Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean;
import com.avaje.ebean.Query;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl;
import play.db.ebean.Model;
import play.libs.F.Promise;
import play.libs.F.Function0;
import play.mvc.BodyParser;
import play.mvc.Results;
import play.mvc.Result;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static play.libs.F.Tuple;
* @author: alikalarsen
* Date: 7/1/13
public class OneToManyCrudController extends CrudController {
private Class parentClass;
private String parentFieldName;
private Method parentSetter;
public OneToManyCrudController(Class
parentClass, Class childClass, String parentFieldName) {
this.parentClass = parentClass;
this.parentFieldName = parentFieldName;
* Action
* Query a flat list of models without the parent
* @param offset An offset from the first item to start filtering from. Used for paging.
* @param count The total count to query. This is the length of items to query after the offset. Used for paging.
* @param orderBy Order the queried models in order by the given properties of the model.
* @param fields The fields, or properties, of the models to retrieve.
* @param fetches If the model has 1to1 relationships, use this to retrieve those relationships. By default, returns the id of each relationship.
* @param queryString Filter the models with a comma-delimited query string in the format of "property:value".
* @return A promise containing the results
public Promise listAll(final int offset, final Integer count, final String orderBy, final String fields, final String fetches, final String queryString) {
return super.list(offset, count, orderBy, fields, fetches, queryString);
* Action
* Query a flat list of models without the parent
* @param offset An offset from the first item to start filtering from. Used for paging.
* @param count The total count to query. This is the length of items to query after the offset. Used for paging.
* @param orderBy Order the queried models in order by the given properties of the model.
* @param fields The fields, or properties, of the models to retrieve.
* @param fetches If the model has 1to1 relationships, use this to retrieve those relationships. By default, returns the id of each relationship.
* @param queryString Filter the models with a comma-delimited query string in the format of "property:value".
* @return A promise containing the results
public Promise list(final Long pid, final Integer offset, final Integer count, final String orderBy, final String fields, final String fetches, final String queryString) {
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
P parent = createParentQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", pid).findUnique();
if (parent == null) {
return Results.notFound(pid.toString());
ServiceParams params = new ServiceParams(offset, count, orderBy, fields, fetches, queryString);
Query query = createQuery(params);
updateQuery(query, params);
// Restrict the query to the parent
query.where().eq(parentFieldName + ".id", pid);
List modelList = queryList(query, params);
return CrudResults.successCount(
* Create a new entity with the json body of the request.
* If the body is an array, it will bulk create.
* @param pid The id of the parent object
* @return Result object with the created entities
public Promise create(final Long pid) {
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
P parent = createParentQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", pid).findUnique();
if (parent == null) {
return Results.notFound(pid.toString());
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
if (json.isArray()) {
ResultOrValue> rov = createModelListFromJson(json);
List children = rov.value;
if (children != null) {
for (C c : children) {
setParent(parent, c);
return create(children);
return rov.result;
// create one, set parent
ResultOrValue rov = createModelFromJson(json);
C model = rov.value;
if (model != null) {
if (canAssignToParent(model, pid)) {
setParent(parent, model);
return create(model);
} else {
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(model, "id"));
return rov.result;
* Action
* Read a single model.
* @param parentId The id of the parent model.
* @param fields Fields to retrieve off the model. If not provided, retrieves all.
* @param fetches Get any 1to1 relationships off the model. By default, it returns only the id off the relationships.
* @return A promise containing the results
public Promise read(final Long parentId, final Long id, final String fields, final String fetches) {
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
ServiceParams params = new ServiceParams(fields, fetches);
Query query = createQuery(params);
handleFieldsAndFetches(query, getBaseModelClass(), params);
// Tack on the parent
query.where().eq("id", id).eq(parentFieldName + ".id", parentId);
C model = query.findUnique();
if (model != null) {
return CrudResults.success(model);
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), id);
* Implements a update method
* @param pid The id of the parent model
* @param id The id of the child model
* @return
public Promise update(final Long pid,final Long id) {
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
P parent = createParentQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", pid).findUnique();
if (parent == null) {
return Results.notFound(pid.toString());
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
if (json.isArray()) {
ResultOrValue> rov = createModelListFromJson(json);
List children = rov.value;
if (children != null) {
if (canAssignToParent(children, pid)) {
for (C c : children) {
setParent(parent, c);
return updateBulk(children);
} else {
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), "");
return rov.result;
// create one, set parent
ResultOrValue rov = createModelFromJson(json);
C model = rov.value;
if (model != null) {
if (canAssignToParent(model, pid)) {
setParent(parent, model);
return update(id, model);
} else {
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(model, "id"));
return rov.result;
* Action
* Update a list of models
* @param pid The parent id
* @return A promise containing the results
public Promise updateBulk(final Long pid) {
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
P parent = createParentQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", pid).findUnique();
if (parent == null) {
return Results.notFound(pid.toString());
JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
if (json.isArray()) {
ResultOrValue> rov = createModelListFromJson(json);
List children = rov.value;
if (children != null) {
if (canAssignToParent(children, pid)) {
for (C c : children) {
setParent(parent, c);
return updateBulk(children);
} else {
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), "");
return rov.result;
} else {
return CrudResults.badRequest("Must be an array of items.");
* Delete a model
* @param parentId The id of the parent model
* @param id The id of the child model
* @return A promise containing the results. Returns no content.
public Promise delete(Long parentId, Long id) {
C dbModel = createQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", id).eq(parentFieldName + ".id", parentId).findUnique();
if (dbModel != null) {
return super.delete(id);
} else {
final Long myId = id;
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), myId);
* Bulk delete models. The body should be an array of objects with an id.
* @param parentId The id of the parent
* @return A promise containing the results. Returns no content.
public Promise deleteBulk(Long parentId) {
final Long myParent = parentId;
return Promise.promise(new Function0() {
public Result apply() {
List items = getItemsFromRequest();
if (items != null) {
List models = createQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().in("id", items).eq(parentFieldName + ".id", myParent).findList();
// Some of the items are missing
if (models.size() != items.size()) {
return CrudResults.notFoundError(getBaseModelClass(), "");
// TODO: Try to get Ebean.delete() working properly.
for (C t : models) {
return noContent();
return CrudResults.error("Array of objects with ids required");
* Gets a list of associations for the base model object
* @return
public Promise associations(Long pId, Long cId) {
return super.associations(cId);
* Validates that the given child actually belongs to the parent in the db
* @param child The child to validate
* @return
public Boolean validateParent (C child) {
P parent = (P) EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(child, parentFieldName);
P dbParent = createParentQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(parent, "id")).findUnique();
return (parent != null && dbParent != null);
* Gets the parent class
* @return
protected Class getParentClass() {
return this.parentClass;
* Validate a child's parent.
protected ResultOrValue isModelValid(C model) {
if (!validateParent(model)) {
return new ResultOrValue(CrudResults.methodNotAllowed("METHOD", parentClass.getName() + "." + getBaseModelClass().getName()));
return super.isModelValid(model);
* Creates a query for the parent model
* @param params
* @return
protected Query createParentQuery(ServiceParams params) {
return Ebean.createQuery(this.parentClass);
* Determines if the given child is a valid child of the given parent
* @param child
* @param pid
* @return
private Boolean canAssignToParent(C child, Object pid) {
// The user passed in an existing model as a child
// Models without ids can already be assigned to the parent, cause they are new
Long id = (Long)EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(child, "id");
if (id != null) {
// We cannot actually find the model in the DB
C dbModel = createQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().eq("id", id).eq(parentFieldName + ".id", pid).findUnique();
if (dbModel == null) {
return false;
return true;
* Determines if the given children are valid children of the given parent
* @param children
* @param pid
* @return
private Boolean canAssignToParent(List children, Object pid) {
List ids = new ArrayList();
for (C child : children) {
Long id = (Long)EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(child, "id");
// Models without ids can already be assigned to the parent, cause they are new
if (id != null) {
// Verify they exist in the DB
List dbModels = createQuery(new ServiceParams()).where().in("id", ids).eq(parentFieldName + ".id", pid).findList();
// If we don't have the same number of DB results as ids, then one of them is missing
if (dbModels.size() != ids.size()) {
for (C dbModel : dbModels) {
Long id = (Long)EbeanUtil.getFieldValue(dbModel, "id");
if (!ids.contains(id)) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the parent setter method from the child class, and caches itroutes.
* @return
private Method getParentSetter() {
if (parentSetter != null) {
return parentSetter;
try {
Class> clazz = getBaseModelClass();
Field parentField = clazz.getField(parentFieldName);
PropertyDescriptor fieldDescriptor = new BeanWrapperImpl(clazz).getPropertyDescriptor(parentField.getName());
parentSetter = fieldDescriptor.getWriteMethod();
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return parentSetter;
* Sets the given parent on the child
* @param parent The parent model
* @param child The child model
private void setParent(P parent, C child) {
Method parentSetter = getParentSetter();
try {
parentSetter.invoke(child, parent);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);