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com.arcadedb.engine.TransactionManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.arcadedb.engine;
import com.arcadedb.database.Binary;
import com.arcadedb.database.DatabaseInternal;
import com.arcadedb.exception.ConcurrentModificationException;
import com.arcadedb.exception.SchemaException;
import com.arcadedb.exception.TimeoutException;
import com.arcadedb.log.LogManager;
import com.arcadedb.utility.LockManager;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
public class TransactionManager {
private static final long MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024 ;
private final DatabaseInternal database;
private WALFile[] activeWALFilePool;
private final List inactiveWALFilePool = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
private final String logContext;
private final Timer task;
private CountDownLatch taskExecuting = new CountDownLatch(0 );
private final AtomicLong transactionIds = new AtomicLong();
private final AtomicLong logFileCounter = new AtomicLong();
private final LockManager fileIdsLockManager = new LockManager<>();
private final AtomicLong statsPagesWritten = new AtomicLong();
private final AtomicLong statsBytesWritten = new AtomicLong();
public TransactionManager (final DatabaseInternal database) {
this .database = database;
this .logContext = LogManager.instance().getContext();
if (database.getMode() == ComponentFile.MODE.READ_WRITE) {
task = new Timer("ArcadeDB TransactionManager " + database.getName());
task.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run () {
if (!database.isOpen()) {
return ;
if (activeWALFilePool != null ) {
taskExecuting = new CountDownLatch(1 );
try {
if (logContext != null )
cleanWALFiles(true , false );
} finally {
}, 1000 , 1000 );
} else
task = null ;
public void close (final boolean drop) {
if (task != null )
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
if (activeWALFilePool != null ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < activeWALFilePool.length; ++i) {
final WALFile file = activeWALFilePool[i];
if (file != null ) {
activeWALFilePool[i] = null ;
file.setActive(false );
for (int retry = 0 ; retry < 20 && !cleanWALFiles(drop, false ); ++retry) {
try {
Thread.sleep(100 );
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
break ;
if (!cleanWALFiles(drop, false ))
.log(this , Level.WARNING, "Error on removing all transaction files. Remained: %s" , null , inactiveWALFilePool);
else {
final File dir = new File(database.getDatabasePath());
File[] walFiles = dir.listFiles((dir1, name) -> name.endsWith(".wal" ));
if (walFiles != null ) {
walFiles = dir.listFiles((dir1, name) -> name.endsWith(".wal" ));
if (walFiles != null && walFiles.length > 0 )
.log(this , Level.WARNING, "Error on removing all transaction files. Remained: %s" , null , walFiles.length);
public Binary createTransactionBuffer (final long txId, final List pages) {
return WALFile.writeTransactionToBuffer(pages, txId);
public void writeTransactionToWAL (final List pages, final WALFile.FLUSH_TYPE sync, final long txId,
final Binary bufferChanges) {
while (true ) {
final WALFile file = activeWALFilePool[(int ) (Thread.currentThread().getId() % activeWALFilePool.length)];
if (file != null && file.acquire(() -> {
file.writeTransactionToFile(database, pages, sync, file, txId, bufferChanges);
return null ;
break ;
try {
Thread.sleep(10 );
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
break ;
public void notifyPageFlushed (final MutablePage page) {
final WALFile walFile = page.getWALFile();
if (walFile != null )
public void checkIntegrity () {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.WARNING, "Started recovery of database '%s'" , null , database);
try {
final File dir = new File(database.getDatabasePath());
final File[] walFiles = dir.listFiles((dir1, name) -> name.endsWith(".wal" ));
if (walFiles == null || walFiles.length == 0 ) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.WARNING, "Recovery not possible because no WAL files were found" );
return ;
if (activeWALFilePool != null && activeWALFilePool.length > 0 ) {
for (final WALFile file : activeWALFilePool) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
activeWALFilePool = new WALFile[walFiles.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < walFiles.length; ++i) {
try {
activeWALFilePool[i] = new WALFile(database.getDatabasePath() + File.separator + walFiles[i].getName());
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on WAL file management for file '%s'" , e,
database.getDatabasePath() + walFiles[i].getName());
if (activeWALFilePool.length > 0 ) {
final WALFile.WALTransaction[] walPositions = new WALFile.WALTransaction[activeWALFilePool.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < activeWALFilePool.length; ++i) {
final WALFile file = activeWALFilePool[i];
walPositions[i] = file.getFirstTransaction();
long lastTxId = -1 ;
while (true ) {
int lowerTx = -1 ;
long lowerTxId = -1 ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < walPositions.length; ++i) {
final WALFile.WALTransaction walTx = walPositions[i];
if (walTx != null ) {
if (lowerTxId == -1 || walTx.txId < lowerTxId) {
lowerTxId = walTx.txId;
lowerTx = i;
if (lowerTxId == -1 )
break ;
lastTxId = lowerTxId;
applyChanges(walPositions[lowerTx], Collections.emptyMap(), true );
walPositions[lowerTx] = activeWALFilePool[lowerTx].getTransaction(walPositions[lowerTx].endPositionInLog);
transactionIds.set(lastTxId + 1 );
for (final WALFile file : activeWALFilePool) {
try {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.FINE, "Dropped WAL file '%s'" , null , file);
} catch (final IOException e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on dropping WAL file '%s'" , e, file);
} finally {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.WARNING, "Recovery of database '%s' completed" , null , database);
public Map getStats () {
final Map map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("logFiles" , logFileCounter.get());
for (final WALFile file : activeWALFilePool) {
if (file != null ) {
final Map stats = file.getStats();
statsPagesWritten.addAndGet((Long) stats.get("pagesWritten" ));
statsBytesWritten.addAndGet((Long) stats.get("bytesWritten" ));
map.put("pagesWritten" , statsPagesWritten.get());
map.put("bytesWritten" , statsBytesWritten.get());
return map;
public boolean applyChanges (final WALFile.WALTransaction tx, final Map bucketRecordDelta,
final boolean ignoreErrors) {
boolean changed = false ;
boolean involveDictionary = false ;
final int dictionaryId =
database.getSchema().getDictionary() != null ? database.getSchema().getDictionary().file.getFileId() : -1 ;
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.FINE, "- applying changes from txId=%d" , null , tx.txId);
for (final WALFile.WALPage txPage : tx.pages) {
final PaginatedComponentFile file;
final PageId pageId = new PageId(txPage.fileId, txPage.pageNumber);
if (!database.getFileManager().existsFile(txPage.fileId)) {
.log(this , Level.WARNING, "Error on restoring transaction: received operation on deleted file %d" , null , txPage.fileId);
if (ignoreErrors)
continue ;
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
"Concurrent modification on page " + pageId + ". The file with id " + pageId.getFileId()
+ " does not exist anymore. Please retry the operation" );
try {
file = (PaginatedComponentFile) database.getFileManager().getFile(txPage.fileId);
} catch (final Exception e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on applying tx changes for page %s" , e, txPage);
throw e;
try {
final ImmutablePage page = database.getPageManager().getImmutablePage(pageId, file.getPageSize(), false , true );
.log(this , Level.FINE, "-- checking page %s versionInLog=%d versionInDB=%d" , null , pageId, txPage.currentPageVersion,
if (txPage.currentPageVersion <= page.getVersion()) {
if (ignoreErrors)
continue ;
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
"Concurrent modification on page " + pageId + " in file '" + database.getFileManager().getFile(pageId.getFileId())
.getFileName() + "' (current v." + txPage.currentPageVersion + " <= database v." + page.getVersion()
+ "). Please retry the operation (threadId=" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ")" );
if (txPage.currentPageVersion > page.getVersion() + 1 ) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.WARNING,
"Cannot apply changes to the database because modified page %s version in WAL (" + txPage.currentPageVersion
+ ") does not match with existent version (" + page.getVersion() + ") fileId=" + txPage.fileId, null , pageId);
if (ignoreErrors)
continue ;
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
"Cannot apply changes to the database because modified page " + pageId + " version in WAL ("
+ txPage.currentPageVersion + ") does not match with existent version (" + page.getVersion() + ") fileId="
+ txPage.fileId);
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.FINE, "Updating page %s versionInLog=%d versionInDB=%d (txId=%d)" , null , pageId,
txPage.currentPageVersion, page.getVersion(), tx.txId);
final MutablePage modifiedPage = page.modify();
modifiedPage.writeByteArray(txPage.changesFrom - BasePage.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE, txPage.currentContent.getContent());
modifiedPage.version = txPage.currentPageVersion;
final PaginatedComponent component = (PaginatedComponent) database.getSchema().getFileById(txPage.fileId);
if (component != null ) {
final int newPageCount = (int ) (file.getSize() / file.getPageSize());
if (newPageCount > component.pageCount.get())
if (file.getFileId() == dictionaryId)
involveDictionary = true ;
changed = true ;
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.FINE, " - updating page %s v%d" , null , pageId, modifiedPage.version);
} catch (final ClosedByInterruptException e) {
throw new WALException("Cannot apply changes to page " + pageId, e);
} catch (final IOException e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on applying changes to page %s" , e, pageId);
throw new WALException("Cannot apply changes to page " + pageId, e);
for (Map.Entry entry : bucketRecordDelta.entrySet()) {
final LocalBucket bucket = (LocalBucket) database.getSchema().getBucketById(entry.getKey());
if (bucket.getCachedRecordCount() > -1 )
bucket.setCachedRecordCount(bucket.getCachedRecordCount() + entry.getValue());
if (involveDictionary) {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new SchemaException("Unable to update dictionary after transaction commit" , e);
return changed;
public void kill () {
if (task != null ) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
if (activeWALFilePool != null ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < activeWALFilePool.length; ++i) {
final WALFile file = activeWALFilePool[i];
if (file != null ) {
activeWALFilePool[i] = null ;
file.setActive(false );
for (int retry = 0 ; retry < 20 && !cleanWALFiles(false , true ); ++retry) {
try {
Thread.sleep(100 );
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
break ;
if (!cleanWALFiles(false , true ))
.log(this , Level.WARNING, "Error on removing all transaction files during kill. Remained: %s" , null , inactiveWALFilePool);
public long getNextTransactionId () {
return transactionIds.getAndIncrement();
public List tryLockFiles (final Collection fileIds, final long timeout) {
final List orderedFilesIds = new ArrayList<>(fileIds);
final List lockedFiles = new ArrayList<>(orderedFilesIds.size());
Integer attemptFileId;
for (final Integer fileId : orderedFilesIds) {
attemptFileId = fileId;
final LockManager.LOCK_STATUS lock = tryLockFile(fileId, timeout);
if (lock == LockManager.LOCK_STATUS.YES)
else if (lock == LockManager.LOCK_STATUS.NO) {
if (attemptFileId != null )
throw new TimeoutException(
"Timeout on locking file " + attemptFileId + " (" + database.getFileManager().getFile(attemptFileId).getFileName()
+ ") during commit (fileIds=" + orderedFilesIds + ")" );
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout on locking files during commit (fileIds=" + orderedFilesIds + ")" );
.log(this , Level.FINE, "Locked files %s (threadId=%d)" , null , orderedFilesIds, Thread.currentThread().getId());
return lockedFiles;
public void unlockFilesInOrder (final List lockedFileIds) {
if (lockedFileIds != null && !lockedFileIds.isEmpty()) {
for (final Integer fileId : lockedFileIds)
.log(this , Level.FINE, "Unlocked files %s (threadId=%d)" , null , lockedFileIds, Thread.currentThread().getId());
public LockManager.LOCK_STATUS tryLockFile (final Integer fileId, final long timeout) {
return fileIdsLockManager.tryLock(fileId, Thread.currentThread(), timeout);
public void unlockFile (final Integer fileId) {
fileIdsLockManager.unlock(fileId, Thread.currentThread());
private void createWALFilePool () {
activeWALFilePool = new WALFile[Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()];
for (int i = 0 ; i < activeWALFilePool.length; ++i) {
final long counter = logFileCounter.getAndIncrement();
try {
activeWALFilePool[i] = database.getWALFileFactory().newInstance(database.getDatabasePath() + "/txlog_" + counter + ".wal" );
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on WAL file management for file '%s'" , e,
database.getDatabasePath() + "/txlog_" + counter + ".wal" );
private void checkWALFiles () {
if (activeWALFilePool != null )
for (int i = 0 ; i < activeWALFilePool.length; ++i) {
final WALFile file = activeWALFilePool[i];
try {
if (file != null && file.isOpen() && file.getSize() > MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.FINE,
"WAL file '%s' reached maximum size (%d), set it as inactive, waiting for the drop (page2flush=%d)" , null , file,
MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE, file.getPendingPagesToFlush());
activeWALFilePool[i] = database.getWALFileFactory()
.newInstance(database.getDatabasePath() + "/txlog_" + logFileCounter.getAndIncrement() + ".wal" );
file.setActive(false );
} catch (final java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException e) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on WAL file management for file '%s'" , e, file);
private boolean cleanWALFiles (final boolean dropFiles, final boolean force) {
for (final Iterator it = inactiveWALFilePool.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
final WALFile file =;
if (force || !dropFiles || file.getPendingPagesToFlush() == 0 ) {
try {
final Map fileStats = file.getStats();
statsPagesWritten.addAndGet((Long) fileStats.get("pagesWritten" ));
statsBytesWritten.addAndGet((Long) fileStats.get("bytesWritten" ));
if (dropFiles)
} catch (final IOException e) {
LogManager.instance().log(this , Level.SEVERE, "Error on %s WAL file '%s'" , e, dropFiles ? "dropping" : "closing" , file);
return inactiveWALFilePool.isEmpty();