evolutions.default.1.sql Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# --- Created by Ebean DDL
# To stop Ebean DDL generation, remove this comment and start using Evolutions
# --- !Ups
create table portal.alerts (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
uuid varchar(40),
name varchar(255),
cluster varchar(255),
service varchar(255),
context varchar(7),
metric varchar(255),
statistic varchar(255),
period_in_seconds integer,
operator varchar(24),
quantity_value double,
quantity_unit varchar(255),
version bigint not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint ck_alerts_context check (context in ('HOST','CLUSTER')),
constraint ck_alerts_operator check (operator in ('EQUAL_TO','NOT_EQUAL_TO','LESS_THAN','LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO','GREATER_THAN','GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO')),
constraint pk_alerts primary key (id))
create table portal.expressions (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
uuid varchar(40),
cluster varchar(255),
service varchar(255),
metric varchar(255),
script varchar(255),
version bigint not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint pk_expressions primary key (id))
create table portal.hosts (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
name varchar(255),
cluster varchar(255),
metrics_software_state varchar(255),
version bigint not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint pk_hosts primary key (id))
create table portal.nagios_extensions (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
alert_id bigint,
severity varchar(255),
notify varchar(255),
max_check_attempts integer,
freshness_threshold_in_seconds bigint,
version bigint not null,
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint uq_nagios_extensions_alert_id unique (alert_id),
constraint pk_nagios_extensions primary key (id))
create table portal.package_versions (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
name varchar(255),
version varchar(255),
uri varchar(255),
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint pk_package_versions primary key (id))
create table portal.version_sets (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
uuid varchar(40),
version varchar(255),
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint pk_version_sets primary key (id))
create table portal.version_specifications (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
uuid varchar(40),
next bigint,
version_set_id bigint,
created_at timestamp not null,
updated_at timestamp not null,
constraint uq_version_specifications_next unique (next),
constraint pk_version_specifications primary key (id))
create table portal.version_specification_attributes (
id bigint auto_increment not null,
keyName varchar(255),
value varchar(255),
version_specification bigint,
constraint pk_version_specification_attribu primary key (id))
create table portal.version_set_package_versions (
version_set_id bigint not null,
package_version_id bigint not null,
constraint pk_portal.version_set_package_versions primary key (version_set_id, package_version_id))
alter table portal.nagios_extensions add constraint fk_nagios_extensions_alert_1 foreign key (alert_id) references portal.alerts (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
create index ix_nagios_extensions_alert_1 on portal.nagios_extensions (alert_id);
alter table portal.version_specifications add constraint fk_version_specifications_next_2 foreign key (next) references portal.version_specifications (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
create index ix_version_specifications_next_2 on portal.version_specifications (next);
alter table portal.version_specifications add constraint fk_version_specifications_vers_3 foreign key (version_set_id) references portal.version_sets (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
create index ix_version_specifications_vers_3 on portal.version_specifications (version_set_id);
alter table portal.version_specification_attributes add constraint fk_version_specification_attri_4 foreign key (version_specification) references portal.version_specifications (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
create index ix_version_specification_attri_4 on portal.version_specification_attributes (version_specification);
alter table portal.version_set_package_versions add constraint fk_portal.version_set_package_01 foreign key (version_set_id) references portal.version_sets (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table portal.version_set_package_versions add constraint fk_portal.version_set_package_02 foreign key (package_version_id) references portal.package_versions (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
# --- !Downs
drop table if exists portal.alerts;
drop table if exists portal.expressions;
drop table if exists portal.hosts;
drop table if exists portal.nagios_extensions;
drop table if exists portal.package_versions;
drop table if exists portal.version_sets;
drop table if exists portal.version_set_package_versions;
drop table if exists portal.version_specifications;
drop table if exists portal.version_specification_attributes;
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