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import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean;
import com.avaje.ebean.Query;
import com.avaje.ebean.config.UnderscoreNamingConvention;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import play.Logger;
import play.Play;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import play.libs.F.Promise;
import play.libs.F.Function0;
import play.libs.Json;
import play.mvc.BodyParser;
import play.mvc.Result;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

* @author: alikalarsen
* Date: 7/1/13
* TODS (X=done,O=not done):
* X G list
* X   - fields, fetches, order, off, count, query
* X create: assoc & create, always append
* O   - batch
* X U update: update obj, support single and multiple ?
* O   - batch?
* X G read
* X   - fields, fetches
* X D delete: remove assoc, optionally delete object
* O   - batch?
public class ManyToManyCrudController extends CrudController {

    private Class leftClass;
    private String leftFieldName;
    private Class junctionClass;
    private Class rightClass;
    private String rightFieldName;

    public ManyToManyCrudController(Class leftClass, Class junctionClass, Class rightClass) {
        this(leftClass, junctionClass, rightClass, leftClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), rightClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase());

    public ManyToManyCrudController(Class leftClass, Class junctionClass, Class rightClass, String leftFieldName, String rightFieldName) {
        this.rightFieldName = rightFieldName;
        this.leftClass = leftClass;
        this.leftFieldName = leftFieldName;
        this.junctionClass = junctionClass;
        this.rightClass = rightClass;

     * Gets a list of associations for the base model object
     * @return
    public Promise associations(Long leftId) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                List> associations = new ArrayList>();
                List simpleAssociations = new ArrayList();
                for (Class assoc : associations) {
                return CrudResults.successCount(simpleAssociations.size(), simpleAssociations.size(), simpleAssociations);


     * Gets a list of associations for the base model object
     * @return
    public Promise associations(Long leftId, Long rightId) {
        return associations(leftId);

     * Action
     * Query a list of models.
     * @param leftId The id of the parent model
     * @param offset An offset from the first item to start filtering from.  Used for paging.
     * @param count The total count to query.  This is the length of items to query after the offset.  Used for paging.
     * @param orderBy Order the queried models in order by the given properties of the model.
     * @param fields The fields, or properties, of the models to retrieve.
     * @param fetches If the model has 1to1 relationships, use this to retrieve those relationships.  By default, returns the id of each relationship.
     * @param queryString Filter the models with a comma-delimited query string in the format of "property:value".
     * @return A promise containing the results
    public Promise list(final Long leftId,final Integer offset, final Integer count, final String orderBy, final String fields, final String fetches, final String queryString) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                L left  = createLeftQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", leftId).findUnique();
                if (left == null) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(leftClass, leftId);

                ServiceParams rightParams = new ServiceParams(offset, count, orderBy, fields, fetches, queryString);
                ServiceParams params = new ServiceParams(offset, count, orderBy, fields, fetches, queryString,  rightFieldName + ".");

                Query query = createJunctionQuery(params);

                // turn query into like statements, with everything or'd
                // ?q=name:%bri%,location:seattle%
                if (queryString != null) {
                    handleSearchQuery(query, getJunctionClass(), params);

                String appendedOrderBy = "";
                // ?orderBy=name asc
                if (orderBy != null && !orderBy.isEmpty()) {
                    appendedOrderBy = formatOrderBy(params.orderBy, junctionClass);

                handleFieldsAndFetches(query, junctionClass, params);

                query.where().eq(getTableName(leftClass, leftFieldName) + "_id", leftId);

                Integer actualCount = count == null ? Play.application().configuration().getInt("crud.defaultCount") : count;
                query.setMaxRows(actualCount == null ? 100 : count);

                if (count == null) {
                    Logger.warn("No count specified on request: " + request().uri());

                List junctions = junctions = query.findList();
                return CrudResults.successCount(
                    getChildObjects(junctions, rightParams));

     * Create a new entity with the json body of the request.
     * If the body is an array, it will bulk create.
     * @param leftId The id of the parent object
     * @return Result object with the created entities
    public Promise create(final Long leftId) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                L left  = createLeftQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", leftId).findUnique();
                if (left == null) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(leftClass, leftId);

                List rightList = new ArrayList();
                List junctionList = new ArrayList();

                // if id is sent get existing model, otherwise create it
                JsonNode reqBody = request().body().asJson();
                JsonNode array;

                // convert the request into an array if it's not. Reduces logic.
                if (!reqBody.isArray()) {
                    ArrayNode a = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
                    array = a;
                } else {
                    array = reqBody;

                for (final JsonNode node : array) {
                    JsonNode rightNode = node;
                    R right;
                    if (rightNode != null) {
                        JsonNode idNode = rightNode.get("id");
                        if (idNode != null && !idNode.asText().equals("null")) {
                            Long rightId = idNode.asLong(); //TODO: Slow
                            right = createQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", rightId).findUnique();
                            if (right != null) {
                            } else {
                                return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), rightId);
                        } else {
                            right = Json.fromJson(rightNode, getBaseModelClass());
                            ResultOrValue rov = isModelValid(right);
                            if (rov.result != null) {
                                return rov.result;
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        return CrudResults.error("No right object found on junction.");

                for (R right : rightList) {
                    // save junction - this can be cleaned up
                    J junction = null;
                    try {
                        Constructor ctor = junctionClass.getConstructor();
                        junction = ctor.newInstance();
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {

                    setSubObject(junction, left, leftFieldName);
                    setSubObject(junction, right, rightFieldName);


                // return an array if the request was originally an array
                List returnList = rightList;
                if (reqBody.isArray()) {
                    return CrudResults.successCreate(returnList);
                } else {
                    return CrudResults.successCreate(returnList.get(0));

     * Action
     * Read a single model.
     * @param leftId The id of the parent model.
     * @param rightId The id of the child model.
     * @param fields Fields to retrieve off the model. If not provided, retrieves all.
     * @param fetches Get any 1to1 relationships off the model. By default, it returns only the id off the relationships.
     * @return A promise containing the results
    public Promise read(final Long leftId, final Long rightId, final String fields, final String fetches) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                L left  = createLeftQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", leftId).findUnique();
                if (left == null) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(leftClass, leftId);

                ServiceParams rightParams = new ServiceParams(fields, fetches);
                ServiceParams params = new ServiceParams(fields, fetches, rightFieldName + ".");
                Query query = createJunctionQuery(params);

                handleFieldsAndFetches(query, junctionClass, params);
                List junctions = applyJunctionFiltering(leftId, rightId, query);
                List rights = getChildObjects(junctions, rightParams);

                if (rights.size() == 0) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), rightId);

                List returnList = rights;
                return CrudResults.success(returnList.get(0));

     * Implements a update method
     * @param leftId The id of the parent model
     * @param rightId The id of the child model
     * @return
    public Promise update(final Long leftId, final Long rightId) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                J model =
                    createJunctionQuery(new ServiceParams())
                            .eq(getTableName(rightClass, rightFieldName) + "_id", rightId)
                            .eq(getTableName(leftClass, leftFieldName) + "_id", leftId)

                // You can only update rights that we have a junction for
                if (model == null) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(junctionClass, "");

                return ManyToManyCrudController.super.update(rightId).get(5000);

     * Implements a delete method
     * @param leftId The id of the parent model
     * @param rightId The id of the child model
     * @return
    public Promise delete(final Long leftId, final Long rightId) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                L left  = createLeftQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", leftId).findUnique();
                if (left == null) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(leftClass, leftId);

                List junctions;

                junctions = applyJunctionFiltering(leftId, rightId, null);

                List rights = getChildObjects(junctions, new ServiceParams());
                List toDelete = junctions;

                if (rights.size() == 0) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), rightId);
                // Can we not just do, createJunctionQuery().eq(leftId).eq(rightId).findList()?

                for (Model m : toDelete) {
                return noContent();

     * Implements a bulk delete method
     * @param leftId The id of the parent object
     * @return
    public Promise deleteBulk(final Long leftId) {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
            public Result apply() {
                L left = createLeftQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", leftId).findUnique();
                if (left == null) {
                    return CrudResults.notFoundError(leftClass, leftId);

                List items = getItemsFromRequest();

                if (items != null) {
                    // TODO: Ebean doesn't support deletes based off a where clause.
                    // We should switch this to raw sql to reduce it to 1 db call instead of 2. V
                    List junks = applyJunctionFiltering(leftId, items, null);
                    if (junks.size() == items.size()) {
                        return noContent();
                    } else {
                        return CrudResults.notFoundError(junctionClass, "");
                } else {
                    return CrudResults.error("Array of objects with ids required");

     * Gets the parent class in this m2m controller
     * @return
    protected Class getParentClass() {
        return this.leftClass;

     * Gets the junction class in this m2m controller
     * @return
    protected Class getJunctionClass() {
        return junctionClass;

     * Returns the class to use when doing schema validation of the fields/fetches/orderby/querystring
     * @return
    protected Class getSchemaModel() {
        return this.junctionClass;

     * Creates a query for the junction class
     * @param params The parameters passed to the services
     * @return
    protected Query createJunctionQuery(ServiceParams params) {
        return Ebean.createQuery(junctionClass).fetch(rightFieldName);

     * Creates a query for the left (or parent) class
     * @param params The parameters passed to the services
     * @return
    protected Query createLeftQuery(ServiceParams params) {
        return Ebean.createQuery(leftClass);

     * Filters a query to return only the junctions that point to the left model and one of the right models
     * @param leftId The id of the left item
     * @param rightItems The list of ids for the right items
     * @param query The query to filter
     * @return
    private List applyJunctionFiltering(Long leftId, List rightItems, Query query) {
        if (query == null) {
            query = createJunctionQuery(new ServiceParams());

        return query.where()
                .eq(getTableName(leftClass, leftFieldName) + "_id", leftId)
                .in(getTableName(junctionClass, rightFieldName) + "_id", rightItems)

     * Filters a query to return only the junctions that point to the left model and the right model
     * @param leftId The id of the left item
     * @param rightId The id of the right item
     * @param query The query to filter
     * @return
    private List applyJunctionFiltering(Long leftId, Long rightId, Query query) {
        if (query == null) {
            query = createJunctionQuery(new ServiceParams());
        return query.where()
                .eq(getTableName(leftClass, leftFieldName) + "_id", leftId)
                .eq(getTableName(junctionClass, rightFieldName) + "_id", rightId)

     * Sets either the child model or the parent model on the junction model
     * @param junction The junction to set the property on
     * @param model The model to set
     * @param fieldName The parent or child field name
    private void setSubObject(J junction, Object model, String fieldName) {
        List fields = Arrays.asList(junction._ebean_getFieldNames());
        int fieldIndex = fields.indexOf(fieldName);
        junction._ebean_setField(fieldIndex, junction, model);

     * Retrieves a list of child objects for the given junctions
     * @param junctions The junctions to get the child objects from
     * @param params The params passed to the services
     * @return A list of child objects
    private List getChildObjects(List junctions, ServiceParams params) {
        List ids = new ArrayList();
        for (Model junction : junctions) {
            List fields = Arrays.asList(junction._ebean_getFieldNames());
            int fieldIndex = fields.indexOf(rightFieldName);
            ids.add(EbeanUtil.getFieldValue((R) junction._ebean_getField(fieldIndex, junction), "id"));
        Query query = createQuery(params);
        handleFieldsAndFetches(query, rightClass, params);

        // ?orderBy=name asc
        if (params.orderBy != null && params.orderBy.length > 0) {
            query.orderBy(formatOrderBy(params.orderBy, rightClass));

        return query.where().in("id", ids).findList();

     * Converts a field name to a table name.
     * example: aFieldName -> a_field_name
     * @param fieldName
     * @return The table name.
    private String getTableName(java.lang.ClassmodelClass, String fieldName) {
        UnderscoreNamingConvention nameConvention = new UnderscoreNamingConvention();
        return nameConvention.getColumnFromProperty(modelClass, fieldName);

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