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com.avast.jarloader.JarLoader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.avast.jarloader

import{JarURLConnection, URI, URL}
import java.nio.file._
import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.util.jar.Attributes
import java.util.{Comparator, Timer, TimerTask}

import com.avast.jmx.{JMXOperation, JMXProperty, MyDynamicBean}
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import org.xeustechnologies.jcl.{JarClassLoader, JclObjectFactory}

 * Created 1.11.13
* See wiki for docs. * * @author Jenda Kolena, [email protected] * @version 1.1 */ abstract class JarLoader[T](val name: Option[String], val rootDir: File, minVersion: Option[String], maxVersion: Option[String] = None) extends IJarLoader[T] with AbstractJarLoader[T] { protected val LOGGER: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) if (!rootDir.exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find requested directory '%s'".format(rootDir.getAbsolutePath)) @JMXProperty protected val history = new util.ArrayList[String] protected var prefix: Option[String] = None protected var suffix: Option[String] = None protected var comparator: Option[Comparator[File]] = Some(new AlphaFileComparator) protected var loadedClass: AtomicReference[Option[(T, String)]] = new AtomicReference[Option[(T, String)]](None) @JMXProperty protected def loadedVersion = if (loadedClass.get().isDefined) loadedClass.get.get._2 else 0.toString protected var acceptOnlyNewerVersions = true protected val timer: Timer = new Timer("JAR loader timer") var timerTask: TimerTask = _ private val jmxName: String = this.getClass.getPackage.getName + ":type=JarLoader[%s]".format(if (name.isDefined) name.get else System.currentTimeMillis()) MyDynamicBean.exposeAndRegisterSilently(jmxName, this) /** * Constructor (prepared for Java users). * @param name Name of this loader. * @param rootDir Root directory where JAR will be searched. * @param minVersion Minimal version of class which will be loaded. * @param maxVersion Maximal version of class which will be loaded. */ def this(name: String, rootDir: File, minVersion: java.lang.Integer, maxVersion: java.lang.Integer = -1.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]) = { this(if (!"".equals(name)) Some(name) else None, rootDir, if (minVersion.compareTo(-1.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]) > 1) Some(minVersion.toString) else None, if (maxVersion.compareTo(-1.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]) > 1) Some(maxVersion.toString) else None) } /** * Constructor (prepared for Java users). * @param name Name of this loader. * @param rootDir Root directory where JAR will be searched. */ def this(name: String, rootDir: File) = { this(name, rootDir, -1, -1) } def search(interval: Int, prefix: Option[String] = None, suffix: Option[String] = None): Unit = { this.prefix = prefix this.suffix = suffix stopSearching() timerTask = new TimerTask { def run() { try { val files: Array[File] = rootDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter { def accept(dir: File, name: String): Boolean = { name.endsWith(".jar") && (!prefix.isDefined || name.startsWith(prefix.get)) && (!suffix.isDefined || name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")).endsWith(suffix.get)) } }) if (files == null || files.length == 0) return if (comparator.isDefined) util.Arrays.sort(files, comparator.get) var name: String = files(0).getName name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")) load(name) } catch { case e: Exception => LOGGER.error("JAR loading failed", e) } } } timer.schedule(timerTask, 0, interval) } @JMXOperation(description = "Stops searching for new implementations.") def stopSearching(): Unit = { if (timerTask != null) timerTask.cancel() timerTask = null } def setComparator(comparator: Comparator[File]) = { this.comparator = if (comparator != null) Some(comparator) else None } @JMXOperation(description = "Tries to load new JAR with given name.") def load(name: String): Boolean = { try { val jarFile = new File(Utils.normalizePath(rootDir.getAbsolutePath + File.separator + name + ".jar")) LOGGER.debug("Trying to load '" + jarFile.getAbsolutePath + "' JAR") if (!jarFile.exists()) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot find requested JAR ({})!", jarFile.getAbsolutePath) return false } val result = checkJar(jarFile) if (!result.isDefined) return false try { result.get._3.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.foreach(m => { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(classOf[BeforeLoad])) m.invoke(result.get._3) }) } catch { case e: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException("BeforeLoad annotated method has thrown an exception", e) } try { if (loadedClass.get.isDefined) { val loaded = loadedClass.get().get._1 loaded.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.foreach(m => { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(classOf[BeforeUnload])) m.invoke(loaded) }) } } catch { case e: Throwable => LOGGER.warn("BeforeUnload annotated method has thrown an exception", e) } var fileSystem: java.nio.file.FileSystem = null try { fileSystem = result.get._4 onLoad(result.get._3, result.get._1, result.get._2, fileSystem, if (result.get._5.isDefined) result.get._5.get else new util.HashMap[String, String]()) } catch { case e: Exception => LOGGER.warn("Exception while doing onLoad callback", e) } finally { if (fileSystem != null) fileSystem.close() } loadedClass.set(Some(result.get._3, result.get._1))"Loaded class '" + result.get._3.getClass.getSimpleName + "', version " + result.get._1) history.add(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + ";" + result.get._2 + ";" + result.get._1 + ";" + jarFile.getAbsolutePath) //keep the memory clean while (history.size() > 100) { history.remove(0) } true } catch { case e: Exception => LOGGER.warn("JAR loading failed", e) false } } protected def checkJar(file: File): Option[(String, String, T, java.nio.file.FileSystem, Option[util.Map[String, String]])] = { val classPackage = if (loadedClass.get.isDefined) { val n = loadedClass.get.get._1.getClass.getName n.substring(0, n.lastIndexOf(".")) } else "" val uc = new URL("jar:file:" + file.getAbsolutePath + "!/").openConnection().asInstanceOf[JarURLConnection] val attr = uc.getMainAttributes val className = attr.get(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS).asInstanceOf[String] val version = attr.get(Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION).asInstanceOf[String] if (Utils.compareVersions(loadedVersion, version) >= 0 && acceptOnlyNewerVersions) { LOGGER.debug("Too old version: %s (loaded: %s, required newer)".format(version, loadedVersion)) return None } if (minVersion.isDefined && Utils.compareVersions(minVersion.get, version) < 0) { LOGGER.debug("Too small version: %s (required: %s)".format(version, minVersion.get)) return None } if (maxVersion.isDefined && Utils.compareVersions(maxVersion.get, version) < 0) { LOGGER.debug("Too big version: %s (required: %s)".format(version, maxVersion.get)) return None } if (className == null || "" == className) throw new Exception("Main class attr empty") if (!className.startsWith(classPackage)) return None //manifest ok, load properties val uri: URI = URI.create("jar:file:" + file.toURI.getPath.replaceAll(" ", "%2520")) try { FileSystems.getFileSystem(uri).close() } catch { case _: FileSystemNotFoundException => //ok } val jarFs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, new util.HashMap[String, String]()) val name: String = file.getName.toLowerCase val properties = loadProperties(jarFs.getPath("/" + name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".properties")) val jcl = new JarClassLoader() jcl.add(uc.getJarFileURL) val plugin = JclObjectFactory.getInstance().create(jcl, className).asInstanceOf[T] //create instance Some(version, className, plugin, jarFs, properties) } protected def loadProperties(path: Path): Option[util.Map[String, String]] = { try { val properties = new PropertiesLoader(Files.newInputStream(path)).getEntries if (properties != null && properties.size() > 0) Some(properties) else None } catch { case e: IOException => LOGGER.debug("Properties file not found: " + path.getFileName) None case e: Exception => LOGGER.warn("Error while loading properties file: " + path.getFileName, e) None } } @JMXProperty(name = "searching") def isSearching: Boolean = { timerTask != null } @JMXProperty(name = "loadedClassName") def getLoadedClassName = { if (loadedClass.get.isDefined) loadedClass.get.get._1.getClass.getName else null } def init(defaultClass: T, defaultVersion: Option[String]) { loadedClass.set(Some(defaultClass, if (defaultVersion.isDefined) defaultVersion.get else 0.toString)) } def acceptOnlyNewer(accept: Boolean) = { acceptOnlyNewerVersions = accept } def acceptOnlyNewer() { acceptOnlyNewer(accept = false) } def getLoadedVersion: String = loadedVersion def getLoadedClass: T = if (loadedClass.get.isDefined) loadedClass.get.get._1 else null.asInstanceOf[T] @JMXOperation(description = "Saves history of loaded JARs to specified file.") def saveHistoryToCsv(name: String, colSeparator: String) = { val wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(name)) val it = history.iterator() while (it.hasNext) { val s = wr.append(s.replaceAll(";", colSeparator)) wr.newLine() } wr.flush() wr.close()"JAR loader history written to '{}'", name) } /** * Callback invoked after some JAR has been loaded, but before switch of classes reference. * @param instance Loaded instance. * @param version Version of loaded JAR. * @param className Name (fully classified) of loaded class. * @param fs Filesystem of the JAR. * @param attributes Attributes loaded from properties file. */ protected def onLoad(instance: T, version: String, className: String, fs: java.nio.file.FileSystem, attributes: util.Map[String, String]) /* -- java interface methods -- */ @JMXOperation(description = "Starts search with given interval, suffix and prefix.") def search(timeout: Int, prefix: String, suffix: String) = { search(timeout, Some(prefix), Some(suffix)) } def search(timeout: Int, prefix: String) = { search(timeout, Some(prefix), None) } def search(timeout: Int) = { search(timeout, None, None) } def init(defaultInstance: T, defaultVersion: Int) = { init(defaultInstance, Some(defaultVersion.toString)) } def init(defaultInstance: T, defaultVersion: String) = { init(defaultInstance, Some(defaultVersion)) } def init(defaultInstance: T) = { init(defaultInstance, None) } }

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