org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ProducerImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.pulsar.client.impl;
import static org.apache.pulsar.shade.com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.apache.pulsar.shade.com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.scurrilous.circe.checksum.Crc32cIntChecksum.computeChecksum;
import static com.scurrilous.circe.checksum.Crc32cIntChecksum.resumeChecksum;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.MessageImpl.SchemaState.Broken;
import static org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.MessageImpl.SchemaState.None;
import static org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ProducerBase.MultiSchemaMode.Auto;
import static org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ProducerBase.MultiSchemaMode.Enabled;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands.hasChecksum;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands.readChecksum;
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.util.Runnables.catchingAndLoggingThrowables;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.AbstractReferenceCounted;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.Recycler;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.Recycler.Handle;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.ReferenceCounted;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.Timeout;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.TimerTask;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.io.netty.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.pulsar.shade.org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.BatcherBuilder;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.CompressionType;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageCrypto;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageId;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Producer;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ProducerAccessMode;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ProducerCryptoFailureAction;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException.CryptoException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.transaction.Transaction;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.conf.ProducerConfigurationData;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.crypto.MessageCryptoBc;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.schema.JSONSchema;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.transaction.TransactionImpl;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.allocator.PulsarByteBufAllocator;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.MessageMetadata;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.compression.CompressionCodec;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.compression.CompressionCodecProvider;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.ByteBufPair;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.Commands.ChecksumType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.schema.SchemaHash;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.protocol.schema.SchemaVersion;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.schema.SchemaInfo;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.schema.SchemaType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.BackoffBuilder;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.DateFormatter;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.FutureUtil;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.RelativeTimeUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class ProducerImpl extends ProducerBase implements TimerTask, ConnectionHandler.Connection {
// Producer id, used to identify a producer within a single connection
protected final long producerId;
// Variable is updated in a synchronized block
private volatile long msgIdGenerator;
private final OpSendMsgQueue pendingMessages;
private final Optional semaphore;
private volatile Timeout sendTimeout = null;
private final long lookupDeadline;
private int chunkMaxMessageSize;
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater PRODUCER_DEADLINE_UPDATER = AtomicLongFieldUpdater
.newUpdater(ProducerImpl.class, "producerDeadline");
private volatile long producerDeadline = 0; // gets set on first successful connection
private final BatchMessageContainerBase batchMessageContainer;
private CompletableFuture lastSendFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
private LastSendFutureWrapper lastSendFutureWrapper = LastSendFutureWrapper.create(lastSendFuture);
// Globally unique producer name
private String producerName;
private final boolean userProvidedProducerName;
private String connectionId;
private String connectedSince;
private final int partitionIndex;
private final ProducerStatsRecorder stats;
private final CompressionCodec compressor;
static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater LAST_SEQ_ID_PUBLISHED_UPDATER = AtomicLongFieldUpdater
.newUpdater(ProducerImpl.class, "lastSequenceIdPublished");
private volatile long lastSequenceIdPublished;
static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater LAST_SEQ_ID_PUSHED_UPDATER = AtomicLongFieldUpdater
.newUpdater(ProducerImpl.class, "lastSequenceIdPushed");
protected volatile long lastSequenceIdPushed;
private volatile boolean isLastSequenceIdPotentialDuplicated;
private final MessageCrypto msgCrypto;
private ScheduledFuture> keyGeneratorTask = null;
private final Map metadata;
private Optional schemaVersion = Optional.empty();
private final ConnectionHandler connectionHandler;
// A batch flush task is scheduled when one of the following is true:
// - A message is added to a message batch without also triggering a flush for that batch.
// - A batch flush task executes with messages in the batchMessageContainer, thus actually triggering messages.
// - A message was sent more recently than the configured BatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros. In this case, the task is
// scheduled to run BatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros after the most recent send time.
// The goal is to optimize batch density while also ensuring that a producer never waits longer than the configured
// batchingMaxPublishDelayMicros to send a batch.
// Only update from within synchronized block on this producer.
private ScheduledFuture> batchFlushTask;
// The time, in nanos, of the last batch send. This field ensures that we don't deliver batches via the
// batchFlushTask before the batchingMaxPublishDelayMicros duration has passed.
private long lastBatchSendNanoTime;
private Optional topicEpoch = Optional.empty();
private final List previousExceptions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
private boolean errorState;
public ProducerImpl(PulsarClientImpl client, String topic, ProducerConfigurationData conf,
CompletableFuture> producerCreatedFuture, int partitionIndex, Schema schema,
ProducerInterceptors interceptors, Optional overrideProducerName) {
super(client, topic, conf, producerCreatedFuture, schema, interceptors);
this.producerId = client.newProducerId();
this.producerName = conf.getProducerName();
this.userProvidedProducerName = StringUtils.isNotBlank(producerName);
this.partitionIndex = partitionIndex;
this.pendingMessages = createPendingMessagesQueue();
if (conf.getMaxPendingMessages() > 0) {
this.semaphore = Optional.of(new Semaphore(conf.getMaxPendingMessages(), true));
} else {
this.semaphore = Optional.empty();
overrideProducerName.ifPresent(key -> this.producerName = key);
this.compressor = CompressionCodecProvider.getCompressionCodec(conf.getCompressionType());
if (conf.getInitialSequenceId() != null) {
long initialSequenceId = conf.getInitialSequenceId();
this.lastSequenceIdPublished = initialSequenceId;
this.lastSequenceIdPushed = initialSequenceId;
this.msgIdGenerator = initialSequenceId + 1L;
} else {
this.lastSequenceIdPublished = -1L;
this.lastSequenceIdPushed = -1L;
this.msgIdGenerator = 0L;
if (conf.isEncryptionEnabled()) {
String logCtx = "[" + topic + "] [" + producerName + "] [" + producerId + "]";
if (conf.getMessageCrypto() != null) {
this.msgCrypto = conf.getMessageCrypto();
} else {
// default to use MessageCryptoBc;
MessageCrypto msgCryptoBc;
try {
msgCryptoBc = new MessageCryptoBc(logCtx, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("MessageCryptoBc may not included in the jar in Producer. e:", e);
msgCryptoBc = null;
this.msgCrypto = msgCryptoBc;
} else {
this.msgCrypto = null;
if (this.msgCrypto != null) {
// Regenerate data key cipher at fixed interval
keyGeneratorTask = client.eventLoopGroup().scheduleWithFixedDelay(catchingAndLoggingThrowables(() -> {
try {
msgCrypto.addPublicKeyCipher(conf.getEncryptionKeys(), conf.getCryptoKeyReader());
} catch (CryptoException e) {
if (!producerCreatedFuture.isDone()) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] [{}] Failed to add public key cipher.", topic, producerName, producerId);
String.format("The producer %s of the topic %s "
+ "adds the public key cipher was failed",
producerName, topic)));
}), 0L, 4L, TimeUnit.HOURS);
if (conf.getSendTimeoutMs() > 0) {
sendTimeout = client.timer().newTimeout(this, conf.getSendTimeoutMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
this.lookupDeadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + client.getConfiguration().getLookupTimeoutMs();
if (conf.isBatchingEnabled()) {
BatcherBuilder containerBuilder = conf.getBatcherBuilder();
if (containerBuilder == null) {
containerBuilder = BatcherBuilder.DEFAULT;
this.batchMessageContainer = (BatchMessageContainerBase) containerBuilder.build();
} else {
this.batchMessageContainer = null;
if (client.getConfiguration().getStatsIntervalSeconds() > 0) {
stats = new ProducerStatsRecorderImpl(client, conf, this);
} else {
stats = ProducerStatsDisabled.INSTANCE;
if (conf.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
metadata = Collections.emptyMap();
} else {
metadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<>(conf.getProperties()));
this.connectionHandler = new ConnectionHandler(this,
new BackoffBuilder()
.setInitialTime(client.getConfiguration().getInitialBackoffIntervalNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
.setMax(client.getConfiguration().getMaxBackoffIntervalNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
.setMandatoryStop(Math.max(100, conf.getSendTimeoutMs() - 100), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
private void setChunkMaxMessageSize() {
this.chunkMaxMessageSize = conf.getChunkMaxMessageSize() > 0
? Math.min(conf.getChunkMaxMessageSize(), getMaxMessageSize())
: getMaxMessageSize();
protected void semaphoreRelease(final int releaseCountRequest) {
if (semaphore.isPresent()) {
if (!errorState) {
final int availableReleasePermits =
conf.getMaxPendingMessages() - this.semaphore.get().availablePermits();
if (availableReleasePermits - releaseCountRequest < 0) {
log.error("Semaphore permit release count request greater then availableReleasePermits"
+ " : availableReleasePermits={}, releaseCountRequest={}",
availableReleasePermits, releaseCountRequest);
errorState = true;
protected OpSendMsgQueue createPendingMessagesQueue() {
return new OpSendMsgQueue();
public ConnectionHandler getConnectionHandler() {
return connectionHandler;
private boolean isBatchMessagingEnabled() {
return conf.isBatchingEnabled();
private boolean isMultiSchemaEnabled(boolean autoEnable) {
if (multiSchemaMode != Auto) {
return multiSchemaMode == Enabled;
if (autoEnable) {
multiSchemaMode = Enabled;
return true;
return false;
public long getLastSequenceId() {
return lastSequenceIdPublished;
CompletableFuture internalSendAsync(Message> message) {
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
MessageImpl> interceptorMessage = (MessageImpl) beforeSend(message);
// Retain the buffer used by interceptors callback to get message. Buffer will release after complete
// interceptors.
if (interceptors != null) {
int msgSize = interceptorMessage.getDataBuffer().readableBytes();
sendAsync(interceptorMessage, new DefaultSendMessageCallback(future, interceptorMessage, msgSize));
return future;
private class DefaultSendMessageCallback implements SendCallback {
CompletableFuture sendFuture;
MessageImpl> currentMsg;
long createdAt = System.nanoTime();
SendCallback nextCallback = null;
MessageImpl> nextMsg = null;
DefaultSendMessageCallback(CompletableFuture sendFuture, MessageImpl> currentMsg, int msgSize) {
this.sendFuture = sendFuture;
this.currentMsg = currentMsg;
public CompletableFuture getFuture() {
return sendFuture;
public SendCallback getNextSendCallback() {
return nextCallback;
public MessageImpl> getNextMessage() {
return nextMsg;
public void sendComplete(Exception e) {
SendCallback loopingCallback = this;
MessageImpl> loopingMsg = currentMsg;
while (loopingCallback != null) {
onSendComplete(e, loopingCallback, loopingMsg);
loopingMsg = loopingCallback.getNextMessage();
loopingCallback = loopingCallback.getNextSendCallback();
private void onSendComplete(Exception e, SendCallback sendCallback, MessageImpl> msg) {
long createdAt = (sendCallback instanceof ProducerImpl.DefaultSendMessageCallback)
? ((DefaultSendMessageCallback) sendCallback).createdAt : this.createdAt;
long latencyNanos = System.nanoTime() - createdAt;
ByteBuf payload = msg.getDataBuffer();
if (payload == null) {
log.error("[{}] [{}] Payload is null when calling onSendComplete, which is not expected.",
topic, producerName);
} else {
if (e != null) {
onSendAcknowledgement(msg, null, e);
} else {
onSendAcknowledgement(msg, msg.getMessageId(), null);
public void addCallback(MessageImpl> msg, SendCallback scb) {
nextMsg = msg;
nextCallback = scb;
CompletableFuture internalSendWithTxnAsync(Message> message, Transaction txn) {
if (txn == null) {
return internalSendAsync(message);
} else {
CompletableFuture completableFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
if (!((TransactionImpl) txn).checkIfOpen(completableFuture)) {
return completableFuture;
return ((TransactionImpl) txn).registerProducedTopic(topic)
.thenCompose(ignored -> internalSendAsync(message));
* Compress the payload if compression is configured.
* @param payload
* @return a new payload
private ByteBuf applyCompression(ByteBuf payload) {
ByteBuf compressedPayload = compressor.encode(payload);
return compressedPayload;
public void sendAsync(Message> message, SendCallback callback) {
checkArgument(message instanceof MessageImpl);
if (!isValidProducerState(callback, message.getSequenceId())) {
MessageImpl> msg = (MessageImpl>) message;
MessageMetadata msgMetadata = msg.getMessageBuilder();
ByteBuf payload = msg.getDataBuffer();
final int uncompressedSize = payload.readableBytes();
if (!canEnqueueRequest(callback, message.getSequenceId(), uncompressedSize)) {
// If compression is enabled, we are compressing, otherwise it will simply use the same buffer
ByteBuf compressedPayload = payload;
boolean compressed = false;
// Batch will be compressed when closed
// If a message has a delayed delivery time, we'll always send it individually
if (!isBatchMessagingEnabled() || msgMetadata.hasDeliverAtTime()) {
compressedPayload = applyCompression(payload);
compressed = true;
// validate msg-size (For batching this will be check at the batch completion size)
int compressedSize = compressedPayload.readableBytes();
if (compressedSize > getMaxMessageSize() && !this.conf.isChunkingEnabled()) {
String compressedStr = conf.getCompressionType() != CompressionType.NONE ? "Compressed" : "";
PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException invalidMessageException =
new PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException(
format("The producer %s of the topic %s sends a %s message with %d bytes that exceeds"
+ " %d bytes",
producerName, topic, compressedStr, compressedSize, getMaxMessageSize()));
completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(uncompressedSize, callback, invalidMessageException);
if (!msg.isReplicated() && msgMetadata.hasProducerName()) {
PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException invalidMessageException =
new PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException(
format("The producer %s of the topic %s can not reuse the same message", producerName, topic),
completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(uncompressedSize, callback, invalidMessageException);
if (!populateMessageSchema(msg, callback)) {
// Update the message metadata before computing the payload chunk size to avoid a large message cannot be split
// into chunks.
updateMessageMetadata(msgMetadata, uncompressedSize);
// send in chunks
int totalChunks;
int payloadChunkSize;
if (canAddToBatch(msg) || !conf.isChunkingEnabled()) {
totalChunks = 1;
payloadChunkSize = getMaxMessageSize();
} else {
// Reserve current metadata size for chunk size to avoid message size overflow.
// NOTE: this is not strictly bounded, as metadata will be updated after chunking.
// So there is a small chance that the final message size is larger than ClientCnx.getMaxMessageSize().
// But it won't cause produce failure as broker have 10 KB padding space for these cases.
payloadChunkSize = getMaxMessageSize() - msgMetadata.getSerializedSize();
if (payloadChunkSize <= 0) {
PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException invalidMessageException =
new PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException(
format("The producer %s of the topic %s sends a message with %d bytes metadata that "
+ "exceeds %d bytes", producerName, topic,
msgMetadata.getSerializedSize(), getMaxMessageSize()));
completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(uncompressedSize, callback, invalidMessageException);
payloadChunkSize = Math.min(chunkMaxMessageSize, payloadChunkSize);
totalChunks = MathUtils.ceilDiv(Math.max(1, compressedPayload.readableBytes()), payloadChunkSize);
// chunked message also sent individually so, try to acquire send-permits
for (int i = 0; i < (totalChunks - 1); i++) {
if (!conf.isBlockIfQueueFull() && !canEnqueueRequest(callback, message.getSequenceId(),
0 /* The memory was already reserved */)) {
semaphoreRelease(i + 1);
try {
int readStartIndex = 0;
ChunkedMessageCtx chunkedMessageCtx = totalChunks > 1 ? ChunkedMessageCtx.get(totalChunks) : null;
byte[] schemaVersion = totalChunks > 1 && msg.getMessageBuilder().hasSchemaVersion()
? msg.getMessageBuilder().getSchemaVersion() : null;
byte[] orderingKey = totalChunks > 1 && msg.getMessageBuilder().hasOrderingKey()
? msg.getMessageBuilder().getOrderingKey() : null;
// msg.messageId will be reset if previous message chunk is sent successfully.
final MessageId messageId = msg.getMessageId();
for (int chunkId = 0; chunkId < totalChunks; chunkId++) {
// Need to reset the schemaVersion, because the schemaVersion is based on a ByteBuf object in
// `MessageMetadata`, if we want to re-serialize the `SEND` command using a same `MessageMetadata`,
// we need to reset the ByteBuf of the schemaVersion in `MessageMetadata`, I think we need to
// reset `ByteBuf` objects in `MessageMetadata` after call the method `MessageMetadata#writeTo()`.
if (chunkId > 0) {
if (schemaVersion != null) {
if (orderingKey != null) {
if (chunkId > 0 && conf.isBlockIfQueueFull() && !canEnqueueRequest(callback,
message.getSequenceId(), 0 /* The memory was already reserved */)) {
client.getMemoryLimitController().releaseMemory(uncompressedSize - readStartIndex);
semaphoreRelease(totalChunks - chunkId);
synchronized (this) {
// Update the message metadata before computing the payload chunk size
// to avoid a large message cannot be split into chunks.
final long sequenceId = updateMessageMetadataSequenceId(msgMetadata);
String uuid = totalChunks > 1 ? String.format("%s-%d", producerName, sequenceId) : null;
serializeAndSendMessage(msg, payload, sequenceId, uuid, chunkId, totalChunks,
readStartIndex, payloadChunkSize, compressedPayload, compressed,
compressedPayload.readableBytes(), callback, chunkedMessageCtx, messageId);
readStartIndex = ((chunkId + 1) * payloadChunkSize);
} catch (PulsarClientException e) {
completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(uncompressedSize, callback, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(uncompressedSize, callback,
new PulsarClientException(t, msg.getSequenceId()));
* Update the message metadata except those fields that will be updated for chunks later.
* @param msgMetadata
* @param uncompressedSize
* @return the sequence id
private void updateMessageMetadata(final MessageMetadata msgMetadata, final int uncompressedSize) {
if (!msgMetadata.hasPublishTime()) {
if (conf.getCompressionType() != CompressionType.NONE) {
private long updateMessageMetadataSequenceId(final MessageMetadata msgMetadata) {
final long sequenceId;
if (!msgMetadata.hasSequenceId()) {
sequenceId = msgIdGenerator++;
} else {
sequenceId = msgMetadata.getSequenceId();
return sequenceId;
public int getNumOfPartitions() {
return 0;
private void serializeAndSendMessage(MessageImpl> msg,
ByteBuf payload,
long sequenceId,
String uuid,
int chunkId,
int totalChunks,
int readStartIndex,
int chunkMaxSizeInBytes,
ByteBuf compressedPayload,
boolean compressed,
int compressedPayloadSize,
SendCallback callback,
ChunkedMessageCtx chunkedMessageCtx,
MessageId messageId) throws IOException {
ByteBuf chunkPayload = compressedPayload;
MessageMetadata msgMetadata = msg.getMessageBuilder();
if (totalChunks > 1 && TopicName.get(topic).isPersistent()) {
chunkPayload = compressedPayload.slice(readStartIndex,
Math.min(chunkMaxSizeInBytes, chunkPayload.readableBytes() - readStartIndex));
// don't retain last chunk payload and builder as it will be not needed for next chunk-iteration and it will
// be released once this chunk-message is sent
if (chunkId != totalChunks - 1) {
if (uuid != null) {
if (canAddToBatch(msg) && totalChunks <= 1) {
if (canAddToCurrentBatch(msg)) {
// should trigger complete the batch message, new message will add to a new batch and new batch
// sequence id use the new message, so that broker can handle the message duplication
if (sequenceId <= lastSequenceIdPushed) {
isLastSequenceIdPotentialDuplicated = true;
if (sequenceId <= lastSequenceIdPublished) {
log.warn("Message with sequence id {} is definitely a duplicate", sequenceId);
} else {
log.info("Message with sequence id {} might be a duplicate but cannot be determined at this"
+ " time.", sequenceId);
doBatchSendAndAdd(msg, callback, payload);
} else {
// Should flush the last potential duplicated since can't combine potential duplicated messages
// and non-duplicated messages into a batch.
if (isLastSequenceIdPotentialDuplicated) {
doBatchSendAndAdd(msg, callback, payload);
} else {
// handle boundary cases where message being added would exceed
// batch size and/or max message size
boolean isBatchFull = batchMessageContainer.add(msg, callback);
lastSendFuture = callback.getFuture();
isLastSequenceIdPotentialDuplicated = false;
} else {
doBatchSendAndAdd(msg, callback, payload);
} else {
// in this case compression has not been applied by the caller
// but we have to compress the payload if compression is configured
if (!compressed) {
chunkPayload = applyCompression(chunkPayload);
ByteBuf encryptedPayload = encryptMessage(msgMetadata, chunkPayload);
// When publishing during replication, we need to set the correct number of message in batch
// This is only used in tracking the publish rate stats
int numMessages = msg.getMessageBuilder().hasNumMessagesInBatch()
? msg.getMessageBuilder().getNumMessagesInBatch()
: 1;
final OpSendMsg op;
if (msg.getSchemaState() == MessageImpl.SchemaState.Ready) {
ByteBufPair cmd = sendMessage(producerId, sequenceId, numMessages, messageId, msgMetadata,
op = OpSendMsg.create(msg, cmd, sequenceId, callback);
} else {
op = OpSendMsg.create(msg, null, sequenceId, callback);
final MessageMetadata finalMsgMetadata = msgMetadata;
op.rePopulate = () -> {
if (msgMetadata.hasChunkId()) {
// The message metadata is shared between all chunks in a large message
// We need to reset the chunk id for each call of this method
// It's safe to do that because there is only 1 thread to manipulate this message metadata
op.cmd = sendMessage(producerId, sequenceId, numMessages, messageId, finalMsgMetadata,
if (totalChunks > 1) {
op.totalChunks = totalChunks;
op.chunkId = chunkId;
op.chunkedMessageCtx = chunkedMessageCtx;
lastSendFuture = callback.getFuture();
boolean populateMessageSchema(MessageImpl msg, SendCallback callback) {
MessageMetadata msgMetadataBuilder = msg.getMessageBuilder();
if (msg.getSchemaInternal() == schema) {
schemaVersion.ifPresent(v -> msgMetadataBuilder.setSchemaVersion(v));
return true;
// If the message is from the replicator and without replicated schema
// Which means the message is written with BYTES schema
// So we don't need to replicate schema to the remote cluster
if (msg.hasReplicateFrom() && msg.getSchemaInfoForReplicator() == null) {
return true;
if (!isMultiSchemaEnabled(true)) {
PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException e = new PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException(
format("The producer %s of the topic %s is disabled the `MultiSchema`", producerName, topic)
, msg.getSequenceId());
completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(msg.getUncompressedSize(), callback, e);
return false;
byte[] schemaVersion = schemaCache.get(msg.getSchemaHash());
if (schemaVersion != null) {
if (schemaVersion != SchemaVersion.Empty.bytes()) {
return true;
private boolean rePopulateMessageSchema(MessageImpl msg) {
byte[] schemaVersion = schemaCache.get(msg.getSchemaHash());
if (schemaVersion == null) {
return false;
if (schemaVersion != SchemaVersion.Empty.bytes()) {
return true;
private void tryRegisterSchema(ClientCnx cnx, MessageImpl msg, SendCallback callback, long expectedCnxEpoch) {
if (!changeToRegisteringSchemaState()) {
SchemaInfo schemaInfo = msg.hasReplicateFrom() ? msg.getSchemaInfoForReplicator() : msg.getSchemaInfo();
schemaInfo = Optional.ofNullable(schemaInfo)
.filter(si -> si.getType().getValue() > 0)
getOrCreateSchemaAsync(cnx, schemaInfo).handle((v, ex) -> {
if (ex != null) {
Throwable t = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
log.warn("[{}] [{}] GetOrCreateSchema error", topic, producerName, t);
if (t instanceof PulsarClientException.IncompatibleSchemaException) {
callback.sendComplete((PulsarClientException.IncompatibleSchemaException) t);
} else {
log.info("[{}] [{}] GetOrCreateSchema succeed", topic, producerName);
// In broker, if schema version is an empty byte array, it means the topic doesn't have schema.
// In this case, we cache the schema version to `SchemaVersion.Empty.bytes()`.
// When we need to set the schema version of the message metadata,
// we should check if the cached schema version is `SchemaVersion.Empty.bytes()`
if (v.length != 0) {
schemaCache.putIfAbsent(msg.getSchemaHash(), v);
} else {
schemaCache.putIfAbsent(msg.getSchemaHash(), SchemaVersion.Empty.bytes());
cnx.ctx().channel().eventLoop().execute(() -> {
synchronized (ProducerImpl.this) {
recoverProcessOpSendMsgFrom(cnx, msg, expectedCnxEpoch);
return null;
private CompletableFuture getOrCreateSchemaAsync(ClientCnx cnx, SchemaInfo schemaInfo) {
if (!Commands.peerSupportsGetOrCreateSchema(cnx.getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion())) {
return FutureUtil.failedFuture(
new PulsarClientException.NotSupportedException(
format("The command `GetOrCreateSchema` is not supported for the protocol version %d. "
+ "The producer is %s, topic is %s",
cnx.getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion(), producerName, topic)));
long requestId = client.newRequestId();
ByteBuf request = Commands.newGetOrCreateSchema(requestId, topic, schemaInfo);
log.info("[{}] [{}] GetOrCreateSchema request", topic, producerName);
return cnx.sendGetOrCreateSchema(request, requestId);
protected ByteBuf encryptMessage(MessageMetadata msgMetadata, ByteBuf compressedPayload)
throws PulsarClientException {
if (!conf.isEncryptionEnabled() || msgCrypto == null) {
return compressedPayload;
try {
int maxSize = msgCrypto.getMaxOutputSize(compressedPayload.readableBytes());
ByteBuf encryptedPayload = PulsarByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(maxSize);
ByteBuffer targetBuffer = encryptedPayload.nioBuffer(0, maxSize);
msgCrypto.encrypt(conf.getEncryptionKeys(), conf.getCryptoKeyReader(), () -> msgMetadata,
compressedPayload.nioBuffer(), targetBuffer);
return encryptedPayload;
} catch (PulsarClientException e) {
// Unless config is set to explicitly publish un-encrypted message upon failure, fail the request
if (conf.getCryptoFailureAction() == ProducerCryptoFailureAction.SEND) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Failed to encrypt message {}. Proceeding with publishing unencrypted message",
topic, producerName, e.getMessage());
return compressedPayload;
throw e;
protected ByteBufPair sendMessage(long producerId, long sequenceId, int numMessages,
MessageId messageId, MessageMetadata msgMetadata,
ByteBuf compressedPayload) {
if (messageId instanceof MessageIdImpl) {
return Commands.newSend(producerId, sequenceId, numMessages, getChecksumType(),
((MessageIdImpl) messageId).getLedgerId(), ((MessageIdImpl) messageId).getEntryId(),
msgMetadata, compressedPayload);
} else {
return Commands.newSend(producerId, sequenceId, numMessages, getChecksumType(), -1, -1, msgMetadata,
protected ByteBufPair sendMessage(long producerId, long lowestSequenceId, long highestSequenceId, int numMessages,
MessageMetadata msgMetadata, ByteBuf compressedPayload) {
return Commands.newSend(producerId, lowestSequenceId, highestSequenceId, numMessages, getChecksumType(),
msgMetadata, compressedPayload);
protected ChecksumType getChecksumType() {
if (connectionHandler.cnx() == null
|| connectionHandler.cnx().getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion() >= brokerChecksumSupportedVersion()) {
return ChecksumType.Crc32c;
} else {
return ChecksumType.None;
private boolean canAddToBatch(MessageImpl> msg) {
return msg.getSchemaState() == MessageImpl.SchemaState.Ready
&& isBatchMessagingEnabled() && !msg.getMessageBuilder().hasDeliverAtTime();
private boolean canAddToCurrentBatch(MessageImpl> msg) {
return batchMessageContainer.haveEnoughSpace(msg)
&& (!isMultiSchemaEnabled(false) || batchMessageContainer.hasSameSchema(msg))
&& batchMessageContainer.hasSameTxn(msg);
private void triggerSendIfFullOrScheduleFlush(boolean isBatchFull) {
if (isBatchFull) {
} else {
private void doBatchSendAndAdd(MessageImpl> msg, SendCallback callback, ByteBuf payload) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Closing out batch to accommodate large message with size {}", topic, producerName,
try {
boolean isBatchFull = batchMessageContainer.add(msg, callback);
lastSendFuture = callback.getFuture();
} finally {
private boolean isValidProducerState(SendCallback callback, long sequenceId) {
switch (getState()) {
case Ready:
// OK
case Connecting:
// We are OK to queue the messages on the client, it will be sent to the broker once we get the connection
case RegisteringSchema:
// registering schema
return true;
case Closing:
case Closed:
new PulsarClientException.AlreadyClosedException("Producer already closed", sequenceId));
return false;
case ProducerFenced:
callback.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException.ProducerFencedException("Producer was fenced"));
return false;
case Terminated:
new PulsarClientException.TopicTerminatedException("Topic was terminated", sequenceId));
return false;
case Failed:
case Uninitialized:
callback.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException.NotConnectedException(sequenceId));
return false;
private boolean canEnqueueRequest(SendCallback callback, long sequenceId, int payloadSize) {
try {
if (conf.isBlockIfQueueFull()) {
if (semaphore.isPresent()) {
} else {
if (!semaphore.map(Semaphore::tryAcquire).orElse(true)) {
callback.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException.ProducerQueueIsFullError(
"Producer send queue is full", sequenceId));
return false;
if (!client.getMemoryLimitController().tryReserveMemory(payloadSize)) {
callback.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException.MemoryBufferIsFullError(
"Client memory buffer is full", sequenceId));
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
callback.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException(e, sequenceId));
return false;
return true;
private static final class WriteInEventLoopCallback implements Runnable {
private ProducerImpl> producer;
private ByteBufPair cmd;
private long sequenceId;
private ClientCnx cnx;
private OpSendMsg op;
static WriteInEventLoopCallback create(ProducerImpl> producer, ClientCnx cnx, OpSendMsg op) {
WriteInEventLoopCallback c = RECYCLER.get();
c.producer = producer;
c.cnx = cnx;
c.sequenceId = op.sequenceId;
c.cmd = op.cmd;
c.op = op;
return c;
public void run() {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Sending message cnx {}, sequenceId {}", producer.topic, producer.producerName, cnx,
try {
cnx.ctx().writeAndFlush(cmd, cnx.ctx().voidPromise());
} finally {
private void recycle() {
producer = null;
cnx = null;
cmd = null;
sequenceId = -1;
op = null;
private final Handle recyclerHandle;
private WriteInEventLoopCallback(Handle recyclerHandle) {
this.recyclerHandle = recyclerHandle;
private static final Recycler RECYCLER = new Recycler() {
protected WriteInEventLoopCallback newObject(Handle handle) {
return new WriteInEventLoopCallback(handle);
private static final class LastSendFutureWrapper {
private final CompletableFuture lastSendFuture;
private static final int FALSE = 0;
private static final int TRUE = 1;
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater THROW_ONCE_UPDATER =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(LastSendFutureWrapper.class, "throwOnce");
private volatile int throwOnce = FALSE;
private LastSendFutureWrapper(CompletableFuture lastSendFuture) {
this.lastSendFuture = lastSendFuture;
static LastSendFutureWrapper create(CompletableFuture lastSendFuture) {
return new LastSendFutureWrapper(lastSendFuture);
public CompletableFuture handleOnce() {
return lastSendFuture.handle((ignore, t) -> {
if (t != null && THROW_ONCE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, FALSE, TRUE)) {
throw FutureUtil.wrapToCompletionException(t);
return null;
public CompletableFuture closeAsync() {
final State currentState = getAndUpdateState(state -> {
if (state == State.Closed) {
return state;
return State.Closing;
if (currentState == State.Closed || currentState == State.Closing) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
ClientCnx cnx = cnx();
if (cnx == null || currentState != State.Ready) {
log.info("[{}] [{}] Closed Producer (not connected)", topic, producerName);
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
long requestId = client.newRequestId();
ByteBuf cmd = Commands.newCloseProducer(producerId, requestId);
CompletableFuture closeFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
cnx.sendRequestWithId(cmd, requestId).handle((v, exception) -> {
if (exception == null || !cnx.ctx().channel().isActive()) {
// Either we've received the success response for the close producer command from the broker, or the
// connection did break in the meantime. In any case, the producer is gone.
log.info("[{}] [{}] Closed Producer", topic, producerName);
} else {
return null;
return closeFuture;
private synchronized void closeAndClearPendingMessages() {
PulsarClientException ex = new PulsarClientException.AlreadyClosedException(
format("The producer %s of the topic %s was already closed when closing the producers",
producerName, topic));
// Use null for cnx to ensure that the pending messages are failed immediately
failPendingMessages(null, ex);
public boolean isConnected() {
return getCnxIfReady() != null;
* Hook method for testing. By returning null, it's possible to prevent messages
* being delivered to the broker.
* @return cnx if OpSend messages should be written to open connection. Caller must
* verify that the returned cnx is not null before using reference.
protected ClientCnx getCnxIfReady() {
if (getState() == State.Ready) {
return connectionHandler.cnx();
} else {
return null;
public long getLastDisconnectedTimestamp() {
return connectionHandler.lastConnectionClosedTimestamp;
public boolean isWritable() {
ClientCnx cnx = connectionHandler.cnx();
return cnx != null && cnx.channel().isWritable();
public void terminated(ClientCnx cnx) {
State previousState = getAndUpdateState(state -> (state == State.Closed ? State.Closed : State.Terminated));
if (previousState != State.Terminated && previousState != State.Closed) {
log.info("[{}] [{}] The topic has been terminated", topic, producerName);
synchronized (this) {
new PulsarClientException.TopicTerminatedException(
format("The topic %s that the producer %s produces to has been terminated",
topic, producerName)));
void ackReceived(ClientCnx cnx, long sequenceId, long highestSequenceId, long ledgerId, long entryId) {
OpSendMsg op = null;
synchronized (this) {
op = pendingMessages.peek();
if (op == null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Got ack for timed out msg {} - {}",
topic, producerName, sequenceId, highestSequenceId);
if (sequenceId > op.sequenceId) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Got ack for msg. expecting: {} - {} - got: {} - {} - queue-size: {}",
topic, producerName, op.sequenceId, op.highestSequenceId, sequenceId, highestSequenceId,
// Force connection closing so that messages can be re-transmitted in a new connection
} else if (sequenceId < op.sequenceId) {
// Ignoring the ack since it's referring to a message that has already timed out.
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Got ack for timed out msg. expecting: {} - {} - got: {} - {}",
topic, producerName, op.sequenceId, op.highestSequenceId, sequenceId, highestSequenceId);
} else {
// Add check `sequenceId >= highestSequenceId` for backward compatibility.
if (sequenceId >= highestSequenceId || highestSequenceId == op.highestSequenceId) {
// Message was persisted correctly
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Received ack for msg {} ", topic, producerName, sequenceId);
} else {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Got ack for batch msg error. expecting: {} - {} - got: {} - {} - queue-size: {}"
+ "",
topic, producerName, op.sequenceId, op.highestSequenceId, sequenceId, highestSequenceId,
// Force connection closing so that messages can be re-transmitted in a new connection
OpSendMsg finalOp = op;
LAST_SEQ_ID_PUBLISHED_UPDATER.getAndUpdate(this, last -> Math.max(last, getHighestSequenceId(finalOp)));
op.setMessageId(ledgerId, entryId, partitionIndex);
if (op.totalChunks > 1) {
if (op.chunkId == 0) {
op.chunkedMessageCtx.firstChunkMessageId = new MessageIdImpl(ledgerId, entryId, partitionIndex);
} else if (op.chunkId == op.totalChunks - 1) {
op.chunkedMessageCtx.lastChunkMessageId = new MessageIdImpl(ledgerId, entryId, partitionIndex);
// if message is chunked then call callback only on last chunk
if (op.totalChunks <= 1 || (op.chunkId == op.totalChunks - 1)) {
try {
// Need to protect ourselves from any exception being thrown in the future handler from the
// application
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Got exception while completing the callback for msg {}:", topic,
producerName, sequenceId, t);
private long getHighestSequenceId(OpSendMsg op) {
return Math.max(op.highestSequenceId, op.sequenceId);
private void releaseSemaphoreForSendOp(OpSendMsg op) {
semaphoreRelease(isBatchMessagingEnabled() ? op.numMessagesInBatch : 1);
private void completeCallbackAndReleaseSemaphore(long payloadSize, SendCallback callback, Exception exception) {
* Checks message checksum to retry if message was corrupted while sending to broker. Recomputes checksum of the
* message header-payload again.
* - if matches with existing checksum: it means message was corrupt while sending to broker. So, resend
* message
* - if doesn't match with existing checksum: it means message is already corrupt and can't retry again.
* So, fail send-message by failing callback
* @param cnx
* @param sequenceId
protected synchronized void recoverChecksumError(ClientCnx cnx, long sequenceId) {
OpSendMsg op = pendingMessages.peek();
if (op == null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Got send failure for timed out msg {}", topic, producerName, sequenceId);
} else {
long expectedSequenceId = getHighestSequenceId(op);
if (sequenceId == expectedSequenceId) {
boolean corrupted = !verifyLocalBufferIsNotCorrupted(op);
if (corrupted) {
// remove message from pendingMessages queue and fail callback
try {
new PulsarClientException.ChecksumException(
format("The checksum of the message which is produced by producer %s to the topic "
+ "%s is corrupted", producerName, topic)));
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Got exception while completing the callback for msg {}:", topic,
producerName, sequenceId, t);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Message is not corrupted, retry send-message with sequenceId {}", topic,
producerName, sequenceId);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Corrupt message is already timed out {}", topic, producerName, sequenceId);
// as msg is not corrupted : let producer resend pending-messages again including checksum failed message
resendMessages(cnx, this.connectionHandler.getEpoch());
protected synchronized void recoverNotAllowedError(long sequenceId, String errorMsg) {
OpSendMsg op = pendingMessages.peek();
if (op != null && sequenceId == getHighestSequenceId(op)) {
try {
new PulsarClientException.NotAllowedException(errorMsg));
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Got exception while completing the callback for msg {}:", topic,
producerName, sequenceId, t);
* Computes checksum again and verifies it against existing checksum. If checksum doesn't match it means that
* message is corrupt.
* @param op
* @return returns true only if message is not modified and computed-checksum is same as previous checksum else
* return false that means that message is corrupted. Returns true if checksum is not present.
protected boolean verifyLocalBufferIsNotCorrupted(OpSendMsg op) {
ByteBufPair msg = op.cmd;
if (msg != null) {
ByteBuf headerFrame = msg.getFirst();
try {
// skip bytes up to checksum index
headerFrame.skipBytes(4); // skip [total-size]
int cmdSize = (int) headerFrame.readUnsignedInt();
// verify if checksum present
if (hasChecksum(headerFrame)) {
int checksum = readChecksum(headerFrame);
// msg.readerIndex is already at header-payload index, Recompute checksum for headers-payload
int metadataChecksum = computeChecksum(headerFrame);
long computedChecksum = resumeChecksum(metadataChecksum, msg.getSecond());
return checksum == computedChecksum;
} else {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] checksum is not present into message with id {}", topic, producerName,
} finally {
return true;
} else {
log.warn("[{}] Failed while casting empty ByteBufPair, ", producerName);
return false;
static class ChunkedMessageCtx extends AbstractReferenceCounted {
protected MessageIdImpl firstChunkMessageId;
protected MessageIdImpl lastChunkMessageId;
public ChunkMessageIdImpl getChunkMessageId() {
return new ChunkMessageIdImpl(firstChunkMessageId, lastChunkMessageId);
private static final Recycler RECYCLER =
new Recycler() {
protected ProducerImpl.ChunkedMessageCtx newObject(
Recycler.Handle handle) {
return new ProducerImpl.ChunkedMessageCtx(handle);
public static ChunkedMessageCtx get(int totalChunks) {
ChunkedMessageCtx chunkedMessageCtx = RECYCLER.get();
return chunkedMessageCtx;
private final Handle recyclerHandle;
private ChunkedMessageCtx(Handle recyclerHandle) {
this.recyclerHandle = recyclerHandle;
protected void deallocate() {
this.firstChunkMessageId = null;
this.lastChunkMessageId = null;
public ReferenceCounted touch(Object hint) {
return this;
protected static final class OpSendMsg {
MessageImpl> msg;
List> msgs;
ByteBufPair cmd;
SendCallback callback;
Runnable rePopulate;
ChunkedMessageCtx chunkedMessageCtx;
long uncompressedSize;
long sequenceId;
long createdAt;
long firstSentAt;
long lastSentAt;
int retryCount;
long batchSizeByte = 0;
int numMessagesInBatch = 1;
long highestSequenceId;
int totalChunks = 0;
int chunkId = -1;
void initialize() {
msg = null;
msgs = null;
cmd = null;
callback = null;
rePopulate = null;
sequenceId = -1L;
createdAt = -1L;
firstSentAt = -1L;
lastSentAt = -1L;
highestSequenceId = -1L;
totalChunks = 0;
chunkId = -1;
uncompressedSize = 0;
retryCount = 0;
batchSizeByte = 0;
numMessagesInBatch = 1;
chunkedMessageCtx = null;
static OpSendMsg create(MessageImpl> msg, ByteBufPair cmd, long sequenceId, SendCallback callback) {
OpSendMsg op = RECYCLER.get();
op.msg = msg;
op.cmd = cmd;
op.callback = callback;
op.sequenceId = sequenceId;
op.createdAt = System.nanoTime();
op.uncompressedSize = msg.getUncompressedSize();
return op;
static OpSendMsg create(List> msgs, ByteBufPair cmd, long sequenceId, SendCallback callback,
int batchAllocatedSize) {
OpSendMsg op = RECYCLER.get();
op.msgs = msgs;
op.cmd = cmd;
op.callback = callback;
op.sequenceId = sequenceId;
op.createdAt = System.nanoTime();
op.uncompressedSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); i++) {
op.uncompressedSize += msgs.get(i).getUncompressedSize();
op.uncompressedSize += batchAllocatedSize;
return op;
static OpSendMsg create(List> msgs, ByteBufPair cmd, long lowestSequenceId,
long highestSequenceId, SendCallback callback, int batchAllocatedSize) {
OpSendMsg op = RECYCLER.get();
op.msgs = msgs;
op.cmd = cmd;
op.callback = callback;
op.sequenceId = lowestSequenceId;
op.highestSequenceId = highestSequenceId;
op.createdAt = System.nanoTime();
op.uncompressedSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < msgs.size(); i++) {
op.uncompressedSize += msgs.get(i).getUncompressedSize();
op.uncompressedSize += batchAllocatedSize;
return op;
void updateSentTimestamp() {
this.lastSentAt = System.nanoTime();
if (this.firstSentAt == -1L) {
this.firstSentAt = this.lastSentAt;
void sendComplete(final Exception e) {
SendCallback callback = this.callback;
if (null != callback) {
Exception finalEx = e;
if (finalEx instanceof TimeoutException) {
TimeoutException te = (TimeoutException) e;
long sequenceId = te.getSequenceId();
long ns = System.nanoTime();
//firstSentAt and lastSentAt maybe -1, it means that the message didn't flush to channel.
String errMsg = String.format(
"%s : createdAt %s seconds ago, firstSentAt %s seconds ago, lastSentAt %s seconds ago, "
+ "retryCount %s",
RelativeTimeUtil.nsToSeconds(ns - this.createdAt),
RelativeTimeUtil.nsToSeconds(this.firstSentAt <= 0
? this.firstSentAt
: ns - this.firstSentAt),
RelativeTimeUtil.nsToSeconds(this.lastSentAt <= 0
? this.lastSentAt
: ns - this.lastSentAt),
finalEx = new TimeoutException(errMsg, sequenceId);
void recycle() {
void setNumMessagesInBatch(int numMessagesInBatch) {
this.numMessagesInBatch = numMessagesInBatch;
void setBatchSizeByte(long batchSizeByte) {
this.batchSizeByte = batchSizeByte;
void setMessageId(long ledgerId, long entryId, int partitionIndex) {
if (msg != null) {
msg.setMessageId(new MessageIdImpl(ledgerId, entryId, partitionIndex));
} else if (msgs.size() == 1) {
// If there is only one message in batch, the producer will publish messages like non-batch
msgs.get(0).setMessageId(new MessageIdImpl(ledgerId, entryId, partitionIndex));
} else {
for (int batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < msgs.size(); batchIndex++) {
.setMessageId(new BatchMessageIdImpl(ledgerId, entryId, partitionIndex, batchIndex));
void setMessageId(ChunkMessageIdImpl chunkMessageId) {
if (msg != null) {
public int getMessageHeaderAndPayloadSize() {
if (cmd == null) {
return 0;
ByteBuf cmdHeader = cmd.getFirst();
int totalSize = cmdHeader.readInt();
int cmdSize = cmdHeader.readInt();
// The totalSize includes:
// | cmdLength | cmdSize | magic and checksum | msgMetadataLength | msgMetadata |
// | --------- | ------- | ------------------ | ----------------- | ----------- |
// | 4 | | 6 | 4 | |
int msgHeadersAndPayloadSize = totalSize - 4 - cmdSize - 6 - 4;
return msgHeadersAndPayloadSize;
private OpSendMsg(Handle recyclerHandle) {
this.recyclerHandle = recyclerHandle;
private final Handle recyclerHandle;
private static final Recycler RECYCLER = new Recycler() {
protected OpSendMsg newObject(Handle handle) {
return new OpSendMsg(handle);
* Queue implementation that is used as the pending messages queue.
* This implementation postpones adding of new OpSendMsg entries that happen
* while the forEach call is in progress. This is needed for preventing
* ConcurrentModificationExceptions that would occur when the forEach action
* calls the add method via a callback in user code.
* This queue is not thread safe.
protected static class OpSendMsgQueue implements Iterable {
private final Queue delegate = new ArrayDeque<>();
private int forEachDepth = 0;
private List postponedOpSendMgs;
private final AtomicInteger messagesCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
public void forEach(Consumer super OpSendMsg> action) {
try {
// track any forEach call that is in progress in the current call stack
// so that adding a new item while iterating doesn't cause ConcurrentModificationException
} finally {
// if this is the top-most forEach call and there are postponed items, add them
if (forEachDepth == 0 && postponedOpSendMgs != null && !postponedOpSendMgs.isEmpty()) {
public boolean add(OpSendMsg o) {
// postpone adding to the queue while forEach iteration is in progress
if (forEachDepth > 0) {
if (postponedOpSendMgs == null) {
postponedOpSendMgs = new ArrayList<>();
return postponedOpSendMgs.add(o);
} else {
return delegate.add(o);
public void clear() {
public void remove() {
OpSendMsg op = delegate.remove();
if (op != null) {
public OpSendMsg peek() {
return delegate.peek();
public int messagesCount() {
return messagesCount.get();
public Iterator iterator() {
return delegate.iterator();
public CompletableFuture connectionOpened(final ClientCnx cnx) {
final long epoch;
synchronized (this) {
// Because the state could have been updated while retrieving the connection, we set it back to connecting,
// as long as the change from current state to connecting is a valid state change.
if (!changeToConnecting()) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// We set the cnx reference before registering the producer on the cnx, so if the cnx breaks before creating
// the producer, it will try to grab a new cnx. We also increment and get the epoch value for the producer.
epoch = connectionHandler.switchClientCnx(cnx);
cnx.registerProducer(producerId, this);
log.info("[{}] [{}] Creating producer on cnx {}", topic, producerName, cnx.ctx().channel());
long requestId = client.newRequestId();
.compareAndSet(this, 0, System.currentTimeMillis() + client.getConfiguration().getOperationTimeoutMs());
SchemaInfo schemaInfo = null;
if (schema != null) {
if (schema.getSchemaInfo() != null) {
if (schema.getSchemaInfo().getType() == SchemaType.JSON) {
// for backwards compatibility purposes
// JSONSchema originally generated a schema for pojo based of of the JSON schema standard
// but now we have standardized on every schema to generate an Avro based schema
if (Commands.peerSupportJsonSchemaAvroFormat(cnx.getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion())) {
schemaInfo = schema.getSchemaInfo();
} else if (schema instanceof JSONSchema){
JSONSchema jsonSchema = (JSONSchema) schema;
schemaInfo = jsonSchema.getBackwardsCompatibleJsonSchemaInfo();
} else {
schemaInfo = schema.getSchemaInfo();
} else if (schema.getSchemaInfo().getType() == SchemaType.BYTES
|| schema.getSchemaInfo().getType() == SchemaType.NONE) {
// don't set schema info for Schema.BYTES
schemaInfo = null;
} else {
schemaInfo = schema.getSchemaInfo();
final CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
Commands.newProducer(topic, producerId, requestId, producerName, conf.isEncryptionEnabled(), metadata,
schemaInfo, epoch, userProvidedProducerName,
conf.getAccessMode(), topicEpoch, client.conf.isEnableTransaction(),
requestId).thenAccept(response -> {
String producerName = response.getProducerName();
long lastSequenceId = response.getLastSequenceId();
schemaVersion = Optional.ofNullable(response.getSchemaVersion());
schemaVersion.ifPresent(v -> schemaCache.put(SchemaHash.of(schema), v));
// We are now reconnected to broker and clear to send messages. Re-send all pending messages and
// set the cnx pointer so that new messages will be sent immediately
synchronized (ProducerImpl.this) {
State state = getState();
if (state == State.Closing || state == State.Closed) {
// Producer was closed while reconnecting, close the connection to make sure the broker
// drops the producer on its side
log.info("[{}] [{}] Created producer on cnx {}", topic, producerName, cnx.ctx().channel());
connectionId = cnx.ctx().channel().toString();
connectedSince = DateFormatter.now();
if (conf.getAccessMode() != ProducerAccessMode.Shared && !topicEpoch.isPresent()) {
log.info("[{}] [{}] Producer epoch is {}", topic, producerName, response.getTopicEpoch());
topicEpoch = response.getTopicEpoch();
if (this.producerName == null) {
this.producerName = producerName;
if (this.msgIdGenerator == 0 && conf.getInitialSequenceId() == null) {
// Only update sequence id generator if it wasn't already modified. That means we only want
// to update the id generator the first time the producer gets established, and ignore the
// sequence id sent by broker in subsequent producer reconnects
this.lastSequenceIdPublished = lastSequenceId;
this.msgIdGenerator = lastSequenceId + 1;
resendMessages(cnx, epoch);
}).exceptionally((e) -> {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
State state = getState();
if (state == State.Closing || state == State.Closed) {
// Producer was closed while reconnecting, close the connection to make sure the broker
// drops the producer on its side
return null;
if (cause instanceof TimeoutException) {
// Creating the producer has timed out. We need to ensure the broker closes the producer
// in case it was indeed created, otherwise it might prevent new create producer operation,
// since we are not necessarily closing the connection.
long closeRequestId = client.newRequestId();
ByteBuf cmd = Commands.newCloseProducer(producerId, closeRequestId);
cnx.sendRequestWithId(cmd, closeRequestId);
if (cause instanceof PulsarClientException.ProducerFencedException) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Failed to create producer: {}",
topic, producerName, cause.getMessage());
} else {
log.error("[{}] [{}] Failed to create producer: {}", topic, producerName, cause.getMessage());
// Close the producer since topic does not exist.
if (cause instanceof PulsarClientException.TopicDoesNotExistException) {
closeAsync().whenComplete((v, ex) -> {
if (ex != null) {
log.error("Failed to close producer on TopicDoesNotExistException.", ex);
return null;
if (cause instanceof PulsarClientException.ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededException) {
synchronized (this) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Topic backlog quota exceeded. Throwing Exception on producer.", topic,
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Pending messages: {}", topic, producerName,
PulsarClientException bqe = new PulsarClientException.ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededException(
format("The backlog quota of the topic %s that the producer %s produces to is exceeded",
topic, producerName));
failPendingMessages(cnx(), bqe);
} else if (cause instanceof PulsarClientException.ProducerBlockedQuotaExceededError) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Producer is blocked on creation because backlog exceeded on topic.",
producerName, topic);
if (cause instanceof PulsarClientException.TopicTerminatedException) {
synchronized (this) {
failPendingMessages(cnx(), (PulsarClientException) cause);
} else if (cause instanceof PulsarClientException.ProducerFencedException) {
synchronized (this) {
failPendingMessages(cnx(), (PulsarClientException) cause);
} else if (producerCreatedFuture.isDone()
|| (cause instanceof PulsarClientException && PulsarClientException.isRetriableError(cause)
&& System.currentTimeMillis() < PRODUCER_DEADLINE_UPDATER.get(ProducerImpl.this))) {
// Either we had already created the producer once (producerCreatedFuture.isDone()) or we are
// still within the initial timeout budget and we are dealing with a retriable error
} else {
Timeout timeout = sendTimeout;
if (timeout != null) {
sendTimeout = null;
if (!future.isDone()) {
return null;
return future;
public void connectionFailed(PulsarClientException exception) {
boolean nonRetriableError = !PulsarClientException.isRetriableError(exception);
boolean timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() > lookupDeadline;
if (nonRetriableError || timeout) {
if (producerCreatedFuture.completeExceptionally(exception)) {
if (nonRetriableError) {
log.info("[{}] Producer creation failed for producer {} with unretriableError = {}",
topic, producerId, exception.getMessage());
} else {
log.info("[{}] Producer creation failed for producer {} after producerTimeout", topic, producerId);
} else {
private void closeProducerTasks() {
Timeout timeout = sendTimeout;
if (timeout != null) {
sendTimeout = null;
if (keyGeneratorTask != null && !keyGeneratorTask.isCancelled()) {
private void resendMessages(ClientCnx cnx, long expectedEpoch) {
cnx.ctx().channel().eventLoop().execute(() -> {
synchronized (this) {
if (getState() == State.Closing || getState() == State.Closed) {
// Producer was closed while reconnecting, close the connection to make sure the broker
// drops the producer on its side
int messagesToResend = pendingMessages.messagesCount();
if (messagesToResend == 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] No pending messages to resend {}", topic, producerName, messagesToResend);
if (changeToReadyState()) {
} else {
// Producer was closed while reconnecting, close the connection to make sure the broker
// drops the producer on its side
log.info("[{}] [{}] Re-Sending {} messages to server", topic, producerName, messagesToResend);
recoverProcessOpSendMsgFrom(cnx, null, expectedEpoch);
* Strips checksum from {@link OpSendMsg} command if present else ignore it.
* @param op
private void stripChecksum(OpSendMsg op) {
ByteBufPair msg = op.cmd;
if (msg != null) {
int totalMsgBufSize = msg.readableBytes();
ByteBuf headerFrame = msg.getFirst();
try {
headerFrame.skipBytes(4); // skip [total-size]
int cmdSize = (int) headerFrame.readUnsignedInt();
// verify if checksum present
if (!hasChecksum(headerFrame)) {
int headerSize = 4 + 4 + cmdSize; // [total-size] [cmd-length] [cmd-size]
int checksumSize = 4 + 2; // [magic-number] [checksum-size]
int checksumMark = (headerSize + checksumSize); // [header-size] [checksum-size]
int metaPayloadSize = (totalMsgBufSize - checksumMark); // metadataPayload = totalSize - checksumMark
int newTotalFrameSizeLength = 4 + cmdSize + metaPayloadSize; // new total-size without checksum
int headerFrameSize = headerFrame.readableBytes();
headerFrame.setInt(0, newTotalFrameSizeLength); // rewrite new [total-size]
ByteBuf metadata = headerFrame.slice(checksumMark, headerFrameSize - checksumMark); // sliced only
// metadata
headerFrame.writerIndex(headerSize); // set headerFrame write-index to overwrite metadata over checksum
metadata.readBytes(headerFrame, metadata.readableBytes());
headerFrame.capacity(headerFrameSize - checksumSize); // reduce capacity by removed checksum bytes
} finally {
} else {
log.warn("[{}] Failed while casting null into ByteBufPair", producerName);
public int brokerChecksumSupportedVersion() {
return ProtocolVersion.v6.getValue();
String getHandlerName() {
return producerName;
void triggerSendTimer() throws Exception {
* Process sendTimeout events.
public void run(Timeout timeout) throws Exception {
if (timeout.isCancelled()) {
long timeToWaitMs;
synchronized (this) {
// If it's closing/closed we need to ignore this timeout and not schedule next timeout.
if (getState() == State.Closing || getState() == State.Closed) {
OpSendMsg firstMsg = pendingMessages.peek();
if (firstMsg == null && (batchMessageContainer == null || batchMessageContainer.isEmpty()
|| batchMessageContainer.getFirstAddedTimestamp() == 0L)) {
// If there are no pending messages, reset the timeout to the configured value.
timeToWaitMs = conf.getSendTimeoutMs();
} else {
long createdAt;
if (firstMsg != null) {
createdAt = firstMsg.createdAt;
} else {
// Because we don't flush batch messages while disconnected, we consider them "createdAt" when
// they would have otherwise been flushed.
createdAt = batchMessageContainer.getFirstAddedTimestamp()
+ TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(conf.getBatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros());
// If there is at least one message, calculate the diff between the message timeout and the elapsed
// time since first message was created.
long diff = conf.getSendTimeoutMs()
- TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - createdAt);
if (diff <= 0) {
// The diff is less than or equal to zero, meaning that the message has been timed out.
// Set the callback to timeout on every message, then clear the pending queue.
log.info("[{}] [{}] Message send timed out. Failing {} messages", topic, producerName,
String msg = format("The producer %s can not send message to the topic %s within given timeout",
producerName, topic);
if (firstMsg != null) {
PulsarClientException te = new PulsarClientException.TimeoutException(msg, firstMsg.sequenceId);
failPendingMessages(cnx(), te);
} else {
failPendingBatchMessages(new PulsarClientException.TimeoutException(msg));
// Since the pending queue is cleared now, set timer to expire after configured value.
timeToWaitMs = conf.getSendTimeoutMs();
} else {
// The diff is greater than zero, set the timeout to the diff value
timeToWaitMs = diff;
sendTimeout = client.timer().newTimeout(this, timeToWaitMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* This fails and clears the pending messages with the given exception. This method should be called from within the
* ProducerImpl object mutex.
private void failPendingMessages(ClientCnx cnx, PulsarClientException ex) {
if (cnx == null) {
final AtomicInteger releaseCount = new AtomicInteger();
final boolean batchMessagingEnabled = isBatchMessagingEnabled();
pendingMessages.forEach(op -> {
releaseCount.addAndGet(batchMessagingEnabled ? op.numMessagesInBatch : 1);
try {
// Need to protect ourselves from any exception being thrown in the future handler from the
// application
// if message is chunked then call callback only on last chunk
if (op.totalChunks <= 1 || (op.chunkId == op.totalChunks - 1)) {
// Need to protect ourselves from any exception being thrown in the future handler from the
// application
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] Got exception while completing the callback for msg {}:", topic, producerName,
op.sequenceId, t);
if (batchMessagingEnabled) {
} else {
// If we have a connection, we schedule the callback and recycle on the event loop thread to avoid any
// race condition since we also write the message on the socket from this thread
cnx.ctx().channel().eventLoop().execute(() -> {
synchronized (ProducerImpl.this) {
failPendingMessages(null, ex);
* fail any pending batch messages that were enqueued, however batch was not closed out.
private void failPendingBatchMessages(PulsarClientException ex) {
if (batchMessageContainer.isEmpty()) {
final int numMessagesInBatch = batchMessageContainer.getNumMessagesInBatch();
final long currentBatchSize = batchMessageContainer.getCurrentBatchSize();
final int batchAllocatedSizeBytes = batchMessageContainer.getBatchAllocatedSizeBytes();
client.getMemoryLimitController().releaseMemory(currentBatchSize + batchAllocatedSizeBytes);
public CompletableFuture flushAsync() {
synchronized (ProducerImpl.this) {
if (isBatchMessagingEnabled()) {
CompletableFuture lastSendFuture = this.lastSendFuture;
if (!(lastSendFuture == this.lastSendFutureWrapper.lastSendFuture)) {
this.lastSendFutureWrapper = LastSendFutureWrapper.create(lastSendFuture);
return this.lastSendFutureWrapper.handleOnce();
protected void triggerFlush() {
if (isBatchMessagingEnabled()) {
synchronized (ProducerImpl.this) {
// must acquire semaphore before calling
private void maybeScheduleBatchFlushTask() {
if (this.batchFlushTask != null || getState() != State.Ready) {
// must acquire semaphore before calling
private void scheduleBatchFlushTask(long batchingDelayMicros) {
ClientCnx cnx = cnx();
if (cnx != null && isBatchMessagingEnabled()) {
this.batchFlushTask = cnx.ctx().executor().schedule(catchingAndLoggingThrowables(this::batchFlushTask),
batchingDelayMicros, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
private synchronized void batchFlushTask() {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("[{}] [{}] Batching the messages from the batch container from flush thread",
topic, producerName);
this.batchFlushTask = null;
// If we're not ready, don't schedule another flush and don't try to send.
if (getState() != State.Ready) {
// If a batch was sent more recently than the BatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros, schedule another flush to run just
// at BatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros after the last send.
long microsSinceLastSend = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(System.nanoTime() - lastBatchSendNanoTime);
if (microsSinceLastSend < conf.getBatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros()) {
scheduleBatchFlushTask(conf.getBatchingMaxPublishDelayMicros() - microsSinceLastSend);
} else if (lastBatchSendNanoTime == 0) {
// The first time a producer sends a message, the lastBatchSendNanoTime is 0.
lastBatchSendNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
} else {
// must acquire semaphore before enqueuing
private void batchMessageAndSend(boolean shouldScheduleNextBatchFlush) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("[{}] [{}] Batching the messages from the batch container with {} messages", topic, producerName,
if (!batchMessageContainer.isEmpty()) {
try {
lastBatchSendNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
List opSendMsgs;
if (batchMessageContainer.isMultiBatches()) {
opSendMsgs = batchMessageContainer.createOpSendMsgs();
} else {
opSendMsgs = Collections.singletonList(batchMessageContainer.createOpSendMsg());
for (OpSendMsg opSendMsg : opSendMsgs) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] error while create opSendMsg by batch message container", topic, producerName, t);
} finally {
if (shouldScheduleNextBatchFlush) {
protected void processOpSendMsg(OpSendMsg op) {
if (op == null) {
try {
if (op.msg != null && isBatchMessagingEnabled()) {
if (isMessageSizeExceeded(op)) {
if (op.msg != null) {
last -> Math.max(last, getHighestSequenceId(op)));
final ClientCnx cnx = getCnxIfReady();
if (cnx != null) {
if (op.msg != null && op.msg.getSchemaState() == None) {
tryRegisterSchema(cnx, op.msg, op.callback, this.connectionHandler.getEpoch());
// If we do have a connection, the message is sent immediately, otherwise we'll try again once a new
// connection is established
cnx.ctx().channel().eventLoop().execute(WriteInEventLoopCallback.create(this, cnx, op));
stats.updateNumMsgsSent(op.numMessagesInBatch, op.batchSizeByte);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Connection is not ready -- sequenceId {}", topic, producerName,
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.warn("[{}] [{}] error while closing out batch -- {}", topic, producerName, t);
op.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException(t, op.sequenceId));
// Must acquire a lock on ProducerImpl.this before calling method.
private void recoverProcessOpSendMsgFrom(ClientCnx cnx, MessageImpl from, long expectedEpoch) {
if (expectedEpoch != this.connectionHandler.getEpoch() || cnx() == null) {
// In this case, the cnx passed to this method is no longer the active connection. This method will get
// called again once the new connection registers the producer with the broker.
log.info("[{}][{}] Producer epoch mismatch or the current connection is null. Skip re-sending the "
+ " {} pending messages since they will deliver using another connection.", topic, producerName,
final boolean stripChecksum = cnx.getRemoteEndpointProtocolVersion() < brokerChecksumSupportedVersion();
Iterator msgIterator = pendingMessages.iterator();
OpSendMsg pendingRegisteringOp = null;
while (msgIterator.hasNext()) {
OpSendMsg op = msgIterator.next();
if (from != null) {
if (op.msg == from) {
from = null;
} else {
if (op.msg != null) {
if (op.msg.getSchemaState() == None) {
if (!rePopulateMessageSchema(op.msg)) {
pendingRegisteringOp = op;
} else if (op.msg.getSchemaState() == Broken) {
if (op.cmd == null) {
checkState(op.rePopulate != null);
if (isMessageSizeExceeded(op)) {
if (stripChecksum) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("[{}] [{}] Re-Sending message in cnx {}, sequenceId {}", topic, producerName,
cnx.channel(), op.sequenceId);
cnx.ctx().write(op.cmd, cnx.ctx().voidPromise());
stats.updateNumMsgsSent(op.numMessagesInBatch, op.batchSizeByte);
if (!changeToReadyState()) {
// Producer was closed while reconnecting, close the connection to make sure the broker
// drops the producer on its side
// If any messages were enqueued while the producer was not Ready, we would have skipped
// scheduling the batch flush task. Schedule it now, if there are messages in the batch container.
if (isBatchMessagingEnabled() && !batchMessageContainer.isEmpty()) {
if (pendingRegisteringOp != null) {
tryRegisterSchema(cnx, pendingRegisteringOp.msg, pendingRegisteringOp.callback, expectedEpoch);
* Check if final message size for non-batch and non-chunked messages is larger than max message size.
private boolean isMessageSizeExceeded(OpSendMsg op) {
if (op.msg != null && !conf.isChunkingEnabled()) {
int messageSize = op.getMessageHeaderAndPayloadSize();
if (messageSize > getMaxMessageSize()) {
op.sendComplete(new PulsarClientException.InvalidMessageException(
format("The producer %s of the topic %s sends a message with %d bytes that exceeds %d bytes",
producerName, topic, messageSize, getMaxMessageSize()),
return true;
return false;
private int getMaxMessageSize() {
return getConnectionHandler().getMaxMessageSize();
public long getDelayInMillis() {
OpSendMsg firstMsg = pendingMessages.peek();
if (firstMsg != null) {
return TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - firstMsg.createdAt);
return 0L;
public String getConnectionId() {
return cnx() != null ? connectionId : null;
public String getConnectedSince() {
return cnx() != null ? connectedSince : null;
public int getPendingQueueSize() {
if (isBatchMessagingEnabled()) {
synchronized (this) {
return pendingMessages.messagesCount() + batchMessageContainer.getNumMessagesInBatch();
return pendingMessages.messagesCount();
public ProducerStatsRecorder getStats() {
return stats;
public String getProducerName() {
return producerName;
// wrapper for connection methods
ClientCnx cnx() {
return this.connectionHandler.cnx();
void resetBackoff() {
void connectionClosed(ClientCnx cnx) {
public ClientCnx getClientCnx() {
return this.connectionHandler.cnx();
void setClientCnx(ClientCnx clientCnx) {
void grabCnx() {
Optional getSemaphore() {
return semaphore;
boolean isErrorStat() {
return errorState;
CompletableFuture getOriginalLastSendFuture() {
CompletableFuture lastSendFuture = this.lastSendFuture;
return lastSendFuture.thenApply(ignore -> null);
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProducerImpl.class);
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