com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.hashes.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avsystem.commons
package redis.commands
import com.avsystem.commons.redis._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.ReplyDecoders._
trait HashesApi extends ApiSubset {
/** Executes [[ HDEL]] */
def hdel(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Hdel(key, field.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ HDEL]] */
def hdel(key: Key, field: Field, fields: Field*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Hdel(key, field +:: fields))
/** Executes [[ HDEL]]
* or simply returns 0 when `fields` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def hdel(key: Key, fields: Iterable[Field]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Hdel(key, fields))
/** Executes [[ HEXISTS]] */
def hexists(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Hexists(key, field))
/** Executes [[ HGET]] */
def hget(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Hget(key, field))
/** Executes [[ HGETALL]] */
def hgetall(key: Key): Result[BMap[Field, Value]] =
execute(new Hgetall(key))
/** Executes [[ HGETALL]] */
def hgetallRecord(key: Key): Result[Opt[Record]] =
execute(new HgetallRecord(key))
/** Executes [[ HINCRBY]] */
def hincrby(key: Key, field: Field, increment: Long): Result[Long] =
execute(new Hincrby(key, field, increment))
/** Executes [[ HINCRBYFLOAT]] */
def hincrbyfloat(key: Key, field: Field, increment: Double): Result[Double] =
execute(new Hincrbyfloat(key, field, increment))
/** Executes [[ HKEYS]] */
def hkeys(key: Key): Result[BSet[Field]] =
execute(new Hkeys(key))
/** Executes [[ HLEN]] */
def hlen(key: Key): Result[Long] =
execute(new Hlen(key))
/** Executes [[ HMGET]] */
def hmget(key: Key, field: Field, fields: Field*): Result[Seq[Opt[Value]]] =
execute(new Hmget(key, field +:: fields))
/** Executes [[ HMGET]]
* or simply returns empty `Seq` when `fields` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def hmget(key: Key, fields: Iterable[Field]): Result[Seq[Opt[Value]]] =
execute(new Hmget(key, fields))
/** Executes [[ HMSET]] */
def hmset(key: Key, fieldValue: (Field, Value), fieldValues: (Field, Value)*): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Hmset(key, fieldValue +:: fieldValues))
/** Executes [[ HMSET]]
* or does nothing when `fieldValues` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def hmset(key: Key, fieldValues: Iterable[(Field, Value)]): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Hmset(key, fieldValues))
/** Executes [[ HMSET]]
* or does nothing when `data` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def hmsetRecord(key: Key, data: Record): Result[Unit] =
execute(new HmsetRecord(key, data))
/** Executes [[ HRANDFIELD]] */
def hrandfield(key: Key): Result[Opt[Field]] =
execute(new Hrandfield(key))
/** Executes [[ HRANDFIELD]] */
def hrandfield(key: Key, count: Int, distinct: Boolean = true): Result[Seq[Field]] =
execute(new HrandfieldCount(key, if (distinct) count else -count))
/** Executes [[ HRANDFIELD]] */
def hrandfieldWithvalues(key: Key, count: Int, distinct: Boolean = true): Result[BMap[Field, Value]] =
execute(new HrandfieldWithvalues(key, if (distinct) count else -count))
/** Executes [[ HSCAN]] */
def hscan(key: Key, cursor: Cursor, matchPattern: OptArg[Field] = OptArg.Empty, count: OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty): Result[(Cursor, Seq[(Field, Value)])] =
execute(new Hscan(key, cursor, matchPattern.toOpt, count.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ HSET]] */
def hset(key: Key, field: Field, value: Value): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Hset(key, (field, value).single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ HSET]] */
def hset(key: Key, fieldValue: (Field, Value), fieldValues: (Field, Value)*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Hset(key, fieldValue +:: fieldValues))
/** Executes [[ HSET]]
* or does nothing when `fieldValues` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def hset(key: Key, fieldValues: Iterable[(Field, Value)]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Hset(key, fieldValues))
/** Executes [[ HSET]]
* or does nothing when `data` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def hsetRecord(key: Key, data: Record): Result[Int] =
execute(new HsetRecord(key, data))
/** Executes [[ HSETNX]] */
def hsetnx(key: Key, field: Field, value: Value): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Hsetnx(key, field, value))
/** Executes [[ HSTRLEN]] */
def hstrlen(key: Key, field: Field): Result[Int] =
execute(new Hstrlen(key, field))
/** Executes [[ HVALS]] */
def hvals(key: Key): Result[Iterable[Value]] =
execute(new Hvals(key))
private final class Hdel(key: Key, fields: Iterable[Field]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HDEL").key(key).datas(fields).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(fields, 0)
private final class Hexists(key: Key, field: Field) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HEXISTS").key(key).data(field).result
private final class Hget(key: Key, field: Field)
extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HGET").key(key).data(field).result
private final class Hgetall(key: Key)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[BMap[Field, Value]](flatMultiBulkAsMapOf[Field, Value]) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HGETALL").key(key).result
private final class HgetallRecord(key: Key)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[Opt[Record]](flatMultiBulkAsRecordOpt) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HGETALL").key(key).result
private final class Hincrby(key: Key, field: Field, increment: Long) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HINCRBY").key(key).data(field).add(increment).result
private final class Hincrbyfloat(key: Key, field: Field, increment: Double) extends RedisDoubleCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HINCRBYFLOAT").key(key).data(field).add(increment).result
private final class Hkeys(key: Key) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Field] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HKEYS").key(key).result
private final class Hlen(key: Key) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HLEN").key(key).result
private final class Hmget(key: Key, fields: Iterable[Field])
extends RedisOptDataSeqCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HMGET").key(key).datas(fields).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Seq[Opt[Value]]] = whenEmpty(fields, Seq.empty)
private final class Hmset(key: Key, fieldValues: Iterable[(Field, Value)]) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HMSET").key(key).dataPairs(fieldValues).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Unit] = whenEmpty(fieldValues, ())
private final class HmsetRecord(key: Key, data: Record) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HMSET").key(key).dataPairs(data).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Unit] = if (encoded.elements.size <= 2) Opt(()) else Opt.Empty
private final class Hrandfield(key: Key)
extends RedisOptDataCommand[Field] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HRANDFIELD").key(key).result
private final class HrandfieldCount(key: Key, count: Int)
extends RedisDataSeqCommand[Field] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HRANDFIELD").key(key).add(count).result
private final class HrandfieldWithvalues(key: Key, count: Int)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[BMap[Field, Value]](flatMultiBulkAsMapOf[Field, Value]) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HRANDFIELD").key(key).add(count).add("WITHVALUES").result
private final class Hscan(key: Key, cursor: Cursor, matchPattern: Opt[Field], count: Opt[Int])
extends RedisScanCommand[(Field, Value)](flatMultiBulkAsPairSeqOf[Field, Value]) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HSCAN").key(key).add(cursor.raw).optData("MATCH", matchPattern).optAdd("COUNT", count).result
private final class Hset(key: Key, fieldValues: Iterable[(Field, Value)]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HSET").key(key).dataPairs(fieldValues).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(fieldValues, 0)
private final class HsetRecord(key: Key, data: Record) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HSET").key(key).dataPairs(data).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = if (encoded.elements.size <= 2) Opt(0) else Opt.Empty
private final class Hsetnx(key: Key, field: Field, value: Value) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HSETNX").key(key).data(field).data(value).result
private final class Hstrlen(key: Key, field: Field) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HSTRLEN").key(key).data(field).result
private final class Hvals(key: Key) extends RedisDataSeqCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("HVALS").key(key).result
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