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com.authlete.jaxrs.AuthleteApiCaller Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Authlete, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the
* License.
package com.authlete.jaxrs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApi;
import com.authlete.common.api.AuthleteApiException;
import com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationFailResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationIssueResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.AuthorizationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest.Result;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.ClientRegistrationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.CredentialOfferInfoResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceAuthorizationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceCompleteResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.DeviceVerificationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.FederationConfigurationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.FederationRegistrationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.GMRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.GMResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.IntrospectionResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.Property;
import com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.PushedAuthReqResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.RevocationResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.ServiceConfigurationRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.StandardIntrospectionResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.TokenFailResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.TokenIssueResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.TokenRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.TokenResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoIssueResponse;
import com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoRequest;
import com.authlete.common.dto.UserInfoResponse;
import com.authlete.common.types.JWEAlg;
import com.authlete.common.types.JWEEnc;
import com.authlete.common.types.JWSAlg;
import com.authlete.common.web.URLCoder;
* Utility class to call Authlete APIs.
* @author Takahiko Kawasaki
class AuthleteApiCaller
* Implementation of {@link AuthleteApi} interface.
private final AuthleteApi mApi;
* Constructor with an implementation of {@link AuthleteApi} interface.
AuthleteApiCaller(AuthleteApi api)
mApi = api;
* Create an {@link InternalServerErrorException} instance to indicate
* that an Authlete API call failed.
private InternalServerErrorException apiFailure(String path, AuthleteApiException e)
// Error message.
String message = String.format("Authlete %s API failed: %s", path, e.getMessage());
// Response body in the response from the Authlete server.
if (e.getResponseBody() != null)
// Append the content of the response body to the error message.
message = new StringBuilder(message)
.append(": ").append(e.getResponseBody()).toString();
// 500 Internal Server Error
return internalServerError(message, e);
* Create an {@link InternalServerErrorException} instance to indicate
* that the value of {@code action} parameter contained in a response
* from an Authlete API is unknown.
public InternalServerErrorException unknownAction(String path, Enum> action)
// Error message.
String message = String.format("Authlete %s API returned an unknown action: %s", path, action);
// 500 Internal Server Error
return internalServerError(message, null);
* Create an {@link InternalServerErrorException} instance having
* a response body.
private InternalServerErrorException internalServerError(String message, Throwable cause)
Response response = ResponseUtil.internalServerError(message, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE);
if (cause != null)
return new InternalServerErrorException(message, response, cause);
return new InternalServerErrorException(message, response);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization} API.
public AuthorizationResponse callAuthorization(MultivaluedMap parameters)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callAuthorization(params);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization} API.
private AuthorizationResponse callAuthorization(String parameters)
if (parameters == null)
// Authlete returns different error codes for null and an empty string.
// 'null' is regarded as a caller's error. An empty string is regarded
// as a client application's error.
parameters = "";
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/auth/authorization API.
AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/authorization API.
return mApi.authorization(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/authorization", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/fail} API.
private AuthorizationFailResponse callAuthorizationFail(String ticket, AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Create a request for /api/auth/authorization/fail API.
AuthorizationFailRequest request = new AuthorizationFailRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/authorization/fail API.
return mApi.authorizationFail(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/authorization/fail", e);
* Create a response that describes the failure. This method
* calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/fail} API.
private Response createAuthorizationFailResponse(String ticket, AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/authorization/fail API.
AuthorizationFailResponse response = callAuthorizationFail(ticket, reason);
// 'action' in the response denotes the next action which
// this service implementation should take.
AuthorizationFailResponse.Action action = response.getAction();
// The content of the response to the client application.
// The format of the content varies depending on the action.
String content = response.getResponseContent();
// Dispatch according to the action.
switch (action)
// 500 Internal Server Error
return ResponseUtil.internalServerError(content);
// 400 Bad Request
return ResponseUtil.badRequest(content);
// 302 Found
return ResponseUtil.location(content);
case FORM:
// 200 OK
return ResponseUtil.form(content);
// This never happens.
throw unknownAction("/api/auth/authorization/fail", action);
* Create an exception that describes the failure. This method
* calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/fail} API.
public WebApplicationException authorizationFail(String ticket, AuthorizationFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Create a response to the client application with the help of
// Authlete's /api/auth/authorization/fail API.
Response response = createAuthorizationFailResponse(ticket, reason);
// Create an exception containing the response.
return new WebApplicationException(response);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue} API.
private AuthorizationIssueResponse callAuthorizationIssue(
String ticket, String subject, long authTime, String acr,
Map claims, Property[] properties, String[] scopes,
String sub, Map claimsForTx,
List> verifiedClaimsForTx)
// Create a request for /api/auth/authorization/issue API.
AuthorizationIssueRequest request = new AuthorizationIssueRequest()
if (claims != null && claims.size() != 0)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/authorization/issue API.
return mApi.authorizationIssue(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/authorization/issue", e);
* Issue an authorization code, an ID token and/or an access token.
* This method calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue} API.
public Response authorizationIssue(
String ticket, String subject, long authTime, String acr,
Map claims, Property[] properties, String[] scopes)
return authorizationIssue(ticket, subject, authTime, acr, claims, properties, scopes, null);
* Issue an authorization code, an ID token and/or an access token.
* This method calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue} API.
public Response authorizationIssue(
String ticket, String subject, long authTime, String acr,
Map claims, Property[] properties, String[] scopes, String sub)
return authorizationIssue(
ticket, subject, authTime, acr, claims, properties, scopes, sub, null, null);
* Issue an authorization code, an ID token and/or an access token.
* This method calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/authorization/issue} API.
public Response authorizationIssue(
String ticket, String subject, long authTime, String acr,
Map claims, Property[] properties, String[] scopes,
String sub, Map claimsForTx,
List> verifiedClaimsForTx)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/authorization/issue API.
AuthorizationIssueResponse response =
callAuthorizationIssue(ticket, subject, authTime, acr, claims,
properties, scopes, sub, claimsForTx, verifiedClaimsForTx);
// 'action' in the response denotes the next action which
// this service implementation should take.
AuthorizationIssueResponse.Action action = response.getAction();
// The content of the response to the client application.
// The format of the content varies depending on the action.
String content = response.getResponseContent();
// Dispatch according to the action.
switch (action)
// 500 Internal Server Error
return ResponseUtil.internalServerError(content);
// 400 Bad Request
return ResponseUtil.badRequest(content);
// 302 Found
return ResponseUtil.location(content);
case FORM:
// 200 OK
return ResponseUtil.form(content);
// This never happens.
throw unknownAction("/api/auth/authorization/issue", action);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token} API.
public TokenResponse callToken(
MultivaluedMap parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
Property[] properties, String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String dpop, String htm, String htu,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callToken(params, clientId, clientSecret,
properties, clientCertificate, clientCertificatePath,
dpop, htm, htu, clientAttestation, clientAttestationPop);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token} API.
public TokenResponse callToken(
String parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
Property[] properties, String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String dpop, String htm, String htu,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
if (parameters == null)
// Authlete returns different error codes for null and an empty string.
// 'null' is regarded as a caller's error. An empty string is regarded
// as a client application's error.
parameters = "";
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/auth/token API.
TokenRequest request = new TokenRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/token API.
return mApi.token(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/token", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token/fail} API.
private TokenFailResponse callTokenFail(String ticket, TokenFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Create a request for /api/auth/token/fail API.
TokenFailRequest request = new TokenFailRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/token/fail API.
return mApi.tokenFail(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/token/fail", e);
* Create a response that describes the failure. This method
* calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token/fail} API.
private Response createTokenFailResponse(
String ticket, TokenFailRequest.Reason reason,
Map headers)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/token/fail API.
TokenFailResponse response = callTokenFail(ticket, reason);
// 'action' in the response denotes the next action which
// this service implementation should take.
TokenFailResponse.Action action = response.getAction();
// The content of the response to the client application.
String content = response.getResponseContent();
// Dispatch according to the action.
switch (action)
// 500 Internal Server Error
return ResponseUtil.internalServerError(content, headers);
// 400 Bad Request
return ResponseUtil.badRequest(content, headers);
// This never happens.
throw unknownAction("/api/auth/token/fail", action);
* Create an exception that describes the failure. This method
* calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token/fail} API.
public WebApplicationException tokenFail(
String ticket, TokenFailRequest.Reason reason,
Map headers)
// Create a response to the client application with the help of
// Authlete's /api/auth/token/fail API.
Response response = createTokenFailResponse(ticket, reason, headers);
// Create an exception containing the response.
return new WebApplicationException(response);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token/issue} API.
private TokenIssueResponse callTokenIssue(
String ticket, String subject, Property[] properties)
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/auth/token/issue API.
TokenIssueRequest request = new TokenIssueRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/token/issue API.
return mApi.tokenIssue(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/token/issue", e);
* Issue an access token and optionally an ID token.
* This method calls Authlete's {@code /api/auth/token/issue} API.
public Response tokenIssue(
String ticket, String subject, Property[] properties,
Map headers)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/token/issue API.
TokenIssueResponse response = callTokenIssue(ticket, subject, properties);
// 'action' in the response denotes the next action which
// this service implementation should take.
TokenIssueResponse.Action action = response.getAction();
// The content of the response to the client application.
String content = response.getResponseContent();
// Dispatch according to the action.
switch (action)
// 500 Internal Server Error
return ResponseUtil.internalServerError(content, headers);
case OK:
// 200 OK
return ResponseUtil.ok(content, headers);
// This never happens.
throw unknownAction("/api/auth/token/issue", action);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/service/configuration} API.
public String callServiceConfiguration(boolean pretty)
// Call Authlete's /api/service/configuration API.
return mApi.getServiceConfiguration(pretty);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/service/configuration", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/service/configuration} API.
public String callServiceConfiguration(ServiceConfigurationRequest request)
// Call Authlete's /api/service/configuration API.
return mApi.getServiceConfiguration(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/service/configuration", e);
* Get the JWK Set of the service. This method calls Authlete's
* {@code /api/service/jwks/get} API.
public Response serviceJwksGet(
boolean pretty, boolean includePrivateKeys) throws AuthleteApiException
// Call Authlete's /api/service/jwks/get API.
String jwks = mApi.getServiceJwks(pretty, includePrivateKeys);
if (jwks == null || jwks.length() == 0)
// 204 No Content
return ResponseUtil.noContent();
// Response as "application/json;charset=UTF-8" with 200 OK.
return ResponseUtil.ok(jwks);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// If the status code is not 302 Found.
if (e.getStatusCode() != Status.FOUND.getStatusCode())
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/service/jwks/get", e);
// The value of 'Location' header.
String location = getFirst(e.getResponseHeaders(), "Location");
// 302 Found with Location header.
return ResponseUtil.location(location);
private static String getFirst(Map> map, String key)
if (map == null)
return null;
List list = map.get(key);
if (list == null || list.size() == 0)
return null;
return list.get(0);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/revocation} API.
public RevocationResponse callRevocation(
MultivaluedMap parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callRevocation(
params, clientId, clientSecret,
clientCertificate, clientCertificatePath,
clientAttestation, clientAttestationPop);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/revocation} API.
private RevocationResponse callRevocation(
String parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
if (parameters == null)
// Authlete returns different error codes for null and an empty string.
// 'null' is regarded as a caller's error. An empty string is regarded
// as a client application's error.
parameters = "";
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/auth/revocation API.
RevocationRequest request = new RevocationRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/revocation API.
return mApi.revocation(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/revocation", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/userinfo} API.
public UserInfoResponse callUserInfo(
String accessToken, String clientCertificate, String dpop, String htm, String htu)
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/auth/userinfo API.
UserInfoRequest request = new UserInfoRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/userinfo API.
return mApi.userinfo(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/userinfo", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/userinfo/issue} API.
private UserInfoIssueResponse callUserInfoIssue(String accessToken,
Map claims, Map claimsForTx,
List> verifiedClaimsForTx)
// Create a request for /api/auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueRequest request = new UserInfoIssueRequest()
if (claims != null && claims.size() != 0)
if (claimsForTx != null && claimsForTx.size() != 0)
if (verifiedClaimsForTx != null && verifiedClaimsForTx.size() != 0)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/userinfo/issue API.
return mApi.userinfoIssue(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/userinfo/issue", e);
* Issue a JSON or a JWT containing user information.
public Response userInfoIssue(String accessToken,
Map claims, Map claimsForTx,
List> verifiedClaimsForTx,
Map headers)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/userinfo/issue API.
UserInfoIssueResponse response = callUserInfoIssue(
accessToken, claims, claimsForTx, verifiedClaimsForTx);
// 'action' in the response denotes the next action which
// this service implementation should take.
UserInfoIssueResponse.Action action = response.getAction();
// The content of the response to the client application.
// The format of the content varies depending on the action.
String content = response.getResponseContent();
// Dispatch according to the action.
switch (action)
// 500 Internal Server Error
return ResponseUtil.bearerError(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, content, headers);
// 400 Bad Request
return ResponseUtil.bearerError(Status.BAD_REQUEST, content, headers);
// 401 Unauthorized
return ResponseUtil.bearerError(Status.UNAUTHORIZED, content, headers);
// 403 Forbidden
return ResponseUtil.bearerError(Status.FORBIDDEN, content, headers);
case JSON:
// 200 OK, application/json;charset=UTF-8
return ResponseUtil.ok(content, headers);
case JWT:
// 200 OK, application/jwt
return ResponseUtil.ok(content, ResponseUtil.MEDIA_TYPE_JWT, headers);
// This never happens.
throw unknownAction("/api/auth/userinfo/issue", action);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/introspection} API.
public IntrospectionResponse callIntrospection(
String accessToken, String[] scopes, String subject, String clientCertificate,
String dpop, String htm, String htu)
// Create a request for /api/auth/introspection API.
IntrospectionRequest request = new IntrospectionRequest()
return callIntrospection(request);
public IntrospectionResponse callIntrospection(IntrospectionRequest request)
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/introspection API.
return mApi.introspection(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/introspection", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/introspection/standard} API.
public StandardIntrospectionResponse callStandardIntrospection(
MultivaluedMap parameters, boolean withHiddenProperties, String httpAcceptHeader,
URI rsUri, JWSAlg introspectionSignAlg, JWEAlg introspectionEncAlg, JWEEnc introspectionEncEnc,
String sharedKeyForSign, String sharedKeyForEncryption, String publicKeyForEncryption)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callStandardIntrospection(
params, withHiddenProperties, httpAcceptHeader, rsUri, introspectionSignAlg, introspectionEncAlg,
introspectionEncEnc, sharedKeyForSign, sharedKeyForEncryption, publicKeyForEncryption);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/auth/introspection/standard} API.
private StandardIntrospectionResponse callStandardIntrospection(
String parameters, boolean withHiddenProperties, String httpAcceptHeader, URI rsUri,
JWSAlg introspectionSignAlg, JWEAlg introspectionEncAlg, JWEEnc introspectionEncEnc,
String sharedKeyForSign, String sharedKeyForEncryption, String publicKeyForEncryption)
if (parameters == null)
// Authlete returns different error codes for null and an empty string.
// 'null' is regarded as a caller's error. An empty string is regarded
// as a resource server's error.
parameters = "";
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/auth/introspection/standard API.
StandardIntrospectionRequest request = new StandardIntrospectionRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/auth/introspection/standard API.
return mApi.standardIntrospection(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/auth/introspection/standard", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication} API.
public BackchannelAuthenticationResponse callBackchannelAuthentication(
MultivaluedMap parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callBackchannelAuthentication(
params, clientId, clientSecret, clientCertificate, clientCertificatePath,
clientAttestation, clientAttestationPop);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication} API.
private BackchannelAuthenticationResponse callBackchannelAuthentication(
String parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
if (parameters == null)
// Authlete returns different error codes for null and an empty string.
// 'null' is regarded as a caller's error. An empty string is regarded
// as a client application's error.
parameters = "";
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequest request = new BackchannelAuthenticationRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication API.
return mApi.backchannelAuthentication(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/backchannel/authentication", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication/fail} API.
private BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse callBackchannelAuthenticationFail(String ticket, BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Create a request for /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest request = new BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
return mApi.backchannelAuthenticationFail(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/backchannel/authentication/fail", e);
* Create a response that describes the failure. This method
* calls Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication/fail} API.
private Response createBackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse(String ticket, BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse response = callBackchannelAuthenticationFail(ticket, reason);
// 'action' in the response denotes the next action which
// this service implementation should take.
BackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse.Action action = response.getAction();
// The content of the response to the client application.
// The format of the content varies depending on the action.
String content = response.getResponseContent();
// Dispatch according to the action.
switch (action)
// 500 Internal Server Error
return ResponseUtil.internalServerError(content);
// 403 Forbidden.
return ResponseUtil.forbidden(content);
// 400 Bad Request
return ResponseUtil.badRequest(content);
// This never happens.
throw unknownAction("/api/backchannel/authentication/fail", action);
* Create an exception that describes the failure. This method
* calls Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication/fail} API.
public WebApplicationException backchannelAuthenticationFail(String ticket, BackchannelAuthenticationFailRequest.Reason reason)
// Create a response to the client application with the help of
// Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/fail API.
Response response = createBackchannelAuthenticationFailResponse(ticket, reason);
// Create an exception containing the response.
return new WebApplicationException(response);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication/issue} API.
public BackchannelAuthenticationIssueResponse callBackchannelAuthenticationIssue(String ticket)
// Create a request for /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest request = new BackchannelAuthenticationIssueRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/issue API.
return mApi.backchannelAuthenticationIssue(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/backchannel/authentication/issue", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/backchannel/authentication/complete} API.
public BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteResponse callBackchannelAuthenticationComplete(
String ticket, String subject, Result result, long authTime, String acr,
Map claims, Property[] properties, String[] scopes,
String errorDescription, URI errorUri)
// Create a request for /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest request = new BackchannelAuthenticationCompleteRequest()
if (claims != null && claims.size() != 0)
// Call Authlete's /api/backchannel/authentication/complete API.
return mApi.backchannelAuthenticationComplete(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/backchannel/authentication/complete", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration} API.
public ClientRegistrationResponse callClientRegistration(
String json)
return callClientRegistration(json, null);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration} API
* with an initial access token.
public ClientRegistrationResponse callClientRegistration(
String json, String initialAccessToken)
ClientRegistrationRequest request = new ClientRegistrationRequest()
.setToken(initialAccessToken); // TODO: we should mark this field as the initial access
// token and not use the registration access token field
return mApi.dynamicClientRegister(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
throw apiFailure("/api/client/registration", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration/get} API.
public ClientRegistrationResponse callClientRegistrationGet(
String clientId, String registrationAccessToken)
ClientRegistrationRequest request = new ClientRegistrationRequest()
return mApi.dynamicClientGet(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
throw apiFailure("/api/client/registration/get", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration/update} API.
public ClientRegistrationResponse callClientRegistrationUpdate(
String clientId, String json, String registrationAccessToken)
ClientRegistrationRequest request = new ClientRegistrationRequest()
return mApi.dynamicClientUpdate(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
throw apiFailure("/api/client/registration/update", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/client/registration/delete} API.
public ClientRegistrationResponse callClientRegistrationDelete(
String clientId, String registrationAccessToken)
ClientRegistrationRequest request = new ClientRegistrationRequest()
return mApi.dynamicClientDelete(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
throw apiFailure("/api/client/registration/delete", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/device/authorization} API.
public DeviceAuthorizationResponse callDeviceAuthorization(
MultivaluedMap parameters,
String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callDeviceAuthorization(
params, clientId, clientSecret,
clientCertificate, clientCertificatePath,
clientAttestation, clientAttestationPop);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/device/authorization} API.
private DeviceAuthorizationResponse callDeviceAuthorization(
String parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
if (parameters == null)
// Authlete returns different error codes for null and an empty string.
// 'null' is regarded as a caller's error. An empty string is regarded
// as a client application's error.
parameters = "";
// Create a request for Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
DeviceAuthorizationRequest request = new DeviceAuthorizationRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/device/authorization API.
return mApi.deviceAuthorization(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/device/authorization", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/device/complete} API.
public DeviceCompleteResponse callDeviceComplete(
String userCode, String subject, DeviceCompleteRequest.Result result,
long authTime, String acr, Map claims, Property[] properties,
String[] scopes, String errorDescription, URI errorUri)
// Create a request for /api/device/complete API.
DeviceCompleteRequest request = new DeviceCompleteRequest()
if (claims != null && claims.size() != 0)
// Call Authlete's /api/device/complete API.
return mApi.deviceComplete(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/device/complete", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/device/verification} API.
public DeviceVerificationResponse callDeviceVerification(String userCode)
// Create a request for /api/device/verification API.
DeviceVerificationRequest request = new DeviceVerificationRequest()
// Call Authlete's /api/device/verification API.
return mApi.deviceVerification(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/device/verification", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/pushed_auth_req} API.
public PushedAuthReqResponse callPushedAuthReq(
MultivaluedMap parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String dpop, String htm, String htu,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
String params = URLCoder.formUrlEncode(parameters);
return callPushedAuthReq(
params, clientId, clientSecret, clientCertificate, clientCertificatePath,
dpop, htm, htu, clientAttestation, clientAttestationPop);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/pushed_auth_req} API.
public PushedAuthReqResponse callPushedAuthReq(
String parameters, String clientId, String clientSecret,
String clientCertificate, String[] clientCertificatePath,
String dpop, String htm, String htu,
String clientAttestation, String clientAttestationPop)
PushedAuthReqRequest request = new PushedAuthReqRequest()
return mApi.pushAuthorizationRequest(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// the API call failed
throw apiFailure("/api/pushed_auth_req", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/gm} API.
public GMResponse callGm(GMRequest request)
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/gm", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/federation/configuration} API.
public FederationConfigurationResponse
callFederationConfiguration(FederationConfigurationRequest request)
return mApi.federationConfiguration(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/federation/configuration", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /api/federation/registration} API.
public FederationRegistrationResponse
callFederationRegistration(FederationRegistrationRequest request)
return mApi.federationRegistration(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/api/federation/registration", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /vci/metadata} API.
public CredentialIssuerMetadataResponse
callCredentialIssuerMetadata(CredentialIssuerMetadataRequest request)
return mApi.credentialIssuerMetadata(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/vci/metadata", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /vci/jwtissuer} API.
public CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataResponse
callCredentialJwtIssuerMetadata(CredentialJwtIssuerMetadataRequest request)
return mApi.credentialJwtIssuerMetadata(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/vci/jwtissuer", e);
* Call Authlete's {@code /vci/offer/info} API.
public CredentialOfferInfoResponse callCredentialOfferInfo(CredentialOfferInfoRequest request)
return mApi.credentialOfferInfo(request);
catch (AuthleteApiException e)
// The API call failed.
throw apiFailure("/vci/offer/info", e);