Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// =================================================================================================
// Copyright 2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
// =================================================================================================
package com.ashampoo.xmp
* Common constants for the XMP Toolkit.
public object XMPConst {
* The XML namespace for XML.
public const val NS_XML: String = ""
* The XML namespace for RDF.
public const val NS_RDF: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the Dublin Core schema.
public const val NS_DC: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the IPTC Core schema.
public const val NS_IPTC_CORE: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the IPTC Extension schema.
public const val NS_IPTC_EXT: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the DICOM medical schema.
public const val NS_DICOM: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the PLUS (Picture Licensing Universal System,
public const val NS_PLUS: String = ""
public const val NS_MWG_RS: String = ""
* The XML namespace Adobe XMP Metadata.
public const val NS_X: String = "adobe:ns:meta/"
public const val NS_IX: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the XMP "basic" schema.
public const val NS_XMP: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the XMP copyright schema.
public const val NS_XMP_RIGHTS: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the XMP digital asset management schema.
public const val NS_XMP_MM: String = ""
public const val NS_XMP_BJ: String = ""
public const val NS_XMP_NOTE: String = ""
public const val NS_PDF: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFX: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFX_ID: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFA_SCHEMA: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFA_PROPERTY: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFA_TYPE: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFA_FIELD: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFA_ID: String = ""
public const val NS_PDFA_EXTENSION: String = ""
* The XML namespace for the Photoshop Album schema.
public const val NS_PS_ALBUM: String = ""
* The XML namespace for Adobe's EXIF schema.
public const val NS_EXIF: String = ""
* NS for the CIPA XMP for Exif document v1.1
public const val NS_EXIF_CIPA: String = ""
public const val NS_EXIF_AUX: String = ""
public const val NS_TIFF: String = ""
public const val NS_PNG: String = ""
public const val NS_JPEG: String = ""
public const val NS_JP2K: String = ""
public const val NS_CAMERA_RAW: String = ""
public const val NS_ADOBE_STOCK_PHOTO: String = ""
public const val NS_CREATOR_ATOM: String = ""
public const val NS_ASF: String = ""
public const val NS_WAV: String = ""
* BExt Schema
public const val NS_BWF: String = ""
* RIFF Info Schema
public const val NS_RIFF_INFO: String = ""
public const val NS_SCRIPT: String = ""
* Transform XMP
public const val NS_TRANSFORM_XMP: String = ""
* Adobe Flash SWF
public const val NS_SWF: String = ""
// XMP namespaces that are Adobe private
public const val NS_DM: String = ""
public const val NS_TRANSIENT: String = ""
* legacy Dublin Core NS, will be converted to NS_DC
public const val NS_DC_DEPRECATED: String = ""
// Namespaces of products
public const val NS_ASHAMPOO: String = ""
public const val NS_ACDSEE: String = ""
public const val NS_DIGIKAM: String = ""
public const val NS_MYLIO: String = ""
public const val NS_NARRATIVE: String = ""
public const val NS_MICROSOFT_PHOTO: String = ""
public const val NS_LIGHTROOM: String = ""
public const val NS_PHOTOSHOP: String = ""
// XML namespace constants for qualifiers and structured property fields.
* The XML namespace for qualifiers of the xmp:Identifier property.
public const val TYPE_IDENTIFIERQUAL: String = ""
* The XML namespace for fields of the Dimensions type.
public const val TYPE_DIMENSIONS: String = ""
public const val TYPE_AREA: String = ""
public const val TYPE_TEXT: String = ""
public const val TYPE_PAGED_FILE: String = ""
public const val TYPE_GRAPHICS: String = ""
* The XML namespace for fields of a graphical image. Used for the Thumbnail type.
public const val TYPE_IMAGE: String = ""
public const val TYPE_FONT: String = ""
* The XML namespace for fields of the ResourceEvent type.
public const val TYPE_RESOURCE_EVENT: String = ""
* The XML namespace for fields of the ResourceRef type.
public const val TYPE_RESOURCE_REF: String = ""
* The XML namespace for fields of the Version type.
public const val TYPE_ST_VERSION: String = ""
* The XML namespace for fields of the JobRef type.
public const val TYPE_ST_JOB: String = ""
public const val TYPE_MANIFEST_ITEM: String = ""
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic types and constants
* The canonical true string value for Booleans in serialized XMP. Code that converts from the
* string to a bool should be case-insensitive, and even allow "1".
public const val TRUE_STRING: String = "True"
* The canonical false string value for Booleans in serialized XMP. Code that converts from the
* string to a bool should be case-insensitive, and even allow "0".
public const val FALSE_STRING: String = "False"
* Index that has the meaning to be always the last item in an array.
public const val ARRAY_LAST_ITEM: Int = -1
* Node name of an array item.
public const val ARRAY_ITEM_NAME: String = "[]"
* The x-default string for localized properties
public const val X_DEFAULT: String = "x-default"
* xml:lang qualfifier
public const val XML_LANG: String = "xml:lang"
* rdf:type qualfifier
public const val RDF_TYPE: String = "rdf:type"
* Processing Instruction (PI) for xmp packet
public const val XMP_PI: String = "xpacket"
* XMP meta tag version new
public const val TAG_XMPMETA: String = "xmpmeta"
* XMP meta tag version old
public const val TAG_XAPMETA: String = "xapmeta"
/** GPSVersionID as written by default by ExifTool. */
public const val DEFAULT_GPS_VERSION_ID: String = ""
public const val XMP_DC_SUBJECT: String = "subject"
public const val XMP_ACDSEE_KEYWORDS: String = "keywords"
public const val XMP_IPTC_EXT_PERSON_IN_IMAGE: String = "PersonInImage"
public const val XMP_MWG_RS_TYPE_FACE: String = "Face"
public const val XMP_MWG_RS_REGION_LIST: String = "Regions/mwg-rs:RegionList"
public const val XMP_MWG_RS_APPLIED_TO_DIMENSIONS: String = "Regions/mwg-rs:AppliedToDimensions"
/* xmpDM:pick="1" or xmpDM:pick="0" */
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_ADOBE_NAME: String = "pick"
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_ADOBE_TRUE: String = "1"
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_ADOBE_FALSE: String = "0"
/* True or False */
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_ACDSEE_NAME: String = "tagged"
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_ACDSEE_TRUE: String = TRUE_STRING
/* MY:flag="true" or MY:flag="false" */
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_MYLIO_NAME: String = "flag"
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_MYLIO_TRUE: String = "true"
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_MYLIO_FALSE: String = "false"
/* narrative:Tagged="True" or narrative:Tagged="False" */
public const val FLAGGED_TAG_NARRATIVE_NAME: String = "Tagged"
public const val XMP_ASHAMPOO_ALBUMS: String = "albums"