignoreNullFieldsConf)
override def toString: String =
|\t ignoreNullFields=$ignoreNullFields
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