com.atomikos.icatch.jta.RemoteClientUserTransaction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Atomikos
* See for details.
package com.atomikos.icatch.jta;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.RefAddr;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.Referenceable;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import javax.transaction.NotSupportedException;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import com.atomikos.icatch.provider.ConfigProperties;
import com.atomikos.logging.Logger;
import com.atomikos.logging.LoggerFactory;
* An implementation of a (remote) client's user transaction.
* Client applications can use the result to control
* transaction demarcation, and even pass their instance to other VMs so that
* those can share the same transaction context. The server-side applications
* can use the toString() method to obtain the transaction identifier of the
* transaction represented by an instance. This way, an incoming call from a
* client that demarcates its own transactions only has to ship the
* UserTransaction to the server (or to other clients) to identify what
* transaction it is in.
* NOTE: remote clients that use instances of this class can do transaction
* demarcation, but they can not do nested transactions!
* NOTE: instances that are meant to be bound in JNDI should be bound without
* any transaction context (i.e., without calling begin() first).
public final class RemoteClientUserTransaction implements UserTransaction,
Externalizable, Referenceable
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.createLogger(RemoteClientUserTransaction.class);
static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30;
private transient UserTransactionServer txmgrServer;
// not null if used outside server VM
private transient TransactionManager txmgr;
// not null if used in server VM
private transient Hashtable threadToTidMap;
private int timeout;
private String userTransactionServerLookupName;
private String initialContextFactory;
private String providerUrl;
private boolean imported;
// if true: no commit/rollback allowed
// this is the case for instances that are
// passed on between remote clients
// Only the client that begins the tx
// may commit/abort it.
* No-argument constructor, as required by Externalizable interface.
public RemoteClientUserTransaction ()
this.threadToTidMap = new Hashtable();
this.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
this.imported = false;
* Preferred constructor.
* @param userTransactionServerLookupName
* @param configProperties
public RemoteClientUserTransaction(String userTransactionServerLookupName, ConfigProperties configProperties) {
this(userTransactionServerLookupName, configProperties.getProperty("java.naming.factory.initial"), configProperties.getProperty("java.naming.provider.url"));
* @param name
* The unique name of the UserTransactionServer.
* @param initialContextFactory
* The initial context factory of the server JNDI
* context.
* @param providerUrl
* The provider URL of the server JNDI context.
public RemoteClientUserTransaction ( String name ,
String initialContextFactory , String providerUrl )
this.initialContextFactory = initialContextFactory;
this.providerUrl = providerUrl;
this.userTransactionServerLookupName = name;
this.threadToTidMap = new Hashtable();
this.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
this.imported = false;
private String getNotFoundMessage ()
String errorMsg = "Name not found: "
+ this.userTransactionServerLookupName
+ "\n"
+ "Please check that: \n"
+ " -server property com.atomikos.icatch.client_demarcation is set to true \n"
+ " -server property com.atomikos.icatch.rmi_export_class is correct \n"
+ " -server property java.naming.factory.initial is "
+ this.initialContextFactory + "\n"
+ " -server property java.naming.provider.url is "
+ this.providerUrl + "\n"
+ " -the naming service is running on port " + this.providerUrl
+ "\n" + " -the transaction server is running";
return errorMsg;
* Referenceable mechanism requires later setup of txmgr_, otherwise binding
* into JNDI already requires that TM is running.
* @return boolean True if running in server VM, false if remote.
private boolean checkSetup ()
// first try to get intra-VM txmgr
this.txmgr = TransactionManagerImp.getTransactionManager ();
// if no intra-VM tm: use remote tm
if ( this.txmgr == null ) {
try {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable ();
env.put ( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,this.initialContextFactory );
env.put ( Context.PROVIDER_URL, this.providerUrl );
Context ctx = new InitialContext ( env );
this.txmgrServer = (UserTransactionServer) PortableRemoteObject
.narrow ( ctx.lookup ( this.userTransactionServerLookupName ),
UserTransactionServer.class );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e.printStackTrace ();
throw new RuntimeException ( getNotFoundMessage () );
if ( this.txmgrServer == null )
throw new RuntimeException ( getNotFoundMessage () );
return this.txmgr != null;
private synchronized void setThreadMapping ( String tid )
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread ();
this.threadToTidMap.put ( thread, tid );
private synchronized String removeThreadMapping ()
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread ();
return (String) this.threadToTidMap.remove ( thread );
private synchronized String getThreadMapping ()
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread ();
return (String) this.threadToTidMap.get ( thread );
* @see javax.transaction.UserTransaction
public void begin () throws NotSupportedException, SystemException
boolean local = checkSetup ();
if ( local )
this.txmgr.begin ();
else {
String tid = getThreadMapping ();
if ( tid != null ) {
// error: no nested txs supported
throw new NotSupportedException (
"Nested transaction not allowed here" );
try {
tid = this.txmgrServer.begin ( this.timeout );
} catch ( RemoteException re ) {
throw new SystemException ( re.getMessage () );
setThreadMapping ( tid );
* @see javax.transaction.UserTransaction
public void commit () throws javax.transaction.RollbackException,
javax.transaction.SystemException, java.lang.IllegalStateException,
boolean local = checkSetup ();
if ( local )
this.txmgr.commit ();
else {
if ( this.imported )
throw new SecurityException ( "Commit not allowed: not creator" );
String tid = removeThreadMapping ();
if ( tid == null )
throw new IllegalStateException ( "No transaction for thread" );
try {
this.txmgrServer.commit ( tid );
} catch ( RemoteException re ) {
throw new SystemException ( re.getMessage () );
* @see javax.transaction.UserTransaction
public void rollback () throws IllegalStateException, SystemException,
boolean local = checkSetup ();
if ( local )
this.txmgr.rollback ();
else {
if ( this.imported )
throw new SecurityException (
"Rollback not allowed: not creator" );
String tid = removeThreadMapping ();
if ( tid == null )
throw new IllegalStateException ( "No transaction for thread" );
try {
this.txmgrServer.rollback ( tid );
} catch ( RemoteException re ) {
throw new SystemException ( re.getMessage () );
* @see javax.transaction.UserTransaction
public void setRollbackOnly () throws IllegalStateException,
boolean local = checkSetup ();
if ( local )
this.txmgr.setRollbackOnly ();
else {
String tid = getThreadMapping ();
if ( tid == null )
throw new IllegalStateException ( "No transaction for thread" );
try {
this.txmgrServer.setRollbackOnly ( tid );
} catch ( RemoteException re ) {
throw new SystemException ( re.getMessage () );
* @see javax.transaction.UserTransaction
public int getStatus () throws SystemException
boolean local = checkSetup ();
if ( local )
ret = this.txmgr.getStatus ();
else {
String tid = getThreadMapping ();
if ( tid != null ) {
try {
ret = this.txmgrServer.getStatus ( tid );
} catch ( RemoteException re ) {
throw new SystemException ( re.getMessage () );
return ret;
* @see javax.transaction.UserTransaction
public void setTransactionTimeout ( int seconds ) throws SystemException
this.timeout = seconds;
* Overrides the default behaviour, to allow retrieving the corresponding
* transaction at the server side.
* @return String The transaction ID (tid) of the transaction for which the
* thread is executing. Null if no transaction.
public String toString ()
String ret = null;
boolean local = checkSetup ();
if ( local ) {
Transaction tx = null;
try {
tx = this.txmgr.getTransaction ();
} catch ( SystemException e ) {
String msg = "Error getting transaction";
LOGGER.logWarning ( msg, e );
if ( tx != null )
ret = tx.toString ();
// happens if not local, OR:
// if local, but no tx found for thread
// this occurs for an imported instance
// from a remote client!!!
if ( ret == null )
ret = getThreadMapping ();
return ret;
* @see Referenceable
public Reference getReference () throws NamingException
RefAddr nameRef = new StringRefAddr ( "ServerName", this.userTransactionServerLookupName );
RefAddr urlRef = new StringRefAddr ( "ProviderUrl", this.providerUrl );
RefAddr factRef = new StringRefAddr ( "ContextFactory",
this.initialContextFactory );
RefAddr timeoutRef = new StringRefAddr ( "Timeout", new Integer (
this.timeout ).toString () );
Reference ref = new Reference ( getClass ().getName (),
new StringRefAddr ( "name", "RemoteClientUserTransaction" ),
RemoteClientUserTransactionFactory.class.getName (), null );
ref.add ( nameRef );
ref.add ( urlRef );
ref.add ( factRef );
ref.add ( timeoutRef );
return ref;
* Needed to ship instances across the network among clients.
* @see Externalizable
public void writeExternal ( ObjectOutput out ) throws IOException
String tid = getThreadMapping ();
out.writeObject ( tid ); // null if no current transaction for thread
out.writeObject ( this.userTransactionServerLookupName );
out.writeObject ( this.initialContextFactory );
out.writeObject ( this.providerUrl );
out.writeInt ( this.timeout );
* @see Externalizable
public void readExternal ( ObjectInput in ) throws IOException,
String tid = (String) in.readObject ();
if ( tid != null ) { // null if this instance was passed along outside a transaction
setThreadMapping ( tid );
this.imported = true;
this.userTransactionServerLookupName = (String) in.readObject ();
this.initialContextFactory = (String) in.readObject ();
this.providerUrl = (String) in.readObject ();
this.timeout = in.readInt ();
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