graphql.nadel.engine.transform.skipInclude.NadelSkipIncludeTransform.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package graphql.nadel.engine.transform.skipInclude
import graphql.execution.MergedField
import graphql.introspection.Introspection
import graphql.language.Field
import graphql.nadel.Service
import graphql.nadel.ServiceExecutionHydrationDetails
import graphql.nadel.ServiceExecutionResult
import graphql.nadel.engine.NadelExecutionContext
import graphql.nadel.engine.blueprint.NadelOverallExecutionBlueprint
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.NadelTransform
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.NadelTransformFieldResult
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.artificial.NadelAliasHelper
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.query.NadelQueryTransformer
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.result.NadelResultInstruction
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.result.json.JsonNodes
import graphql.nadel.engine.transform.skipInclude.NadelSkipIncludeTransform.State
import graphql.nadel.engine.util.resolveObjectTypes
import graphql.nadel.engine.util.toBuilder
import graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField
import graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedField.newNormalizedField
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema
* So the way `@skip` and `@include` work is that in the [graphql.normalized.ExecutableNormalizedOperationFactory]
* is that they get automatically removed by the factory. Because of that, we never actually
* get the fields. This causes bad outcomes for Nadel because we don't execute the query here.
* We forward the query and we are _not_ allowed generate invalid queries with empty
* selection sets.
* So here, we add back in a `__typename` field to ensure we don't have an empty selection.
* This should probably be a more generic "if no subselections add an empty one for removed fields".
* But we'll deal with that separately.
internal class NadelSkipIncludeTransform : NadelTransform {
companion object {
private const val skipFieldName = "__skip"
fun isSkipIncludeSpecialField(enf: ExecutableNormalizedField): Boolean {
return == skipFieldName
class State(
val aliasHelper: NadelAliasHelper,
* So this transform is a bit odd. Normally transform operate on a specific field.
* However, in the case of a `@skip` the field with that directive is automatically removed.
* So in order to execute on the deleted field we insert a fake field back into the midst for
* the transform API to pick up on.
* This should really not happen. The real fix is to execute on the parent of the deleted
* field and to fix [getResultInstructions] to include `underlyingField` and not just `underlyingParentField`.
override suspend fun isApplicable(
executionContext: NadelExecutionContext,
executionBlueprint: NadelOverallExecutionBlueprint,
services: Map,
service: Service,
overallField: ExecutableNormalizedField,
hydrationDetails: ServiceExecutionHydrationDetails?,
): State? {
// This hacks together a child that will pass through here
if (overallField.children.isEmpty()) {
val mergedField = executionContext.query.getMergedField(overallField)
if (hasAnyChildren(mergedField)) {
// Adds a field so we can transform it
overallField.children.add(createSkipField(executionBlueprint.engineSchema, overallField))
return if ( == skipFieldName) {
aliasHelper = NadelAliasHelper.forField(
tag = "skip_include",
field = overallField,
} else {
override suspend fun transformField(
executionContext: NadelExecutionContext,
transformer: NadelQueryTransformer,
executionBlueprint: NadelOverallExecutionBlueprint,
service: Service,
field: ExecutableNormalizedField,
state: State,
): NadelTransformFieldResult {
return NadelTransformFieldResult(
newField = null,
artificialFields = listOf(
override suspend fun getResultInstructions(
executionContext: NadelExecutionContext,
executionBlueprint: NadelOverallExecutionBlueprint,
service: Service,
overallField: ExecutableNormalizedField,
underlyingParentField: ExecutableNormalizedField?,
result: ServiceExecutionResult,
state: State,
nodes: JsonNodes,
): List {
return emptyList()
private fun hasAnyChildren(mergedField: MergedField?): Boolean {
return mergedField?.fields?.any(::hasAnyChildren) == true
private fun hasAnyChildren(field: Field?): Boolean {
return field?.selectionSet?.selections?.isNotEmpty() == true
private fun createSkipField(
overallSchema: GraphQLSchema,
parent: ExecutableNormalizedField,
): ExecutableNormalizedField {
val objectTypeNames = parent.getFieldDefinitions(overallSchema)
.map {
.flatMap {
// This resolves abstract types to object types
resolveObjectTypes(overallSchema, it) { type ->
// Interface always resolves to object types
// Unions MUST contain object types
error("Unable to resolve to object type: $type")
.map {
return newNormalizedField()
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