com.authlete.common.dto.Service Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Authlete, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.authlete.common.dto;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import com.authlete.common.types.AttachmentType;
import com.authlete.common.types.ClaimType;
import com.authlete.common.types.ClientAuthMethod;
import com.authlete.common.types.ClientRegistrationType;
import com.authlete.common.types.DeliveryMode;
import com.authlete.common.types.Display;
import com.authlete.common.types.FapiMode;
import com.authlete.common.types.GrantType;
import com.authlete.common.types.Prompt;
import com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg;
import com.authlete.common.types.ResponseType;
import com.authlete.common.types.ServiceProfile;
import com.authlete.common.types.Sns;
import com.authlete.common.types.UserCodeCharset;
* Information about a service.
* Some properties correspond to the ones listed in OpenID Provider Metadata in OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0
* JWT-based access token
* When {@link #getAccessTokenSignAlg()} returns a non-null value, access
* tokens issued by this service become JWTs. The value returned by the
* method is used as the signature algorithm of the JWTs. When the method
* returns null, access tokens issued by this service are random strings as
* before.
* A JWT-based access token has the following claims.
* claim name
* type
* description
* {@code scope}
* string
* Space-delimited scope names.
* {@code client_id}
* string
* Client ID.
* {@code exp}
* integer
* Time at which this access token will expire. Seconds since the
* Unix epoch.
* {@code iat}
* integer
* Time at which this access token was issued. Seconds since the Unix
* epoch.
* {@code sub}
* string
* The subject (unique identifier) of the resource owner who approved
* issue of this access token. This claim does not exist or its value
* is null if this access token was issued by resource owner password
* credentials flow.
* {@code iss}
* string
* The issuer identifier of this service.
* {@code jti}
* string
* The unique identifier of this JWT. The value of this claim itself
* is the random-string version of this access token.
* {@code cnf}
* object
* If this access token is bound to a client certificate, this claim
* is included. The type of its value is object and the sub object
* contains a {@code "x5t#S256"} claim. The value of the {@code
* "x5t#S256"} claim is the X.509 Certificate SHA-256 thumbprint of
* the client certificate. See
* "3.1. JWT Certificate Thumbprint Confirmation Method" of
* RFC 8705
* (OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound
* Access Tokens) for details.
* If this access token is bound to a public key of DPoP, this claim
* is included. The type of its value is object and the sub object
* contains a {@code "jkt"} claim. The value of the {@code "jkt"}
* claim is the thumbprint of the public key.
* See RFC 9449
* OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP) for details.
* {@code aud}
* array
* If this access token has been generated with target resources, this
* claim is included. See RFC 8707 (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0) for details.
* {@code authorization_details}
* array
* If this access token has been generated with {@code authorization_details},
* this claim is included.
* See RFC 9396
* (OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests) for details.
* {@code grant_id}
* string
* The grant ID tied to this access token. This field may be set if
* the authorization request which created this access token included
* {@code grant_id} or {@code grant_management_action=create}.
* See "Grant Management for OAuth 2.0" for details about the
* request parameters.
* {@code grant}
* object
* The grant this access token has inherited. This field may be set if
* the authorization request which created this access token included
* {@code grant_management_action=update}. See "Grant Management for
* OAuth 2.0" for details about the request parameter.
* The format of this JSON object is the same as the response from the
* grant management endpoint which is defined in "Grant Management for
* OAuth 2.0".
* {@code acr}
* string
* The authentication context class of the user authentication that the
* authorization server performed during the course of issuing the access
* token.
* See RFC 9470
* (OAuth 2.0 Step Up Authentication Challenge Protocol) for details.
* {@code auth_time}
* integer
* The time when the user authentication was performed for the access
* token. The value represents the number of seconds elapsed since the
* Unix epoch.
* See RFC 9470
* (OAuth 2.0 Step Up Authentication Challenge Protocol) for details.
* {@code grant_type}
* string
* The grant type that was used for the issuance of the access token.
* Possible values are as follows.
* Value
* Since Authlete Version
* {@code "authorization_code"}
* 2.1.24, 2.2.36, 2.3
* {@code "implicit"}
* 2.1.24, 2.2.36, 2.3
* {@code "password"}
* 2.1.24, 2.2.36, 2.3
* {@code "client_credentials"}
* 2.1.24, 2.2.36, 2.3
* {@code "urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba"}
* 2.1.24, 2.2.36, 2.3
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"}
* 2.1.24, 2.2.36, 2.3
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange"}
* 2.3
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* 2.3
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code"}
* 3.0
* Visible (= not-hidden) extra properties of the access token are embedded
* in the JWT as custom claims. Regarding extra properties, see the Authlete
* API document.
* The feature of JWT-based access token is available since Authlete 2.1.
* Access tokens issued by older Authlete versions are always random strings.
* RFC 8707
* (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0) is supported since Authlete 2.2.
* The {@code resource} request parameter given to older Authlete versions is
* just ignored, so JWT-based access tokens won't include the {@code aud} claim.
* RFC 9396
* (OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests) is supported since Authlete 2.2.
* The {@code authorization_details} request parameter given to older Authlete
* versions is just ignored, so JWT-based access tokens won't include the
* {@code authorization_details} claim.
* "Grant Management for OAuth 2.0" is supported since Authlete 2.3.
* The {@code grant_id} and {@code grant_management_action} request parameters
* given to older Authlete versions are just ignored, so JWT-based access token
* won't include the {@code grant_id} and {@code grant} claims.
* RFC 9470
* (OAuth 2.0 Step Up Authentication Challenge Protocol) is supported
* since Authlete 2.3. JWT access tokens issued by older Authlete versions
* won't include the {@code acr} and {@code auth_time} claims.
* Some Authlete APIs (e.g. {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue}) recognize
* the {@code jwtAtClaims} request parameter since Authlete 2.3. Its format is
* JSON object. The content of the JSON object will be merged into the payload
* part of the JWT access token.
* @see OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0
* @see RFC 8707 Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0
* @see RFC 9396 OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests
* @see RFC 9470 OAuth 2.0 Step Up Authentication Challenge Protocol
public class Service implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 82L;
* Do not change variable names. They must match the variable names
* in JSONs which are exchanged between clients and Authlete server.
* Service number.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private int number;
* Service owner number.
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private int serviceOwnerNumber;
* Service name.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String serviceName;
* API key.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private long apiKey;
* API secret.
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private String apiSecret;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI issuer;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI authorizationEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI tokenEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI revocationEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private ClientAuthMethod[] supportedRevocationAuthMethods;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI userInfoEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI jwksUri;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String jwks;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI registrationEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private URI registrationManagementEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private Scope[] supportedScopes;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private ResponseType[] supportedResponseTypes;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private GrantType[] supportedGrantTypes;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String[] supportedAcrs;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private ClientAuthMethod[] supportedTokenAuthMethods;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private Display[] supportedDisplays;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private ClaimType[] supportedClaimTypes;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String[] supportedClaims;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI serviceDocumentation;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String[] supportedClaimLocales;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String[] supportedUiLocales;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI policyUri;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI tosUri;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private URI authenticationCallbackEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String authenticationCallbackApiKey;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String authenticationCallbackApiSecret;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private Sns[] supportedSnses;
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private SnsCredentials[] snsCredentials;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private long createdAt;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private long modifiedAt;
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private URI developerAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private String developerAuthenticationCallbackApiKey;
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private String developerAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private Sns[] supportedDeveloperSnses;
* @since Authlete 1.1
* @deprecated Authlete 3.0
private SnsCredentials[] developerSnsCredentials;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private int clientsPerDeveloper;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean directAuthorizationEndpointEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean directTokenEndpointEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean directRevocationEndpointEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean directUserInfoEndpointEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean directJwksEndpointEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean directIntrospectionEndpointEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean singleAccessTokenPerSubject;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean pkceRequired;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean pkceS256Required;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean refreshTokenKept;
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean refreshTokenDurationKept;
* @since Authlete 2.2.13
private boolean refreshTokenDurationReset;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean errorDescriptionOmitted;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean errorUriOmitted;
* @since Authlete 1.1
private boolean clientIdAliasEnabled;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private ServiceProfile[] supportedServiceProfiles;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private boolean tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private URI introspectionEndpoint;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private ClientAuthMethod[] supportedIntrospectionAuthMethods;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private boolean mutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain;
* @since Authlete 1.1.19
private String[] trustedRootCertificates;
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private boolean dynamicRegistrationSupported;
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private URI endSessionEndpoint;
* Description of this service.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String description;
* Access token type.
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 7.1. Access Token Types
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String accessTokenType;
* Signature algorithm of JWT-based access tokens. When this property
* is not null, access tokens issued by this service are JWTs. Otherwise,
* access tokens are random strings as before.
* Symmetric algorithms are not supported.
* @since 2.37
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private JWSAlg accessTokenSignAlg;
* Duration of access tokens in seconds.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private long accessTokenDuration;
* Duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private long refreshTokenDuration;
* Duration of ID tokens in seconds.
* @since Authlete 1.1
private long idTokenDuration;
* Duration of authorization response JWTs.
* @since 2.28
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private long authorizationResponseDuration;
* Duration of pushed authorization requests.
* @since 2.51
* @since Authlete 2.2.0
private long pushedAuthReqDuration;
* Metadata.
* @since 1.39
* @since Authlete 1.1
private Pair[] metadata;
* Key ID to identify a JWK used for access token signature using an
* asymmetric key.
* @since 2.37
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private String accessTokenSignatureKeyId;
* Key ID to identify a JWK used for signing authorization responses using an
* asymmetric key. Regarding "signing the authorization response", see Financial-grade API:
* JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 (JARM)
* @since 2.28
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private String authorizationSignatureKeyId;
* Key ID to identify a JWK used for ID token signature using an asymmetric key.
* @since 2.1
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String idTokenSignatureKeyId;
* Key ID to identify a JWK used for User Info signature using an asymmetric key.
* @since 2.1
* @since Authlete 1.1
private String userInfoSignatureKeyId;
* Supported backchannel token delivery modes. This property corresponds
* to the {@code backchannel_token_delivery_modes_supported} metadata.
* @since 2.32
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private DeliveryMode[] supportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes;
* The backchannel authentication endpoint. This property corresponds to
* the {@code backchannel_authentication_endpoint} metadata.
* @since 2.32
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private URI backchannelAuthenticationEndpoint;
* Boolean flag which indicates whether "user code" is supported at the
* backchannel authentication endpoint. This property corresponds to the
* {@code backchannel_user_code_parameter_supported} metadata.
* @since 2.32
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private boolean backchannelUserCodeParameterSupported;
* Duration of backchannel authentication request IDs issued from the
* backchannel authentication endpoint in seconds. This is used as the
* value of the {@code expires_in} property in responses from the
* backchannel authentication endpoint.
* @since 2.32
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private int backchannelAuthReqIdDuration;
* The minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint
* from client applications in seconds. This is used as the value of
* the {@code interval} property in responses from the backchannel
* authentication endpoint.
* @since 2.32
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private int backchannelPollingInterval;
* Boolean flag which indicates whether the {@code binding_message}
* request parameter is always required whenever a backchannel
* authentication request is judged as a request for Financial-grade
* API.
* @since 2.48
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private boolean backchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi;
* The allowable clock skew between the server and clients.
* @since 2.32
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private int allowableClockSkew;
* The device authorization endpoint. This property corresponds to
* the {@code device_authorization_endpoint} metadata.
* @since 2.42
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private URI deviceAuthorizationEndpoint;
* The verification URI for the device flow.
* @since 2.42
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private URI deviceVerificationUri;
* The verification URI for the device flow with a placeholder for a
* user code.
* @since 2.42
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private URI deviceVerificationUriComplete;
* Duration of device verification codes and end-user verification codes
* issued from the device authorization endpoint in seconds. This is used
* as the value of the {@code expires_in} property in responses from the
* device authorization endpoint.
* @since 2.42
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private int deviceFlowCodeDuration;
* The minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint from
* client applications in seconds in device flow. This is used as the value
* of the {@code interval} property in responses from the device
* authorization endpoint.
* @since 2.42
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private int deviceFlowPollingInterval;
* Character set for end-user verification codes (user_code) for Device Flow.
* @since 2.43
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private UserCodeCharset userCodeCharset;
* Length of end-user verification codes (user_code) for Device Flow.
* @since 2.43
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private int userCodeLength;
* The URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @since 2.52
* @since Authlete 2.2.0
private URI pushedAuthReqEndpoint;
* MTLS endpoint aliases.
* @since 2.49
* @since Authlete 2.0.0
private NamedUri[] mtlsEndpointAliases;
* Supported authorization details types for {@code "authorization_details"}.
* This property was renamed from {@code supportedAuthorizationDataTypes} to
* align with the change made by the 5th draft of the RAR specification.
* @since 2.91
* @since Authlete 2.2.7
private String[] supportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes;
* Supported trust frameworks. This property corresponds to the
* {@code trust_frameworks_supported} server metadata which is defined in
* OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* @since 2.63
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private String[] supportedTrustFrameworks;
* Supported evidence. This property corresponds to the
* {@code evidence_supported} server metadata which is defined in
* OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* @since 2.63
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private String[] supportedEvidence;
* Supported ID documents. This property corresponds to the
* {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata which was defined in
* old drafts of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 renamed the {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_supported}.
* @since 2.63
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
* @see supportedDocuments
* @deprecated
private String[] supportedIdentityDocuments;
* Supported documents. This property corresponds to the {@code documents_supported}
* server metadata which was renamed to from {@code id_documents_supported}
* by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String[] supportedDocuments;
* Supported verification methods. This property corresponds to the
* {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported} server metadata
* which was defined in old drafts of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 renamed the {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported}
* server metadata to {@code documents_methods_supported}.
* @since 2.63
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
* @see supportedDocumentsMethods
* @deprecated
private String[] supportedVerificationMethods;
* Supported validation and verification processes. This property corresponds
* to the {@code documents_methods_supported} server metadata which was
* renamed to from {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported}
* by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String[] supportedDocumentsMethods;
* Supported document validation methods. This property corresponds to the
* {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server metadata which
* was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for
* Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
* @deprecated
private String[] supportedDocumentsValidationMethods;
* Supported document verification methods. This property corresponds to
* the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server metadata
* which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for
* Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
* @deprecated
private String[] supportedDocumentsVerificationMethods;
* Supported document check methods. This property corresponds to the
* {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server metadata which was
* added by the fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity
* Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @since 3.48
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String[] supportedDocumentsCheckMethods;
* Supported electronic record types. This property corresponds to the
* {@code electronic_records_supported} server metadata which was added by
* the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String[] supportedElectronicRecords;
* Supported verified claims. This property corresponds to the
* {@code claims_in_verified_claims_supported} server metadata which is
* defined in OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* @since 2.63
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private String[] supportedVerifiedClaims;
* Supported attachment types. This property corresponds to the {@code
* attachments_supported} server metadata which was added by the third
* implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private AttachmentType[] supportedAttachments;
* Supported algorithms used to compute digest values of external
* attachments. This property corresponds to the
* {@code digest_algorithms_supported} server metadata which was added
* by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity
* Assurance 1.0.
* @since 3.13
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String[] supportedDigestAlgorithms;
* The flag indicating whether token requests from public clients without
* the {@code client_id} request parameter are allowed when the client can
* be guessed from {@code authorization_code} or {@code refresh_token}.
* Don't set this flag unless you have special reasons.
* @since 2.68
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean missingClientIdAllowed;
* The flag indicating whether this service requires that clients use the
* pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @since 2.77
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean parRequired;
* The flag indicating whether authorization requests must utilize a
* request object.
* @since 2.80
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean requestObjectRequired;
* The flag indicating whether traditional request object processing
* (rules defined in OIDC Core 1.0) is applied.
* @since 2.80
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean traditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied;
* The flag indicating whether claims specified by shortcut scopes
* (e.g. profile) are included in the issued ID token only when no
* access token is issued.
* @since 2.81
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean claimShortcutRestrictive;
* The flag indicating whether requests that request no scope are
* rejected or not.
* @since 2.81
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean scopeRequired;
* The flag indicating whether the {@code nbf} claim in the request
* object is optional even when the authorization request is regarded
* as a FAPI-Part2 request.
* @since 2.86
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean nbfOptional;
* The flag indicating whether generation of the {@code iss} response
* parameter is suppressed.
* @since 2.86
* @since Authlete 2.2.1
private boolean issSuppressed;
* Arbitrary attributes associated with this service.
* @since 2.87
* @since Authlete 2.2.3
private Pair[] attributes;
* Custom client metadata supported by this service.
* @since 2.93
* @since Authlete 2.2.10
private String[] supportedCustomClientMetadata;
* The flag indicating whether the expiration date of an access token
* never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token.
* @since 2.95
* @since Authlete 2.2.12
private boolean tokenExpirationLinked;
* The flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required
* when the request object is passed through the front channel.
* @since 2.96
* @since Authlete 2.2.10
private boolean frontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired;
* The flag indicating whether the JWE {@code alg} of encrypted request
* object must match the value of the {@code request_object_encryption_alg}
* client metadata.
* @since 2.96
* @since Authlete 2.2.10
private boolean requestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired;
* The flag indicating whether the JWE {@code enc} of encrypted request
* object must match the value of the {@code request_object_encryption_enc}
* client metadata.
* @since 2.96
* @since Authlete 2.2.10
private boolean requestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired;
* The flag indicating whether HSM (Hardware Security Module) support is
* enabled for this service.
* @since 2.97
* @since Authlete 2.2.13
private boolean hsmEnabled;
* Hardware-secured keys. Output only.
* @since 2.97
* @since Authlete 2.2.13
private Hsk[] hsks;
* The URL of the grant management endpoint.
* @since 3.1
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private URI grantManagementEndpoint;
* The flag indicating whether every authorization request must include the
* {@code grant_management_action} request parameter.
* @since 3.1
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private boolean grantManagementActionRequired;
* The flag indicating whether to let /api/client/registration API use
* ClientRegistrationResponse.Action.UNAUTHORIZED whenever appropriate.
* @since 3.4
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private boolean unauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported;
* The flag indicating whether the {@code scope} request parameter in
* dynamic client registration/update requests is used as requestable
* scopes.
* @since 3.5
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private boolean dcrScopeUsedAsRequestable;
* Predefined transformed claims in JSON format. Available from
* Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @since 3.8
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String predefinedTransformedClaims;
* The flag indicating whether the port number component of redirection
* URIs can be variable when the host component indicates loopback.
* @since 3.12
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private boolean loopbackRedirectionUriVariable;
* The flag indicating whether Authlete checks whether the {@code aud} claim
* of request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
* @since 3.14
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private boolean requestObjectAudienceChecked;
* The flag indicating whether Authlete generates access tokens for
* external attachments and embeds them in ID tokens and userinfo
* responses.
* @since 3.16
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean accessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded;
* The flag indicating whether refresh token requests with the same
* refresh token can be made multiple times in quick succession and
* they can obtain the same renewed refresh token within the short
* period.
* @since 3.21
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean refreshTokenIdempotent;
* The flag indicating whether this service supports OpenID
* Federation 1E0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean federationEnabled;
* The human-readable name representing the organization that operates
* this service. This property corresponds to the {@code organization_name}
* server metadata that is defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private String organizationName;
* Identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements for this
* service. This property corresponds to the {@code authority_hints}
* property that appears in a self-signed entity statement that is
* defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private URI[] authorityHints;
* Trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves trust
* chains of relying parties.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private TrustAnchor[] trustAnchors;
* JWK Set document containing keys that are used to sign (1) self-signed
* entity statement of this service and (2) the response from
* {@code signed_jwks_uri}.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private String federationJwks;
* A key ID to identify a JWK used to sign the entity configuration and
* the signed JWK Set.
* @since 3.31
* @since Authlete 2.3
private String federationSignatureKeyId;
* The duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
* @since 3.31
* @since Authlete 2.3
private long federationConfigurationDuration;
* The URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set document in
* the JWT format. This property corresponds to the {@code signed_jwks_uri}
* server metadata defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private URI signedJwksUri;
* The URI of the federation registration endpoint. This property corresponds
* to the {@code federation_registration_endpoint} server metadata that is
* defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private URI federationRegistrationEndpoint;
* Supported client registration types. This property corresponds to the
* {@code client_registration_types_supported} server metadata that is
* defined in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
private ClientRegistrationType[] supportedClientRegistrationTypes;
* The flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from
* making token exchange requests.
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean tokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly;
* The flag indicating whether to prohibit public clients from making
* token exchange requests.
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean tokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly;
* The flag indicating whether to prohibit clients that have no explicit
* permission from making token exchange requests.
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean tokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly;
* The flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which
* use encrypted JWTs as input tokens.
* @since 3.27
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean tokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected;
* The flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which
* use unsigned JWTs as input tokens.
* @since 3.27
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean tokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected;
* The flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from
* using the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}.
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean jwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly;
* The flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use an
* encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}.
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean jwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected;
* The flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use an
* unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}.
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean jwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected;
* The flag indicating whether to block DCR (Dynamic Client Registration)
* requests whose {@code software_id} has already been used previously.
* @since 3.32
* @since Authlete 2.2.30
private boolean dcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked;
* The key ID of a JWK containing the private key used by this service to
* sign responses from the resource server.
* @since 3.39
* @since Authlete 2.3
private String resourceSignatureKeyId;
* The flag indicating whether this service signs responses from the resource
* server.
* @since 3.39
* @since Authlete 2.3
private boolean rsResponseSigned;
* The flag indicating whether to remove the {@code openid} scope from a
* new access token issued by the refresh token flow if the presented
* refresh token does not contain the {@code offline_access} scope.
* @since 3.42
* @since Authlete 2.2.36
private boolean openidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess;
* The flag indicating whether the feature of Verifiable Credentials for
* this service is enabled or not.
* @since 3.55
* @since Authlete 3.0
private boolean verifiableCredentialsEnabled;
* Credential issuer metadata.
* @since 3.55
* @since Authlete 3.0
private CredentialIssuerMetadata credentialIssuerMetadata;
* The default duration of credential offers in seconds.
* @since 3.59
* @since Authlete 3.0
private long credentialOfferDuration;
* The default length of user PINs.
* @since 3.59
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @deprecated
private int userPinLength;
* The type of the {@code aud} claim in ID tokens.
* @since 3.57
* @since Authlete 2.3.3
private String idTokenAudType;
* Supported {@code prompt} values.
* @since 3.58
* @since Authlete 3.0
private Prompt[] supportedPromptValues;
* The name of the validation schema set that is used to validate the
* content of {@code "verified_claims"}.
* @since 3.61
* @since Authlete 2.3.0
private String verifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet;
* The flag indicating whether token requests using the pre-authorized
* code grant flow by unidentifiable clients are allowed.
* @since 3.62
* @since Authlete 3.0
private boolean preAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported;
* The duration of {@code c_nonce}.
* The {@code cNonceDuration} field added by the version 3.63 has been
* renamed to {@code cnonceDuration} by the version 3.90.
* @since 3.90
* @since Authlete 3.0
private long cnonceDuration;
* The duration of credential transaction in seconds.
* @since 3.66
* @since Authlete 3.0
private long credentialTransactionDuration;
* The default duration of credentials in seconds.
* @since 3.67
* @since Authlete 3.0
private long credentialDuration;
* JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to sign
* verifiable credentials.
* @since 3.67
* @since Authlete 3.0
private String credentialJwks;
* The URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer is exposed.
* @since 3.79
* @since Authlete 3.0
private URI credentialJwksUri;
* The flag indicating whether to enable the feature of ID token reissuance
* in the refresh token flow.
* @since 3.68
* @since Authlete 2.3.8
* @since Authlete 3.0
private boolean idTokenReissuable;
* The key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
* @since 3.77
* @since Authlete 3.0
private String introspectionSignatureKeyId;
* The FAPI modes for this service.
* @since 3.80
* @since Authlete 3.0
private FapiMode[] fapiModes;
* Whether to require DPoP proof JWTs to include the {@code nonce} claim
* whenever they are presented.
* @since 3.82
* @since Authlete 3.0
private boolean dpopNonceRequired;
* The duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
* @since 3.82
* @since Authlete 3.0
private long dpopNonceDuration;
* The URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
* @since 3.96
* @since Authlete 3.0
private URI tokenBatchNotificationEndpoint;
* Whether to restrict the {@code aud} claim value in client assertions to the
* issuer of this service as a string.
* @since 4.14
* @since Authlete 3.0
private boolean clientAssertionAudRestrictedToIssuer;
* Get the service number.
* @return
* The service number.
public int getNumber()
return number;
* Set the service number.
* @param number
* The service number.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setNumber(int number)
this.number = number;
return this;
* Get the service owner number.
* @return
* The service owner number.
public int getServiceOwnerNumber()
return serviceOwnerNumber;
* Set the service owner number
* @param serviceOwnerNumber
* The service owner number.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setServiceOwnerNumber(int serviceOwnerNumber)
this.serviceOwnerNumber = serviceOwnerNumber;
return this;
* Get the service name.
* @return
* The service name.
public String getServiceName()
return serviceName;
* Set the service name.
* @param serviceName
* The service name.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setServiceName(String serviceName)
this.serviceName = serviceName;
return this;
* Get the API key.
* @return
* The API key.
public long getApiKey()
return apiKey;
* Set the API key.
* @param apiKey
* The API key.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setApiKey(long apiKey)
this.apiKey = apiKey;
return this;
* Get the API secret.
* @return
* The API secret.
public String getApiSecret()
return apiSecret;
* Set the API secret.
* @param apiSecret
* The API secret.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setApiSecret(String apiSecret)
this.apiSecret = apiSecret;
return this;
* Get the issuer identifier of this OpenID provider.
* @return
* The issuer identifier.
public URI getIssuer()
return issuer;
* Set the issuer identifier of this OpenID provider.
* @param issuer
* The issuer identifier.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setIssuer(URI issuer)
this.issuer = issuer;
return this;
* Get the URI of the authorization endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the authorization endpoint.
public URI getAuthorizationEndpoint()
return authorizationEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the authorization endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the authorization endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setAuthorizationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.authorizationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the URI of the token endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the token endpoint.
public URI getTokenEndpoint()
return tokenEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the token endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the token endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setTokenEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.tokenEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the URI of the token revocation endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the token revocation endpoint.
* @see RFC 7009: OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation
* @since 1.16
public URI getRevocationEndpoint()
return revocationEndpoint;
* Get client authentication methods supported at the revocation endpoint.
* @return
* Client authentication methods supported at the revocation endpoint.
* @since 2.17
public ClientAuthMethod[] getSupportedRevocationAuthMethods()
return supportedRevocationAuthMethods;
* Set client authentication methods supported at the revocation endpoint.
* @param methods
* Client authentication methods.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.17
public Service setSupportedRevocationAuthMethods(ClientAuthMethod[] methods)
this.supportedRevocationAuthMethods = methods;
return this;
* Set the URI of the token revocation endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the token revocation endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 7009: OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation
* @since 1.16
public Service setRevocationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.revocationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the URI of the user info endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the user info endpoint.
public URI getUserInfoEndpoint()
return userInfoEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the user info endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the user info endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setUserInfoEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.userInfoEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the URI of the service's JSON Web Key Set.
* @return
* The URI of the service's JSON Web Key Set.
public URI getJwksUri()
return jwksUri;
* Set the URI of the service's JSON Web Key Set.
* @param uri
* The URI of the service's JSON Web Key Set.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setJwksUri(URI uri)
this.jwksUri = uri;
return this;
* Get the JSON Web Key Set of the service.
* @return
* The JSON Web Key Set of the service.
public String getJwks()
return jwks;
* Set the JSON Web Key Set of the service.
* @param jwks
* The JSON Web Key Set of the service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setJwks(String jwks)
this.jwks = jwks;
return this;
* Get the URI of the registration endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the registration endpoint.
public URI getRegistrationEndpoint()
return registrationEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the registration endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the registration endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setRegistrationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.registrationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the URI of the registration management endpoint. If dynamic client
* registration is supported, and this is set, this URI will be used as the
* basis of the client's management endpoint by appending {@code /clientid/}
* to it as a path element. If this is unset, the value of {@code registrationEndpoint}
* will be used as the URI base instead.
* @return
* The base URI of the registration management endpoint.
* @since
* 2.39
public URI getRegistrationManagementEndpoint()
return registrationManagementEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the registration management endpoint. If dynamic client
* registration is supported, and this is set, this URI will be used as the
* basis of the client's management endpoint by appending {@code /clientid/}
* to it as a path element. If this is unset, the value of {@code registrationEndpoint}
* will be used as the URI base instead.
* @param endpoint
* The base URI of the registration management endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since
* 2.39
public Service setRegistrationManagementEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.registrationManagementEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the supported scopes.
* @return
* The supported scopes.
public Scope[] getSupportedScopes()
return supportedScopes;
* Set the supported scopes.
* @param supportedScopes
* The supported scopes.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedScopes(Scope[] supportedScopes)
this.supportedScopes = supportedScopes;
return this;
* Get the supported response types.
* @return
* The supported response types.
public ResponseType[] getSupportedResponseTypes()
return supportedResponseTypes;
* Set the supported response types.
* @param responseTypes
* The supported response types.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedResponseTypes(ResponseType[] responseTypes)
this.supportedResponseTypes = responseTypes;
return this;
* Get the supported grant types.
* @return
* The supported grant types.
public GrantType[] getSupportedGrantTypes()
return supportedGrantTypes;
* Set the supported grant types.
* @param grantTypes
* The supported grant types.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedGrantTypes(GrantType[] grantTypes)
this.supportedGrantTypes = grantTypes;
return this;
* Get the supported ACRs (authentication context class references).
* @return
* The supported ACRs.
public String[] getSupportedAcrs()
return supportedAcrs;
* Set the supported ACRs (authentication context class references).
* @param acrs
* The supported ACRs.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedAcrs(String[] acrs)
this.supportedAcrs = acrs;
return this;
* Get the supported client authentication methods at the token endpoint.
* @return
* The supported client authentication methods.
public ClientAuthMethod[] getSupportedTokenAuthMethods()
return supportedTokenAuthMethods;
* Set the number of client authentication methods at the token endpoint.
* @param methods
* The supported client authentication methods.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedTokenAuthMethods(ClientAuthMethod[] methods)
this.supportedTokenAuthMethods = methods;
return this;
* Get the supported values of {@code display} parameter passed to
* the authorization endpoint.
* @return
* The supported values of {@code display} parameter.
public Display[] getSupportedDisplays()
return supportedDisplays;
* Set the supported values of {@code display} parameter passed to
* the authorization endpoint.
* @param displays
* The supported values of {@code display} parameter.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedDisplays(Display[] displays)
this.supportedDisplays = displays;
return this;
* Get the supported claim types.
* @return
* The supported claim types.
public ClaimType[] getSupportedClaimTypes()
return supportedClaimTypes;
* Set the supported claim types.
* @param claimTypes
* The supported claim types.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedClaimTypes(ClaimType[] claimTypes)
this.supportedClaimTypes = claimTypes;
return this;
* Get the supported claims.
* @return
* The supported claims.
public String[] getSupportedClaims()
return supportedClaims;
* Set the supported claims.
* @param supportedClaims
* The supported claims.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedClaims(String[] supportedClaims)
this.supportedClaims = supportedClaims;
return this;
* Get the URI of a page containing human-readable information
* that developers might want or need to know when using this
* OpenID Provider.
* @return
* The URI of the service documentation.
public URI getServiceDocumentation()
return serviceDocumentation;
* Set the URI of a page containing human-readable information
* that developers might want or need to know when using this
* OpenID Provider.
* @param uri
* The URI of the service documentation.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setServiceDocumentation(URI uri)
this.serviceDocumentation = uri;
return this;
* Get the supported claim locales.
* @return
* The supported claim locales.
public String[] getSupportedClaimLocales()
return supportedClaimLocales;
* Set the supported claim locales.
* @param supportedClaimLocales
* The supported claim locales.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedClaimLocales(String[] supportedClaimLocales)
this.supportedClaimLocales = supportedClaimLocales;
return this;
* Get the supported UI locales.
* @return
* The supported UI locales.
public String[] getSupportedUiLocales()
return supportedUiLocales;
* Set the supported UI locales.
* @param supportedUiLocales
* The supported UI locales.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setSupportedUiLocales(String[] supportedUiLocales)
this.supportedUiLocales = supportedUiLocales;
return this;
* Get the URI that this OpenID Provider provides to the person
* registering the client to read about the OP's requirements on
* how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP.
* @return
* The URI of the policy page.
public URI getPolicyUri()
return policyUri;
* Set the URI that this OpenID Provider provides to the person
* registering the client to read about the OP's requirements on
* how the Relying Party can use the data provided by the OP.
* @param uri
* The URI of the policy page.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setPolicyUri(URI uri)
this.policyUri = uri;
return this;
* Get the URI that the OpenID Provider provides to the person
* registering the client to read about the OP's terms of service.
* @return
* The URI of the Terms-of-Service page.
public URI getTosUri()
return tosUri;
* Set the URI that the OpenID Provider provides to the person
* registering the client to read about the OP's terms of service.
* @param uri
* The URI of the Terms-of-Service page.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setTosUri(URI uri)
this.tosUri = uri;
return this;
* Get the description.
* @return
* The description.
public String getDescription()
return description;
* Set the description.
* @param description
* The description.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setDescription(String description)
this.description = description;
return this;
* Get the access token type; the value of {@code token_type} in
* access token responses.
* @return
* The access token type.
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 7.1. Access Token Types
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 5.1. Successful Response
* @see RFC 6750 (OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage)
public String getAccessTokenType()
return accessTokenType;
* Set the access token type; the value of {@code token_type} in
* access token responses.
* @param type
* The access token type.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 7.1. Access Token Types
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 5.1. Successful Response
* @see RFC 6750 (OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage)
public Service setAccessTokenType(String type)
this.accessTokenType = type;
return this;
* Get the signature algorithm of access tokens.
* When this method returns null, access tokens issued by this service are
* just random strings. On the other hand, when this method returns a
* non-null value, access tokens issued by this service are JWTs and the
* value returned from this method represents the signature algorithm of
* the JWTs. Regarding the format, see the description of this
* {@link Service} class.
* This feature is available since Authlete 2.1. Access tokens generated
* by older Authlete versions are always random strings.
* @return
* The signature algorithm of JWT-based access tokens. When null
* is returned, access tokens are not JWTs but just random strings.
* @since 2.37
public JWSAlg getAccessTokenSignAlg()
return accessTokenSignAlg;
* Set the signature algorithm of access tokens.
* When null is set, access tokens issued by this service are just random
* strings. On the other hand, when a non-null value is set, access tokens
* issued by this service are JWTs and the value set by this method is used
* as the signature algorithm of the JWTs. Regarding the format, see the
* description of this {@link Service} class.
* This feature is available since Authlete 2.1. Access tokens generated
* by older Authlete versions are always random strings.
* @param alg
* The signature algorithm of JWT-based access tokens. When null
* is given, access tokens are not JWTs but just random strings.
* Note that symmetric algorithms ({@link JWSAlg#HS256 HS256},
* {@link JWSAlg#HS384 HS384} and {@link JWSAlg#HS512 HS512})
* are not supported.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.37
public Service setAccessTokenSignAlg(JWSAlg alg)
this.accessTokenSignAlg = alg;
return this;
* Get the duration of access tokens in seconds; the value of
* {@code expires_in} in access token responses.
* @return
* The duration of access tokens in seconds.
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 5.1. Successful Response
public long getAccessTokenDuration()
return accessTokenDuration;
* Set the duration of access tokens in seconds; the value of
* {@code expires_in} in access token responses.
* @param duration
* The duration of access tokens in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0), 5.1. Successful Response
public Service setAccessTokenDuration(long duration)
this.accessTokenDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
* @return
* The duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
public long getRefreshTokenDuration()
return refreshTokenDuration;
* Set the duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
* @param duration
* The duration of refresh tokens in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setRefreshTokenDuration(long duration)
this.refreshTokenDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the duration of ID tokens in seconds.
* @return
* The duration of ID tokens in seconds.
public long getIdTokenDuration()
return idTokenDuration;
* Set the duration of ID tokens in seconds.
* @param duration
* The duration of ID tokens in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setIdTokenDuration(long duration)
this.idTokenDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the duration of authorization response JWTs.
* Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for
* OAuth 2.0 (JARM) defines new values for the {@code response_mode}
* request parameter. They are {@code query.jwt}, {@code fragment.jwt},
* {@code form_post.jwt} and {@code jwt}. If one of them is specified
* as the response mode, response parameters from the authorization
* endpoint will be packed into a JWT. This property is used to compute
* the value of the {@code exp} claim of the JWT.
* @return
* The duration of authorization response JWTs in seconds.
* @since 2.28
public long getAuthorizationResponseDuration()
return authorizationResponseDuration;
* Set the duration of authorization response JWTs.
* Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for
* OAuth 2.0 (JARM) defines new values for the {@code response_mode}
* request parameter. They are {@code query.jwt}, {@code fragment.jwt},
* {@code form_post.jwt} and {@code jwt}. If one of them is specified
* as the response mode, response parameters from the authorization
* endpoint will be packed into a JWT. This property is used to compute
* the value of the {@code exp} claim of the JWT.
* @param duration
* The duration of authorization response JWTs in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.28
public Service setAuthorizationResponseDuration(long duration)
this.authorizationResponseDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the duration of pushed authorization requests.
* "OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests" defines an endpoint (called
* "pushed authorization request endpoint") which client applications can
* register authorization requests into and get corresponding URIs (called
* "request URIs") from. The issued URIs represent the registered
* authorization requests. The client applications can use the URIs as the
* value of the {@code request_uri} request parameter in an authorization
* request.
* The value returned from this method represents the duration of registered
* authorization requests and is used as the value of the {@code expires_in}
* parameter in responses from the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @return
* The duration of pushed authorization requests in seconds.
* @since 2.51
public long getPushedAuthReqDuration()
return pushedAuthReqDuration;
* Set the duration of pushed authorization requests.
* "OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests" defines an endpoint (called
* "pushed authorization request endpoint") which client applications can
* register authorization requests into and get corresponding URIs (called
* "request URIs") from. The issued URIs represent the registered
* authorization requests. The client applications can use the URIs as the
* value of the {@code request_uri} request parameter in an authorization
* request.
* The value given to this method represents the duration of registered
* authorization requests and is used as the value of the {@code expires_in}
* parameter in responses from the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @param duration
* The duration of pushed authorization requests.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.51
public Service setPushedAuthReqDuration(long duration)
this.pushedAuthReqDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the URI of the authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the authentication callback endpoint.
* @since 1.1
public URI getAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint()
return authenticationCallbackEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the authentication callback endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.1
public Service setAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.authenticationCallbackEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the API key to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* The API key to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @since 1.1
public String getAuthenticationCallbackApiKey()
return authenticationCallbackApiKey;
* Set the API key to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @param apiKey
* The API key to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.1
public Service setAuthenticationCallbackApiKey(String apiKey)
this.authenticationCallbackApiKey = apiKey;
return this;
* Get the API secret to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* The API secret to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @since 1.1
public String getAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret()
return authenticationCallbackApiSecret;
* Set the API secret to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @param apiSecret
* The API secret to access the authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.1
public Service setAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret(String apiSecret)
this.authenticationCallbackApiSecret = apiSecret;
return this;
* Get the list of supported SNSes for social login at the authorization
* endpoint.
* @return
* The list of SNSes.
* @since 1.3
public Sns[] getSupportedSnses()
return supportedSnses;
* Set the list of supported SNSes for social login at the authorization
* endpoint.
* @param supportedSnses
* The list of SNSes.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.3
public Service setSupportedSnses(Sns[] supportedSnses)
this.supportedSnses = supportedSnses;
return this;
* Get the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login.
* @return
* The list of SNS credentials.
* @since 1.3
public SnsCredentials[] getSnsCredentials()
return snsCredentials;
* Set the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login.
* @param snsCredentials
* The list of SNS credentials.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.3
public Service setSnsCredentials(SnsCredentials[] snsCredentials)
this.snsCredentials = snsCredentials;
return this;
* Get the time at which this service was created.
* @return
* The time at which this service was created.
* The value is represented as milliseconds since
* the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01).
* @since 1.6
public long getCreatedAt()
return createdAt;
* Set the time at which this service was created.
* @param createdAt
* The time at which this service was created.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.6
public Service setCreatedAt(long createdAt)
this.createdAt = createdAt;
return this;
* Get the time at which this service was last modified.
* @return
* The time at which this service was last modified.
* The value is represented as milliseconds since
* the UNIX epoch (1970-01-01).
* @since 1.6
public long getModifiedAt()
return modifiedAt;
* Set the time at which this service was last modified.
* @param modifiedAt
* The time at which this service was modified.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.6
public Service setModifiedAt(long modifiedAt)
this.modifiedAt = modifiedAt;
return this;
* Get metadata.
* The content of the returned array depends on contexts.
* Predefined Service Metadata
* Key
* Description
* {@code "clientCount"}
* The number of client applications which belong to this service.
* @return
* Metadata. The type is an array of {@link Pair}.
* @since 1.39
public Pair[] getMetadata()
return metadata;
* Set metadata.
* @param metadata
* Metadata. The type is an array of {@link Pair}.
* {@code null} may be returned.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.39
public Service setMetadata(Pair[] metadata)
this.metadata = metadata;
return this;
* Get the URI of the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @since 1.9
public URI getDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint()
return developerAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.9
public Service setDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.developerAuthenticationCallbackEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the API key to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* The API key to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @since 1.9
public String getDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiKey()
return developerAuthenticationCallbackApiKey;
* Set the API key to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @param apiKey
* The API key to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.9
public Service setDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiKey(String apiKey)
this.developerAuthenticationCallbackApiKey = apiKey;
return this;
* Get the API secret to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* The API secret to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @since 1.9
public String getDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret()
return developerAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret;
* Set the API secret to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @param apiSecret
* The API secret to access the developer authentication callback endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.9
public Service setDeveloperAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret(String apiSecret)
this.developerAuthenticationCallbackApiSecret = apiSecret;
return this;
* Get the list of supported SNSes for social login at the developer console.
* @return
* The list of SNSes.
* @since 1.10
public Sns[] getSupportedDeveloperSnses()
return supportedDeveloperSnses;
* Set the list of supported SNSes for social login at the developer console.
* @param supportedSnses
* The list of SNSes.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.10
public Service setSupportedDeveloperSnses(Sns[] supportedSnses)
this.supportedDeveloperSnses = supportedSnses;
return this;
* Get the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login
* at the developer console.
* @return
* The list of SNS credentials.
* @since 1.10
public SnsCredentials[] getDeveloperSnsCredentials()
return developerSnsCredentials;
* Set the list of SNS credentials that Authlete uses to support social login
* at the developer console.
* @param snsCredentials
* The list of SNS credentials.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.10
public Service setDeveloperSnsCredentials(SnsCredentials[] snsCredentials)
this.developerSnsCredentials = snsCredentials;
return this;
* Get the number of client applications that one developer can create.
* 0 means that developers can create as many client applications as
* they want.
* @return
* The number of client applications that one developer can create.
* 0 means no limit.
* @since 1.16
public int getClientsPerDeveloper()
return clientsPerDeveloper;
* Set the number of client applications that one developer can create.
* 0 means that developers can create as many client applications as
* they want.
* @param count
* The number of client applications that one developer can create.
* 0 means no limit.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.16
public Service setClientsPerDeveloper(int count)
this.clientsPerDeveloper = count;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the direct authorization endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/authorization/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 1.16
public boolean isDirectAuthorizationEndpointEnabled()
return directAuthorizationEndpointEnabled;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the direct authorization endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/authorization/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the direct endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.16
public Service setDirectAuthorizationEndpointEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.directAuthorizationEndpointEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the direct token endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/token/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 1.16
public boolean isDirectTokenEndpointEnabled()
return directTokenEndpointEnabled;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the direct token endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/token/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the direct endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.16
public Service setDirectTokenEndpointEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.directTokenEndpointEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the direct revocation endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/revocation/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 1.16
public boolean isDirectRevocationEndpointEnabled()
return directRevocationEndpointEnabled;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the direct revocation endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/revocation/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the direct endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.16
public Service setDirectRevocationEndpointEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.directRevocationEndpointEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the direct userinfo endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/userinfo/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 1.16
public boolean isDirectUserInfoEndpointEnabled()
return directUserInfoEndpointEnabled;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the direct userinfo endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/userinfo/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the direct endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.16
public Service setDirectUserInfoEndpointEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.directUserInfoEndpointEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the direct jwks endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/service/jwks/get/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 1.16
public boolean isDirectJwksEndpointEnabled()
return directJwksEndpointEnabled;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the direct jwks endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/service/jwks/get/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the direct endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.16
public Service setDirectJwksEndpointEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.directJwksEndpointEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the direct introspection endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/introspection/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 1.39
public boolean isDirectIntrospectionEndpointEnabled()
return directIntrospectionEndpointEnabled;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the direct introspection endpoint
* is enabled or not. The path of the endpoint is
* /api/auth/introspection/direct/{serviceApiKey}
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the direct endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.39
public Service setDirectIntrospectionEndpointEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.directIntrospectionEndpointEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens
* per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
* If this flag is {@code true}, an attempt to issue a new access
* token invalidates existing access tokens associated with the
* same subject and the same client.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, invalidation of existing access
* tokens is executed if the {@code singleAccessTokenPerSubject}
* property of the target client is {@code true}. The property of
* {@link Client} is recognized by Authlete 2.3 onwards. (cf.
* {@link Client#isSingleAccessTokenPerSubject()})
* Note that, however, attempts by Client Credentials Flow do not
* invalidate existing access tokens because access tokens issued
* by Client Credentials Flow are not associated with any end-user's
* subject. Also note that an attempt by Refresh Token Flow
* invalidates the coupled access token only and this invalidation
* is always performed regardless of whether this flag is {@code
* true} or {@code false}.
* @return
* {@code true} if the number of access tokens per subject
* (and per client) is at most one.
* @since 1.20
* @see Client#isSingleAccessTokenPerSubject()
public boolean isSingleAccessTokenPerSubject()
return singleAccessTokenPerSubject;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the number of access tokens
* per subject (and per client) is at most one or can be more.
* If {@code true} is set, an attempt to issue a new access token
* invalidates existing access tokens associated with the same
* subject and the same client.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, invalidation of existing access
* tokens is executed if the {@code singleAccessTokenPerSubject}
* property of the target client is {@code true}. The property of
* {@link Client} is recognized by Authlete 2.3 onwards. (cf.
* {@link Client#setSingleAccessTokenPerSubject(boolean)})
* Note that, however, attempts by Client Credentials Flow do not
* invalidate existing access tokens because access tokens issued
* by Client Credentials Flow are not associated with any end-user's
* subject. Also note that an attempt by Refresh Token Flow
* invalidates the coupled access token only and this invalidation
* is always performed regardless of whether this flag is {@code
* true} or {@code false}.
* @param single
* {@code true} to set the maximum number of access tokens
* per subject (and per client) to 1.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.20
* @see Client#setSingleAccessTokenPerSubject(boolean)
public Service setSingleAccessTokenPerSubject(boolean single)
this.singleAccessTokenPerSubject = single;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the use of Proof Key for Code
* Exchange (PKCE) is always required for authorization requests
* by Authorization Code Flow. See RFC 7636 (Proof Key
* for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients) for details.
* @return
* {@code true} if PKCE is always required for authorization
* requests by Authorization Code Flow.
* @since 1.21
* @see RFC 7636
public boolean isPkceRequired()
return pkceRequired;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the use of Proof Key for Code
* Exchange (PKCE) is always required for authorization requests
* by Authorization Code Flow. See RFC 7636 (Proof Key
* for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients for details.
* @param required
* {@code true} to always require PKCE for authorization
* requests by Authorization Code Flow.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.21
public Service setPkceRequired(boolean required)
this.pkceRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether {@code S256} is always required
* as the code challenge method whenever PKCE (RFC 7636) is used.
* If this flag is {@code true}, {@code code_challenge_method=S256} must
* be included in the authorization request whenever it includes the
* {@code code_challenge} request parameter. Neither omission of the
* {@code code_challenge_method} request parameter nor use of {@code plain}
* ({@code code_challenge_method=plain}) is allowed.
* @return
* {@code true} if {@code S256} is always required as the code
* challenge method whenever PKCE is used.
* @since 2.46
* @see RFC 7636
public boolean isPkceS256Required()
return pkceS256Required;
* Set the flag which indicates whether {@code S256} is always required
* as the code challenge method whenever PKCE (RFC 7636) is used.
* If {@code true} is set, {@code code_challenge_method=S256} must be
* included in the authorization request whenever it includes the
* {@code code_challenge} request parameter. Neither omission of the
* {@code code_challenge_method} request parameter nor use of {@code plain}
* ({@code code_challenge_method=plain}) is allowed.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require {@code S256} as the code challenge
* method whenever PKCE is used.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.46
* @see RFC 7636
public Service setPkceS256Required(boolean required)
this.pkceS256Required = required;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether a refresh token remains valid
* or gets renewed after its use.
* @return
* {@code true} if a refresh token remains valid after its use.
* {@code false} if a new refresh token is issued after its use.
* @since 1.33
public boolean isRefreshTokenKept()
return refreshTokenKept;
* Set the flag which indicates whether a refresh token remains valid
* or gets renewed after its use.
* @param kept
* {@code true} to keep a refresh token valid after its use.
* {@code false} to renew a refresh token after its use.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.33
public Service setRefreshTokenKept(boolean kept)
this.refreshTokenKept = kept;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the remaining duration of the used
* refresh token is taken over to the newly issued refresh token.
* @return
* {@code true} if the remaining duration of the used refresh token
* is taken over to the newly issued refresh token.
* @since 2.78
public boolean isRefreshTokenDurationKept()
return refreshTokenDurationKept;
* Set the flag which indicates whether the remaining duration of the used
* refresh token is taken over to the newly issued refresh token.
* @param kept
* {@code true} to indicate that the remaining duration of the used
* refresh token is taken over to the newly issued refresh token.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setRefreshTokenDurationKept(boolean kept)
this.refreshTokenDurationKept = kept;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether duration of refresh tokens are
* reset when they are used even if the {@code refreshTokenKept} property
* of this service (cf. {@link #isRefreshTokenKept()}) is true
* (= even if "Refresh Token Continuous Use" is "Kept").
* This flag has no effect when the {@code refreshTokenKept} property is
* {@code false}. In other words, if this service issues a new refresh
* token on every refresh token request, the refresh token will have fresh
* duration (unless {@code refreshTokenDurationKept} is true) and this
* {@code refreshTokenDurationReset} property is not referenced.
* @return
* {@code true} if duration of refresh tokens are reset when they
* are used.
* @since 2.98
public boolean isRefreshTokenDurationReset()
return refreshTokenDurationReset;
* Set the flag which indicates whether duration of refresh tokens are
* reset when they are used even if the {@code refreshTokenKept} property
* of this service (cf. {@link #isRefreshTokenKept()}) is true
* (= even if "Refresh Token Continuous Use" is "Kept").
* This flag has no effect when the {@code refreshTokenKept} property is
* {@code false}. In other words, if this service issues a new refresh
* token on every refresh token request, the refresh token will have fresh
* duration (unless {@code refreshTokenDurationKept} is true) and this
* {@code refreshTokenDurationReset} property is not referenced.
* @param reset
* {@code true} to reset duration of refresh tokens when they are
* used.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.98
public Service setRefreshTokenDurationReset(boolean reset)
this.refreshTokenDurationReset = reset;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the {@code error_description}
* response parameter is omitted.
* According to RFC 6749, authorization servers may include the {@code
* error_description} response parameter in error responses. When this
* {@code errorDescriptionOmitted} property is {@code true}, Authlete does
* not embed the {@code error_description} response parameter in error
* responses.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code error_description} response parameter
* is omitted. {@code false} if the {@code error_description}
* response parameter is included in error responses from the
* authorization server.
* @since 1.39
public boolean isErrorDescriptionOmitted()
return errorDescriptionOmitted;
* Omit or embed the {@code error_description} response parameter in
* error responses.
* @param omitted
* {@code true} to omit the {@code error_description} response
* parameter. {@code false} to embed the parameter.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.39
public Service setErrorDescriptionOmitted(boolean omitted)
this.errorDescriptionOmitted = omitted;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the {@code error_uri} response
* parameter is omitted.
* According to RFC 6749, authorization servers may include the
* {@code error_uri} response parameter in error responses. When
* this {@code errorUriOmitted} property is {@code true}, Authlete
* does not embed the {@code error_uri} response parameter in error
* responses.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code error_uri} response parameter
* is omitted. {@code false} if the {@code error_uri}
* response parameter is included in error responses from
* the authorization server.
* @since 1.39
public boolean isErrorUriOmitted()
return errorUriOmitted;
* Omit or embed the {@code error_uri} response parameter in error
* responses.
* @param omitted
* {@code true} to omit the {@code error_uri} response parameter.
* {@code false} to embed the parameter.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 1.39
public Service setErrorUriOmitted(boolean omitted)
this.errorUriOmitted = omitted;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the 'Client ID Alias' feature
* is enabled or not.
* @return
* {@code true} if the 'Client ID Alias' feature is enabled.
* {@code false} if the feature is disabled.
* @since 2.2
public boolean isClientIdAliasEnabled()
return clientIdAliasEnabled;
* Enable/disable the 'Client ID Alias' feature.
* When a new client is created, Authlete generates a numeric value
* and assigns it as a client ID to the newly created client. In
* addition to the client ID, each client can have a client ID alias.
* The client ID alias is, however, recognized only when this property
* ({@code clientIdAliasEnabled}) is {@code true}.
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the 'Client ID Alias' feature.
* {@code false} to disable it.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.2
public Service setClientIdAliasEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.clientIdAliasEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing access tokens.
* A JWK Set can be registered as a property of a Service. A JWK Set can
* contain 0 or more JWKs (See RFC 7517 for details about JWK). Authlete Server has to pick up
* one JWK for signing from the JWK Set when it generates a JWT-based
* access token (see {@link #getAccessTokenSignAlg()} for details about
* JWT-based access token). Authlete Server searches the registered JWK Set
* for a JWK which satisfies conditions for access token signature. If the
* number of JWK candidates which satisfy the conditions is 1, there is no
* problem. On the other hand, if there exist multiple candidates, a
* Key ID is
* needed to be specified so that Authlete Server can pick up one JWK from
* among the JWK candidates.
* This {@code accessTokenSignatureKeyId} property exists for the purpose
* described above.
* @return
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @since 2.37
public String getAccessTokenSignatureKeyId()
return accessTokenSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing access tokens.
* See the description of {@link #getAccessTokenSignatureKeyId()} for
* details.
* @param keyId
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.37
public Service setAccessTokenSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.accessTokenSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing authorization
* responses using an asymmetric key.
* Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth
* 2.0 (JARM) has added new values for the {@code response_mode}
* request parameter. They are {@code query.jwt}, {@code fragment.jwt},
* {@code form_post.jwt} and {@code jwt}. If one of them is used, response
* parameters returned from the authorization endpoint will be packed into
* a JWT. The JWT is always signed. For the signature of the JWT, Authlete
* Server has to pick up one JWK from the service's JWK Set.
* Authlete Server searches the JWK Set for a JWK which satisfies
* conditions for authorization response signature. If the number of JWK
* candidates which satisfy the conditions is 1, there is no problem. On
* the other hand, if there exist multiple candidates, a Key ID is needed
* to be specified so that Authlete Server can pick up one JWK from among
* the JWK candidates. This property exists to specify the key ID.
* @return
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @since 2.28
public String getAuthorizationSignatureKeyId()
return authorizationSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for signing authorization responses
* using an asymmetric key.
* See the description of {@link #getAuthorizationSignatureKeyId()} for details.
* @param keyId
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.28
public Service setAuthorizationSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.authorizationSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for ID token signature using
* an asymmetric key.
* A JWK Set can be registered as a property of a Service. A JWK Set can
* contain 0 or more JWKs (See RFC 7517 for details about JWK). Authlete Server has to pick up
* one JWK for signature from the JWK Set when it generates an ID token
* and signature using an asymmetric key. Authlete Server
* searches the registered JWK Set for a JWK which satisfies conditions
* for ID token signature. If the number of JWK candidates which satisfy
* the conditions is 1, there is no problem. On the other hand, if there
* exist multiple candidates, a Key ID is needed
* to be specified so that Authlete Server can pick up one JWK from among
* the JWK candidates.
* This {@code idTokenSignatureKeyId} property exists for the purpose
* described above. For key rotation (OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 10.1.1. Rotation of Asymmetric Signing Keys), this mechanism is
* needed.
* @return
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @since 2.1
public String getIdTokenSignatureKeyId()
return idTokenSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for ID token signature using
* an asymmetric key.
* See the description of {@link #getIdTokenSignatureKeyId()} for details.
* @param keyId
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.1
public Service setIdTokenSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.idTokenSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get the key ID to identify a JWK used for user info signature using
* an asymmetric key.
* A JWK Set can be registered as a property of a Service. A JWK Set can
* contain 0 or more JWKs (See RFC 7517 for details about JWK). Authlete Server has to pick up
* one JWK for signature from the JWK Set when it is required to sign
* user info (which is returned from UserInfo Endpoint) using an asymmetric key. Authlete Server
* searches the registered JWK Set for a JWK which satisfies conditions
* for user info signature. If the number of JWK candidates which satisfy
* the conditions is 1, there is no problem. On the other hand, if there
* exist multiple candidates, a Key ID is needed
* to be specified so that Authlete Server can pick up one JWK from among
* the JWK candidates.
* This {@code userInfoSignatureKeyId} property exists for the purpose
* described above. For key rotation (OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 10.1.1. Rotation of Asymmetric Signing Keys), this mechanism is
* needed.
* @return
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @since 2.1
public String getUserInfoSignatureKeyId()
return userInfoSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID to identify a JWK used for user info signature using
* an asymmetric key.
* See the description of {@link #getUserInfoSignatureKeyId()} for details.
* @param keyId
* A key ID of a JWK. This may be {@code null}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.1
public Service setUserInfoSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.userInfoSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get the supported service profiles.
* @return
* Supported service profiles.
* @since 2.12
public ServiceProfile[] getSupportedServiceProfiles()
return supportedServiceProfiles;
* Set the supported service profiles.
* @param profiles
* Supported service profiles.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.12
public Service setSupportedServiceProfiles(ServiceProfile[] profiles)
this.supportedServiceProfiles = profiles;
return this;
* Set the supported service profiles.
* @param profiles
* Supported service profiles.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.12
public Service setSupportedServiceProfiles(Iterable profiles)
if (profiles == null)
this.supportedServiceProfiles = null;
return this;
Set set = new TreeSet();
for (ServiceProfile profile : profiles)
if (profile != null)
int size = set.size();
if (size == 0)
this.supportedServiceProfiles = null;
return this;
ServiceProfile[] array = new ServiceProfile[size];
this.supportedServiceProfiles = set.toArray(array);
return this;
* Check if this service supports the specified profile.
* If {@code null} is given, {@code false} is returned.
* If the supported service profiles are not set to this service,
* {@code false} is returned.
* @param profile
* A service profile.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports the service profile.
* @since 2.12
public boolean supports(ServiceProfile profile)
if (profile == null)
return false;
if (supportedServiceProfiles == null)
return false;
for (ServiceProfile supportedProfile : supportedServiceProfiles)
if (supportedProfile == profile)
return true;
return false;
* Check if this service supports all the specified service profiles.
* If {@code null} is given, {@code true} is returned.
* If an empty array is given, {@code true} is returned.
* @param profiles
* Service profiles.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports all the specified
* service profiles.
* @since 2.12
public boolean supportsAll(ServiceProfile... profiles)
if (profiles == null)
return true;
for (ServiceProfile profile : profiles)
if (supports(profile) == false)
return false;
return true;
* Check if this service supports all the specified service profiles.
* If {@code null} is given, {@code true} is returned.
* If an empty collection is given, {@code true} is returned.
* @param profiles
* Service profiles.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports all the specified
* service profiles.
* @since 2.12
public boolean supportsAll(Iterable profiles)
if (profiles == null)
return true;
for (ServiceProfile profile : profiles)
if (supports(profile) == false)
return false;
return true;
* Check if this service any of the specified service profiles.
* If {@code null} is given, {@code false} is returned.
* If an empty array is given, {@code false} is returned.
* @param profiles
* Service profiles.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports any of the specified
* service profiles.
* @since 2.12
public boolean supportsAny(ServiceProfile... profiles)
if (profiles == null)
return false;
for (ServiceProfile profile : profiles)
if (supports(profile))
return true;
return false;
* Check if this service any of the specified service profiles.
* If {@code null} is given, {@code false} is returned.
* If an empty collection is given, {@code false} is returned.
* @param profiles
* Service profiles.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports any of the specified
* service profiles.
* @since 2.12
public boolean supportsAny(Iterable profiles)
if (profiles == null)
return false;
for (ServiceProfile profile : profiles)
if (supports(profile))
return true;
return false;
* Does this service support issuing TLS client certificate bound access tokens?
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports issuing TLS client
* certificate bound access tokens.
* @since 2.19
public boolean isTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens()
return tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens;
* Enable or disable support for TLS client certificate bound access tokens.
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable TLS client certificate bound access tokens.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.19
public Service setTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens(boolean enabled)
this.tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens = enabled;
return this;
* Get the URI of the introspection endpoint.
* @return
* The URI of the introspection endpoint.
* @since 2.13
* @see RFC 7662: OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection
public URI getIntrospectionEndpoint()
return introspectionEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the introspection endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the introspection endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.13
* @see RFC 7662: OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection
public Service setIntrospectionEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.introspectionEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get client authentication methods supported at the introspection endpoint.
* @return
* Client authentication methods supported at the introspection endpoint.
* @since 2.13
public ClientAuthMethod[] getSupportedIntrospectionAuthMethods()
return supportedIntrospectionAuthMethods;
* Set client authentication methods supported at the introspection endpoint.
* @param methods
* Client authentication methods.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.13
public Service setSupportedIntrospectionAuthMethods(ClientAuthMethod[] methods)
this.supportedIntrospectionAuthMethods = methods;
return this;
* Determine whether this service validates certificate chains during PKI-based
* client mutual TLS authentication.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service requires clients using PKI MTLS
* to present their certificate chain to the API during authentication,
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 2.15
public boolean isMutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain()
return mutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain;
* Set whether this service validates certificate chains during PKI-based
* client mutual TLS authentication.
* @param mutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain
* {@code true} if this service requires clients using PKI MTLS
* to present their certificate chain to the API during authentication,
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.15
public Service setMutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain(boolean mutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain)
this.mutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain = mutualTlsValidatePkiCertChain;
return this;
* Get the list of root certificates trusted by this service for PKI-based
* client mutual TLS authentication.
* @return
* The list of root certificates trusted by this service in PEM format.
* @since 2.15
public String[] getTrustedRootCertificates()
return trustedRootCertificates;
* Get the list of root certificates trusted by this service for PKI-based
* client mutual TLS authentication.
* @param trustedRootCertificates
* The list of root certificates trusted by this service in PEM format.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.15
public Service setTrustedRootCertificates(String[] trustedRootCertificates)
this.trustedRootCertificates = trustedRootCertificates;
return this;
* Get the supported backchannel token delivery modes. This property
* corresponds to the {@code backchannel_token_delivery_modes_supported}
* metadata.
* Backchannel token delivery modes are defined in the specification of
* CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
* @return
* Supported backchannel token delivery modes.
* @since 2.32
public DeliveryMode[] getSupportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes()
return supportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes;
* Get the supported backchannel token delivery modes. This property
* corresponds to the {@code backchannel_token_delivery_modes_supported}
* metadata.
* Backchannel token delivery modes are defined in the specification of
* CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
* @param modes
* Supported backchannel token delivery modes.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.32
public Service setSupportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes(DeliveryMode[] modes)
this.supportedBackchannelTokenDeliveryModes = modes;
return this;
* Get the URI of the backchannel authentication endpoint.
* Backchannel authentication endpoint is defined in the specification of
* CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
* @return
* The URI of the backchannel authentication endpoint.
* @since 2.32
public URI getBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint()
return backchannelAuthenticationEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the backchannel authentication endpoint.
* Backchannel authentication endpoint is defined in the specification of
* CIBA (Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication).
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the backchannel authentication endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.32
public Service setBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.backchannelAuthenticationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the boolean flag which indicates whether the {@code "user_code"}
* request parameter is supported at the backchannel authentication
* endpoint. This property corresponds to the
* {@code backchannel_user_code_parameter_supported} metadata.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code "user_code"} request parameter is
* supported at the backchannel authentication endpoint.
* @since 2.32
public boolean isBackchannelUserCodeParameterSupported()
return backchannelUserCodeParameterSupported;
* Set the boolean flag which indicates whether the {@code "user_code"}
* request parameter is supported at the backchannel authentication
* endpoint. This property corresponds to the
* {@code backchannel_user_code_parameter_supported} metadata.
* @param supported
* {@code true} to indicate that the {@code "user_code"} request
* parameter is supported.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.32
public Service setBackchannelUserCodeParameterSupported(boolean supported)
this.backchannelUserCodeParameterSupported = supported;
return this;
* Get the duration of backchannel authentication request IDs issued from
* the backchannel authentication endpoint in seconds. This is used as the
* value of the {@code expires_in} property in responses from the
* backchannel authentication endpoint.
* @return
* The duration of backchannel authentication request IDs in
* seconds.
* @since 2.32
public int getBackchannelAuthReqIdDuration()
return backchannelAuthReqIdDuration;
* Set the duration of backchannel authentication request IDs issued from
* the backchannel authentication endpoint in seconds. This is used as the
* value of the {@code expires_in} property in responses from the
* backchannel authentication endpoint.
* @param duration
* The duration of backchannel authentication request IDs in
* seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.32
public Service setBackchannelAuthReqIdDuration(int duration)
this.backchannelAuthReqIdDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint
* from client applications in seconds. This is used as the value of the
* {@code interval} property in responses from the backchannel
* authentication endpoint.
* @return
* The minimum interval between polling requests in seconds.
* @since 2.32
public int getBackchannelPollingInterval()
return backchannelPollingInterval;
* Set the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint
* from client applications in seconds. This is used as the value of the
* {@code interval} property in responses from the backchannel
* authentication endpoint.
* @param interval
* The minimum interval between polling requests in seconds.
* Must be in between 0 and 65,535.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.32
public Service setBackchannelPollingInterval(int interval)
this.backchannelPollingInterval = interval;
return this;
* Get the boolean flag which indicates whether the {@code binding_message}
* request parameter is always required whenever a backchannel authentication
* request is judged as a request for Financial-grade API.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code binding_message} request parameter
* is required whenever a backchannel authentication request is
* judged as a request for Financial-grade API.
* @since 2.48
public boolean isBackchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi()
return backchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi;
* Set the boolean flag which indicates whether the {@code binding_message}
* request parameter is always required whenever a backchannel authentication
* request is judged as a request for Financial-grade API.
* The FAPI-CIBA profile requires that the authorization server "shall
* ensure unique authorization context exists in the authorization request
* or require a {@code binding_message} in the authorization request"
* (FAPI-CIBA, 5.2.2, 2). The simplest way to fulfill this requirement is
* to set {@code true} to this property.
* If {@code false} is set to this property, the {@code binding_message}
* request parameter remains optional even in FAPI context, but in exchange,
* your authorization server must implement a custom mechanism that ensures
* each backchannel authentication request has unique context.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require the {@code binding_message} request
* parameter whenever a backchannel authentication request is
* judged as a request for Financial-grade API.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.48
public Service setBackchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi(boolean required)
this.backchannelBindingMessageRequiredInFapi = required;
return this;
* Get the allowable clock skew between the server and clients in seconds.
* The clock skew is taken into consideration when time-related claims in
* a JWT (e.g. {@code "exp"}, {@code "iat"}, {@code "nbf"}) are verified.
* @return
* Allowable clock skew in seconds.
* @since 2.32
public int getAllowableClockSkew()
return allowableClockSkew;
* Set the allowable clock skew between the server and clients in seconds.
* The clock skew is taken into consideration when time-related claims in
* a JWT (e.g. {@code "exp"}, {@code "iat"}, {@code "nbf"}) are verified.
* @param seconds
* Allowable clock skew in seconds. Must be in between 0 and
* 65,535.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.32
public Service setAllowableClockSkew(int seconds)
this.allowableClockSkew = seconds;
return this;
* Get the flag which indicates whether the dynamic client registration is
* supported.
* @return
* {@code true} if enabled.
* @since 2.39
public boolean isDynamicRegistrationSupported()
return dynamicRegistrationSupported;
* Set the flag which indicates whether dynamic client registration is supported.
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable dynamic client registration
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.39
public Service setDynamicRegistrationSupported(boolean enabled)
this.dynamicRegistrationSupported = enabled;
return this;
* Get the URI of the device authorization endpoint.
* Device authorization endpoint is defined in the specification of
* OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant.
* @return
* The URI of the device authorization endpoint.
* @since 2.42
public URI getDeviceAuthorizationEndpoint()
return deviceAuthorizationEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the device authorization endpoint.
* Device authorization endpoint is defined in the specification of
* OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the device authorization endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.42
public Service setDeviceAuthorizationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.deviceAuthorizationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the verification URI for the device flow. This URI is used as the
* value of the {@code verification_uri} parameter in responses from the
* device authorization endpoint.
* @return
* The verification URI.
* @since 2.42
public URI getDeviceVerificationUri()
return deviceVerificationUri;
* Set the verification URI for the device flow. This URI is used as the
* value of the {@code verification_uri} parameter in responses from the
* device authorization endpoint.
* @param uri
* The verification URI.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.42
public Service setDeviceVerificationUri(URI uri)
this.deviceVerificationUri = uri;
return this;
* Get the verification URI for the device flow with a placeholder for a
* user code. This URI is used to build the value of the
* {@code verification_uri_complete} parameter in responses from the device
* authorization endpoint.
* @return
* The verification URI with a placeholder for a user code.
* @since 2.42
public URI getDeviceVerificationUriComplete()
return deviceVerificationUriComplete;
* Set the verification URI for the device flow with a placeholder for a
* user code. This URI is used to build the value of the
* {@code verification_uri_complete} parameter in responses from the device
* authorization endpoint.
* It is expected that the URI contains a fixed string {@code USER_CODE}
* somewhere as a placeholder for a user code. For example, like the
* following.
* https://example.com/device?user_code=USER_CODE
* The fixed string is replaced with an actual user code when Authlete
* builds a verification URI with a user code for the
* {@code verification_uri_complete} parameter.
* If this URI is not set, the {@code verification_uri_complete} parameter
* won't appear in device authorization responses.
* @param uri
* The verification URI with a placeholder for a user code.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.42
public Service setDeviceVerificationUriComplete(URI uri)
this.deviceVerificationUriComplete = uri;
return this;
* Get the duration of device verification codes and end-user verification
* codes issued from the device authorization endpoint in seconds. This is
* used as the value of the {@code expires_in} property in responses from
* the device authorization endpoint.
* @return
* The duration of device verification codes and end-user
* verification codes in seconds.
* @since 2.42
public int getDeviceFlowCodeDuration()
return deviceFlowCodeDuration;
* Set the duration of device verification codes and end-user verification
* codes issued from the device authorization endpoint in seconds. This is
* used as the value of the {@code expires_in} property in responses from
* the device authorization endpoint.
* @param duration
* The duration of device verification codes and end-user
* verification codes in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.42
public Service setDeviceFlowCodeDuration(int duration)
this.deviceFlowCodeDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint
* from client applications in seconds in device flow. This is used as the
* value of the {@code interval} property in responses from the device
* authorization endpoint.
* @return
* The minimum interval between polling requests in seconds in
* device flow.
* @since 2.42
public int getDeviceFlowPollingInterval()
return deviceFlowPollingInterval;
* Set the minimum interval between polling requests to the token endpoint
* from client applications in seconds in device flow. This is used as the
* value of the {@code interval} property in responses from the device
* authorization endpoint.
* @param interval
* The minimum interval between polling requests in seconds in
* device flow. Must be in between 0 and 65,535.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.42
public Service setDeviceFlowPollingInterval(int interval)
this.deviceFlowPollingInterval = interval;
return this;
* Get the character set for end-user verification codes
* ({@code user_code}) for Device Flow.
* @return
* The character set for end-user verification codes
* ({@code user_code}) for Device Flow.
* @since 2.43
public UserCodeCharset getUserCodeCharset()
return userCodeCharset;
* Set the character set for end-user verification codes
* ({@code user_code}) for Device Flow.
* @param charset
* The character set for end-user verification codes
* ({@code user_code}) for Device Flow.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.43
public Service setUserCodeCharset(UserCodeCharset charset)
this.userCodeCharset = charset;
return this;
* Get the length of end-user verification codes ({@code user_code}) for
* Device Flow.
* @return
* The length of end-user verification codes ({@code user_code})
* for Device Flow.
* @since 2.43
public int getUserCodeLength()
return userCodeLength;
* Set the length of end-user verification codes ({@code user_code}) for
* Device Flow.
* @param length
* The length of end-user verification codes ({@code user_code})
* for Device Flow. The value must not be negative and must not
* be larger than 255.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.43
public Service setUserCodeLength(int length)
this.userCodeLength = length;
return this;
* Get the URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* This property corresponds to the {@code pushed_authorization_request_endpoint}
* metadata defined in "5. Authorization Server Metadata" of OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests.
* @return
* The URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @since 2.52
* @see OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests, 5. Authorization Server Metadata
public URI getPushedAuthReqEndpoint()
return pushedAuthReqEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* This property corresponds to the {@code pushed_authorization_request_endpoint}
* metadata defined in "5. Authorization Server Metadata" of OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.52
* @see OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests, 5. Authorization Server Metadata
public Service setPushedAuthReqEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.pushedAuthReqEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the MTLS endpoint aliases.
* This property corresponds to the {@code mtls_endpoint_aliases} metadata
* defined in "5. Metadata for Mutual-TLS Endpoint Aliases" of RFC 8705 OAuth 2.0
* Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens.
* @return
* MTLS endpoint aliases.
* @since 2.49
public NamedUri[] getMtlsEndpointAliases()
return mtlsEndpointAliases;
* Set the MTLS endpoint aliases.
* This property corresponds to the {@code mtls_endpoint_aliases} metadata
* defined in "5. Metadata for Mutual-TLS Endpoint Aliases" of RFC 8705 OAuth 2.0
* Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens.
* The aliases will be embedded in the response from the discovery endpoint
* like the following.
* {
* ......,
* "mtls_endpoint_aliases": {
* "token_endpoint": "https://mtls.example.com/token",
* "revocation_endpoint": "https://mtls.example.com/revo",
* "introspection_endpoint": "https://mtls.example.com/introspect"
* }
* }
* @param aliases
* MTLS endpoint aliases.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.49
public Service setMtlsEndpointAliases(NamedUri[] aliases)
this.mtlsEndpointAliases = aliases;
return this;
* Get the supported authorization details types that can be used as values
* of the {@code "type"} field in {@code "authorization_details"}.
* This property corresponds to the
* {@code "authorization_details_types_supported"} server metadata.
* See "OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests" (RAR) for details.
* Note that the property name was renamed from {@code supportedAuthorizationDataTypes}
* to {@code supportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes} to align with the change
* made by the 5th draft of the RAR specification.
* @return
* Supported authorization details types.
* @since 2.91
public String[] getSupportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes()
return supportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes;
* Set the supported authorization details types that can be used as values
* of the {@code "type"} field in {@code "authorization_details"}.
* This property corresponds to the
* {@code "authorization_details_types_supported"} server metadata.
* See "OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests" (RAR) for details.
* Note that the property name was renamed from {@code supportedAuthorizationDataTypes}
* to {@code supportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes} to align with the change
* made by the 5th draft of the RAR specification.
* @param types
* Supported authorization details types.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.91
public Service setSupportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes(String[] types)
this.supportedAuthorizationDetailsTypes = types;
return this;
* Get trust frameworks supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code trust_frameworks_supported} server
* metadata.
* @return
* Trust frameworks supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 2.63
public String[] getSupportedTrustFrameworks()
return supportedTrustFrameworks;
* Set trust frameworks supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code trust_frameworks_supported} server
* metadata.
* @param frameworks
* Trust frameworks supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 2.63
public Service setSupportedTrustFrameworks(String[] frameworks)
this.supportedTrustFrameworks = frameworks;
return this;
* Get evidence supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code evidence_supported} server metadata.
* @return
* Evidence supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 2.63
public String[] getSupportedEvidence()
return supportedEvidence;
* Set evidence supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code evidence_supported} server metadata.
* @param evidence
* Evidence supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 2.63
public Service setSupportedEvidence(String[] evidence)
this.supportedEvidence = evidence;
return this;
* Get identity documents supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_supported}.
* @return
* Identity documents supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see #getSupportedDocuments()
* @since 2.63
* @deprecated
public String[] getSupportedIdentityDocuments()
return supportedIdentityDocuments;
* Set identity documents supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_supported}.
* @param documents
* Identity documents supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see #setSupportedDocuments(String[])
* @since 2.63
* @deprecated
public Service setSupportedIdentityDocuments(String[] documents)
this.supportedIdentityDocuments = documents;
return this;
* Get document types supported by this service. This property corresponds
* to the {@code documents_supported} server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_supported}.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @return
* Document types supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public String[] getSupportedDocuments()
return supportedDocuments;
* Set document types supported by this service. This property corresponds
* to the {@code documents_supported} server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_supported}.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @param documents
* Document types supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public Service setSupportedDocuments(String[] documents)
this.supportedDocuments = documents;
return this;
* Get verification methods supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported}
* server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_methods_supported}.
* @return
* Verification methods supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see #getSupportedDocumentsMethods()
* @since 2.63
* @deprecated
public String[] getSupportedVerificationMethods()
return supportedVerificationMethods;
* Set verification methods supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported}
* server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_methods_supported}.
* @param methods
* Verification methods supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see #setSupportedDocumentsMethods(String[])
* @since 2.63
* @deprecated
public Service setSupportedVerificationMethods(String[] methods)
this.supportedVerificationMethods = methods;
return this;
* Get validation and verification processes supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code documents_methods_supported}
* server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_methods_supported}.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @return
* Validation and verification processes supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public String[] getSupportedDocumentsMethods()
return supportedDocumentsMethods;
* Set validation and verification processes supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code documents_methods_supported}
* server metadata.
* The third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 renamed the
* {@code id_documents_verification_methods_supported} server metadata to
* {@code documents_methods_supported}.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @param methods
* Validation and verification processes supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public Service setSupportedDocumentsMethods(String[] methods)
this.supportedDocumentsMethods = methods;
return this;
* Get document validation methods supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @return
* Document validation methods supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
* @deprecated
public String[] getSupportedDocumentsValidationMethods()
return supportedDocumentsValidationMethods;
* Set document validation methods supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @param methods
* Document validation methods supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
* @deprecated
public Service setSupportedDocumentsValidationMethods(String[] methods)
this.supportedDocumentsValidationMethods = methods;
return this;
* Get document verification methods supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @return
* Document verification methods supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
* @deprecated
public String[] getSupportedDocumentsVerificationMethods()
return supportedDocumentsVerificationMethods;
* Set document verification methods supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @param methods
* Document verification methods supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
* @deprecated
public Service setSupportedDocumentsVerificationMethods(String[] methods)
this.supportedDocumentsVerificationMethods = methods;
return this;
* Get document check methods supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata which was added by the fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @return
* Document check methods supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.48
public String[] getSupportedDocumentsCheckMethods()
return supportedDocumentsCheckMethods;
* Set document check methods supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata which was added by the fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* The fourth implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance
* 1.0 replaced the {@code documents_validation_methods_supported} server
* metadata and the {@code documents_verification_methods_supported} server
* metadata with the {@code documents_check_methods_supported} server
* metadata.
* @param methods
* Document check methods supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.48
public Service setSupportedDocumentsCheckMethods(String[] methods)
this.supportedDocumentsCheckMethods = methods;
return this;
* Get electronic record types supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code electronic_records_supported} server metadata
* which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* If {@code "electronic_record"} is included in the list of supported
* evidence (cf. {@link #getSupportedEvidence()}, this property must have
* at least one entry.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @return
* Electronic record types supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public String[] getSupportedElectronicRecords()
return supportedElectronicRecords;
* Set electronic record types supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code electronic_records_supported} server metadata
* which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* If {@code "electronic_record"} is included in the list of supported
* evidence (cf. {@link #getSupportedEvidence()}, this property must have
* at least one entry.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @param records
* Electronic record types supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public Service setSupportedElectronicRecords(String[] records)
this.supportedElectronicRecords = records;
return this;
* Get verified claims supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code claims_in_verified_claims_supported}
* server metadata.
* @return
* Verified claims supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 2.63
public String[] getSupportedVerifiedClaims()
return supportedVerifiedClaims;
* Set verified claims supported by this service.
* This property corresponds to the {@code claims_in_verified_claims_supported}
* server metadata.
* @param claims
* Verified claims supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 2.63
public Service setSupportedVerifiedClaims(String[] claims)
this.supportedVerifiedClaims = claims;
return this;
* Get attachment types supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code attachments_supported} server metadata
* which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @return
* Attachment types supported by this service.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public AttachmentType[] getSupportedAttachments()
return supportedAttachments;
* Set attachment types supported by this service. This property
* corresponds to the {@code attachments_supported} server metadata
* which was added by the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @param types
* Attachment types supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @since 3.13
public Service setSupportedAttachments(AttachmentType[] types)
this.supportedAttachments = types;
return this;
* Get supported algorithms used to compute digest values of external
* attachments. This property corresponds to the
* {@code digest_algorithms_supported} server metadata which was added by
* the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* Possible values are listed in the Hash Algorithm Registry of IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
* If this service supports external attachments (cf. {@link
* #getSupportedAttachments()}), this property must include at least
* {@code "sha-256"}.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @return
* Supported digest algorithms for external attachments.
* @since 3.13
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see Hash Algorithm Registry
public String[] getSupportedDigestAlgorithms()
return supportedDigestAlgorithms;
* Set supported algorithms used to compute digest values of external
* attachments. This property corresponds to the
* {@code digest_algorithms_supported} server metadata which was added by
* the third implementer's draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0.
* Possible values are listed in the Hash Algorithm Registry of IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).
* If this service supports external attachments (cf. {@link
* #getSupportedAttachments()}), this property must include at least
* {@code "sha-256"}.
* This property is recognized by Authlete 2.3 and newer versions.
* @param algorithms
* Supported digest algorithms for external attachments.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.13
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see Hash Algorithm Registry
public Service setSupportedDigestAlgorithms(String[] algorithms)
this.supportedDigestAlgorithms = algorithms;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether token requests from public clients without
* the {@code client_id} request parameter are allowed when the client can be
* guessed from {@code authorization_code} or {@code refresh_token}.
* This flag should not be set unless you have special reasons.
* @return
* {@code true} if token requests from public clients without the
* {@code client_id} request parameter are allowed in the authorization
* code flow and the refresh token flow.
* @since 2.68
public boolean isMissingClientIdAllowed()
return missingClientIdAllowed;
* Set the flag indicating whether token requests from public clients without
* the {@code client_id} request parameter are allowed when the client can be
* guessed from {@code authorization_code} or {@code refresh_token}.
* Don't set this flag unless you have special reasons.
* @param allowed
* {@code true} to allow token requests from public clients without
* the {@code client_id} request parameter in the authorization code
* flow and the refresh token flow.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.68
public Service setMissingClientIdAllowed(boolean allowed)
this.missingClientIdAllowed = allowed;
return this;
* Get the end session endpoint for the service. This endpoint is used by clients
* to signal to the IdP that the user's session should be terminated.
* @return
* The end session endpoint, or {@code null} if not set.
* @see OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0, 5. RP-Initiated Logout
* @since 2.69
public URI getEndSessionEndpoint()
return endSessionEndpoint;
* Set the end session endpoint for the service. This endpoint is used by clients
* to signal to the IdP that the user's session should be terminated.
* @param endSessionEndpoint
* The end session endpoint, or {@code null} if not set.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0, 5. RP-Initiated Logout
* @since 2.69
public Service setEndSessionEndpoint(URI endSessionEndpoint)
this.endSessionEndpoint = endSessionEndpoint;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether this service requires that clients use
* the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* This property corresponds to the
* {@code require_pushed_authorization_requests} server metadata defined
* in "OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests".
* @return
* {@code true} if client of this service are required to use PAR.
* @since 2.77
public boolean isParRequired()
return parRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether this service requires that clients use
* the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* This property corresponds to the
* {@code require_pushed_authorization_requests} server metadata defined
* in "OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests".
* @param required
* {@code true} to indicate that this service requires that clients
* use the pushed authorization request endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.77
public Service setParRequired(boolean required)
this.parRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether this service requires that authorization
* requests always utilize a request object by using either {@code request}
* or {@code request_uri} request parameter.
* If this flag is {@code true} and
* {@link #isTraditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied()} returns
* {@code false}, the value of {@code require_signed_request_object} server
* metadata of this service is reported as {@code true} in the discovery
* document. The metadata is defined in JAR (JWT Secured Authorization
* Request). That {@code require_signed_request_object} is {@code true}
* means that authorization requests which don't conform to the JAR
* specification are rejected.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service requires that authorization
* requests always utilize a request object.
* @since 2.80
public boolean isRequestObjectRequired()
return requestObjectRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether this service requires that authorization
* requests always utilize a request object by using either {@code request}
* or {@code request_uri} request parameter.
* See the description of {@link #isRequestObjectRequired()} for details.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require that authorization requests always
* utilize a request object.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.80
public Service setRequestObjectRequired(boolean required)
this.requestObjectRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether a request object is processed based on
* rules defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 or JAR (JWT Secured
* Authorization Request).
* Differences between rules in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 and ones in JAR are
* as follows.
* - JAR requires that a request object be always signed.
- JAR does not allow request parameters outside a request object to
* be referred to.
- OIDC Core 1.0 requires that {@code response_type} request parameter
* exist outside a request object even if the request object includes
* the request parameter.
- OIDC Core 1.0 requires that {@code scope} request parameter exist
* outside a request object if the authorization request is an OIDC
* request even if the request object includes the request parameter.
* If this flag is {@code false} and {@link #isRequestObjectRequired()}
* returns {@code true}, the value of {@code require_signed_request_object}
* server metadata of this service is reported as {@code true} in the
* discovery document. The metadata is defined in JAR (JWT Secured
* Authorization Request). That {@code require_signed_request_object} is
* {@code true} means that authorization requests which don't conform to
* the JAR specification are rejected.
* @return
* {@code true} if rules defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 are
* applied on processing a request object. {@code false} if rules
* defined in JAR (JWT Secured Authorization Request) are applied.
* @since 2.80
public boolean isTraditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied()
return traditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied;
* Set the flag indicating whether a request object is processed based on
* rules defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 or JAR (JWT Secured
* Authorization Request).
* See the description of {@link #isTraditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied()}
* for details.
* @param applied
* {@code true} to apply rules defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0
* on processing a request object. {@code false} to apply rules
* defined in JAR instead.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.80
public Service setTraditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied(boolean applied)
this.traditionalRequestObjectProcessingApplied = applied;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether claims specified by shortcut scopes
* (e.g. {@code profile}) are included in the issued ID token only when
* no access token is issued.
* To strictly conform to the description below excerpted from OpenID
* Connect Core 1.0 Section 5.4, this flag has to be true.
* The Claims requested by the {@code profile}, {@code email},
* {@code address}, and {@code phone} scope values are returned from the
* UserInfo Endpoint, as described in Section 5.3.2, when a
* {@code response_type} value is used that results in an Access Token
* being issued. However, when no Access Token is issued (which is the
* case for the {@code response_type} value {@code id_token}), the
* resulting Claims are returned in the ID Token.
* @return
* {@code true} if claims specified by shortcut scopes are included
* in the issued ID token only when no access token is issued.
* {@code false} if the claims are included in the issued ID token
* regardless of whether an access token is issued or not.
* @since 2.81
public boolean isClaimShortcutRestrictive()
return claimShortcutRestrictive;
* Set the flag indicating whether claims specified by shortcut scopes
* (e.g. {@code profile}) are included in the issued ID token only when
* no access token is issued.
* To strictly conform to the description below excerpted from OpenID
* Connect Core 1.0 Section 5.4, this flag has to be true.
* The Claims requested by the {@code profile}, {@code email},
* {@code address}, and {@code phone} scope values are returned from the
* UserInfo Endpoint, as described in Section 5.3.2, when a
* {@code response_type} value is used that results in an Access Token
* being issued. However, when no Access Token is issued (which is the
* case for the {@code response_type} value {@code id_token}), the
* resulting Claims are returned in the ID Token.
* @param restrictive
* {@code true} to include claims specified by shortcut scopes
* in the issued ID token only when no access token is issued.
* {@code false} to include the claims in the issued ID token
* regardless of whether an access token is issued or not.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
public Service setClaimShortcutRestrictive(boolean restrictive)
this.claimShortcutRestrictive = restrictive;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether requests that request no scope are
* rejected or not.
* When a request has no explicit {@code scope} parameter and the service's
* pre-defined default scope set is empty, the authorization server regards
* the request requests no scope. When this flag is true, requests that
* request no scope are rejected.
* The requirement below excerpted from RFC 6749 Section 3.3 does
* not explicitly mention the case where the default scope set is empty.
* If the client omits the {@code scope} parameter when requesting
* authorization, the authorization server MUST either process the request
* using a pre-defined default value or fail the request indicating an
* invalid scope.
* However, if you interpret "the default scope set exists but is empty"
* as "the default scope set does not exist" and want to strictly
* conform to the requirement above, this flag has to be true.
* @return
* {@code true} if the authorization server rejects requests that
* request no scope. {@code false} if the authorization server
* admits requests that request no scope.
* @since 2.81
public boolean isScopeRequired()
return scopeRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether requests that request no scope are
* rejected or not.
* When a request has no explicit {@code scope} parameter and the service's
* pre-defined default scope set is empty, the authorization server regards
* the request requests no scope. When this flag is true, requests that
* request no scope are rejected.
* The requirement below excerpted from RFC 6749 Section 3.3 does
* not explicitly mention the case where the default scope set is empty.
* If the client omits the {@code scope} parameter when requesting
* authorization, the authorization server MUST either process the request
* using a pre-defined default value or fail the request indicating an
* invalid scope.
* However, if you interpret "the default scope set exists but is empty"
* as "the default scope set does not exist" and want to strictly
* conform to the requirement above, this flag has to be true.
* @param required
* {@code true} to reject requests that request no scope.
* {@code false} to admit requests that request no scope.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.82
public Service setScopeRequired(boolean required)
this.scopeRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the {@code nbf} claim in the request
* object is optional even when the authorization request is regarded as
* a FAPI-Part2 request.
* The final version of Financial-grade API was approved in January, 2021.
* The Part 2 of the final version has new requirements on lifetime of
* request objects. They require that request objects contain an {@code nbf}
* claim and the lifetime computed by {@code exp - nbf} be no longer than
* 60 minutes.
* Therefore, when an authorization request is regarded as a FAPI-Part2
* request, the request object used in the authorization request must
* contain an {@code nbf} claim. Otherwise, the authorization server
* rejects the authorization request.
* When this flag is {@code true}, the {@code nbf} claim is treated as an
* optional claim even when the authorization request is regarded as a
* FAPI-Part2 request. That is, the authorization server does not perform
* the validation on lifetime of the request object.
* Skipping the validation is a violation of the FAPI specification. The
* reason why this flag has been prepared nevertheless is that the new
* requirements (which do not exist in the Implementer's Draft 2 released
* in October, 2018) have big impacts on deployed implementations of client
* applications and Authlete thinks there should be a mechanism whereby to
* make the migration from ID2 to Final smooth without breaking live
* systems.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code nbf} claim is treated as an optional
* claim even when the authorization request is regarded as a
* FAPI-Part2 request.
* @since 2.86
public boolean isNbfOptional()
return nbfOptional;
* Set the flag indicating whether the {@code nbf} claim in the request
* object is optional even when the authorization request is regarded as
* a FAPI-Part2 request.
* See the description of {@link #isNbfOptional()} for details about this
* flag.
* @param optional
* {@code true} to treat the {@code nbf} claim as an optional claim.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.86
public Service setNbfOptional(boolean optional)
this.nbfOptional = optional;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether generation of the {@code iss} response
* parameter is suppressed.
* "OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Issuer Identifier in Authorization
* Response" has defined a new authorization response parameter,
* {@code iss}, as a countermeasure for a certain type of mix-up attacks.
* The specification requires that the {@code iss} response parameter
* always be included in authorization responses unless JARM (JWT Secured
* Authorization Response Mode) is used.
* When this flag is {@code true}, the authorization server does not include
* the {@code iss} response parameter in authorization responses. By turning
* this flag on and off, developers of client applications can experiment
* the mix-up attack and the effect of the {@code iss} response parameter.
* Note that this flag should not be {@code true} in production environment
* unless there are special reasons for it.
* @return
* {@code true} if the authorization server does not include the
* {@code iss} response parameter in authorization responses.
* @since 2.86
public boolean isIssSuppressed()
return issSuppressed;
* Set the flag indicating whether generation of the {@code iss} response
* parameter is suppressed.
* See the description of {@link #isIssSuppressed()} for details about
* this flag.
* @param suppressed
* {@code true} to make the authorization server suppress the
* {@code iss} response parameter.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.86
public Service setIssSuppressed(boolean suppressed)
this.issSuppressed = suppressed;
return this;
* Get attributes.
* The feature of "service attributes" is available since Authlete 2.2.
* @return
* Attributes.
* @since 2.87
public Pair[] getAttributes()
return attributes;
* Set attributes.
* The feature of "service attributes" is available since Authlete 2.2.
* @param attributes
* Attributes.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.87
public Service setAttributes(Pair[] attributes)
this.attributes = attributes;
return this;
* Load attributes from an iterable.
* The feature of "service attributes" is available since Authlete 2.2.
* @param attributes
* Attributes.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.89
public Service loadAttributes(Iterable attributes)
if (attributes == null)
this.attributes = null;
return this;
List list = new ArrayList();
for (Pair attribute : attributes)
if (attribute == null || attribute.getKey() == null)
int size = list.size();
if (size == 0)
this.attributes = null;
return this;
Pair[] array = new Pair[size];
this.attributes = list.toArray(array);
return this;
* Get custom client metadata supported by this service.
* Standard specifications define client metadata as necessary.
* The following are such examples.
* - OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0
- RFC 7591 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
- RFC 8705 OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens
- OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0
- RFC 9101 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)
- Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 (JARM)
- RFC 9126 OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests
- RFC 9396 OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests
* Standard client metadata included in Client Registration Request and
* Client Update Request (cf. OIDC
* DynReg, RFC
* 7591 and RFC 7592) are, if supported by Authlete, stored into Authlete
* database. On the other hand, unrecognized client metadata are discarded.
* By listing up custom client metadata in advance by using this property
* ({@code Service.supportedCustomClientMetadata}), Authlete can recognize
* them and stores their values into the database. The stored custom client
* metadata values can be referenced by {@link Client#getCustomMetadata()}.
* This property affects the behavior of {@code /api/client/registration}
* API of Authlete 2.2 onwards.
* @return
* Custom client metadata supported by this service.
* @see Client#getCustomMetadata()
* @since 2.93
public String[] getSupportedCustomClientMetadata()
return supportedCustomClientMetadata;
* Set custom client metadata supported by this service.
* Standard specifications define client metadata as necessary.
* The following are such examples.
* - OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0
- RFC 7591 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
- RFC 8705 OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens
- OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0
- RFC 9101 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT Secured Authorization Request (JAR)
- Financial-grade API: JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 (JARM)
- RFC 9126 OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests
- RFC 9396 OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests
* Standard client metadata included in Client Registration Request and
* Client Update Request (cf. OIDC
* DynReg, RFC
* 7591 and RFC 7592) are, if supported by Authlete, stored into Authlete
* database. On the other hand, unrecognized client metadata are discarded.
* By listing up custom client metadata in advance by using this property
* ({@code Service.supportedCustomClientMetadata}), Authlete can recognize
* them and stores their values into the database. The stored custom client
* metadata values can be referenced by {@link Client#getCustomMetadata()}.
* This property affects the behavior of {@code /api/client/registration}
* API of Authlete 2.2 onwards.
* @param metadata
* Custom client metadata supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see Client#getCustomMetadata()
* @since 2.93
public Service setSupportedCustomClientMetadata(String[] metadata)
this.supportedCustomClientMetadata = metadata;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the expiration date of an access token
* never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token.
* When a new access token is issued by a refresh token request (= a token
* request with {@code grant_type=refresh_token}), the expiration date of
* the access token may exceed the expiration date of the corresponding
* refresh token. This behavior itself is not wrong and may happen when
* {@link #isRefreshTokenKept()} returns {@code true} and/or when
* {@link #isRefreshTokenDurationKept()} returns {@code true}.
* When this flag is {@code true}, the expiration date of an access token
* never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token regardless of
* the calculated duration based on other settings such as
* {@link Service#getAccessTokenDuration()},
* {@link ClientExtension#getAccessTokenDuration()} and the
* {@code access_token.duration} attribute of scopes.
* It is technically possible to set a value which is bigger than the
* duration of refresh tokens as the duration of access tokens although
* it is strange. In the case, the duration of an access token becomes
* longer than the duration of the refresh token which is issued together
* with the access token. Even if the duration values are configured so,
* if this flag is {@code true}, the expiration date of the access token
* does not exceed that of the refresh token. That is, the duration of
* the access token will be shortened, and as a result, the access token
* and the refresh token will have the same expiration date.
* @return
* {@code true} if the service assures that the expiration date
* of an access token never exceeds that of the corresponding
* refresh token.
* @since 2.95
public boolean isTokenExpirationLinked()
return tokenExpirationLinked;
* Set the flag indicating whether the expiration date of an access token
* never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token.
* When a new access token is issued by a refresh token request (= a token
* request with {@code grant_type=refresh_token}), the expiration date of
* the access token may exceed the expiration date of the corresponding
* refresh token. This behavior itself is not wrong and may happen when
* {@link #isRefreshTokenKept()} returns {@code true} and/or when
* {@link #isRefreshTokenDurationKept()} returns {@code true}.
* When this flag is {@code true}, the expiration date of an access token
* never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token regardless of
* the calculated duration based on other settings such as
* {@link Service#getAccessTokenDuration()},
* {@link ClientExtension#getAccessTokenDuration()} and the
* {@code access_token.duration} attribute of scopes.
* It is technically possible to set a value which is bigger than the
* duration of refresh tokens as the duration of access tokens although
* it is strange. In the case, the duration of an access token becomes
* longer than the duration of the refresh token which is issued together
* with the access token. Even if the duration values are configured so,
* if this flag is {@code true}, the expiration date of the access token
* does not exceed that of the refresh token. That is, the duration of
* the access token will be shortened, and as a result, the access token
* and the refresh token will have the same expiration date.
* @param linked
* {@code true} to assure that the expiration date of an access
* token never exceeds that of the corresponding refresh token.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.95
public Service setTokenExpirationLinked(boolean linked)
this.tokenExpirationLinked = linked;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required
* when the request object is passed through the front channel.
* This flag does not affect the processing of request objects at the
* Pushed Authorization Request Endpoint, which is defined in RFC 9126 OAuth 2.0
* Pushed Authorization Requests. Unecrypted request objects are
* accepted at the endpoint even if this flag is {@code true}.
* This flag does not indicate whether a request object is always required.
* There is a different flag, {@code requestObjectRequired}, for the purpose.
* See the description of {@link #isRequestObjectRequired()} for details.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, encryption of request object is
* required if the {@code Client.frontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired}
* flag is {@code true}.
* @return
* {@code true} if encryption of request object is required when
* the request object is passed through the front channel.
* @see #isRequestObjectRequired()
* @see Client#isFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired()
* @since 2.96
public boolean isFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired()
return frontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether encryption of request object is required
* when the request object is passed through the front channel.
* This flag does not affect the processing of request objects at the
* Pushed Authorization Request Endpoint, which is defined in RFC 9126 OAuth 2.0
* Pushed Authorization Requests. Unecrypted request objects are
* accepted at the endpoint even if this flag is {@code true}.
* This flag does not indicate whether a request object is always required.
* There is a different flag, {@code requestObjectRequired}, for the purpose.
* See the description of {@link #isRequestObjectRequired()} for details.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, encryption of request object is
* required if the {@code Client.frontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired}
* flag is {@code true}.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require that request objects passed through the
* front channel be encrypted.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see #isRequestObjectRequired()
* @see Client#isFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired()
* @since 2.96
public Service setFrontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired(boolean required)
this.frontChannelRequestObjectEncryptionRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the JWE {@code alg} of encrypted request
* object must match the {@code request_object_encryption_alg} client metadata
* of the client that has sent the request object.
* The {@code request_object_encryption_alg} client metadata itself is defined
* in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 as follows.
* - {@code request_object_encryption_alg}
* -
* OPTIONAL. JWE [JWE] {@code alg} algorithm [JWA] the RP is declaring that
* it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP. This parameter
* SHOULD be included when symmetric encryption will be used, since this
* signals to the OP that a {@code client_secret} value needs to be returned
* from which the symmetric key will be derived, that might not otherwise be
* returned. The RP MAY still use other supported encryption algorithms or
* send unencrypted Request Objects, even when this parameter is present.
* If both signing and encryption are requested, the Request Object will be
* signed then encrypted, with the result being a Nested JWT, as defined in
* [JWT]. The default, if omitted, is that the RP is not declaring whether
* it might encrypt any Request Objects.
* The point here is "The RP MAY still use other supported encryption
* algorithms or send unencrypted Request Objects, even when this parameter
* is present."
* The {@link Client}'s property that represents the client metadata is
* {@code Client.requestEncryptionAlg}. See the description of
* {@link Client#getRequestEncryptionAlg()} for details.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, the match is required if the
* {@code Client.requestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired} flag is {@code true}.
* @return
* {@code true} if the JWE {@code alg} of encrypted request object
* must match the {@code request_object_encryption_alg} client metadata.
* @see Client#getRequestEncryptionAlg()
* @see Client#isRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired()
* @since 2.96
public boolean isRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired()
return requestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether the JWE {@code alg} of encrypted request
* object must match the {@code request_object_encryption_alg} client metadata
* of the client that has sent the request object.
* The {@code request_object_encryption_alg} client metadata itself is defined
* in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 as follows.
* - {@code request_object_encryption_alg}
* -
* OPTIONAL. JWE [JWE] {@code alg} algorithm [JWA] the RP is declaring that
* it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP. This parameter
* SHOULD be included when symmetric encryption will be used, since this
* signals to the OP that a {@code client_secret} value needs to be returned
* from which the symmetric key will be derived, that might not otherwise be
* returned. The RP MAY still use other supported encryption algorithms or
* send unencrypted Request Objects, even when this parameter is present.
* If both signing and encryption are requested, the Request Object will be
* signed then encrypted, with the result being a Nested JWT, as defined in
* [JWT]. The default, if omitted, is that the RP is not declaring whether
* it might encrypt any Request Objects.
* The point here is "The RP MAY still use other supported encryption
* algorithms or send unencrypted Request Objects, even when this parameter
* is present."
* The {@link Client}'s property that represents the client metadata is
* {@code Client.requestEncryptionAlg}. See the description of
* {@link Client#getRequestEncryptionAlg()} for details.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, the match is required if the
* {@code Client.requestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired} flag is {@code true}.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require that the JWE {@code alg} of encrypted
* request object match the {@code request_object_encryption_alg}
* client metadata.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see Client#getRequestEncryptionAlg()
* @see Client#isRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired()
* @since 2.96
public Service setRequestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired(boolean required)
this.requestObjectEncryptionAlgMatchRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the JWE {@code enc} of encrypted request
* object must match the {@code request_object_encryption_enc} client metadata
* of the client that has sent the request object.
* The {@code request_object_encryption_enc} client metadata itself is defined
* in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 as follows.
* - {@code request_object_encryption_enc}
* -
* OPTIONAL. JWE {@code enc} algorithm [JWA] the RP is declaring that it may
* use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP. If
* {@code request_object_encryption_alg} is specified, the default for this
* value is {@code A128CBC-HS256}. When {@code request_object_encryption_enc}
* is included, {@code request_object_encryption_alg} MUST also be provided.
* The {@link Client}'s property that represents the client metadata is
* {@code Client.requestEncryptionEnc}. See the description of
* {@link Client#getRequestEncryptionEnc()} for details.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, the match is required if the
* {@code Client.requestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired} flag is {@code true}.
* @return
* {@code true} if the JWE {@code enc} of encrypted request object
* must match the {@code request_object_encryption_enc} client metadata.
* @see Client#getRequestEncryptionEnc()
* @see Client#isRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired()
* @since 2.96
public boolean isRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired()
return requestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether the JWE {@code enc} of encrypted request
* object must match the {@code request_object_encryption_enc} client metadata
* of the client that has sent the request object.
* The {@code request_object_encryption_enc} client metadata itself is defined
* in OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 as follows.
* - {@code request_object_encryption_enc}
* -
* OPTIONAL. JWE {@code enc} algorithm [JWA] the RP is declaring that it may
* use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP. If
* {@code request_object_encryption_alg} is specified, the default for this
* value is {@code A128CBC-HS256}. When {@code request_object_encryption_enc}
* is included, {@code request_object_encryption_alg} MUST also be provided.
* The {@link Client}'s property that represents the client metadata is
* {@code Client.requestEncryptionEnc}. See the description of
* {@link Client#getRequestEncryptionEnc()} for details.
* Even if this flag is {@code false}, the match is required if the
* {@code Client.requestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired} flag is {@code true}.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require that the JWE {@code enc} of encrypted
* request object match the {@code request_object_encryption_enc}
* client metadata.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see Client#getRequestEncryptionEnc()
* @see Client#isRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired()
* @since 2.96
public Service setRequestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired(boolean required)
this.requestObjectEncryptionEncMatchRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether HSM (Hardware Security Module) support
* is enabled for this service.
* When this flag is false, keys managed in HSMs are not used even if they
* exist. In addition, {@code /api/hsk/*} APIs reject all requests.
* Even if this flag is true, HSM-related features do not work if the
* configuration of the Authlete server you are using does not support HSM.
* @return
* {@code true} if HSM support is enabled for this service.
* @since 2.97
public boolean isHsmEnabled()
return hsmEnabled;
* Set the flag indicating whether HSM (Hardware Security Module) support
* is enabled for this service.
* When this flag is false, keys managed in HSMs are not used even if they
* exist. In addition, {@code /api/hsk/*} APIs reject all requests.
* Even if this flag is true, HSM-related features do not work if the
* configuration of the Authlete server you are using does not support HSM.
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable HSM support for this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.97
public Service setHsmEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.hsmEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get information about keys managed on HSMs (Hardware Security Modules).
* This {@code hsks} property is output only, meaning that {@code hsks} in
* requests to {@code /api/service/create} API and {@code /api/service/update}
* API do not have any effect. The contents of this property is controlled
* only by {@code /api/hsk/*} APIs.
* @return
* Information about keys managed on HSMs.
* @since 2.97
public Hsk[] getHsks()
return hsks;
* Set information about keys managed on HSMs (Hardware Security Modules).
* This {@code hsks} property is output only, meaning that {@code hsks} in
* requests to {@code /api/service/create} API and {@code /api/service/update}
* API do not have any effect. The contents of this property is controlled
* only by {@code /api/hsk/*} APIs.
* @param hsks
* Information about keys managed on HSMs.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 2.97
public Service setHsks(Hsk[] hsks)
this.hsks = hsks;
return this;
* Get the URL of the grant management endpoint.
* @return
* The URL of the grant management endpoint.
* @see Grant Management for OAuth 2.0
* @since 3.1
public URI getGrantManagementEndpoint()
return grantManagementEndpoint;
* Set the URL of the grant management endpoint.
* @param endpoint
* The URL of the grant management endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see Grant Management for OAuth 2.0
* @since 3.1
public Service setGrantManagementEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.grantManagementEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether every authorization request (and any
* request serving as an authorization request such as CIBA backchannel
* authentication request and device authorization request) must include
* the {@code grant_management_action} request parameter.
* This property corresponds to the {@code grant_management_action_required}
* server metadata defined in "Grant Management
* for OAuth 2.0".
* Note that setting {@code true} to this property will result in blocking
* all public clients because the specification requires that grant
* management be usable only by confidential clients for security reasons.
* @return
* {@code true} if every authorization request must include the
* {@code grant_management_action} request parameter.
* @see Grant Management for OAuth 2.0
* @since 3.1
public boolean isGrantManagementActionRequired()
return grantManagementActionRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether every authorization request (and any
* request serving as an authorization request such as CIBA backchannel
* authentication request and device authorization request) must include
* the {@code grant_management_action} request parameter.
* This property corresponds to the {@code grant_management_action_required}
* server metadata defined in "Grant Management
* for OAuth 2.0".
* Note that setting {@code true} to this property will result in blocking
* all public clients because the specification requires that grant
* management be usable only by confidential clients for security reasons.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require every authorization request include the
* {@code grant_management_action} request parameter.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see Grant Management for OAuth 2.0
* @since 3.1
public Service setGrantManagementActionRequired(boolean required)
this.grantManagementActionRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration}
* API uses {@link ClientRegistrationResponse.Action#UNAUTHORIZED UNAUTHORIZED}
* as a value of the {@code action} response parameter when appropriate.
* See the description of {@link #setUnauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported(boolean)}
* for details.
* @return
* {@code true} if Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration} uses
* {@code UNAUTHORIZED} as a value of the {@code action} response
* parameter when appropriate. {@code false} if {@code UNAUTHORIZED}
* is not used in any case.
* @since 3.4
* @see RFC 7592 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
public boolean isUnauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported()
return unauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported;
* Set the flag indicating whether Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration}
* API uses {@link ClientRegistrationResponse.Action#UNAUTHORIZED UNAUTHORIZED}
* as a value of the {@code action} response parameter when appropriate.
* The {@code UNAUTHORIZED} enum value did not exist in the initial
* implementation of the {@link ClientRegistrationResponse.Action} enum.
* This means that implementations of client configuration endpoint were
* not able to conform to RFC 7592 strictly.
* For backward compatibility (to avoid breaking running systems),
* Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration} API does not return the
* {@code UNAUTHORIZED} enum value if this flag is not turned on.
* The steps an existing implementation of client configuration endpoint
* has to do in order to conform to the requirement related to
* "{@code 401 Unauthorized}" are as follows.
* -
* Update the Authlete library (e.g. authlete-java-common) your system is using.
* Update your implementation of client configuration endpoint so that
* it can handle the {@code UNAUTHORIZED} action.
* Turn on this {@code unauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported} flag.
* @param supported
* {@code true} to let Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration}
* API use the {@code UNAUTHORIZED} enum value when appropriate.
* {@code false} to prevent the {@code UNAUTHORIZED} enum value
* from being used.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.4
* @see RFC 7592 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
public Service setUnauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported(boolean supported)
this.unauthorizedOnClientConfigSupported = supported;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the {@code scope} request parameter
* in dynamic client registration and update requests (RFC 7591 and
* RFC 7592)
* is used as scopes that the client can request.
* Limiting the range of scopes that a client can request is achieved by
* listing scopes in the {@code client.extension.requestableScopes}
* property (cf. {@link ClientExtension#getRequestableScopes()}) and
* setting {@code true} to the
* {@code client.extension.requestableScopesEnabled} property (cf.
* {@link ClientExtension#isRequestableScopesEnabled()}). This feature
* is called "requestable scopes".
* This property affects behaviors of {@code /api/client/registration}
* and other family APIs.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code scope} request parameter in dynamic
* client registration and update requests is used to limit the
* range of scopes that the client can request. {@code false} if
* Authlete does nothing special for the {@code scope} request
* parameter.
* @since 3.5
* @see RFC 7591 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
* @see RFC 7592 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
public boolean isDcrScopeUsedAsRequestable()
return dcrScopeUsedAsRequestable;
* Set the flag indicating whether the {@code scope} request parameter
* in dynamic client registration and update requests (RFC 7591 and
* RFC 7592)
* is used as scopes that the client can request.
* Limiting the range of scopes that a client can request is achieved by
* listing scopes in the {@code client.extension.requestableScopes}
* property (cf. {@link ClientExtension#getRequestableScopes()}) and
* setting {@code true} to the
* {@code client.extension.requestableScopesEnabled} property (cf.
* {@link ClientExtension#isRequestableScopesEnabled()}). This feature
* is called "requestable scopes".
* This property affects behaviors of {@code /api/client/registration}
* and other family APIs.
* @param used
* {@code true} to make Authlete treat the {@code scope} request
* parameter in dynamic client registration and update requests
* as requestable scopes. {@code false} to leave it to Authlete
* (Authlete will do nothing special).
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.5
* @see RFC 7591 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
* @see RFC 7592 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Management Protocol
public Service setDcrScopeUsedAsRequestable(boolean used)
this.dcrScopeUsedAsRequestable = used;
return this;
* Get the transformed claims predefined by this service in JSON format.
* This property corresponds to the {@code transformed_claims_predefined}
* server metadata.
* See the description of {@link #setPredefinedTransformedClaims(String)}
* for details.
* This {@code predefinedTransformedClaims} property is available from
* Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @return
* Predefined transformed claims in JSON format.
* @see OpenID Connect Advanced Syntax for Claims (ASC) 1.0
* @see #setPredefinedTransformedClaims(String)
* @since 3.8
public String getPredefinedTransformedClaims()
return predefinedTransformedClaims;
* Set the transformed claims predefined by this service in JSON format.
* This property corresponds to the {@code transformed_claims_predefined}
* server metadata.
* "Transformed Claims" is a specification that enables to define
* a "transformed claim" which transforms the value of an existing
* claim by applying "transformation functions".
* The following example defines a transformed claim named {@code 18_or_over}
* which uses the {@code birthdate} claim as input and applies two
* transformation functions, {@code years_ago} and {@code gte}. As a result
* of the transformation, the transformed claim will have a boolean value.
* {
* "18_or_over": {
* "claim": "birthdate",
* "fn": [
* "years_ago",
* [ "gte", 18 ]
* ]
* }
* }
* A client application can request a predefined transformed claim by
* prepending two colons ({@code ::}) to the name of a transformed claim.
* The following is an example of the {@code claims} request parameter
* (OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 5.5. Requesting Claims using the "claims" Request Parameter) that
* requests a predefined transformed claim named {@code 18_or_over} to be
* embedded in an ID token.
* {
* "id_token": {
* "::18_or_over": null
* }
* }
* If the age of the user is 18 or over, the ID token will contain the
* transformed claim like below.
* "::18_or_over": true
* This {@code predefinedTransformedClaims} property is available from
* Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @param claims
* Predefined transformed claims in JSON format.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see OpenID Connect Advanced Syntax for Claims (ASC) 1.0
* @since 3.8
public Service setPredefinedTransformedClaims(String claims)
this.predefinedTransformedClaims = claims;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the port number component of redirection
* URIs can be variable when the host component indicates loopback.
* When this flag is true, if the host component of a redirection URI
* specified in an authorization request indicates loopback (to be precise,
* when the host component is {@code localhost}, {@code} or
* {@code ::1}), the port number component is ignored when the specified
* redirection URI is compared to pre-registered ones. This behavior is
* described in 7.3. Loopback
* Interface Redirection of RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for
* Native Apps.
* Dynamic Configuration of RFC 6749 states
* "If the client registration included the full redirection URI, the
* authorization server MUST compare the two URIs using simple string
* comparison as defined in [RFC3986] Section 6.2.1." Also, the
* description of {@code redirect_uri} in Authentication Request of OpenID Connect
* Core 1.0 states "This URI MUST exactly match one of the
* Redirection URI values for the Client pre-registered at the OpenID
* Provider, with the matching performed as described in Section 6.2.1 of
* [RFC3986] (Simple String Comparison)." These "Simple String
* Comparison" requirements are preceded by this flag. That is, even when
* the conditions described in RFC 6749 and OpenID Connect Core 1.0 are
* satisfied, the port number component of loopback redirection URIs can
* be variable when this flag is true.
* 8.3.
* Loopback Redirect Considerations of RFC 8252 states as
* follows.
* While redirect URIs using localhost
* "http://localhost:{port}/{path}"
) function similarly to
* loopback IP redirects described in Section 7.3, the use of
* localhost
is NOT RECOMMENDED. Specifying a redirect URI
* with the loopback IP literal rather than localhost
* inadvertently listening on network interfaces other than the loopback
* interface. It is also less susceptible to client-side firewalls and
* misconfigured host name resolution on the user's device.
* However, Authlete allows the port number component to be variable in
* the case of {@code localhost}, too. It is left to client applications
* whether they use {@code localhost} or a literal loopback IP address
* ({@code} for IPv4 or {@code ::1} for IPv6).
* Section 7.3 and Section 8.3 of RFC 8252 state that
* loopback redirection URIs use the {@code "http"} scheme, but Authlete
* allows the port number component to be variable in other cases (e.g.
* in the case of the {@code "https"} scheme), too.
* @return
* True if the port number component of loopback redirection URIs
* can be variable.
* @see RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps, 7.3. Loopback Interface Redirection
* @see RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps, 8.3. Loopback Redirect Considerations
* @since 3.12
public boolean isLoopbackRedirectionUriVariable()
return loopbackRedirectionUriVariable;
* Set the flag indicating whether the port number component of redirection
* URIs can be variable when the host component indicates loopback.
* When this flag is true, if the host component of a redirection URI
* specified in an authorization request indicates loopback (to be precise,
* when the host component is {@code localhost}, {@code} or
* {@code ::1}), the port number component is ignored when the specified
* redirection URI is compared to pre-registered ones. This behavior is
* described in 7.3. Loopback
* Interface Redirection of RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for
* Native Apps.
* Dynamic Configuration of RFC 6749 states
* "If the client registration included the full redirection URI, the
* authorization server MUST compare the two URIs using simple string
* comparison as defined in [RFC3986] Section 6.2.1." Also, the
* description of {@code redirect_uri} in Authentication Request of OpenID Connect
* Core 1.0 states "This URI MUST exactly match one of the
* Redirection URI values for the Client pre-registered at the OpenID
* Provider, with the matching performed as described in Section 6.2.1 of
* [RFC3986] (Simple String Comparison)." These "Simple String
* Comparison" requirements are preceded by this flag. That is, even when
* the conditions described in RFC 6749 and OpenID Connect Core 1.0 are
* satisfied, the port number component of loopback redirection URIs can
* be variable when this flag is true.
* 8.3.
* Loopback Redirect Considerations of RFC 8252 states as
* follows.
* While redirect URIs using localhost
* "http://localhost:{port}/{path}"
) function similarly to
* loopback IP redirects described in Section 7.3, the use of
* localhost
is NOT RECOMMENDED. Specifying a redirect URI
* with the loopback IP literal rather than localhost
* inadvertently listening on network interfaces other than the loopback
* interface. It is also less susceptible to client-side firewalls and
* misconfigured host name resolution on the user's device.
* However, Authlete allows the port number component to be variable in
* the case of {@code localhost}, too. It is left to client applications
* whether they use {@code localhost} or a literal loopback IP address
* ({@code} for IPv4 or {@code ::1} for IPv6).
* Section 7.3 and Section 8.3 of RFC 8252 state that
* loopback redirection URIs use the {@code "http"} scheme, but Authlete
* allows the port number component to be variable in other cases (e.g.
* in the case of the {@code "https"} scheme), too.
* @param variable
* True to allow the port number component of loopback redirection
* URIs to be variable.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps, 7.3. Loopback Interface Redirection
* @see RFC 8252 OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps, 8.3. Loopback Redirect Considerations
* @since 3.12
public Service setLoopbackRedirectionUriVariable(boolean variable)
this.loopbackRedirectionUriVariable = variable;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether Authlete checks whether the {@code aud}
* claim of request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
* Section 6.1. Passing a Request Object by Value of OpenID Connect
* Core 1.0 has the following statement.
* The {@code aud} value SHOULD be or include the OP's Issuer Identifier URL.
* Likewise, Section 4. Request Object of RFC 9101 (The OAuth 2.0
* Authorization Framework: JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR)) has the
* following statement.
* The value of {@code aud} should be the value of the authorization server
* (AS) {@code issuer}, as defined in RFC 8414.
* As excerpted above, validation on the {@code aud} claim of request objects
* is optional. However, if this flag is turned on, Authlete checks whether
* the {@code aud} claim of request objects matches the issuer identifier of
* this service and raises an error if they are different.
* @return
* {@code true} if Authlete checks whether the {@code aud} claim of
* request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
* @since 3.14
public boolean isRequestObjectAudienceChecked()
return requestObjectAudienceChecked;
* Set the flag indicating whether Authlete checks whether the {@code aud}
* claim of request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
* Section 6.1. Passing a Request Object by Value of OpenID Connect
* Core 1.0 has the following statement.
* The {@code aud} value SHOULD be or include the OP's Issuer Identifier URL.
* Likewise, Section 4. Request Object of RFC 9101 (The OAuth 2.0
* Authorization Framework: JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR)) has the
* following statement.
* The value of {@code aud} should be the value of the authorization server
* (AS) {@code issuer}, as defined in RFC 8414.
* As excerpted above, validation on the {@code aud} claim of request objects
* is optional. However, if this flag is turned on, Authlete checks whether
* the {@code aud} claim of request objects matches the issuer identifier of
* this service and raises an error if they are different.
* @param checked
* {@code true} to make Authlete check whether the {@code aud} claim
* of request objects matches the issuer identifier of this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.14
public Service setRequestObjectAudienceChecked(boolean checked)
this.requestObjectAudienceChecked = checked;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether Authlete generates access tokens for
* external attachments and embeds them in ID tokens and userinfo
* responses.
* The third draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 introduced a new feature
* called "Attachments". The feature enables OpenID Providers to attach
* additional contents as parts of "evidence".
* There are two types of attachments. One is "embedded attachment" where
* contents of attachments are base64-encoded and embedded in ID tokens
* and userinfo responses directly. The other is "external attachment"
* where contents of attachments are hosted on resource servers and URLs
* of them are embedded in ID tokens and userinfo responses.
* When an OpenID Provider embeds URLs of external attachments in ID tokens
* and userinfo responses, it may optionally embed access tokens with which
* the client application accesses the external attachments.
* The following is an example of {@code "verified_claims"} that shows how
* an access token is embedded. (A simplified version of an example in the
* specification.)
* "verified_claims": {
* "verification": {
* "trust_framework":"eidas",
* "evidence": [
* {
* "type": "document",
* "attachments": [
* {
* "desc": "Front of id document",
* "digest": {
* "alg": "sha-256",
* "value": "qC1zE5AfxylOFLrCnOIURXJUvnZwSFe5uUj8t6hdQVM="
* },
* "url": "https://example.com/attachments/pGL9yz4hZQ",
* "access_token": "ksj3n283dke",
* "exp": 1676552089
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
* },
* "claims": {
* "given_name": "Max",
* "family_name": "Mustermann",
* "birthdate": "1956-01-28"
* }
* }
* Because it is developers (not Authlete) who prepare the content of
* {@code "verified_claims"} (cf. the {@code "claims"} request parameter of
* Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue} API), developers can
* embed arbitrary access tokens for external attachments. However, it is
* a burdensome task to prepare access tokens appropriately. The task can
* be delegated to Authlete by setting true to this
* {@code accessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded} property.
* When this property is set to true, Authlete behaves as described below
* for each element in the {@code "attachments"} array.
* - Ignores the element if it does not contain the {@code "url"} property
* because it means that the element is not an external attachment.
- Does nothing for the element if it already contains the
* {@code "access_token"} property.
- Computes the duration of the access token which is about to be
* generated. If the element already contains the {@code "exp"} property,
* its value is used to compute the duration. Otherwise, (1) the duration
* of the ID token is used as the duration of the access token for the
* external attachment in the case where the URL of the external attachment
* is going to be embedded in an ID token, or (2) the remaining duration
* of the access token which was presented at the userinfo endpoint is
* used as the duration of the access token for the external attachment
* in the case where the URL of the external attachment is going to be
* embedded in a userinfo response.
- Generates an access token which has the duration computed in the
* previous step. Also, the access token has the URL as an associated
* resource as if the {@code resource} request parameter defined in
* RFC 8707
* (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0) were used.
- Puts the {@code "access_token"} and {@code "exp"} properties
* in the element whose values are the generated access token and the
* computed duration.
* Note that the {@code expires_in} property was replaced with {@code exp}
* after the 4th draft of the OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* was published.
* @return
* {@code true} if Authlete generates access tokens for external
* attachments and embeds them in ID tokens and userinfo responses.
* @since 3.16
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
public boolean isAccessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded()
return accessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded;
* Set the flag indicating whether Authlete generates access tokens for
* external attachments and embeds them in ID tokens and userinfo
* responses.
* The third draft of OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 introduced a new feature
* called "Attachments". The feature enables OpenID Providers to attach
* additional contents as parts of "evidence".
* There are two types of attachments. One is "embedded attachment" where
* contents of attachments are base64-encoded and embedded in ID tokens
* and userinfo responses directly. The other is "external attachment"
* where contents of attachments are hosted on resource servers and URLs
* of them are embedded in ID tokens and userinfo responses.
* When an OpenID Provider embeds URLs of external attachments in ID tokens
* and userinfo responses, it may optionally embed access tokens with which
* the client application accesses the external attachments.
* The following is an example of {@code "verified_claims"} that shows how
* an access token is embedded. (A simplified version of an example in the
* specification.)
* "verified_claims": {
* "verification": {
* "trust_framework":"eidas",
* "evidence": [
* {
* "type": "document",
* "attachments": [
* {
* "desc": "Front of id document",
* "digest": {
* "alg": "sha-256",
* "value": "qC1zE5AfxylOFLrCnOIURXJUvnZwSFe5uUj8t6hdQVM="
* },
* "url": "https://example.com/attachments/pGL9yz4hZQ",
* "access_token": "ksj3n283dke",
* "exp": 1676552089
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
* },
* "claims": {
* "given_name": "Max",
* "family_name": "Mustermann",
* "birthdate": "1956-01-28"
* }
* }
* Because it is developers (not Authlete) who prepare the content of
* {@code "verified_claims"} (cf. the {@code "claims"} request parameter of
* Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue} API), developers can
* embed arbitrary access tokens for external attachments. However, it is
* a burdensome task to prepare access tokens appropriately. The task can
* be delegated to Authlete by setting true to this
* {@code accessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded} property.
* When this property is set to true, Authlete behaves as described below
* for each element in the {@code "attachments"} array.
* - Ignores the element if it does not contain the {@code "url"} property
* because it means that the element is not an external attachment.
- Does nothing for the element if it already contains the
* {@code "access_token"} property.
- Computes the duration of the access token which is about to be
* generated. If the element already contains the {@code "exp"} property,
* its value is used to compute the duration. Otherwise, (1) the duration
* of the ID token is used as the duration of the access token for the
* external attachment in the case where the URL of the external attachment
* is going to be embedded in an ID token, or (2) the remaining duration
* of the access token which was presented at the userinfo endpoint is
* used as the duration of the access token for the external attachment
* in the case where the URL of the external attachment is going to be
* embedded in a userinfo response.
- Generates an access token which has the duration computed in the
* previous step. Also, the access token has the URL as an associated
* resource as if the {@code resource} request parameter defined in
* RFC 8707
* (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0) were used.
- Puts the {@code "access_token"} and {@code "exp"} properties
* in the element whose values are the generated access token and the
* computed duration.
* Note that the {@code expires_in} property was replaced with {@code exp}
* after the 4th draft of the OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* was published.
* @param embedded
* {@code true} to make Authlete generate access tokens for external
* attachments and embed them in ID tokens and userinfo responses.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.16
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
public Service setAccessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded(boolean embedded)
this.accessTokenForExternalAttachmentEmbedded = embedded;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether refresh token requests with the same
* refresh token can be made multiple times in quick succession and they
* can obtain the same renewed refresh token within the short period.
* This feature is available in Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @return
* {@code true} if multiple refresh token requests in a short
* period can obtain the same renewed refresh token.
* @since 3.21
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isRefreshTokenIdempotent()
return refreshTokenIdempotent;
* Set the flag indicating whether refresh token requests with the same
* refresh token can be made multiple times in quick succession and they
* can obtain the same renewed refresh token within the short period.
* This feature is available in Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @param idempotent
* {@code true} to enable multiple refresh token requests in a
* short period to obtain the same renewed refresh token.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.21
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setRefreshTokenIdempotent(boolean idempotent)
this.refreshTokenIdempotent = idempotent;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether this service supports OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If the feature of OpenID Federation 1.0 is not enabled in the
* Authlete server on which this service is hosted, functions related to
* OpenID Federation 1.0 are not usable regardless of the setting
* of this property.
* OpenID Federation 1.0 is supported by Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service supports OpenID Federation 1.0.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public boolean isFederationEnabled()
return federationEnabled;
* Set the flag indicating whether this service supports OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If the feature of OpenID Federation 1.0 is not enabled in the
* Authlete server on which this service is hosted, functions related to
* OpenID Federation 1.0 are not usable regardless of the setting
* of this property.
* OpenID Federation 1.0 is supported by Authlete 2.3 onwards.
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to enable the feature of OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setFederationEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.federationEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the human-readable name representing the organization that operates
* this service. This property corresponds to the {@code organization_name}
* server metadata that is defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If this property is not empty, the {@code organization_name} property
* appears in self-signed entity statements of this service.
* @return
* The name of the organization that operates this service.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public String getOrganizationName()
return organizationName;
* Set the human-readable name representing the organization that operates
* this service. This property corresponds to the {@code organization_name}
* server metadata that is defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If this property is not empty, the {@code organization_name} property
* appears in self-signed entity statements of this service.
* @param name
* The name of the organization that operates this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setOrganizationName(String name)
this.organizationName = name;
return this;
* Get the identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements for
* this service. This property corresponds to the {@code authority_hints}
* property that appears in a self-signed entity statement that is defined
* in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* OpenID providers participating in one or more federations are supposed
* to have authority hints. It is only trust anchors having no superiors
* that do not have authority hints.
* Because the {@code authority_hints} property in self-signed entity
* statements of OpenID providers is mandatory, if this property is empty,
* the configuration endpoint ({@code /.well-known/openid-federation})
* cannot generate a valid entity statement. It means that OpenID
* Federation 1.0 does not work.
* @return
* Identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements
* for this service.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public URI[] getAuthorityHints()
return authorityHints;
* Set the identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements for
* this service. This property corresponds to the {@code authority_hints}
* property that appears in a self-signed entity statement that is defined
* in OpenID Federation 1.0.
* OpenID providers participating in one or more federations are supposed
* to have authority hints. It is only trust anchors having no superiors
* that do not have authority hints.
* Because the {@code authority_hints} property in self-signed entity
* statements of OpenID providers is mandatory, if this property is empty,
* the configuration endpoint ({@code /.well-known/openid-federation})
* cannot generate a valid entity statement. It means that OpenID
* Federation 1.0 does not work.
* @param authorityHints
* Identifiers of entities that can issue entity statements
* for this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setAuthorityHints(URI[] authorityHints)
this.authorityHints = authorityHints;
return this;
* Get the trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves
* trust chains of relying parties.
* If this property is empty, client registration fails regardless of
* whether its type is {@code automatic} or {@code explicit}. It means
* that OpenID Federation 1.0 does not work.
* @return
* The trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves
* trust chains of relying parties.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
* @see TrustAnchor
public TrustAnchor[] getTrustAnchors()
return trustAnchors;
* Set the trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves
* trust chains of relying parties.
* If this property is empty, client registration fails regardless of
* whether its type is {@code automatic} or {@code explicit}. It means
* that OpenID Federation 1.0 does not work.
* @param trustAnchors
* The trust anchors that are referenced when this service resolves
* trust chains of relying parties.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
* @see TrustAnchor
public Service setTrustAnchors(TrustAnchor[] trustAnchors)
this.trustAnchors = trustAnchors;
return this;
* Get the JWK Set document containing keys that are used to sign (1)
* self-signed entity statement of this service and (2) the response from
* {@code signed_jwks_uri}.
* If this property is empty, this service cannot generate a valid
* self-signed entity statement. It means that OpenID Federation
* 1.0 does not work.
* @return
* The JWK Set document containing keys used to sign self-signed
* entity statement and the response from {@code signed_jwks_uri}.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public String getFederationJwks()
return federationJwks;
* Set the JWK Set document containing keys that are used to sign (1)
* self-signed entity statement of this service and (2) the response from
* {@code signed_jwks_uri}.
* If this property is empty, this service cannot generate a valid
* self-signed entity statement. It means that OpenID Federation
* 1.0 does not work.
* @param jwks
* The JWK Set document containing keys used to sign self-signed
* entity statement and the response from {@code signed_jwks_uri}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setFederationJwks(String jwks)
this.federationJwks = jwks;
return this;
* Get the key ID to identify a JWK that should be used to sign the entity
* configuration and the signed JWK Set.
* The entity configuration is a kind of JWT and published at
* {@code /.well-known/openid-federation} or at a variant location such as
* {@code /.well-known/openid-federation}{path_part_of_issuer}.
* The signed JWK Set is also a kind of JWT and published at the URL
* designated by the {@code signed_jwks_uri} server metadata.
* When this property is specified, Authlete will use the JWK having the
* specified key ID when signing the entity configuration and the signed
* JWK Set. Otherwise, when this property is omitted, there is no guarantee
* as to which JWK Authlete will choose.
* @return
* A key ID. May be {@code null}.
* @since 3.31
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public String getFederationSignatureKeyId()
return federationSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID to identify a JWK that should be used to sign the entity
* configuration and the signed JWK Set.
* The entity configuration is a kind of JWT and published at
* {@code /.well-known/openid-federation} or at a variant location such as
* {@code /.well-known/openid-federation}{path_part_of_issuer}.
* The signed JWK Set is also a kind of JWT and published at the URL
* designated by the {@code signed_jwks_uri} server metadata.
* When this property is specified, Authlete will use the JWK having the
* specified key ID when signing the entity configuration and the signed
* JWK Set. Otherwise, when this property is omitted, there is no guarantee
* as to which JWK Authlete will choose.
* @param keyId
* A key ID. May be {@code null}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.31
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setFederationSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.federationSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get the duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
* An OpenID provider that participates in an OpenID Connect federation
* must publish its entity configuration at
* {@code /.well-known/openid-federation} or at a variant location such as
* /.well-known/openid-federation{path_part_of_issuer}
* An entity configuration is a kind of JWT. This property specifies the
* duration of the JWT in seconds.
* When the value of this property is 0, the default value determined by
* your Authlete server is used as the duration of the entity configuration.
* @return
* The duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
* @since 3.31
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public long getFederationConfigurationDuration()
return federationConfigurationDuration;
* Set the duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
* An OpenID provider that participates in an OpenID Connect federation
* must publish its entity configuration at
* {@code /.well-known/openid-federation} or at a variant location such as
* /.well-known/openid-federation{path_part_of_issuer}
* An entity configuration is a kind of JWT. This property specifies the
* duration of the JWT in seconds.
* When the value of this property is 0, the default value determined by
* your Authlete server is used as the duration of the entity configuration.
* @param duration
* The duration of the entity configuration in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.31
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setFederationConfigurationDuration(long duration)
this.federationConfigurationDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set document in
* the JWT format. This property corresponds to the {@code signed_jwks_uri}
* server metadata defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* The JWT returned from the endpoint is signed with a key in the JWK Set
* document specified by the {@code federationJwks} property. Therefore, if
* the {@code federationJwks} property is not set up properly, the endpoint
* won't return a valid response.
* If this property is not empty, the {@code signed_jwks_uri} property
* appears in the {@code openid_provider} property of this service's entity
* configuration. And in that case, {@code jwks_uri} does not appear in
* exchange.
* @return
* The URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set
* document in the JWT format.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public URI getSignedJwksUri()
return signedJwksUri;
* Set the URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set document in
* the JWT format. This property corresponds to the {@code signed_jwks_uri}
* server metadata defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* The JWT returned from the endpoint is signed with a key in the JWK Set
* document specified by the {@code federationJwks} property. Therefore, if
* the {@code federationJwks} property is not set up properly, the endpoint
* won't return a valid response.
* If this property is not empty, the {@code signed_jwks_uri} property
* appears in the {@code openid_provider} property of this service's entity
* configuration. And in that case, {@code jwks_uri} does not appear in
* exchange.
* @param uri
* The URI of the endpoint that returns this service's JWK Set
* document in the JWT format.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setSignedJwksUri(URI uri)
this.signedJwksUri = uri;
return this;
* Get the URI of the federation registration endpoint. This property
* corresponds to the {@code federation_registration_endpoint} server
* metadata that is defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If this service declares it supports the "{@code explicit}" client
* registration, this property must not be empty.
* @return
* The URI of the federation registration endpoint.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public URI getFederationRegistrationEndpoint()
return federationRegistrationEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the federation registration endpoint. This property
* corresponds to the {@code federation_registration_endpoint} server
* metadata that is defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If this service declares it supports the "{@code explicit}" client
* registration, this property must not be empty.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the federation registration endpoint.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
public Service setFederationRegistrationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.federationRegistrationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the client registration types supported by this service. This
* property corresponds to the {@code client_registration_types_supported}
* server metadata that is defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If this property includes {@link ClientRegistrationType#EXPLICIT
* EXPLICIT}, the {@code federationRegistrationEndpoint} property must be
* set up properly.
* @return
* Client registration types supported by this service.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
* @see ClientRegistrationType
public ClientRegistrationType[] getSupportedClientRegistrationTypes()
return supportedClientRegistrationTypes;
* Set the client registration types supported by this service. This
* property corresponds to the {@code client_registration_types_supported}
* server metadata that is defined in OpenID
* Federation 1.0.
* If this property includes {@link ClientRegistrationType#EXPLICIT
* EXPLICIT}, the {@code federationRegistrationEndpoint} property must be
* set up properly.
* @param types
* Client registration types supported by this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.22
* @since Authlete 2.3
* @see OpenID Federation 1.0
* @see ClientRegistrationType
public Service setSupportedClientRegistrationTypes(ClientRegistrationType[] types)
this.supportedClientRegistrationTypes = types;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from
* making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
* Section 2.1 of RFC 8692 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange states as follows:
* The supported methods of client authentication and whether or not
* to allow unauthenticated or unidentified clients are deployment
* decisions that are at the discretion of the authorization server.
* Technically speaking, "unidentified" in the excerpted sentence
* means that a token exchange request contains no identifier of the client
* that made the request.
* When this flag is set to {@code true}, this service rejects token
* exchange requests that contain no client identifier.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service rejects token exchange requests
* that contain no client identifier.
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isTokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly()
return tokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly;
* Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from
* making token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
* Section 2.1 of RFC 8692 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange states as follows:
* The supported methods of client authentication and whether or not
* to allow unauthenticated or unidentified clients are deployment
* decisions that are at the discretion of the authorization server.
* Technically speaking, "unidentified" in the excerpted sentence
* means that a token exchange request contains no identifier of the client
* that made the request.
* When this flag is set to {@code true}, this service rejects token
* exchange requests that contain no client identifier.
* @param only
* {@code true} to reject token exchange requests that contain
* no client identifier.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setTokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly(boolean only)
this.tokenExchangeByIdentifiableClientsOnly = only;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit public clients from making
* token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
* Section 2.1 of RFC 8692 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange states as follows:
* The supported methods of client authentication and whether or not
* to allow unauthenticated or unidentified clients are deployment
* decisions that are at the discretion of the authorization server.
* Technically speaking, "unauthenticated" in the excerpted sentence
* means that the client making a token exchange request is a public client
* and so client authentication for the client is not required at the token
* endpoint.
* When this flag is set to {@code true}, this service rejects token
* exchange requests from public clients.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service rejects token exchange requests
* from public clients.
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isTokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly()
return tokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly;
* Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit public clients from making
* token exchange requests (cf. RFC 8693).
* Section 2.1 of RFC 8692 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange states as follows:
* The supported methods of client authentication and whether or not
* to allow unauthenticated or unidentified clients are deployment
* decisions that are at the discretion of the authorization server.
* Technically speaking, "unauthenticated" in the excerpted sentence
* means that the client making a token exchange request is a public client
* and so client authentication for the client is not required at the token
* endpoint.
* When this flag is set to {@code true}, this service rejects token
* exchange requests from public clients.
* @param only
* {@code true} to reject token exchange requests from public
* clients.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setTokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly(boolean only)
this.tokenExchangeByConfidentialClientsOnly = only;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit clients which have no
* explicit permission from making token exchange requests (cf.
* RFC 8693).
* An administrator can give a client an explicit permission to make
* token exchange requests by setting {@code true} to the
* {@code tokenExchangePermitted} flag of the client (cf. {@link
* ClientExtension#setTokenExchangePermitted(boolean)}).
* When this flag ({@code tokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly}) is set
* to {@code true}, this service rejects token exchange requests from
* clients whose {@code tokenExchangePermitted} flag is {@code false}.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service rejects token exchange requests
* from clients whose {@code tokenExchangePermitted} flag is
* {@code false}.
* @see ClientExtension#isTokenExchangePermitted()
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isTokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly()
return tokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly;
* Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit clients which have no
* explicit permission from making token exchange requests (cf.
* RFC 8693).
* An administrator can give a client an explicit permission to make
* token exchange requests by setting {@code true} to the
* {@code tokenExchangePermitted} flag of the client (cf. {@link
* ClientExtension#setTokenExchangePermitted(boolean)}).
* When this flag ({@code tokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly}) is set
* to {@code true}, this service rejects token exchange requests from
* clients whose {@code tokenExchangePermitted} flag is {@code false}.
* @param only
* {@code true} to reject token exchange requests from clients
* whose {@code tokenExchangePermitted} flag is {@code false}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see ClientExtension#setTokenExchangePermitted(boolean)
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.26
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setTokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly(boolean only)
this.tokenExchangeByPermittedClientsOnly = only;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which
* use encrypted JWTs as input tokens.
* When this {@code tokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token exchange requests which use encrypted JWTs as input tokens (subject
* token and/or actor token) with the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"} or the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"} are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input token when Authlete detects that it is an encrypted
* JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for token exchange requests.
* @return
* {@code true} if token exchange requests which use encrypted JWTs
* as input tokens are rejected.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.27
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isTokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected()
return tokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected;
* Set the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which
* use encrypted JWTs as input tokens.
* When this {@code tokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token exchange requests which use encrypted JWTs as input tokens (subject
* token and/or actor token) with the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"} or the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"} are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input token when Authlete detects that it is an encrypted
* JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for token exchange requests.
* @param rejected
* {@code true} to reject token exchange requests which use
* encrypted JWTs as input tokens.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.27
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setTokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected(boolean rejected)
this.tokenExchangeEncryptedJwtRejected = rejected;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which
* use unsigned JWTs as input tokens.
* When this {@code tokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token exchange requests which use unsigned JWTs as input tokens (subject
* token and/or actor token) with the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"} or the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"} are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input token when Authlete detects that it is an unsigned
* JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for token exchange requests.
* @return
* {@code true} if token exchange requests which use unsigned JWTs
* as input tokens are rejected.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.27
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isTokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected()
return tokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected;
* Set the flag indicating whether to reject token exchange requests which
* use unsigned JWTs as input tokens.
* When this {@code tokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token exchange requests which use unsigned JWTs as input tokens (subject
* token and/or actor token) with the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"} or the token type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"} are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input token when Authlete detects that it is an unsigned
* JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for token exchange requests.
* @param rejected
* {@code true} to reject token exchange requests which use
* unsigned JWTs as input tokens.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 8693 OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
* @since 3.27
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setTokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected(boolean rejected)
this.tokenExchangeUnsignedJwtRejected = rejected;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from
* using the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* (RFC 7523).
* RFC 7523 JSON Web
* Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization
* Grants states as follows:
* JWT authorization grants may be used with or without client
* authentication or identification.
* Technically speaking, "identification" in the excerpted sentence
* means that a token request contains an identifier of the client that
* made the request.
* When this flag is set to {@code true}, this service rejects token requests
* that use the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* but contain no client identifier.
* @return
* {@code true} if this service rejects token requests that use the
* grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* but contain no client identifier.
* @see RFC 7521
* Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
* Authorization Grants
* @see RFC 7523
* JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
* and Authorization Grants
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isJwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly()
return jwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly;
* Set the flag indicating whether to prohibit unidentifiable clients from
* using the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* (RFC 7523).
* RFC 7523 JSON Web
* Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization
* Grants states as follows:
* JWT authorization grants may be used with or without client
* authentication or identification.
* Technically speaking, "identification" in the excerpted sentence
* means that a token request contains an identifier of the client that
* made the request.
* When this flag is set to {@code true}, this service rejects token requests
* that use the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* but contain no client identifier.
* @param only
* {@code true} to reject token requests that use the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"} but
* contain no client identifier.
* @return
* {@code this} service.
* @see RFC 7521
* Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
* Authorization Grants
* @see RFC 7523
* JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
* and Authorization Grants
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setJwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly(boolean only)
this.jwtGrantByIdentifiableClientsOnly = only;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use
* an encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* (RFC 7523).
* When this {@code jwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token requests that use an encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with
* the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input assertion when Authlete detects that it is an
* encrypted JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for the grant type.
* @return
* {@code true} if token requests that use an encrypted JWT as
* an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"} are
* rejected.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 7521
* Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
* Authorization Grants
* @see RFC 7523
* JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
* and Authorization Grants
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isJwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected()
return jwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected;
* Set the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use
* an encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* (RFC 7523).
* When this {@code jwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token requests that use an encrypted JWT as an authorization grant with
* the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input assertion when Authlete detects that it is an
* encrypted JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for the grant type.
* @param rejected
* {@code true} to reject token requests that use an encrypted JWT
* as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 7521
* Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
* Authorization Grants
* @see RFC 7523
* JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
* and Authorization Grants
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setJwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected(boolean rejected)
this.jwtGrantEncryptedJwtRejected = rejected;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use
* an unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* (RFC 7523).
* When this {@code jwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token requests that use an unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with
* the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input assertion when Authlete detects that it is an
* unsigned JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for the grant type.
* @return
* {@code true} if token requests that use an unsigned JWT as
* an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"} are
* rejected.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 7521
* Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
* Authorization Grants
* @see RFC 7523
* JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
* and Authorization Grants
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isJwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected()
return jwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected;
* Set the flag indicating whether to reject token requests that use
* an unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* (RFC 7523).
* When this {@code jwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected} flag is {@code true},
* token requests that use an unsigned JWT as an authorization grant with
* the grant type {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}
* are rejected.
* When this flag is {@code false}, Authlete skips remaining validation
* steps on an input assertion when Authlete detects that it is an
* unsigned JWT.
* See the description of {@link TokenResponse} for details about validation
* Authlete performs for the grant type.
* @param rejected
* {@code true} to reject token requests that use an unsigned JWT
* as an authorization grant with the grant type
* {@code "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"}.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see TokenResponse
* @see RFC 7521
* Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
* Authorization Grants
* @see RFC 7523
* JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication
* and Authorization Grants
* @since 3.30
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setJwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected(boolean rejected)
this.jwtGrantUnsignedJwtRejected = rejected;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to block DCR (Dynamic Client Registration)
* requests whose {@code software_id} has already been used previously.
* A DCR request may contain the {@code software_id} client metadata (which
* is defined in RFC
* 7591). The client metadata is saved in Authlete's database together
* with other client metadata.
* If this {@code dcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked} flag is {@code true},
* Authlete checks whether the value of the {@code software_id} client
* metadata included in a DCR request already exists in the database,
* and rejects the DCR request if one exists.
* @return
* {@code true} if DCR requests whose {@code software_id} has already
* been used previously are blocked.
* @since 3.32
* @since Authlete 2.2.30
* @see RFC 7591 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
public boolean isDcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked()
return dcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked;
* Set the flag indicating whether to block DCR (Dynamic Client Registration)
* requests whose {@code software_id} has already been used previously.
* A DCR request may contain the {@code software_id} client metadata (which
* is defined in RFC
* 7591). The client metadata is saved in Authlete's database together
* with other client metadata.
* If this {@code dcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked} flag is {@code true},
* Authlete checks whether the value of the {@code software_id} client
* metadata included in a DCR request already exists in the database,
* and rejects the DCR request if one exists.
* @param blocked
* {@code true} to block DCR requests whose {@code software_id} has
* already been used previously.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.32
* @since Authlete 2.2.30
* @see RFC 7591 OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
public Service setDcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked(boolean blocked)
this.dcrDuplicateSoftwareIdBlocked = blocked;
return this;
* Get the key ID of a JWK containing the private key used by this service to
* sign responses from the resource server, such as the userinfo endpoint and
* responses sent to the RS signing endpoint.
* @return
* The key ID.
* @since 3.39
* @since Authlete 2.3
public String getResourceSignatureKeyId()
return resourceSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID of a JWK containing the private key used by this service to
* sign responses from the resource server, such as the userinfo endpoint and
* responses sent to the RS signing endpoint.
* @param keyId
* The key ID.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.39
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setResourceSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.resourceSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get whether the service signs responses from the resource server.
* If {@code true}, userinfo issue responses and responses sent to the RS
* signing endpoint that are in relation to a client's signed request will
* be signed using the key identified by {{@link #getResourceSignatureKeyId()}.
* @return
* {@code true} if the services signs responses for the resource server,
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @since 3.39
* @since Authlete 2.3
public boolean isRsResponseSigned()
return rsResponseSigned;
* Set whether the service signs responses from the resource server.
* If {@code true}, userinfo issue responses and responses sent to the RS
* signing endpoint that are in relation to a client's signed request will
* be signed using the key identified by {{@link #getResourceSignatureKeyId()}.
* @param signed
* {@code true} if the services signs responses for the resource server,
* {@code false} otherwise.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.39
* @since Authlete 2.3
public Service setRsResponseSigned(boolean signed)
this.rsResponseSigned = signed;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to remove the {@code openid} scope from
* a new access token issued by the refresh token flow if the presented
* refresh token does not contain the {@code offline_access} scope.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code openid} scope is dropped when
* the presented refresh token does not contain the
* {@code offline_access} scope.
* @since 3.42
* @since Authlete 2.2.36
public boolean isOpenidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess()
return openidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess;
* Set the flag indicating whether to remove the {@code openid} scope from
* a new access token issued by the refresh token flow if the presented
* refresh token does not contain the {@code offline_access} scope.
* @param dropped
* {@code true} to drop the {@code openid} scope when
* the presented refresh token does not contain the
* {@code offline_access} scope.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.42
* @since Authlete 2.2.36
public Service setOpenidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess(boolean dropped)
this.openidDroppedOnRefreshWithoutOfflineAccess = dropped;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether the feature of Verifiable Credentials
* for this service is enabled or not.
* @return
* {@code true} if the feature of Verifiable Credentials is enabled.
* @since 3.55
* @since Authlete 3.0
public boolean isVerifiableCredentialsEnabled()
return verifiableCredentialsEnabled;
* Set the flag indicating whether the feature of Verifiable Credentials
* for this service is enabled or not.
* @param enabled
* {@code true} to indicate that the feature of Verifiable Credentials
* is enabled.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.55
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setVerifiableCredentialsEnabled(boolean enabled)
this.verifiableCredentialsEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Get the credential issuer metadata.
* @return
* The credential issuer metadata.
* @since 3.55
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance
public CredentialIssuerMetadata getCredentialIssuerMetadata()
return credentialIssuerMetadata;
* Set the credential issuer metadata.
* @param metadata
* The credential issuer metadata.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.55
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance
public Service setCredentialIssuerMetadata(CredentialIssuerMetadata metadata)
this.credentialIssuerMetadata = metadata;
return this;
* Get the default duration of credential offers in seconds.
* When an API call to the {@code /vci/offer/create} API does not contain
* the {@code duration} request parameter or the value of the parameter is
* 0 or negative, the value of this property is used as the default value.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used as the default value.
* @return
* The default duration of credential offers in seconds.
* @since 3.59
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance
* @see CredentialOfferCreateRequest#getDuration()
public long getCredentialOfferDuration()
return credentialOfferDuration;
* Set the default duration of credential offers in seconds.
* When an API call to the {@code /vci/offer/create} API does not contain
* the {@code duration} request parameter or the value of the parameter is
* 0 or negative, the value of this property is used as the default value.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used as the default value.
* @param duration
* The default duration of credential offers in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.59
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance
* @see CredentialOfferCreateRequest#setDuration(long)
public Service setCredentialOfferDuration(long duration)
this.credentialOfferDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the default length of user PINs.
* When an API call to the {@code /vci/offer/create} API does not contain
* the {@code userPinLength} request parameter or the value of the parameter
* is 0 or negative, the value of this property is used as the default value.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used as the default value.
* NOTE: This property has been deprecated due to a breaking change of the
* OID4VCI specification. The {@code /vci/offer/create} API no longer
* recognizes the {@code userPinLength} request parameter.
* @return
* The default length of user PINs.
* @since 3.59
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see CredentialOfferCreateRequest#getUserPinLength()
* @deprecated
public int getUserPinLength()
return userPinLength;
* Set the default length of user PINs.
* When an API call to the {@code /vci/offer/create} API does not contain
* the {@code userPinLength} request parameter or the value of the parameter
* is 0 or negative, the value of this property is used as the default value.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used as the default value.
* NOTE: This property has been deprecated due to a breaking change of the
* OID4VCI specification. The {@code /vci/offer/create} API no longer
* recognizes the {@code userPinLength} request parameter.
* @param length
* The default length of user PINs.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.59
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see CredentialOfferCreateRequest#setUserPinLength(int)
* @deprecated
public Service setUserPinLength(int length)
this.userPinLength = length;
return this;
* Get the type of the {@code aud} claim in ID tokens.
* Valid values are as follows.
* Value
* Description
* {@code "array"}
* The type of the {@code aud} claim is always an array of strings.
* {@code "string"}
* The type of the {@code aud} claim is always a single string.
* null
* The type of the {@code aud} claim remains the same as before.
* Authlete APIs that may trigger ID token issuance may accept the
* {@code idTokenAudType} request parameter (e.g.
* {@link AuthorizationIssueRequest#getIdTokenAudType()}). Such request
* parameters take precedence over this service property.
* @return
* The type of the {@code aud} claim in ID tokens.
* @since 3.57
* @since Authlete 2.3.3
public String getIdTokenAudType()
return idTokenAudType;
* Set the type of the {@code aud} claim in ID tokens.
* Valid values are as follows.
* Value
* Description
* {@code "array"}
* The type of the {@code aud} claim is always an array of strings.
* {@code "string"}
* The type of the {@code aud} claim is always a single string.
* null
* The type of the {@code aud} claim remains the same as before.
* Authlete APIs that may trigger ID token issuance may accept the
* {@code idTokenAudType} request parameter (e.g.
* {@link AuthorizationIssueRequest#getIdTokenAudType()}). Such request
* parameters take precedence over this service property.
* @param type
* The type of the {@code aud} claim in ID tokens.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.57
* @since Authlete 2.3.3
public Service setIdTokenAudType(String type)
this.idTokenAudType = type;
return this;
* Get the supported {@code prompt} values.
* @return
* The supported {@code prompt} values.
* @see Initiating User Registration via OpenID Connect 1.0
* @since 3.58
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Prompt[] getSupportedPromptValues()
return supportedPromptValues;
* Set the supported {@code prompt} values.
* @param promptValues
* The supported {@code prompt} values.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see Initiating User Registration via OpenID Connect 1.0
* @since 3.58
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setSupportedPromptValues(final Prompt[] promptValues)
this.supportedPromptValues = promptValues;
return this;
* Get the name of the validation schema set that is used to validate the
* content of {@code "verified_claims"}.
* Since version 2.3, Authlete validates the content of
* {@code "verified_claims"} based on the JSON schema files that accompany
* the specification (OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0). They are found in the
* /schema/
folder of the Git repository of the specification.
* Usually, Authlete uses the legitimate JSON schema files that conform to
* the specification. But, it is possible to make Authlete use a different
* set of JSON schema files by specifying a name of validation schema set
* through this property ({@code Service.verifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet}).
* Authlete recognizes the following names of validation schema set at least.
* name
* description
* null
* Same as {@code "standard"}.
* {@code "standard"}
* The set of the legitimate JSON schema files.
* {@code "standard+id_document"}
* A set of customized JSON schema files that mostly conform to the
* standard but additionally accept {@code "id_document"} as a valid
* name of {@code evidence}. This is for backward compatibility. Note
* that {@code "id_document"} was deprecated by Implementer's Draft 4
* (cf. eKYC-IDA PR 152).
* @return
* The name of the validation schema set.
* @since 3.61
* @since Authlete 2.3.4
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see eKYC-IDA PR 152: removal of deprecated items - issue 1334
public String getVerifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet()
return verifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet;
* Set the name of the validation schema set that is used to validate the
* content of {@code "verified_claims"}.
* Since version 2.3, Authlete validates the content of
* {@code "verified_claims"} based on the JSON schema files that accompany
* the specification (OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0). They are found in the
* /schema/
folder of the Git repository of the specification.
* Usually, Authlete uses the legitimate JSON schema files that conform to
* the specification. But, it is possible to make Authlete use a different
* set of JSON schema files by specifying a name of validation schema set
* through this property ({@code Service.verifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet}).
* Authlete recognizes the following names of validation schema set at least.
* name
* description
* null
* Same as {@code "standard"}.
* {@code "standard"}
* The set of the legitimate JSON schema files.
* {@code "standard+id_document"}
* A set of customized JSON schema files that mostly conform to the
* standard but additionally accept {@code "id_document"} as a valid
* name of {@code evidence}. This is for backward compatibility. Note
* that {@code "id_document"} was deprecated by Implementer's Draft 4
* (cf. eKYC-IDA PR 152).
* @param schemaSet
* The name of the validation schema set.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.61
* @since Authlete 2.3.4
* @see OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0
* @see eKYC-IDA PR 152: removal of deprecated items - issue 1334
public Service setVerifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet(String schemaSet)
this.verifiedClaimsValidationSchemaSet = schemaSet;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether token requests using the pre-authorized
* code grant flow by unidentifiable clients are allowed.
* This property corresponds to the
* {@code pre-authorized_grant_anonymous_access_supported} server metadata
* defined in "OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance".
* @return
* {@code true} if token requests using the pre-authorized code
* grant flow by unidentifiable clients are allows.
* @since 3.62
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance
public boolean isPreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported()
return preAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported;
* Set the flag indicating whether token requests using the pre-authorized
* code grant flow by unidentifiable clients are allowed.
* This property corresponds to the
* {@code pre-authorized_grant_anonymous_access_supported} server metadata
* defined in "OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance".
* @param supported
* {@code true} to allow unidentifiable clients to make token
* requests using the pre-authorized code grant flow.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.62
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance
public Service setPreAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported(boolean supported)
this.preAuthorizedGrantAnonymousAccessSupported = supported;
return this;
* Get the duration of {@code c_nonce} in seconds.
* {@code c_nonce} is issued from the token endpoint of an authorization
* server in the pre-authorized code flow, and from the credential endpoint
* and the batch credential endpoint of a credential issuer. This property
* is used as the lifetime of the {@code c_nonce}.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used as the default value.
* See OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance for details about {@code
* c_nonce}.
* The {@code getCNonceDuration()} method added by the version 3.63 has
* been renamed to {@code getCnonceDuration()} by the version 3.90.
* @return
* The duration of {@code c_nonce} in seconds.
* @since 3.90
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance
public long getCnonceDuration()
return cnonceDuration;
* Set the duration of {@code c_nonce} in seconds.
* {@code c_nonce} is issued from the token endpoint of an authorization
* server in the pre-authorized code flow, and from the credential endpoint
* and the batch credential endpoint of a credential issuer. This property
* is used as the lifetime of the {@code c_nonce}.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used as the default value.
* See OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance for details about {@code
* c_nonce}.
* The {@code setCNonceDuration(long)} method added by the version 3.63 has
* been renamed to {@code setCnonceDuration(long)} by the version 3.90.
* @param duration
* The duration of {@code c_nonce} in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.90
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see OpenID for Verifiable Credentials Issuance
public Service setCnonceDuration(long duration)
this.cnonceDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the duration of transaction ID in seconds that may be issued as a
* result of a credential request or a batch credential request.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used.
* @return
* The duration of transaction ID in seconds.
* @since 3.66
* @since Authlete 3.0
public long getCredentialTransactionDuration()
return credentialTransactionDuration;
* Set the duration of transaction ID in seconds that may be issued as a
* result of a credential request or a batch credential request.
* If the value of this property is 0 or negative, the default value per
* Authlete server is used.
* @param duration
* The duration of transaction ID in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.66
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setCredentialTransactionDuration(long duration)
this.credentialTransactionDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the default duration of verifiable credentials in seconds.
* Some Authlete APIs such as the {@code /vci/single/issue} API and the
* {@code /vci/batch/issue} API may issue one or more verifiable
* credentials. The value of this property specifies the default duration
* of such verifiable credentials.
* The value 0 indicates that verifiable credentials will not expire.
* In the case, verifiable credentials will not have a property that
* indicates the expiration time. For example, JWT-based verifiable
* credentials will not contain the "{@code exp}" claim (RFC 7519, Section
* 4.1.4).
* Authlete APIs that may issue verifiable credentials recognize a request
* parameter that can override the duration. For example, a request to the
* {@code /vci/single/issue} API ({@link CredentialSingleIssueRequest})
* contains an "{@code order}" object ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder})
* that has a "{@code credentialDuration}" parameter
* ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder#getCredentialDuration() credentialDuration})
* that can override the default duration.
* @return
* The default duration of verifiable credentials in seconds.
* @since 3.67
* @since Authlete 3.0
public long getCredentialDuration()
return credentialDuration;
* Set the default duration of verifiable credentials in seconds.
* Some Authlete APIs such as the {@code /vci/single/issue} API and the
* {@code /vci/batch/issue} API may issue one or more verifiable
* credentials. The value of this property specifies the default duration
* of such verifiable credentials.
* The value 0 indicates that verifiable credentials will not expire.
* In the case, verifiable credentials will not have a property that
* indicates the expiration time. For example, JWT-based verifiable
* credentials will not contain the "{@code exp}" claim (RFC 7519, Section
* 4.1.4).
* Authlete APIs that may issue verifiable credentials recognize a request
* parameter that can override the duration. For example, a request to the
* {@code /vci/single/issue} API ({@link CredentialSingleIssueRequest})
* contains an "{@code order}" object ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder})
* that has a "{@code credentialDuration}" parameter
* ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder#getCredentialDuration() credentialDuration})
* that can override the default duration.
* @param duration
* The default duration of verifiable credentials in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.67
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setCredentialDuration(long duration)
this.credentialDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to sign
* verifiable credentials.
* Some Authlete APIs such as the {@code /vci/single/issue} API and the
* {@code /vci/batch/issue} API may issue one or more verifiable
* credentials. The content of this property is referred to by such APIs.
* Authlete APIs that may issue verifiable credentials recognize a request
* parameter that can specify the key ID of a private key that should be
* used for signing. For example, a request to the {@code /vci/single/issue}
* API ({@link CredentialSingleIssueRequest}) contains an "{@code order}"
* object ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder}) that has a "{@code signingKeyId}"
* parameter ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder#getSigningKeyId() signingKeyId})
* that can specify the key ID of a private key to be used for signing.
* When a key ID is not specified, Authlete will select a private key
* automatically.
* If JWKs in the JWK Set do not contain the "{@code kid}" property (RFC 7517, Section 4.5)
* when this {@code credentialJwks} property is updated, Authlete will
* automatically insert the "{@code kid}" property into such JWKs. The JWK
* thumbprint (RFC
* 7638) computed with the SHA-256 hash algorithm is used as the value
* of the "{@code kid}" property.
* @return
* The JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to
* sign verifiable credentials.
* @see RFC 7517 JSON Web Key (JWK)
* @since 3.67
* @since Authlete 3.0
public String getCredentialJwks()
return credentialJwks;
* Set the JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to sign
* verifiable credentials.
* Some Authlete APIs such as the {@code /vci/single/issue} API and the
* {@code /vci/batch/issue} API may issue one or more verifiable
* credentials. The content of this property is referred to by such APIs.
* Authlete APIs that may issue verifiable credentials recognize a request
* parameter that can specify the key ID of a private key that should be
* used for signing. For example, a request to the {@code /vci/single/issue}
* API ({@link CredentialSingleIssueRequest}) contains an "{@code order}"
* object ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder}) that has a "{@code signingKeyId}"
* parameter ({@link CredentialIssuanceOrder#getSigningKeyId() signingKeyId})
* that can specify the key ID of a private key to be used for signing.
* When a key ID is not specified, Authlete will select a private key
* automatically.
* If JWKs in the JWK Set do not contain the "{@code kid}" property (RFC 7517, Section 4.5)
* when this {@code credentialJwks} property is updated, Authlete will
* automatically insert the "{@code kid}" property into such JWKs. The JWK
* thumbprint (RFC
* 7638) computed with the SHA-256 hash algorithm is used as the value
* of the "{@code kid}" property.
* @param jwks
* The JWK Set document containing private keys that are used to
* sign verifiable credentials.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @see RFC 7517 JSON Web Key (JWK)
* @since 3.67
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setCredentialJwks(String jwks)
this.credentialJwks = jwks;
return this;
* Get the URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer is
* exposed.
* The value of this property is referenced when Authlete's
* {@code /vci/jwtissuer} API generates the JSON representing the JWT
* issuer metadata. The JSON will be generated like below.
* {
* "issuer": "{@link Service#getCredentialIssuerMetadata()
* getCredentialIssuerMetadata()}.{@link CredentialIssuerMetadata#getCredentialIssuer()
* getCredentialIssuer()}",
* "jwks_uri": "{@link Service#getCredentialJwksUri() getCredentialJwksUri()}"
* }
* @return
* The URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer
* is exposed.
* @since 3.79
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi#credentialJwtIssuerMetadata(CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest)
public URI getCredentialJwksUri()
return credentialJwksUri;
* Set the URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer is
* exposed.
* The value of this property is referenced when Authlete's
* {@code /vci/jwtissuer} API generates the JSON representing the JWT
* issuer metadata. The JSON will be generated like below.
* {
* "issuer": "{@link Service#getCredentialIssuerMetadata()
* getCredentialIssuerMetadata()}.{@link CredentialIssuerMetadata#getCredentialIssuer()
* getCredentialIssuer()}",
* "jwks_uri": "{@link Service#getCredentialJwksUri() getCredentialJwksUri()}"
* }
* @param uri
* The URL at which the JWK Set document of the credential issuer
* is exposed.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.79
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi#credentialJwtIssuerMetadata(CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest)
public Service setCredentialJwksUri(URI uri)
this.credentialJwksUri = uri;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to enable the feature of ID token
* reissuance in the refresh token flow.
* If this property is {@code true}, the {@code action} response parameter
* in a response from the {@code /auth/token} API becomes
* when the following conditions are met.
* - The flow of the token request is the refresh token flow.
- The scope set after processing the token request still contains the
* "{@code openid}" scope.
- The access token is associated with the subject of a user.
- The access token is associated with a client application.
* See the description of the {@link TokenResponse} class for details.
* @return
* {@code true} if the feature of ID token reissuance in the
* refresh token flow is enabled. {@code false} if the feature
* is disabled.
* @since 3.68
* @since Authlete 2.3.8
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see TokenResponse
public boolean isIdTokenReissuable()
return idTokenReissuable;
* Set the flag indicating whether to enable the feature of ID token
* reissuance in the refresh token flow.
* If this property is {@code true}, the {@code action} response parameter
* in a response from the {@code /auth/token} API becomes
* when the following conditions are met.
* - The flow of the token request is the refresh token flow.
- The scope set after processing the token request still contains the
* "{@code openid}" scope.
- The access token is associated with the subject of a user.
- The access token is associated with a client application.
* See the description of the {@link TokenResponse} class for details.
* @param reissuable
* {@code true} to enable the feature of ID token reissuance in
* the refresh token flow. {@code false} to disable the feature.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.68
* @since Authlete 2.3.8
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see TokenResponse
public Service setIdTokenReissuable(boolean reissuable)
this.idTokenReissuable = reissuable;
return this;
* Get the key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
* @return
* The key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
* @since 3.77
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection
public String getIntrospectionSignatureKeyId()
return introspectionSignatureKeyId;
* Set the key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
* @param keyId
* The key ID of the key for signing introspection responses.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.77
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection
public Service setIntrospectionSignatureKeyId(String keyId)
this.introspectionSignatureKeyId = keyId;
return this;
* Get the FAPI modes for this service.
* When the value of this property is not {@code null}, Authlete always processes
* requests to this service based on the specified FAPI modes if the FAPI
* feature is enabled in Authlete and the {@link ServiceProfile#FAPI FAPI}
* profile is supported by this service.
* For instance, when this property is set to an array containing {@link
* FapiMode#FAPI1_ADVANCED FAPI1_ADVANCED} only, Authlete always processes
* requests to this service based on "
* Financial-grade API Security Profile 1.0 - Part 2: Advanced" if the
* FAPI feature is enabled in Authlete and the {@link ServiceProfile#FAPI FAPI}
* profile is supported by this service.
* @return
* The FAPI modes for this service.
* @since 3.80
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see Financial-grade API Security Profile 1.0 - Part 2: Advanced
public FapiMode[] getFapiModes()
return fapiModes;
* Set the FAPI modes for this service.
* When the value of this property is not {@code null}, Authlete always processes
* requests to this service based on the specified FAPI modes if the FAPI
* feature is enabled in Authlete and the {@link ServiceProfile#FAPI FAPI}
* profile is supported by this service.
* For instance, when this property is set to an array containing {@link
* FapiMode#FAPI1_ADVANCED FAPI1_ADVANCED} only, Authlete always processes
* requests to this service based on "
* Financial-grade API Security Profile 1.0 - Part 2: Advanced" if the
* FAPI feature is enabled in Authlete and the {@link ServiceProfile#FAPI FAPI}
* profile is supported by this service.
* @param modes
* The FAPI modes for this service.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.80
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see Financial-grade API Security Profile 1.0 - Part 2: Advanced
public Service setFapiModes(FapiMode[] modes)
this.fapiModes = modes;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating whether to require DPoP proof JWTs to include
* the {@code nonce} claim whenever they are presented.
* DPoP-aware Authlete APIs such as the {@code /auth/introspection} API and
* the {@code /auth/token} API recognize the {@code dpopNonceRequired}
* request parameter, which enables API callers to require DPoP proof JWTs
* to include the {@code nonce} claim at runtime, even if this service
* property is false.
* @return
* {@code true} if DPoP proof JWTs are required to include the
* {@code nonce} claim whenever they are presented.
* @since 3.82
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see RFC 9449 OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)
public boolean isDpopNonceRequired()
return dpopNonceRequired;
* Set the flag indicating whether to require DPoP proof JWTs to include
* the {@code nonce} claim whenever they are presented.
* DPoP-aware Authlete APIs such as the {@code /auth/introspection} API and
* the {@code /auth/token} API recognize the {@code dpopNonceRequired}
* request parameter, which enables API callers to require DPoP proof JWTs
* to include the {@code nonce} claim at runtime, even if this service
* property is false.
* @param required
* {@code true} to require DPoP proof JWTs to include the
* {@code nonce} claim whenever they are presented.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.82
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see RFC 9449 OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)
public Service setDpopNonceRequired(boolean required)
this.dpopNonceRequired = required;
return this;
* Get the duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
* @return
* The duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
* @since 3.82
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see RFC 9449 OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)
public long getDpopNonceDuration()
return dpopNonceDuration;
* Set the duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
* @param duration
* The duration of nonce values for DPoP proof JWTs in seconds.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.82
* @since Authlete 3.0
* @see RFC 9449 OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)
public Service setDpopNonceDuration(long duration)
this.dpopNonceDuration = duration;
return this;
* Get the URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
* @return
* The URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
* @since 3.96
* @since Authlete 3.0
public URI getTokenBatchNotificationEndpoint()
return tokenBatchNotificationEndpoint;
* Set the URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
* @param endpoint
* The URI of the endpoint that receives token batch results.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 3.96
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setTokenBatchNotificationEndpoint(URI endpoint)
this.tokenBatchNotificationEndpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Get the flag to determine to restrict the {@code aud} claim value in client
* assertions to the issuer of this service as a string.
* @return
* {@code true} if the {@code aud} claim value in client assertions
* is restricted to the issuer of this service as a string.
* @since 4.14
* @since Authlete 3.0
public boolean isClientAssertionAudRestrictedToIssuer()
return clientAssertionAudRestrictedToIssuer;
* Set the flag to determine whether to restrict the {@code aud} claim value
* in client assertions to the issuer of this service as a string.
* @param restricted
* {@code true} to restrict the {@code aud} claim value in client assertions
* to the issuer of this service as a string.
* @return
* {@code this} object.
* @since 4.14
* @since Authlete 3.0
public Service setClientAssertionAudRestrictedToIssuer(boolean restricted)
this.clientAssertionAudRestrictedToIssuer = restricted;
return this;