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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright 2023 Atlan Pte. Ltd. */
import com.atlan.model.assets.Asset
import com.atlan.model.assets.CubeField
import com.atlan.model.enums.AssetCreationHandling
import com.atlan.model.fields.AtlanField
import com.atlan.pkg.serde.RowDeserializer
import com.atlan.pkg.serde.csv.ImportResults
import com.atlan.util.StringUtils
import mu.KotlinLogging
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import kotlin.math.max
* Import cube fields into Atlan from a provided CSV file.
* Only the cube fields and attributes in the provided CSV file will attempt to be loaded.
* By default, any blank values in a cell in the CSV file will be ignored. If you would like any
* particular cube field's blank values to actually overwrite (i.e. remove) existing values for that
* asset in Atlan, then add that cube field's field to getAttributesToOverwrite.
* @param preprocessed details of the preprocessed CSV file
* @param attrsToOverwrite list of fields that should be overwritten in Atlan, if their value is empty in the CSV
* @param creationHandling what to do with assets that do not exist (create full, partial, or ignore)
* @param batchSize maximum number of records to save per API request
* @param connectionImporter that was used to import connections
* @param trackBatches if true, minimal details about every asset created or updated is tracked (if false, only counts of each are tracked)
* @param fieldSeparator character to use to separate fields (for example ',' or ';')
class FieldImporter(
private val preprocessed: Importer.Results,
private val attrsToOverwrite: List,
private val creationHandling: AssetCreationHandling,
private val batchSize: Int,
private val connectionImporter: ConnectionImporter,
trackBatches: Boolean,
fieldSeparator: Char,
) : AssetImporter(
KotlinLogging.logger {},
) {
private val leafNodeLevel = 1L
private var generationToProcess = 0L
// Maximum depth of any field in the CSV (overall and by hierarchy)
private val maxFieldGeneration = AtomicLong(1)
private val maxLevelByPath: MutableMap = mutableMapOf()
companion object {
const val PARENT_FIELD_QN = "parentFieldQualifiedName"
const val FIELD_NAME = "fieldName"
const val CUBE_NAME = "cubeName"
const val DIMENSION_NAME = "cubeDimensionName"
const val HIERARCHY_NAME = "cubeHierarchyName"
/** {@inheritDoc} */
override fun preprocessRow(
row: List,
header: List,
typeIdx: Int,
qnIdx: Int,
): List {
if (row[typeIdx] == typeNameFilter) {
// Only build up the details if this is in fact a field row
val hierarchyPath = getHierarchyPath(row, header)
val path = getFieldPath(hierarchyPath, row, header)
if (!maxLevelByPath.containsKey(path)) {
// If path not yet seen, treat it as a leaf (for now)
maxLevelByPath[path] = AtomicLong(leafNodeLevel)
bubbleUpParentLevel(path, hierarchyPath)
// Consider whether we need to update the maximum depth of fields we need to load
val currentMax = maxFieldGeneration.get()
val fieldGeneration = getFieldGeneration(row, header)
val maxDepth = max(fieldGeneration, currentMax)
if (maxDepth > currentMax) {
return row
* Recursively bubble-up setting the parent level(s) based on lower-field level updates.
* @param path of the field from which to bubble up levels
* @param hierarchyPath path of the hierarchy for the field
private fun bubbleUpParentLevel(
path: String,
hierarchyPath: String,
) {
if (path != hierarchyPath) { // Short-circuit once we reach hierarchy level (no need to bubble up further)
val levelFromThisChild = maxLevelByPath[path]!!.get() + 1
val parentPath = StringUtils.getParentQualifiedNameFromQualifiedName(path, Importer.QN_DELIMITER)
if (parentPath != null) {
val currentParentLevel = maxLevelByPath[parentPath]?.get() ?: leafNodeLevel
// Logic for level calculation:
// - If there are no children, level = 0
// - Else level = max(child) + 1
if (levelFromThisChild >= currentParentLevel) {
if (maxLevelByPath.containsKey(parentPath)) {
} else {
maxLevelByPath[parentPath] = AtomicLong(levelFromThisChild)
bubbleUpParentLevel(parentPath, hierarchyPath)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
override fun import(columnsToSkip: Set): ImportResults? {
// Import fields by generation, top-to-bottom, and stop when we hit a generation with no fields { "Loading fields in multiple passes, by generation..." }
var combinedResults: ImportResults? = null
while (generationToProcess < maxFieldGeneration.get()) {
generationToProcess += 1 { "--- Loading generation $generationToProcess fields... ---" }
val results = super.import(columnsToSkip)
if (combinedResults == null) {
combinedResults = results
} else if (results != null) {
combinedResults = combinedResults.combinedWith(results)
return combinedResults
/** {@inheritDoc} */
override fun includeRow(
row: List,
header: List,
typeIdx: Int,
qnIdx: Int,
): Boolean {
val nameIdx = header.indexOf(FIELD_NAME)
val parentIdx = header.indexOf(PARENT_FIELD_QN)
val maxBound = max(typeIdx, max(nameIdx, parentIdx))
if (maxBound > row.size || row[typeIdx] != typeNameFilter) {
// If any of the columns are beyond the size of the row, or the row
// represents something other than a field, short-circuit
return false
val fieldGeneration = getFieldGeneration(row, header)
if (fieldGeneration != generationToProcess) {
// If this field is a different generation than we are currently processing,
// short-circuit
return false
return row[typeIdx] == typeNameFilter
/** {@inheritDoc} */
override fun getBuilder(deserializer: RowDeserializer): Asset.AssetBuilder<*, *> {
val name = deserializer.getValue(FIELD_NAME)?.let { it as String } ?: ""
val connectionQN = connectionImporter.getBuilder(deserializer).build().qualifiedName
val qnDetails = getQualifiedNameDetails(deserializer.row, deserializer.heading, typeNameFilter)
val parentQN = "$connectionQN/${qnDetails.parentPartialQN}"
val level = getFieldLevel(deserializer.row, deserializer.heading)
return CubeField.creator(name, parentQN)
* Calculate the generation of the field in a given row of the CSV.
* @param row of values in the CSV
* @param header names of columns for the CSV
* @return numeric generation of the (nested) field
private fun getFieldGeneration(
row: List,
header: List,
): Long {
val parentIdx = header.indexOf(PARENT_FIELD_QN)
val parent = if (parentIdx >= 0) row[parentIdx] else ""
return if (parent.isBlank()) {
} else {
val parentPath = parent.split(Importer.QN_DELIMITER)
(parentPath.size + 1).toLong()
* Calculate the level of the field in a given row of the CSV.
* @param row of values in the CSV
* @param header names of columns for the CSV
* @return numeric level of the (nested) field
private fun getFieldLevel(
row: List,
header: List,
): Long {
val path = getFieldPath(getHierarchyPath(row, header), row, header)
return maxLevelByPath[path]?.get() ?: leafNodeLevel
* Calculate the full path for the field on the provided row.
* @param hierarchyPath path of the hierarchy for the field
* @param row of values in the CSV
* @param header names of columns for the CSV
* @return unique path for the field on the row
private fun getFieldPath(
hierarchyPath: String,
row: List,
header: List,
): String {
val parentIdx = header.indexOf(PARENT_FIELD_QN)
val nameIdx = header.indexOf(FIELD_NAME)
val parentPath = if (parentIdx >= 0) row[parentIdx] else ""
return if (parentPath.isBlank()) {
} else {
* Calculate the hierarchy path for the field on the provided row.
* @param row of values in the CSV
* @param header names of columns for the CSV
* @return unique path for the hierarchy of the field on the row
private fun getHierarchyPath(
row: List,
header: List,
): String {
val cubeIdx = header.indexOf(CUBE_NAME)
val dimIdx = header.indexOf(DIMENSION_NAME)
val hierIdx = header.indexOf(HIERARCHY_NAME)
return "${row[cubeIdx]}${Importer.QN_DELIMITER}${row[dimIdx]}${Importer.QN_DELIMITER}${row[hierIdx]}"