com.authlete.common.conf.AuthletePropertiesConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Authlete, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.authlete.common.conf;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.authlete.common.util.PropertiesLoader;
import com.authlete.common.util.TypedProperties;
import com.neovisionaries.security.AESCipher;
* Implementation of {@link AuthleteConfiguration} based on
* a properties file.
* This is a utility class to load a configuration file that includes
* properties related to Authlete. Below is the list of configuration
* properties.
* - {@code base_url}
* -
* The base URL of Authlete Web API. The default value is
* {@code "https://api.authlete.com"}.
* - {@code service_owner.api_key}
* -
* The service owner API key issued by Authlete.
* - {@code service_owner.api_secret.encrypted}
* -
* The service owner API secret issued by Authlete, encrypted by
* {@code "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"} and encoded in Base64.
* The secret key and the initial vector of the encryption
* have to be passed to the constructor of this class.
* - {@code service_owner.api_secret}
* -
* The service owner API secret issued by Authlete. The value
* of this configuration property is referred to only when
* {@code service_owner.api_secret.encrypted} is not found in
* the configuration file.
* - {@code service.api_key}
* -
* The service API key issued by Authlete.
* - {@code service.api_secret.encrypted}
* -
* The service API secret issued by Authlete, encrypted by
* {@code "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"} and encoded in Base64.
* The secret key and the initial vector of the encryption
* have to be passed to the constructor of this class.
* - {@code service.api_secret}
* -
* The service API secret issued by Authlete. The value of
* of this configuration property is referred to only when
* {@code service.api_secret.encrypted} is not found in the
* configuration file.
* The value of {@code service_owner.api_secret.encrypted} can be
* generated using {@code openssl} command like the following.
* echo -n "{Service-Owner-API-Secret}" | openssl aes-128-cbc -e -a \
* -K "{Your-Secret-Key-in-Hex}" -iv "{Your-Initial-Vector-in-Hex}"
* "{Service-Owner-API-Secret}" is the service owner API secret
* issued by Authlete. Values of "{Your-Secret-Key-in-Hex}" and
* "{Your-Initial-Vector-in-Hex}" are 32-letter hex strings which
* you can determine. The following is an example to generate a random
* 32-letter hex string.
* ruby -e 'puts Random.new.bytes(16).unpack("H*")'
* Likewise, the value of {@code service.api_secret.encrypted} can be
* generated by {@code openssl}, too.
* If you encrypt your service owner API secret and service API secret
* as shown below:
* // Encrypt service owner API secret.
* $ echo -n "AF4Sms0cqs3HsTNlVrPbnWz5AXi3GtmMcveOklYKVCc" | openssl aes-128-cbc -e -a \
* -K a281ac2de1195e8c91ea383d38d05d1c -iv b6f5d0f0dd7146b0e3915ebd2dd078f3
* sKzcMU98a8xA5lwR23Crfkyu23klZnTuQlWApyllARpHFv84IItoZFZXj70OCrnF
* // Encrypt service API secret.
* $ echo -n "9La-ZhyyKK6sV6zsteNmcoTizHmC0NEVTFT9FUrIaYs" | openssl aes-128-cbc -e -a \
* -K a281ac2de1195e8c91ea383d38d05d1c -iv b6f5d0f0dd7146b0e3915ebd2dd078f3
* ERxV45wkpjJWXs+Mg9m6UyGHHGzBG5/2ytX0j0x3qNPuz5oWyciqkWjkBznLTWxb
* The configuration file will look like the following.
* base_url = https://evaluation-dot-authlete.appspot.com
* service_owner.api_key = etKXFbM0VumfC5j1XD6qGOk3yhHmsdqOILBFFIkDfmw
* service_owner.api_secret.encrypted = sKzcMU98a8xA5lwR23Crfkyu23klZnTuQlWApyllARpHFv84IItoZFZXj70OCrnF
* service.api_key = KNiA4bWqj2Ht0CJTqr4DTBgTIXeCskCHQ_vONBeth6M
* service.api_secret.encrypted = ERxV45wkpjJWXs+Mg9m6UyGHHGzBG5/2ytX0j0x3qNPuz5oWyciqkWjkBznLTWxb
* And to load the configuration file, an {@code AuthletePropertiesConfiguration}
* instance needs to be constructed as follows:
* String key = "a281ac2de1195e8c91ea383d38d05d1c";
* String iv = "b6f5d0f0dd7146b0e3915ebd2dd078f3";
* {@link AuthleteConfiguration} conf = new {@link #AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String, String)
* AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(key, iv)};
* Constructors without {@code file} parameter use {@code "authlete.properties"}
* as the name of the configuration file and search the file system and then
* the classpath for the file.
public class AuthletePropertiesConfiguration implements AuthleteConfiguration
* The default value of the secret key to decode encrypted property values
* ({@code a281ac2de1195e8c91ea383d38d05d1c}).
* @since 1.24
public static final String DEFAULT_KEY = "a281ac2de1195e8c91ea383d38d05d1c";
* The default value of the initial vector to decode encrypted property values
* ({@code b6f5d0f0dd7146b0e3915ebd2dd078f3}).
* @since 1.24
public static final String DEFAULT_IV = "b6f5d0f0dd7146b0e3915ebd2dd078f3";
* The default value of the name of the configuration file
* ({@code authlete.properties}).
* @since 1.24
public static final String DEFAULT_FILE = "authlete.properties";
* The system property key to specify the name of an Authlete
* configuration file ({@code authlete.configuration.file}).
* When this system property has a value, it is used as the name
* of the configuration file. Otherwise, the default file
* ({@code authlete.properties}) is used.
* @since 1.29
* Property key to specify the base URL ({@code base_url}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_BASE_URL = "base_url";
* Property key to specify the service owner API key
* ({@code service_owner.api_key}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_API_KEY = "service_owner.api_key";
* Property key to specify the encrypted service owner API secret
* ({@code service_owner.api_secret.encrypted}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_API_SECRET_ENCRYPTED = "service_owner.api_secret.encrypted";
* Property key to specify the service owner API secret
* ({@code service_owner.api_secret}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_API_SECRET = "service_owner.api_secret";
* Property key to specify the service owner access token
* ({@code service_owner.access_token}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN = "service_owner.access_token";
* Property key to specify the service API key
* ({@code service.api_key}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_API_KEY = "service.api_key";
* Property key to specify the encrypted service API secret
* ({@code service.api_secret.encrypted}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_API_SECRET_ENCRYPTED = "service.api_secret.encrypted";
* Property key to specify the service API secret
* ({@code service.api_secret}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_API_SECRET = "service.api_secret";
* Property key to specify the service access token
* ({@code service.access_token}).
private static final String PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN = "service.access_token";
* The default value of the base URL ({@code https://api.authlete.com}).
private static final String BASE_URL_DEFAULT = "https://api.authlete.com";
* Base URL.
private String mBaseUrl;
* Service owner API key.
private String mServiceOwnerApiKey;
* Service owner API secret.
private String mServiceOwnerApiSecret;
* Service owner access token.
private String mServiceOwnerAccessToken;
* Service API key.
private String mServiceApiKey;
* Service API secret.
private String mServiceApiSecret;
* Service access token.
private String mServiceAccessToken;
* Constructor with a pair of secret key and initial vector to decode
* encrypted property values.
* This constructor is an alias of {@link #AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(
* String, String, String) this}(file, key, iv)
* file
is either {@link #DEFAULT_FILE
* authlete.properties} or the value of the system property {@link
* if the value is not empty.
* @param key
* The secret key to decode encrypted property values in hex.
* For example, {@code "9543837d590ef25312e7d156a435feda"}.
* @param iv
* The initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
* For example, {@code "e90ce45e6134d37e0aa2c3c870003639"}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - {@code key} is {@code null}
- {@code iv} is {@code null}
* @throws NumberFormatException
* - {@code key} is not a valid hex string.
- {@code iv} is not a valid hex string.
public AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String key, String iv)
this(getFile(), key, iv);
* Constructor with a pair of secret key and initial vector to decode
* encrypted property values.
* This constructor is an alias of {@link #AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(
* String, byte[], byte[]) this}(file, key, iv)
* file
is either {@link #DEFAULT_FILE
* authlete.properties} or the value of the system property {@link
* if the value is not empty.
* @param key
* The secret key to decode encrypted property values.
* @param iv
* The initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - {@code key} is {@code null}
- {@code iv} is {@code null}
public AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(byte[] key, byte[] iv)
this(getFile(), key, iv);
* Constructor with a configuration file name and a pair of secret key
* and initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
* @param file
* The name of the configuration file. The file system and then
* the classpath are searched for the file.
* @param key
* The secret key to decode encrypted property values in hex.
* For example, {@code "9543837d590ef25312e7d156a435feda"}.
* @param iv
* The initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
* For example, {@code "e90ce45e6134d37e0aa2c3c870003639"}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - {@code file} is {@code null}
- {@code key} is {@code null}
- {@code iv} is {@code null}
* @throws NumberFormatException
* - {@code key} is not a valid hex string.
- {@code iv} is not a valid hex string.
public AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String file, String key, String iv)
this(file, convertHexStringToBytes("key", key), convertHexStringToBytes("iv", iv));
* Constructor with a configuration file name.
* This constructor is an alias of {@link #AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(
* String, String, String) this}{@code (file, }{@link #DEFAULT_KEY}{@code
* , }{@link #DEFAULT_IV}{@code )}.
* @param file
* The name of the configuration file. The file system and then
* the classpath are searched for the file.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* {@code file} is {@code null}.
* @since 1.24
public AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String file)
* Constructor with no argument.
* This constructor is an alias of {@link #AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(
* String, String, String) this}(file,
* #DEFAULT_KEY}{@code , }{@link #DEFAULT_IV}{@code )} where
* file
is either {@link #DEFAULT_FILE
* authlete.properties} or the value of the system property {@link
* if the value is not empty.
* @since 1.24
public AuthletePropertiesConfiguration()
this(getFile(), DEFAULT_KEY, DEFAULT_IV);
* Constructor with a configuration file name and a pair of secret key
* and initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
* @param file
* The name of the configuration file. The file system and then
* the classpath are searched for the file.
* @param key
* The secret key to decode encrypted property values.
* @param iv
* The initial vector to decode encrypted property values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* - {@code file} is {@code null}
- {@code key} is {@code null}
- {@code iv} is {@code null}
public AuthletePropertiesConfiguration(String file, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
// Load the configuration file.
TypedProperties props = PropertiesLoader.load(file);
// If failed.
if (props == null)
// Failed to load the configuration file.
String message = String.format("Failed to load '%s'.", file);
// Base URL of Authlete API.
// Service owner API key issued by Authlete.
mServiceOwnerApiKey = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_API_KEY);
// Service owner API secret issued by Authlete.
String encryptedServiceOwnerApiSecret = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_API_SECRET_ENCRYPTED);
if (encryptedServiceOwnerApiSecret != null)
mServiceOwnerApiSecret = createCipher(key,iv).decrypt(encryptedServiceOwnerApiSecret);
mServiceOwnerApiSecret = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_API_SECRET);
// Service API key issued by Authlete.
mServiceApiKey = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_API_KEY);
// Service API secret issued by Authlete.
String encryptedServiceApiSecret = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_API_SECRET_ENCRYPTED);
if (encryptedServiceApiSecret != null)
mServiceApiSecret = createCipher(key,iv).decrypt(encryptedServiceApiSecret);
mServiceApiSecret = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_API_SECRET);
mServiceAccessToken = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN);
mServiceOwnerAccessToken = props.getString(PROPERTY_KEY_SERVICE_OWNER_ACCESS_TOKEN);
private static String getFile()
// The name of the authlete configuration file specified via the system property.
if (file != null && file.length() != 0)
return file;
// The default file name.
private static AESCipher createCipher(byte[] key, byte[] iv)
ensureNonNull("key", key);
ensureNonNull("iv", iv);
// Create a cipher for AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding + Base64
// (the combination is the default of AECipher()).
return new AESCipher().setKey(key, iv);
private static byte[] convertHexStringToBytes(String name, String value)
ensureNonNull(name, value);
int len = value.length();
byte[] bytes = new byte[(len + 1) / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
char c = value.charAt(i);
int n = convertHexCharToInt(c);
if (i % 2 == 0)
bytes[i / 2] = (byte)((n << 4) & 0xFF);
bytes[i / 2] |= (byte)(n & 0xFF);
return bytes;
private static int convertHexCharToInt(char c)
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
return (c - '0');
else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f')
return (c - 'a' + 10);
return (c - 'A' + 10);
private static void ensureNonNull(String name, Object value)
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is null.");
* Get the base URL.
public String getBaseUrl()
return mBaseUrl;
* Get the service owner API key.
public String getServiceOwnerApiKey()
return mServiceOwnerApiKey;
* Get the service owner API secret.
public String getServiceOwnerApiSecret()
return mServiceOwnerApiSecret;
public String getServiceOwnerAccessToken()
return mServiceOwnerAccessToken;
* Get the service API key.
public String getServiceApiKey()
return mServiceApiKey;
* Get the service API secret.
public String getServiceApiSecret()
return mServiceApiSecret;
public String getServiceAccessToken()
return mServiceAccessToken;