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com.avsystem.commons.redis.RedisClusterClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.avsystem.commons
package redis

import{ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.avsystem.commons.concurrent.RetryStrategy
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.RawCommand.Level
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.RedisClusterClient.{AskingPack, CollectionPacks}
import{GetClient, GetClientResponse, Refresh}
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.{Asking, SlotRange}
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.config.{ClusterConfig, ExecutionConfig}
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.exception._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.protocol._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.util.DelayedFuture

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration._

  * Redis client implementation for Redis Cluster deployments. Internally, it uses single [[RedisNodeClient]] instance
  * for every known master in the cluster plus a separate connection for monitoring of every known master.
  * [[RedisNodeClient]] instances are dynamically created and destroyed as the cluster changes its state.
  * The cluster client is only able to execute commands or transactions containing keys which determine which master
  * should be contacted. However, it's possible to gain access to [[RedisNodeClient]] instances that [[RedisClusterClient]]
  * internally uses to connect to every master (see [[ClusterState]] and [[masterClient]]).
  * [[RedisClusterClient]] can directly execute only [[RedisBatch]]es. It automatically distributes every batch
  * over multiple cluster masters and handles cluster redirections if necessary. See [[executeBatch]] for more
  * details.
  * [[RedisClusterClient]] cannot directly execute [[RedisOp]]s (e.g. `WATCH`-`MULTI`-`EXEC` transactions).
  * You must manually access node client for appropriate master through [[currentState]] and execute the operation using it.
  * However, be aware that you must manually handle cluster redirections and cluster state changes while doing so.
  * @param seedNodes nodes used to fetch initial cluster state from. You don't need to list all cluster nodes, it is
  *                  only required that at least one of the seed nodes is available during startup.
final class RedisClusterClient(
  val seedNodes: Seq[NodeAddress] = List(NodeAddress.Default),
  val config: ClusterConfig = ClusterConfig()
)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends RedisClient with RedisKeyedExecutor {

  require(seedNodes.nonEmpty, "No seed nodes provided")

  // (optimization) allows us to avoid going through `initPromise` after the client has been successfully initialized
  @volatile private[this] var initSuccess = false
  @volatile private[this] var state = ClusterState.Empty
  @volatile private[this] var stateListener = (_: ClusterState) => ()
  // clients for nodes mentioned in redirection messages which are not yet in the cluster state
  @volatile private[this] var temporaryClients = List.empty[RedisNodeClient]
  // ensures that all operations fail fast after client is closed instead of being sent further
  @volatile private[this] var failure = Opt.empty[Throwable]

  private val initPromise = Promise[Unit]()
  initPromise.future.foreachNow(_ => initSuccess = true)

  private def ifReady[T](code: => Future[T]): Future[T] = failure match {
    case Opt.Empty if initSuccess => code
    case Opt.Empty => initPromise.future.flatMapNow(_ => code)
    case Opt(t) => Future.failed(t)

  // invoked by monitoring actor, effectively serialized
  private def onNewState(newState: ClusterState): Unit = {
    state = newState
    temporaryClients = Nil
    if (!initSuccess) {
      import system.dispatcher
      Future.traverse(state.masters.values)(_.initialized).toUnit.onComplete { result =>
        // This check handles situation where some node goes down _exactly_ during RedisClusterClient initialization.
        // The failed node was in the first cluster state that we fetched and we tried to connect to it
        // but Redis Cluster detected the failure and cluster state changed. When `RedisMonitoringActor` detects this
        // change, `RedisNodeClient` for the failed node is killed and initialization fails. But we shouldn't fail
        // initialization of entire `RedisClusterClient` because we know that the state changed and thus we should retry.
        // In other words, this check avoids failing entire `RedisClusterClient` based on obsolete cluster state.
        // This scenario is tested by `RedisClusterClientInitDuringFailureTest`.
        if (state eq newState) {

  // invoked by monitoring actor, effectively serialized
  private def onTemporaryClient(client: RedisNodeClient): Unit = {
    temporaryClients = client :: temporaryClients

  private val monitoringActor =
    system.actorOf(Props(new ClusterMonitoringActor(seedNodes, config, initPromise.failure, onNewState, onTemporaryClient)))

  private def determineSlot(pack: RawCommandPack): Int = {
    var slot = -1
    pack.foreachKey { key =>
      val s = Hash.slot(key)
      if (slot == -1) {
        slot = s
      } else if (s != slot) {
        throw new CrossSlotException
    if (slot >= 0) slot
    else throw new NoKeysException

    * Sets a listener that is notified every time [[RedisClusterClient]] detects a change in cluster state
    * (slot mapping).
  def setStateListener(listener: ClusterState => Unit)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit =
    stateListener = state => executor.execute(jRunnable(listener(state)))

    * Returns currently known cluster state.
  def currentState: ClusterState =

    * Returns currently known cluster state, waiting for initialization if necessary.
  def initializedCurrentState: Future[ClusterState] =
    initPromise.future.mapNow(_ => currentState)

    * Waits until cluster state is known and [[RedisNodeClient]] for every master node is initialized.
  def initialized: Future[this.type] =
    initPromise.future.mapNow(_ => this)

  private def handleRedirection[T](
    pack: RawCommandPack, slot: Int, result: Future[RedisReply],
    retryStrategy: RetryStrategy, tryagainStrategy: RetryStrategy
  )(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[RedisReply] =
    result.flatMapNow {
      case RedirectionReply(red) =>
        retryRedirected(pack, red, retryStrategy, tryagainStrategy)
      case TryagainReply(reply) => tryagainStrategy.nextRetry match {
        case Opt.Empty => Future.successful(reply)
        case Opt((delay, nextStrat)) =>
          val result = DelayedFuture(delay).flatMapNow(_ => state.clientForSlot(slot).executeRaw(pack).mapNow(_.apply(0)))
          handleRedirection(pack, slot, result, config.redirectionStrategy, nextStrat)
      case _ => result
    } recoverWithNow {
      case _: NodeRemovedException =>
        // Node went down and we didn't get a regular redirection but the cluster detected the failure
        // and we now have a new cluster view, so retry our not-yet-sent request using new cluster state.
        val client = state.clientForSlot(slot)
        retryStrategy.nextRetry match {
          case Opt.Empty =>
            Future.successful(FailureReply(new TooManyRedirectionsException(Redirection(client.address, slot, ask = false))))
          case Opt((delay, nextStrat)) =>
            val result = DelayedFuture(delay).flatMapNow(_ => client.executeRaw(pack).mapNow(_.apply(0)))
            handleRedirection(pack, slot, result, nextStrat, tryagainStrategy)

  private def retryRedirected(
    pack: RawCommandPack, redirection: Redirection,
    retryStrategy: RetryStrategy, tryagainStrategy: RetryStrategy
  )(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[RedisReply] = {
    if (!redirection.ask) {
      // redirection (without ASK) indicates that we may have old cluster state, refresh it
      monitoringActor ! Refresh(redirection.address.opt)
    val packToResend = if (redirection.ask) new AskingPack(pack) else pack
    retryStrategy.nextRetry match {
      case Opt.Empty => Future.successful(FailureReply(new TooManyRedirectionsException(redirection)))
      case Opt((delay, nextStrategy)) =>
        val result = DelayedFuture(delay).flatMapNow { _ =>
          readyClient(redirection.address) match {
            case Opt(client) =>
            case Opt.Empty =>
              // this should only happen when a new master appears and we don't yet have a client for it
              // because we still have old cluster state without that master
        handleRedirection(pack, redirection.slot, result.mapNow(_.apply(0)), nextStrategy, tryagainStrategy)

  private def readyClient(address: NodeAddress): Opt[RedisNodeClient] =
    state.masters.getOpt(address) orElse temporaryClients.findOpt(_.address == address)

  private def askForClient(address: NodeAddress): Future[RedisNodeClient] =
      .flatMapNow({ case GetClientResponse(client) => client.initialized })

    * Returns a [[RedisNodeClient]] internally used to connect to a master with given address.
    * Note that the address may belong to a master that is not yet known to this cluster client.
    * In such case, node client for this master will be created on demand. However, be aware that this temporary
    * client will be immediately closed if it's master is not listed in next cluster state fetched by
    * [[RedisClusterClient]]. Therefore, you can't use this method to obtain clients for arbitrary nodes - only for
    * master nodes that this cluster client knows or is about to know upon next state refresh.
    * This method is primarily intended to be used when having to manually recover from a cluster redirection.
    * If you want to obtain node client serving particular hash slot, get it from [[currentState]].
  def masterClient(address: NodeAddress): Future[RedisNodeClient] = ifReady {

  def executionContext: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher

    * Executes a [[RedisBatch]] on a Redis Cluster deployment. In order to determine node on which each command must be
    * executed, every command or `MULTI`-`EXEC` transaction in the batch must contain at least one key.
    * Also, in the scope of a single command or transaction all keys must hash to the same slot.
    * However, each command or transaction in the batch may target different slot.
    * [[RedisClusterClient]] automatically splits the original batch and creates smaller batches, one for every master
    * node that needs to be contacted. In other words, commands and transactions from the original batch are
    * automatically distributed over Redis Cluster master nodes, in parallel, using a scatter-gather like manner.
    * [[RedisClusterClient]] also automatically retries execution of commands that fail due to cluster redirections
    * ([[ MOVED]] and [[ ASK]]),
    * cluster state changes and `TRYAGAIN` errors which might be returned for multikey commands during slot migration.
    * See [[ Redis Cluster specification]] for
    * more detailed information on redirections and migrations.
    * Redirection and `TRYAGAIN` handling is configured by retry strategies in [[config.ClusterConfig]].
    * In general, you can assume that if there are no redirections involved, commands executed on the same master
    * node are executed in the same order as specified in the original batch.
    * Execution of each command in the batch or the whole batch may fail due to following reasons:
  • [[exception.NoKeysException NoKeysException]] when some command or transaction contains no keys
  • *
  • [[exception.CrossSlotException CrossSlotException]] when some command or transaction * contains keys hashing to different slots
  • *
  • [[exception.ForbiddenCommandException ForbiddenCommandException]] when trying to execute command not * supported by this client type
  • *
  • [[exception.ErrorReplyException ErrorReplyException]] when Redis server replies with an error for some command
  • *
  • [[exception.UnexpectedReplyException UnexpectedReplyException]] when Redis server replies with something * unexpected by a decoder of some command
  • *
  • [[exception.ConnectionClosedException ConnectionClosedException]] when connection is closed or * reset (the client reconnects automatically after connection failure but commands that were in the middle of * execution may still fail)
  • *
  • [[exception.WriteFailedException WriteFailedException]] when a network write * failed
  • *
  • [[exception.TooManyRedirectionsException TooManyRedirectionsException]] when * a command was replied with `MOVED` or `ASK` redirection too many times in a row. This might indicate * misconfiguration of the Redis Cluster deployment.
  • *
*/ def executeBatch[A](batch: RedisBatch[A], config: ExecutionConfig): Future[A] = { implicit val timeout: Timeout = config.responseTimeout batch.rawCommandPacks.requireLevel(Level.Node, "ClusterClient") ifReady { val currentState = state currentState.nonClustered match { case Opt(client) => client.executeBatch(batch, config) case Opt.Empty => val packs = batch.rawCommandPacks val undecodedResult = packs.computeSize(2) match { case 0 => Future.successful(PacksResult.Empty) case 1 => var pack: RawCommandPack = null packs.emitCommandPacks(pack = _) executeSinglePack(pack, currentState) case _ => executeClusteredPacks(packs, currentState) } => batch.decodeReplies(replies))(config.decodeOn) } } } private def executeSinglePack(pack: RawCommandPack, currentState: ClusterState)(implicit timeout: Timeout) = { // optimization for single-pack (e.g. single-command) batches that avoids creating unnecessary data structures val slot = determineSlot(pack) val client = currentState.clientForSlot(slot) val result = client.executeRaw(pack).mapNow(_.apply(0)) handleRedirection(pack, slot, result, config.redirectionStrategy, config.tryagainStrategy) .mapNow(PacksResult.Single) } private def executeClusteredPacks[A](packs: RawCommandPacks, currentState: ClusterState)(implicit timeout: Timeout) = { val barrier = Promise[Unit]() val packsByNode = new mutable.HashMap[RedisNodeClient, ArrayBuffer[RawCommandPack]] val resultsByNode = new mutable.HashMap[RedisNodeClient, Future[PacksResult]] def futureForPack(slot: Int, client: RedisNodeClient, pack: RawCommandPack): Future[RedisReply] = { val packBuffer = packsByNode.getOrElseUpdate(client, new ArrayBuffer) val idx = packBuffer.size packBuffer += pack val result = resultsByNode.getOrElseUpdate(client, barrier.future.flatMapNow(_ => client.executeRaw(CollectionPacks(packBuffer))) ).mapNow(_.apply(idx)) handleRedirection(pack, slot, result, config.redirectionStrategy, config.tryagainStrategy) } val results = new ArrayBuffer[Future[RedisReply]] packs.emitCommandPacks { pack => val resultFuture = try { val slot = determineSlot(pack) val client = currentState.clientForSlot(slot) futureForPack(slot, client, pack) } catch { case re: RedisException => Future.successful(FailureReply(re)) case NonFatal(cause) => Future.failed(cause) } results += resultFuture } barrier.success(()) // specialized Future.sequence which avoids creating new collection and doesn't need execution contexts val finalPromise = Promise[Int => RedisReply]() val finalResult = results.andThen(_.value.get.get) val counter = new AtomicInteger(results.size) for (i <- results.indices) { results(i).onCompleteNow { case Success(_) => if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finalPromise.success(finalResult) } case Failure(cause) => finalPromise.tryFailure(cause) } } finalPromise.future } def close(): Unit = { failure = new ClientStoppedException(Opt.Empty).opt system.stop(monitoringActor) } } private object RedisClusterClient { final val GetClientTimeout = Timeout(1.seconds) case class CollectionPacks(coll: BIndexedSeq[RawCommandPack]) extends RawCommandPacks { def emitCommandPacks(consumer: RawCommandPack => Unit): Unit = coll.foreach(consumer) def computeSize(limit: Int): Int = limit min coll.size } final class AskingPack(pack: RawCommandPack) extends RawCommandPack { private val keyed = { var result = false pack.rawCommands(inTransaction = true).emitCommands { cmd => result = result || cmd.encoded.elements.exists(_.isCommandKey) } result } override def maxBlockingMillis: Int = pack.maxBlockingMillis override def isAsking = true def rawCommands(inTransaction: Boolean): RawCommands = if (inTransaction || pack.isAsking || !keyed) pack.rawCommands(inTransaction) else new RawCommands { def emitCommands(consumer: RawCommand => Unit): Unit = { consumer(Asking) pack.rawCommands(inTransaction).emitCommands(consumer) } } def createPreprocessor(replyCount: Int): ReplyPreprocessor = if (pack.isAsking || !keyed) pack.createPreprocessor(replyCount) else new ReplyPreprocessor { private val wrapped = pack.createPreprocessor(replyCount - 1) private var first = true private var error: Opt[FailureReply] = Opt.Empty def preprocess(message: RedisMsg, watchState: WatchState): Opt[RedisReply] = if (first) { first = false message match { case RedisMsg.Ok => case _ => error = FailureReply(new UnexpectedReplyException(s"Unexpected reply for ASKING: $message")).opt } Opt.Empty } else wrapped.preprocess(message, watchState) .map(reply => error.getOrElse(reply)) } def checkLevel(minAllowed: Level, clientType: String): Unit = pack.checkLevel(minAllowed, clientType) } } object RedirectionReply { def unapply(reply: RedisReply): Opt[Redirection] = reply match { case RedirectionError(redirection) => redirection.opt case TransactionReply(elements) => @tailrec def collectRedirection(acc: Opt[Redirection], idx: Int): Opt[Redirection] = if (idx >= elements.size) acc else elements(idx) match { case RedirectionError(redirection) if acc.forall(_ == redirection) => collectRedirection(redirection.opt, idx + 1) case err: ErrorMsg if err.errorCode == "EXECABORT" => collectRedirection(acc, idx + 1) case _ => Opt.Empty } collectRedirection(Opt.Empty, 0) case _ => Opt.Empty } } object RedirectionError { def unapply(failure: ErrorMsg): Opt[Redirection] = { val message = failure.errorString.utf8String val moved = message.startsWith("MOVED ") val ask = message.startsWith("ASK ") if (moved || ask) { val Array(_, slot, ipport) = message.split(' ') val Array(ip, port) = ipport.split(':') Opt(Redirection(NodeAddress(ip, port.toInt), slot.toInt, ask)) } else Opt.Empty } } object RedirectionException { def unapply(exception: ErrorReplyException): Opt[Redirection] = RedirectionError.unapply(exception.reply) } case class Redirection(address: NodeAddress, slot: Int, ask: Boolean) object TryagainReply { def unapply(reply: RedisReply): Opt[RedisReply] = reply match { case err: ErrorMsg if err.errorCode == "TRYAGAIN" => Opt(reply) case TransactionReply(elements) => elements.headOpt.flatMap(unapply).map(_ => reply) case _ => Opt.Empty } } /** * Current cluster state known by [[RedisClusterClient]]. * * @param mapping mapping between slot ranges and node clients that serve them, sorted by slot ranges * @param masters direct mapping between master addresses and node clients * @param nonClustered non-empty if there's actually only one, non-clustered Redis node - see * [[com.avsystem.commons.redis.config.ClusterConfig.fallbackToSingleNode fallbackToSingleNode]] */ case class ClusterState( mapping: IndexedSeq[(SlotRange, RedisNodeClient)], masters: BMap[NodeAddress, RedisNodeClient], nonClustered: Opt[RedisNodeClient] = Opt.Empty ) { nonClustered.foreach { client => require(!client.managed && mapping == IndexedSeq(SlotRange.Full -> client) && masters == Map(client.address -> client)) } /** * Obtains a [[RedisNodeClient]] that currently serves particular hash slot. This is primarily used to * execute `WATCH`-`MULTI`-`EXEC` transactions on a Redis Cluster deployment ([[RedisClusterClient]] cannot * directly execute them). For example: * * {{{ * import scala.concurrent.duration._ * implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() * implicit val timeout: Timeout = 10.seconds * val clusterClient = new RedisClusterClient * import RedisApi.Batches.StringTyped._ * import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._ * * // transactionally divide number stored under "key" by 3 * val transaction: RedisOp[Unit] = for { * // this causes WATCH and GET to be sent in a single batch * value <- watch("key") *> get("key").map(_.fold(0)(_.toInt)) * // this causes SET wrapped in a MULTI-EXEC block to be sent * _ <- set("key", (value / 3).toString).transaction * } yield () * * val executedTransaction: Future[Unit] = * { state => * state.clientForSlot(keySlot("key")).executeOp(transaction) * } * }}} * * However, be aware that when executing transactions on node clients obtained from [[ClusterState]], you must * manually handle cluster redirections and cluster state changes * ([[exception.NodeRemovedException NodeRemovedException]]) */ def clientForSlot(slot: Int): RedisNodeClient = { @tailrec def binsearch(from: Int, to: Int): RedisNodeClient = if (from >= to) throw new UnmappedSlotException(slot) else { val mid = (from + to) / 2 val (range, client) = mapping(mid) if (range.contains(slot)) client else if (range.start > slot) binsearch(from, mid) else binsearch(mid + 1, to) } binsearch(0, mapping.length) } } object ClusterState { final val Empty = ClusterState(IndexedSeq.empty, BMap.empty) def nonClustered(client: RedisNodeClient): ClusterState = ClusterState(IndexedSeq(SlotRange.Full -> client), Map(client.address -> client), client.opt) }

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