com.avsystem.commons.redis.ApiSubset.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avsystem.commons
package redis
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.ApiSubset.{HeadOps, IterableTailOps, IteratorTailOps}
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.config.ExecutionConfig
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.util.{HeadIterable, HeadIterator, SingletonSeq}
import monix.eval.Task
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* Encapsulates types that Redis commands may be parameterized with and provides serialization for these types.
trait RedisSerialization {
* The type of Redis keys or key patterns used in methods representing Redis commands. For example, if `Key = String`
* then [[commands.StringsApi.get get]] returns `Result[Opt[String]]`. This type is used only for toplevel Redis keys,
* hash keys have their own type, [[Field]]
type Key
* The type of Redis hash keys or hash key patterns used in methods representing Redis commands that work on
* hashes ([[commands.HashesApi HashesApi]]).
type Field
* The type of Redis values used in methods representing Redis commands. "Value" is the data that might be
* stored directly under a Redis key (e.g. using [[commands.StringsApi.set set]]) but also a value of hash field,
* list element, set member, sorted set member, geo set member or element inserted into hyper-log-log structure.
* There are no separate types specified for every of those use cases because only one of them can be used in a
* single command (for example, there is no Redis command that works on both list elements and set members
* at the same time).
type Value
* Type used to represent key-value pair sequences, primarily entries in [[commands.StreamsApi StreamsApi]]
* but also hashes in [[commands.HashesApi HashesApi]]. `Record` might be a "raw" type like `Map[Key, Value]` or
* `Seq[(Key, Value)]` but normally `Record` is customized to be an ADT - a case class or sealed hierarchy.
type Record
def keyCodec: RedisDataCodec[Key]
def fieldCodec: RedisDataCodec[Field]
def valueCodec: RedisDataCodec[Value]
def recordCodec: RedisRecordCodec[Record]
type WithKey[K] = RedisSerialization.Aux[K, Field, Value, Record]
type WithField[F] = RedisSerialization.Aux[Key, F, Value, Record]
type WithValue[V] = RedisSerialization.Aux[Key, Field, V, Record]
type WithRecord[R] = RedisSerialization.Aux[Key, Field, Value, R]
def keyType[K0: RedisDataCodec]: WithKey[K0]
def fieldType[F0: RedisDataCodec]: WithField[F0]
def valueType[V0: RedisDataCodec]: WithValue[V0]
def recordType[R0: RedisRecordCodec]: WithRecord[R0]
object RedisSerialization {
type Aux[K, F, V, R] = RedisSerialization {
type Key = K
type Field = F
type Value = V
type Record = R
object Strings extends Generic[String, String, String, Map[String, String]]
object ByteStrings extends Generic[ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, Map[ByteString, ByteString]]
class Generic[K, F, V, R](implicit
val keyCodec: RedisDataCodec[K],
val fieldCodec: RedisDataCodec[F],
val valueCodec: RedisDataCodec[V],
val recordCodec: RedisRecordCodec[R]
) extends RedisSerialization {
type Key = K
type Field = F
type Value = V
type Record = R
def keyType[K0: RedisDataCodec]: WithKey[K0] = new Generic
def fieldType[F0: RedisDataCodec]: WithField[F0] = new Generic
def valueType[V0: RedisDataCodec]: WithValue[V0] = new Generic
def recordType[R0: RedisRecordCodec]: WithRecord[R0] = new Generic
trait ApiSubset { self =>
val serialization: RedisSerialization
type Key = serialization.Key
type Field = serialization.Field
type Value = serialization.Value
type Record = serialization.Record
protected implicit final def keyCodec: RedisDataCodec[Key] = serialization.keyCodec
protected implicit final def fieldCodec: RedisDataCodec[Field] = serialization.fieldCodec
protected implicit final def valueCodec: RedisDataCodec[Value] = serialization.valueCodec
protected implicit final def recordCodec: RedisRecordCodec[Record] = serialization.recordCodec
* The type constructor into which a result of each command is wrapped. For example if `Result` is
* `Future`, then [[commands.StringsApi.incr incr]] returns `Future[Long]`.
type Result[A]
def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): Result[A]
protected implicit def iterableTailOps[T](tail: Iterable[T]): IterableTailOps[T] = new IterableTailOps(tail)
protected implicit def iteratorTailOps[T](tail: Iterator[T]): IteratorTailOps[T] = new IteratorTailOps(tail)
protected implicit def headOps[T](head: T): HeadOps[T] = new HeadOps(head)
object ApiSubset {
class HeadOps[A](private val head: A) extends AnyVal {
def single: Seq[A] = new SingletonSeq[A](head)
class IterableTailOps[A](private val tail: Iterable[A]) extends AnyVal {
def +::(head: A): Iterable[A] = new HeadIterable(head, tail)
class IteratorTailOps[A](private val tail: Iterator[A]) extends AnyVal {
def +::(head: A): Iterator[A] = new HeadIterator(head, tail)
trait RecoverableApiSubset extends ApiSubset {
protected def recoverWith[A](executed: => Result[A])(fun: PartialFunction[Throwable, Result[A]]): Result[A]
trait RedisRawApi extends ApiSubset {
type Result[A] = RawCommand
def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): RedisCommand[A] = command
trait RedisBatchApi extends ApiSubset {
type Result[A] = RedisBatch[A]
def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): RedisBatch[A] = command.batchOrFallback
trait RedisExecutedApi extends RecoverableApiSubset {
def execConfig: ExecutionConfig
def executor: RedisExecutor
def executeAsync[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): Future[A] =
executor.executeBatch(command.batchOrFallback, execConfig)
trait RedisAsyncApi extends RedisExecutedApi {
type Result[A] = Future[A]
def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): Future[A] = executeAsync(command)
def recoverWith[A](executed: => Future[A])(fun: PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[A]]): Future[A] =
trait RedisMonixApi extends RedisExecutedApi {
type Result[A] = Task[A]
def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): Task[A] = Task.deferFutureAction { scheduler =>
executor.executeBatch(command, execConfig.copy(decodeOn = scheduler))
def recoverWith[A](executed: => Task[A])(fun: PartialFunction[Throwable, Task[A]]): Task[A] =
trait RedisBlockingApi extends RedisExecutedApi {
type Result[A] = A
def execute[A](command: RedisCommand[A]): A =
// executeAsync should already handle timeouts, but just to be safe let's pass the standard timeout plus one second
Await.result(executeAsync(command), execConfig.responseTimeout.duration + 1.second)
def recoverWith[A](executed: => A)(fun: PartialFunction[Throwable, A]): A =
try executed catch fun
trait RedisKeyedApi extends AnyRef
with KeyedKeysApi
with StringsApi
with KeyedClusterApi
with GeoApi
with KeyedScriptingApi
with HashesApi
with SortedSetsApi
with ListsApi
with SetsApi
with HyperLogLogApi
with StreamsApi
trait RedisRecoverableKeyedApi extends RedisKeyedApi
with RecoverableKeyedScriptingApi
trait RedisNodeApi extends RedisKeyedApi
with NodeKeysApi
with NodeServerApi
with NodeClusterApi
with NodeConnectionApi
with NodeScriptingApi
with SentinelApi
trait RedisRecoverableNodeApi extends RedisRecoverableKeyedApi with RedisNodeApi
trait RedisOperationApi extends RedisNodeApi
with TransactionApi
trait RedisConnectionApi extends RedisOperationApi
with ConnectionClusterApi
with ConnectionConnectionApi
with ConnectionServerApi
with ConnectionScriptingApi
trait RedisRecoverableConnectionApi extends RedisRecoverableNodeApi with RedisConnectionApi
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