Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.auth0.Auth0AuthorityStrategy;
import com.auth0.jwt.Algorithm;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnProperty;
import org.springframework.boot.web.filter.OrderedRequestContextFilter;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
* Holds the default configuration for the library
* Applications are expected to extend this configuration on as-needed basis
* Extend this configuration in your own subclass and override specific functions to apply your own
* behaviour as required eg. to apply custom authentication / authorization strategies to your application endpoints
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "auth0", name = "defaultAuth0WebSecurityEnabled")
public class Auth0Config extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
* This is your auth0 domain (tenant you have created when registering with auth0 - account name)
@Value(value = "${auth0.domain}")
protected String domain;
* This is the issuer of the JWT Token (typically full URL of your auth0 tenant account
* eg. https://{tenant_name}
@Value(value = "${auth0.issuer}")
protected String issuer;
* This is the client id of your auth0 application (see Settings page on auth0 dashboard)
@Value(value = "${auth0.clientId}")
protected String clientId;
* This is the client secret of your auth0 application (see Settings page on auth0 dashboard)
@Value(value = "${auth0.clientSecret}")
protected String clientSecret;
* This is the page / view that users of your site are redirected to on logout. Should start with `/`
@Value(value = "${auth0.onLogoutRedirectTo}")
protected String onLogoutRedirectTo;
* This is the landing page URL context path for a successful authentication. Should start with `/`
@Value(value = "${auth0.loginRedirectOnSuccess}")
protected String loginRedirectOnSuccess;
* This is the URL context path for the page to redirect to upon failure. Should start with `/`
@Value(value = "${auth0.loginRedirectOnFail}")
protected String loginRedirectOnFail;
* This is the URL context path for the login callback endpoint. Should start with `/`
@Value(value = "${auth0.loginCallback}")
protected String loginCallback;
* This is the URL pattern to secure a URL endpoint. Should start with `/`
@Value(value = "${auth0.securedRoute}")
protected String securedRoute;
* The authority strategy being used - can be either ROLES or GROUPS
* Custom RULES configurable via dashboard may apply ROLES or GROUPS claim on the ID Token
* whose values are the scope values representing the permissions granted.
@Value(value = "${auth0.authorityStrategy}")
protected String authorityStrategy;
* This is a boolean value indicating whether the Secret used to verify the JWT is base64 encoded. Default is `true`
@Value(value = "${auth0.base64EncodedSecret}")
protected boolean base64EncodedSecret;
* This is signing algorithm to verify signed JWT token. Use `HS256` or `RS256`.
* Default to HS256 for backwards compatibility
@Value(value = "${auth0.signingAlgorithm:HS256}")
protected String signingAlgorithm;
* This is the path location to the public key stored locally on disk / inside your application War file WEB-INF directory.
* Should always be set when using `RS256`.
* Default to empty string as HS256 is default
@Value(value = "${auth0.publicKeyPath:}")
protected String publicKeyPath;
@Bean(name = "auth0AuthenticationManager")
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
* Factory for CORSFilter
public Auth0CORSFilter simpleCORSFilter() {
return new Auth0CORSFilter();
* Factory for AuthenticationProvider
@Bean(name = "auth0AuthenticationProvider")
public Auth0AuthenticationProvider auth0AuthenticationProvider() {
// First check the authority strategy configured for the API
if (!Auth0AuthorityStrategy.contains(this.authorityStrategy)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration error, illegal authority strategy");
final Auth0AuthorityStrategy authorityStrategy = Auth0AuthorityStrategy.valueOf(this.authorityStrategy);
if (Auth0AuthorityStrategy.SCOPE.equals(authorityStrategy)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SCOPE authority strategy currently not supported for MVC apps");
final Auth0AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new Auth0AuthenticationProvider();
return authenticationProvider;
* Factory for Auth0AuthenticationEntryPoint
@Bean(name = "auth0EntryPoint")
public Auth0AuthenticationEntryPoint auth0AuthenticationEntryPoint() {
return new Auth0AuthenticationEntryPoint();
* Factory for Auth0AuthenticationFilter
@Bean(name = "auth0Filter")
public Auth0AuthenticationFilter auth0AuthenticationFilter(final Auth0AuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint) {
final Auth0AuthenticationFilter filter = new Auth0AuthenticationFilter();
return filter;
* Ensure our Filter is only loaded once into Application Context
@Bean(name = "auth0AuthenticationFilterRegistration")
public FilterRegistrationBean auth0AuthenticationFilterRegistration(final Auth0AuthenticationFilter filter) {
final FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return filterRegistrationBean;
* Factory for OrderedRequestContextFilter
public OrderedRequestContextFilter requestContextFilter() {
return new OrderedRequestContextFilter();
protected void configure(final AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public void configure(final WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
web.ignoring().antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**");
* Http Security Configuration
protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Disable CSRF for JWT usage
// Add Auth0 Authentication Filter
http.addFilterAfter(auth0AuthenticationFilter(auth0AuthenticationEntryPoint()), SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.class)
.addFilterBefore(simpleCORSFilter(), Auth0AuthenticationFilter.class);
// Apply the Authentication and Authorization Strategies your application endpoints require
// Auth0 library will will control session management explicitly - not spring security
* Lightweight default configuration that offers basic authorization checks for authenticated
* users on secured endpoint, and sets up a Principal user object with granted authorities
* For simple apps, this is sufficient, however for applications wishing to specify fine-grained
* endpoint access restrictions, use Role / Group level endpoint authorization etc, then this configuration
* should be disabled and a copy, augmented with your own requirements provided. See Sample app for example
* Override this function in subclass to apply custom authentication / authorization
* strategies to your application endpoints
protected void authorizeRequests(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public String getDomain() {
return domain;
public String getIssuer() {
return issuer;
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
public String getClientSecret() {
return clientSecret;
public String getLoginRedirectOnSuccess() {
return loginRedirectOnSuccess;
public String getLoginRedirectOnFail() {
return loginRedirectOnFail;
public String getOnLogoutRedirectTo() {
return onLogoutRedirectTo;
public String getLoginCallback() {
return loginCallback;
public String getSecuredRoute() {
return securedRoute;
public String getAuthorityStrategy() {
return authorityStrategy;
public boolean isBase64EncodedSecret() {
return base64EncodedSecret;
public String getSigningAlgorithm() {
return signingAlgorithm;
public String getPublicKeyPath() {
return publicKeyPath;