com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.lists.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avsystem.commons
package redis.commands
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.CommandEncoder.CommandArg
import com.avsystem.commons.redis._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.ReplyDecoders._
trait ListsApi extends ApiSubset {
/** Executes [[ LINDEX]] */
def lindex(key: Key, index: Long): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Lindex(key, index))
/** Executes [[ LINSERT]] */
def linsert(key: Key, pivot: Value, value: Value, before: Boolean = false): Result[Opt[Long]] =
execute(new Linsert(key, before, pivot, value))
/** Executes [[ LLEN]] */
def llen(key: Key): Result[Long] =
execute(new Llen(key))
/** Executes [[ LMOVE]] */
def lmove(source: Key, destination: Key, whereFrom: ListEnd, whereTo: ListEnd): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Lmove(source, destination, whereFrom, whereTo))
/** Executes [[ LPOP]] */
def lpop(key: Key): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Lpop(key))
/** Executes [[ LPOS]] */
def lpos(
key: Key,
element: Value,
rank: OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty,
maxlen: OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty
): Result[Opt[Long]] =
execute(new Lpos(key, element, rank.toOpt, maxlen.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ LPOS]] */
def lposCount(
key: Key,
element: Value,
count: Long,
rank: OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty,
maxlen: OptArg[Long] = OptArg.Empty
): Result[Seq[Long]] =
execute(new LposCount(key, element, count, rank.toOpt, maxlen.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ LPUSH]] */
def lpush(key: Key, value: Value, values: Value*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Lpush(key, value +:: values))
/** Executes [[ LPUSH]]
* NOTE: `values` MUST NOT be empty - consider using [[lpushOrLlen]] in such case. */
def lpush(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Lpush(key, values))
/** Executes [[ LPUSH]]
* or [[ LLEN]] when `values` is empty */
def lpushOrLlen(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
if (values.nonEmpty) lpush(key, values) else llen(key)
/** Executes [[ LPUSHX]] */
def lpushx(key: Key, value: Value, values: Value*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Lpushx(key, value +:: values))
/** Executes [[ LPUSHX]] */
def lpushx(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Lpushx(key, values))
/** Executes [[ LPUSHX]]
* or [[ LLEN]] when `values` is empty */
def lpushxOrLlen(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
if (values.nonEmpty) lpushx(key, values) else llen(key)
/** Executes [[ LRANGE]] */
def lrange(key: Key, start: Long = 0, stop: Long = -1): Result[Seq[Value]] =
execute(new Lrange(key, start, stop))
/** Executes [[ LREM]] */
def lrem(key: Key, value: Value, count: RemCount = RemCount.All): Result[Long] =
execute(new Lrem(key, count, value))
/** Executes [[ LSET]] */
def lset(key: Key, index: Long, value: Value): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Lset(key, index, value))
/** Executes [[ LTRIM]] */
def ltrim(key: Key, start: Long = 0, stop: Long = -1): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Ltrim(key, start, stop))
/** Executes [[ RPOP]] */
def rpop(key: Key): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Rpop(key))
/** Executes [[ RPOPLPUSH]] */
def rpoplpush(source: Key, destination: Key): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Rpoplpush(source, destination))
/** Executes [[ RPUSH]] */
def rpush(key: Key, value: Value, values: Value*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Rpush(key, value +:: values))
/** Executes [[ RPUSH]]
* NOTE: `values` MUST NOT be empty - consider using [[rpushOrLlen]] in such case. */
def rpush(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Rpush(key, values))
/** Executes [[ RPUSH]]
* or [[ LLEN]] when `values` is empty */
def rpushOrLlen(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
if (values.nonEmpty) rpush(key, values) else llen(key)
/** Executes [[ RPUSHX]] */
def rpushx(key: Key, value: Value, values: Value*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Rpushx(key, value +:: values))
/** Executes [[ RPUSHX]] */
def rpushx(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Rpushx(key, values))
/** Executes [[ RPUSHX]]
* or [[ LLEN]] when `values` is empty */
def rpushxOrLlen(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]): Result[Long] =
if (values.nonEmpty) rpushx(key, values) else llen(key)
/** Executes [[ BLPOP]] */
def blpop(key: Key, timeout: Int): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Blpop(key.single, timeout).map(
/** Executes [[ BLPOP]] */
def blpop(keys: Iterable[Key], timeout: Int): Result[Opt[(Key, Value)]] =
execute(new Blpop(keys, timeout))
/** Executes [[ BRPOP]] */
def brpop(key: Key, timeout: Int): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Brpop(key.single, timeout).map(
/** Executes [[ BRPOP]] */
def brpop(keys: Iterable[Key], timeout: Int): Result[Opt[(Key, Value)]] =
execute(new Brpop(keys, timeout))
/** Executes [[ BRPOPLPUSH]] */
def brpoplpush(source: Key, destination: Key, timeout: Int): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout))
private final class Lindex(key: Key, index: Long) extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LINDEX").key(key).add(index).result
private final class Linsert(key: Key, before: Boolean, pivot: Value, value: Value)
extends RedisPositiveLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LINSERT").key(key).add(if (before) "BEFORE" else "AFTER").data(pivot).data(value).result
private final class Llen(key: Key) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LLEN").key(key).result
private final class Lmove(source: Key, destination: Key, whereFrom: ListEnd, whereTo: ListEnd)
extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LMOVE").key(source).key(destination).add(whereFrom).add(whereTo).result
private final class Lpop(key: Key) extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LPOP").key(key).result
private final class Lpos(key: Key, element: Value, rank: Opt[Long], maxlen: Opt[Long])
extends RedisOptLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LPOS").key(key).data(element)
.optAdd("RANK", rank).optAdd("MAXLEN", maxlen).result
private final class LposCount(key: Key, element: Value, count: Long, rank: Opt[Long], maxlen: Opt[Long])
extends RedisSeqCommand[Long](integerAsLong) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LPOS").key(key).data(element)
.add("COUNT").add(count).optAdd("RANK", rank).optAdd("MAXLEN", maxlen).result
private final class Lpush(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LPUSH").key(key).datas(values).result
private final class Lpushx(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LPUSHX").key(key).datas(values).result
private final class Lrange(key: Key, start: Long, stop: Long)
extends RedisDataSeqCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LRANGE").key(key).add(start).add(stop).result
private final class Lrem(key: Key, count: RemCount, value: Value) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LREM").key(key).add(count.raw).data(value).result
private final class Lset(key: Key, index: Long, value: Value) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LSET").key(key).add(index).data(value).result
private final class Ltrim(key: Key, start: Long, stop: Long) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LTRIM").key(key).add(start).add(stop).result
private final class Rpop(key: Key) extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RPOP").key(key).result
private final class Rpoplpush(source: Key, destination: Key) extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RPOPLPUSH").key(source).key(destination).result
private final class Rpush(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RPUSH").key(key).datas(values).result
private final class Rpushx(key: Key, values: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("RPUSHX").key(key).datas(values).result
private final class Blpop(keys: Iterable[Key], timeout: Int)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[Opt[(Key, Value)]](nullMultiBulkOr(multiBulkAsPair(bulkAs[Key], bulkAs[Value]))) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("BLPOP").keys(keys).add(timeout).result
override def maxBlockingMillis: Int =
if (timeout <= 0) Int.MaxValue else timeout * 1000
private final class Brpop(keys: Iterable[Key], timeout: Int)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[Opt[(Key, Value)]](nullMultiBulkOr(multiBulkAsPair(bulkAs[Key], bulkAs[Value]))) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("BRPOP").keys(keys).add(timeout).result
override def maxBlockingMillis: Int =
if (timeout <= 0) Int.MaxValue else timeout * 1000
private final class Brpoplpush(source: Key, destination: Key, timeout: Int)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[Opt[Value]](nullMultiBulkOr(bulkAs[Value])) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("BRPOPLPUSH").key(source).key(destination).add(timeout).result
override def maxBlockingMillis: Int =
if (timeout == 0) Int.MaxValue else timeout * 1000
class RemCount private(val raw: Long) extends AnyVal {
def count: Long = math.abs(raw)
def fromHead: Boolean = raw > 0
def fromTail: Boolean = raw < 0
object RemCount {
def apply(count: Long, fromHead: Boolean): RemCount = {
require(count > 0, "Count must be positive")
new RemCount(if (fromHead) count else -count)
final val All = new RemCount(0)
def fromHead(count: Long) = RemCount(count, fromHead = true)
def fromTail(count: Long) = RemCount(count, fromHead = false)
sealed trait ListEnd extends Product with Serializable
object ListEnd {
case object Left extends ListEnd
case object Right extends ListEnd
implicit val cmdArg: CommandArg[ListEnd] = CommandArg {
case (ce, Left) => ce.add("LEFT")
case (ce, Right) => ce.add("RIGHT")
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