com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.keys.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avsystem.commons
package redis.commands
import akka.util.{ByteString, ByteStringBuilder}
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.{NamedEnum, NamedEnumCompanion}
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.CommandEncoder.CommandArg
import com.avsystem.commons.redis._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.ReplyDecoders._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.protocol._
* Author: ghik
* Created: 06/04/16.
trait KeyedKeysApi extends ApiSubset {
/** Executes [[ COPY]] */
def copy(
source: Key,
destination: Key,
destinationDb: OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty,
replace: Boolean = false
): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Copy(source, destination, destinationDb.toOpt, replace))
/** Executes [[ DEL]] */
def del(key: Key): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Del(key.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ DEL]] */
def del(key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Del(key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ DEL]]
* or simply returns 0 if `keys` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def del(keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Del(keys))
/** Executes [[ DUMP]] */
def dump(key: Key): Result[Opt[Dumped]] =
execute(new Dump(key))
/** Executes [[ EXISTS]] */
def exists(key: Key): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Exists(key.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ EXISTS]] */
def exists(key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Exists(key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ EXISTS]]
* or simply returns 0 when `keys` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def exists(keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Exists(keys))
/** Executes [[ EXPIRE]] */
def expire(key: Key, seconds: Long): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Expire(key, seconds))
/** Executes [[ EXPIREAT]] */
def expireat(key: Key, timestamp: Long): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Expireat(key, timestamp))
/** Executes [[ MIGRATE]]
* or simply returns `true` when `keys` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def migrate(
keys: Iterable[Key],
address: NodeAddress,
destinationDb: Int,
timeout: Long,
copy: Boolean = false,
replace: Boolean = false,
auth: OptArg[MigrateAuth] = OptArg.Empty,
): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Migrate(keys, address, destinationDb, timeout, copy, replace, auth.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ OBJECT]] */
def objectRefcount(key: Key): Result[Opt[Long]] =
execute(new ObjectRefcount(key))
/** Executes [[ OBJECT]] */
def objectEncoding(key: Key): Result[Opt[Encoding]] =
execute(new ObjectEncoding(key))
/** Executes [[ OBJECT]] */
def objectIdletime(key: Key): Result[Opt[Long]] =
execute(new ObjectIdletime(key))
def memoryUsage(key: Key, samples: OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty): Result[Opt[Long]] =
execute(new MemoryUsage(key, samples.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ PERSIST]] */
def persist(key: Key): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Persist(key))
/** Executes [[ PEXPIRE]] */
def pexpire(key: Key, milliseconds: Long): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Pexpire(key, milliseconds))
/** Executes [[ PEXPIREAT]] */
def pexpireat(key: Key, millisecondsTimestamp: Long): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Pexpireat(key, millisecondsTimestamp))
/** Executes [[ PTTL]] */
def pttl(key: Key): Result[Opt[Opt[Long]]] =
execute(new Pttl(key))
/** Executes [[ RENAME]] */
def rename(key: Key, newkey: Key): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Rename(key, newkey))
/** Executes [[ RENAMENX]] */
def renamenx(key: Key, newkey: Key): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Renamenx(key, newkey))
/** Executes [[ RESTORE]] */
def restore(key: Key, ttl: Long, dumpedValue: Dumped, replace: Boolean = false): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Restore(key, ttl, dumpedValue, replace))
/** Executes [[ SORT]] */
def sort(key: Key, by: OptArg[SortPattern[Key, Field]] = OptArg.Empty, limit: OptArg[SortLimit] = OptArg.Empty,
sortOrder: OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty, alpha: Boolean = false
): Result[Seq[Value]] =
execute(new Sort(key, by.toOpt, limit.toOpt, sortOrder.toOpt, alpha))
/** Executes [[ SORT]] */
def sortGet(key: Key, gets: Seq[SortPattern[Key, Field]], by: OptArg[SortPattern[Key, Field]] = OptArg.Empty, limit: OptArg[SortLimit] = OptArg.Empty,
sortOrder: OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty, alpha: Boolean = false
): Result[Seq[Seq[Opt[Value]]]] =
execute(new SortGet(key, gets, by.toOpt, limit.toOpt, sortOrder.toOpt, alpha))
/** Executes [[ SORT]] */
def sortStore(key: Key, destination: Key, by: OptArg[SortPattern[Key, Field]] = OptArg.Empty, limit: OptArg[SortLimit] = OptArg.Empty,
gets: Seq[SortPattern[Key, Field]] = Nil, sortOrder: OptArg[SortOrder] = OptArg.Empty, alpha: Boolean = false
): Result[Long] =
execute(new SortStore(key, destination, by.toOpt, limit.toOpt, gets, sortOrder.toOpt, alpha))
/** Executes [[ TOUCH]] */
def touch(key: Key): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Touch(key.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ TOUCH]] */
def touch(key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Touch(key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ TOUCH]]
* or simply returns 0 when `keys` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def touch(keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Touch(keys))
/** Executes [[ TTL]] */
def ttl(key: Key): Result[Opt[Opt[Long]]] =
execute(new Ttl(key))
/** Executes [[ TYPE]] */
def `type`(key: Key): Result[RedisType] =
execute(new Type(key))
/** Executes [[ UNLINK]] */
def unlink(key: Key): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Unlink(key.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ UNLINK]] */
def unlink(key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Unlink(key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ UNLINK]]
* or simply returns 0 when `keys` is empty, without sending the command to Redis */
def unlink(keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Unlink(keys))
private final class Copy(source: Key, destination: Key, destinationDb: Opt[Int], replace: Boolean)
extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("COPY").key(source).key(destination)
.optAdd("DB", destinationDb).addFlag("REPLACE", replace).result
private final class Del(keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("DEL").keys(keys).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(keys, 0)
private final class Dump(key: Key) extends RedisOptCommand[Dumped](bulk(Dumped)) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("DUMP").key(key).result
private final class Exists(keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("EXISTS").keys(keys).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(keys, 0)
private final class Expire(key: Key, seconds: Long) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("EXPIRE").key(key).add(seconds).result
private final class Expireat(key: Key, timestamp: Long) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("EXPIREAT").key(key).add(timestamp).result
private final class Migrate(
keys: Iterable[Key],
address: NodeAddress,
destinationDb: Int,
timeout: Long,
copy: Boolean,
replace: Boolean,
auth: Opt[MigrateAuth],
) extends RedisCommand[Boolean] with NodeCommand {
private val multiKey = keys.size != 1
val encoded: Encoded = {
val enc = encoder("MIGRATE").add(address.ip).add(address.port)
if (multiKey) {
} else {
enc.add(destinationDb).add(timeout).addFlag("COPY", copy).addFlag("REPLACE", replace)
auth match {
case Opt(MigrateAuth(Opt.Empty, password)) =>
case Opt(MigrateAuth(Opt(username), password)) =>
case _ =>
if (multiKey) {
def decodeExpected: ReplyDecoder[Boolean] = {
case RedisMsg.Ok => true
case RedisMsg.Nokey => false
override def immediateResult: Opt[Boolean] = whenEmpty(keys, true)
private final class ObjectRefcount(key: Key) extends RedisOptLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("OBJECT", "REFCOUNT").key(key).result
private final class ObjectEncoding(key: Key)
extends RedisOptCommand[Encoding](bulkAsNamedEnum(Encoding)) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("OBJECT", "ENCODING").key(key).result
private final class ObjectIdletime(key: Key) extends RedisOptLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("OBJECT", "IDLETIME").key(key).result
private final class MemoryUsage(key: Key, samples: Opt[Long]) extends RedisOptLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("MEMORY", "USAGE").key(key).optAdd("SAMPLES", samples).result
private final class Persist(key: Key) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("PERSIST").key(key).result
private final class Pexpire(key: Key, milliseconds: Long) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("PEXPIRE").key(key).add(milliseconds).result
private final class Pexpireat(key: Key, millisecondsTimestamp: Long) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("PEXPIREAT").key(key).add(millisecondsTimestamp).result
private final class Pttl(key: Key) extends AbstractRedisCommand[Opt[Opt[Long]]](integerAsTtl) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("PTTL").key(key).result
private final class Rename(key: Key, newkey: Key) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RENAME").key(key).key(newkey).result
private final class Renamenx(key: Key, newkey: Key) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RENAMENX").key(key).key(newkey).result
private final class Restore(key: Key, ttl: Long, dumpedValue: Dumped, replace: Boolean)
extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RESTORE").key(key).add(ttl)
.add(dumpedValue.raw).addFlag("REPLACE", replace).result
private abstract class AbstractSort[T](decoder: ReplyDecoder[T])(
key: Key,
by: Opt[SortPattern[Key, Field]],
limit: Opt[SortLimit],
gets: Seq[SortPattern[Key, Field]],
sortOrder: Opt[SortOrder],
alpha: Boolean,
destination: Opt[Key]
) extends AbstractRedisCommand[T](decoder) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = {
val enc = encoder("SORT").key(key).optAdd("BY", by).optAdd("LIMIT", limit)
gets.foreach(sp => enc.add("GET").add(sp))
enc.optAdd(sortOrder).addFlag("ALPHA", alpha).optKey("STORE", destination).result
private final class Sort(key: Key, by: Opt[SortPattern[Key, Field]], limit: Opt[SortLimit], sortOrder: Opt[SortOrder], alpha: Boolean)
extends AbstractSort[Seq[Value]](multiBulkAsSeqOf[Value])(key, by, limit, Nil, sortOrder, alpha, Opt.Empty)
private final class SortGet(key: Key, gets: Seq[SortPattern[Key, Field]], by: Opt[SortPattern[Key, Field]], limit: Opt[SortLimit], sortOrder: Opt[SortOrder], alpha: Boolean)
extends AbstractSort[Seq[Seq[Opt[Value]]]](multiBulkAsGroupedSeq(gets.size min 1, nullBulkOrAs[Value]))(
key, by, limit, gets, sortOrder, alpha, Opt.Empty)
private final class SortStore(key: Key, destination: Key, by: Opt[SortPattern[Key, Field]], limit: Opt[SortLimit], gets: Seq[SortPattern[Key, Field]], sortOrder: Opt[SortOrder], alpha: Boolean)
extends AbstractSort[Long](integerAsLong)(key, by, limit, gets, sortOrder, alpha, Opt(destination))
private final class Touch(keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("TOUCH").keys(keys).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(keys, 0)
private final class Ttl(key: Key) extends AbstractRedisCommand[Opt[Opt[Long]]](integerAsTtl) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("TTL").key(key).result
private final class Type(key: Key) extends AbstractRedisCommand[RedisType](simpleAs[RedisType]) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("TYPE").key(key).result
private final class Unlink(keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("UNLINK").keys(keys).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(keys, 0)
trait NodeKeysApi extends KeyedKeysApi with ApiSubset {
/** Executes [[ MOVE]] */
def move(key: Key, db: Int): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Move(key, db))
/** Executes [[ KEYS]] */
def keys(pattern: Key): Result[BSet[Key]] =
execute(new Keys(pattern))
/** Executes [[ SCAN]] */
def scan(
cursor: Cursor,
matchPattern: OptArg[Key] = OptArg.Empty,
count: OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty,
keyType: OptArg[RedisType] = OptArg.Empty
): Result[(Cursor, Seq[Key])] =
execute(new Scan(cursor, matchPattern.toOpt, count.toOpt, keyType.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ RANDOMKEY]] */
def randomkey: Result[Opt[Key]] =
/** Executes [[ WAIT]] */
def wait(numslaves: Int, timeout: Long): Result[Long] =
execute(new Wait(numslaves, timeout))
private final class Move(key: Key, db: Int) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("MOVE").key(key).add(db).result
private final class Keys(pattern: Key) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Key] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("KEYS").data(pattern).result
private final class Scan(cursor: Cursor, matchPattern: Opt[Key], count: Opt[Long], keyType: Opt[RedisType])
extends RedisScanCommand[Key](multiBulkAsSeqOf[Key]) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded =
encoder("SCAN").add(cursor.raw).optData("MATCH", matchPattern).optAdd("COUNT", count).optAdd("TYPE", keyType).result
private object Randomkey extends RedisOptDataCommand[Key] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RANDOMKEY").result
private final class Wait(numslaves: Int, timeout: Long) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("WAIT").add(numslaves).add(timeout).result
case class Dumped(raw: ByteString) extends AnyVal
sealed abstract class Encoding(val name: String) extends NamedEnum
sealed trait StringEncoding extends Encoding
sealed trait ListEncoding extends Encoding
sealed trait SetEncoding extends Encoding
sealed trait HashEncoding extends Encoding
sealed trait SortedSetEncoding extends Encoding
object Encoding extends NamedEnumCompanion[Encoding] {
case object Raw extends Encoding("raw") with StringEncoding
case object Int extends Encoding("int") with StringEncoding
case object ZipList extends Encoding("ziplist") with ListEncoding with HashEncoding with SortedSetEncoding
case object LinkedList extends Encoding("linkedlist") with ListEncoding
case object IntSet extends Encoding("intset") with SetEncoding
case object HashTable extends Encoding("hashtable") with SetEncoding with HashEncoding
case object SkipList extends Encoding("skiplist") with SortedSetEncoding
case object EmbStr extends Encoding("embstr") with StringEncoding
val values: List[Encoding] = caseObjects
case class SortLimit(offset: Long, count: Long)
object SortLimit {
implicit val SortLimitArg: CommandArg[SortLimit] =
CommandArg((ce, sl) => ce.add(sl.offset).add(sl.count))
sealed trait SortPattern[+K, +F]
case object SelfPattern extends SortPattern[Nothing, Nothing]
case class KeyPattern[+K](pattern: K) extends SortPattern[K, Nothing]
case class FieldPattern[+K, +F](keyPattern: K, fieldPattern: F) extends SortPattern[K, F]
object SortPattern {
implicit def SortPatternArg[K: RedisDataCodec, F: RedisDataCodec]: CommandArg[SortPattern[K, F]] =
CommandArg((ce, sp) => ce.add(sp match {
case SelfPattern => ByteString("#")
case KeyPattern(pattern) => RedisDataCodec.write(pattern)
case FieldPattern(keyPattern, fieldPattern) =>
val bsb = new ByteStringBuilder
sealed abstract class RedisType(val name: String) extends NamedEnum
object RedisType extends NamedEnumCompanion[RedisType] {
case object None extends RedisType("none")
case object String extends RedisType("string")
case object List extends RedisType("list")
case object Set extends RedisType("set")
case object Zset extends RedisType("zset")
case object Hash extends RedisType("hash")
val values: List[RedisType] = caseObjects
case class MigrateAuth(username: Opt[String], password: String)
object MigrateAuth {
def apply(username: String, password: String): MigrateAuth = MigrateAuth(username.opt, password)
def apply(password: String): MigrateAuth = MigrateAuth(Opt.Empty, password)
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