com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.server.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avsystem.commons
package redis.commands
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.avsystem.commons.misc.{NamedEnum, NamedEnumCompanion}
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.CommandEncoder.CommandArg
import com.avsystem.commons.redis._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.ReplyDecoders._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.protocol.BulkStringMsg
import scala.collection.compat._
trait NodeServerApi extends ApiSubset {
/** Executes [[ BGREWRITEAOF]] */
def bgrewriteaof: Result[String] =
/** Executes [[ BGSAVE]] */
def bgsave: Result[String] = bgsave()
/** Executes [[ BGSAVE]] */
def bgsave(schedule: Boolean = false): Result[String] =
execute(new Bgsave(schedule))
/** Executes [[ CLIENT ID]] */
def clientId: Result[ClientId] =
/** Executes [[ CLIENT KILL]] */
def clientKill(addr: ClientAddress): Result[Unit] =
execute(new ClientKill(addr))
/** Executes [[ CLIENT KILL]] */
def clientKill(filters: ClientFilter*): Result[Int] =
execute(new ClientKillFiltered(filters))
/** Executes [[ CLIENT LIST]] */
def clientList: Result[Seq[ClientInfo]] =
/** Executes [[ CLIENT PAUSE]] */
def clientPause(timeout: Long): Result[Unit] =
execute(new ClientPause(timeout))
/** Executes [[ CLIENT UNBLOCK]] */
def clientUnblock(clientId: ClientId, modifier: OptArg[UnblockModifier] = OptArg.Empty): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new ClientUnblock(clientId, modifier.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ COMMAND]] */
def command: Result[Seq[CommandInfo]] =
/** Executes [[ COMMAND COUNT]] */
def commandCount: Result[Int] =
/** Executes [[ COMMAND GETKEYS]] */
def commandGetkeys(command: RawCommand): Result[Seq[Key]] =
execute(new CommandGetkeys(
/** Executes [[ COMMAND GETKEYS]] */
def commandGetkeys(command: Seq[ByteString]): Result[Seq[Key]] =
execute(new CommandGetkeys(command))
/** Executes [[ COMMAND INFO]] */
def commandInfo(commandName: String): Result[CommandInfo] =
execute(new CommandInfoCommand(commandName.single).map(_.head))
/** Executes [[ COMMAND INFO]] */
def commandInfo(commandName: String, commandNames: String*): Result[Seq[CommandInfo]] =
execute(new CommandInfoCommand(commandName +:: commandNames))
/** Executes [[ COMMAND INFO]] */
def commandInfo(commandNames: Seq[String]): Result[Seq[CommandInfo]] =
execute(new CommandInfoCommand(commandNames))
/** Executes [[ CONFIG GET]] */
def configGet(parameter: String): Result[Seq[(String, String)]] =
execute(new ConfigGet(parameter))
/** Executes [[ CONFIG RESETSTAT]] */
def configResetstat: Result[Unit] =
/** Executes [[ CONFIG REWRITE]] */
def configRewrite: Result[Unit] =
/** Executes [[ CONFIG SET]] */
def configSet(parameter: String, value: String): Result[Unit] =
execute(new ConfigSet(parameter, value))
/** Executes [[ DBSIZE]] */
def dbsize: Result[Long] =
/** Executes [[ DEBUG SEGFAULT]] */
def debugSegfault: Result[Nothing] =
/** Executes [[ FLUSHALL]] */
def flushall: Result[Unit] = flushall()
/** Executes [[ FLUSHALL]] */
def flushall(async: Boolean = false): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Flushall(async))
/** Executes [[ FLUSHDB]] */
def flushdb: Result[Unit] = flushdb()
/** Executes [[ FLUSHDB]] */
def flushdb(async: Boolean = false): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Flushdb(async))
/** Executes [[ INFO]] */
def info: Result[DefaultRedisInfo] =
execute(new Info(DefaultRedisInfo, implicitDefault = true))
/** Executes [[ INFO]] */
def info[T >: FullRedisInfo <: RedisInfo](section: RedisInfoSection[T]): Result[T] =
execute(new Info(section, implicitDefault = false))
/** Executes [[ LASTSAVE]] */
def lastsave: Result[Long] =
/** Executes [[ REPLICAOF]] */
def replicaofNoOne: Result[Unit] =
execute(new Replicaof(Opt.Empty))
/** Executes [[ REPLICAOF]] */
def replicaof(newMaster: NodeAddress): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Replicaof(newMaster.opt))
/** Executes [[ ROLE]] */
def role: Result[RedisRole] =
/** Executes [[ SAVE]] */
def save: Result[Unit] =
/** Executes [[ SHUTDOWN]] */
def shutdown: Result[Nothing] = shutdown()
/** Executes [[ SHUTDOWN]] */
def shutdown(modifier: OptArg[ShutdownModifier] = OptArg.Empty): Result[Nothing] =
execute(new Shutdown(modifier.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ SLAVEOF]] */
def slaveofNoOne: Result[Unit] =
execute(new Slaveof(Opt.Empty))
/** Executes [[ SLAVEOF]] */
def slaveof(newMaster: NodeAddress): Result[Unit] =
execute(new Slaveof(newMaster.opt))
/** Executes [[ SLOWLOG]] */
def slowlogGet: Result[Seq[SlowlogEntry]] = slowlogGet()
/** Executes [[ SLOWLOG]] */
def slowlogGet(count: OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty): Result[Seq[SlowlogEntry]] =
execute(new SlowlogGet(count.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ SLOWLOG]] */
def slowlogLen: Result[Long] =
/** Executes [[ SLOWLOG]] */
def slowlogReset: Result[Unit] =
/** Executes [[ TIME]] */
def time: Result[RedisTimestamp] =
private object Bgrewriteaof extends RedisSimpleStringCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("BGREWRITEAOF").result
private final class Bgsave(schedule: Boolean) extends RedisSimpleStringCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("BGSAVE").addFlag("SCHEDULE", schedule).result
private object ClientId extends AbstractRedisCommand[ClientId](integerAsClientId) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "ID").result
private final class ClientKill(address: ClientAddress) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "KILL").add(address.toString).result
private final class ClientKillFiltered(filters: Seq[ClientFilter]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = {
val enc = encoder("CLIENT", "KILL")
if (filters.nonEmpty) {
} else {
// SKIPME is yes by default but is added solely to avoid syntax error when there are no filters
private object ClientList extends AbstractRedisCommand[Seq[ClientInfo]](bulkAsClientInfos) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "LIST").result
private final class ClientPause(timeout: Long) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "PAUSE").add(timeout).result
private final class ClientUnblock(clientId: ClientId, modifier: Opt[UnblockModifier])
extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "UNBLOCK").add(clientId.raw).optAdd(modifier).result
private abstract class AbstractCommandInfoCommand
extends AbstractRedisCommand[Seq[CommandInfo]](multiBulkAsSeq(multiBulkAsCommandInfo)) with NodeCommand
private object Command extends AbstractCommandInfoCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("COMMAND").result
private object CommandCount extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("COMMAND", "COUNT").result
private final class CommandGetkeys(command: IterableOnce[ByteString]) extends RedisDataSeqCommand[Key] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("COMMAND", "GETKEYS").add(command).result
private final class CommandInfoCommand(commandNames: Iterable[String]) extends AbstractCommandInfoCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("COMMAND", "INFO").add(commandNames).result
private final class ConfigGet(parameter: String)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[Seq[(String, String)]](flatMultiBulkAsPairSeq(bulkAsUTF8, bulkAsUTF8)) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CONFIG", "GET").add(parameter).result
private object ConfigResetstat extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CONFIG", "RESETSTAT").result
private object ConfigRewrite extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CONFIG", "REWRITE").result
private final class ConfigSet(parameter: String, value: String) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CONFIG", "SET").add(parameter).add(value).result
private object Dbsize extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("DBSIZE").result
private object DebugSegfault extends RedisNothingCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("DEBUG", "SEGFAULT").result
private final class Flushall(async: Boolean) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("FLUSHALL").addFlag("ASYNC", async).result
private final class Flushdb(async: Boolean) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("FLUSHDB").addFlag("ASYNC", async).result
private final class Info[T >: FullRedisInfo <: RedisInfo](section: RedisInfoSection[T], implicitDefault: Boolean)
extends AbstractRedisCommand[T](bulk(bs => new FullRedisInfo(bs.utf8String))) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("INFO").setup(e => if (!implicitDefault || section != DefaultRedisInfo) e.add(
private object Lastsave extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("LASTSAVE").result
private final class Replicaof(newMaster: Opt[NodeAddress]) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = {
val enc = encoder("REPLICAOF")
newMaster match {
case Opt.Empty => enc.add("NO").add("ONE")
case Opt(NodeAddress(ip, port)) => enc.add(ip).add(port)
private object Role extends AbstractRedisCommand[RedisRole](multiBulkAsRedisRole) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("ROLE").result
private object Save extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SAVE").result
private final class Shutdown(modifier: Opt[ShutdownModifier]) extends RedisNothingCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SHUTDOWN").optAdd(modifier).result
private final class Slaveof(newMaster: Opt[NodeAddress]) extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = {
val enc = encoder("SLAVEOF")
newMaster match {
case Opt.Empty => enc.add("NO").add("ONE")
case Opt(NodeAddress(ip, port)) => enc.add(ip).add(port)
private final class SlowlogGet(count: Opt[Int])
extends RedisSeqCommand[SlowlogEntry](multiBulkAsSlowlogEntry) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SLOWLOG", "GET").optAdd(count).result
private object SlowlogLen extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SLOWLOG", "LEN").result
private object SlowlogReset extends RedisUnitCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SLOWLOG", "RESET").result
private object Time extends AbstractRedisCommand[RedisTimestamp](multiBulkAsRedisTimestamp) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("TIME").result
trait ConnectionServerApi extends NodeServerApi {
/** Executes [[ CLIENT GETNAME]] */
def clientGetname: Result[Opt[String]] =
/** Executes [[ CLIENT SETNAME]] */
def clientSetname(connectionName: String): Result[Unit] =
execute(new ClientSetname(connectionName))
private object ClientGetname extends RedisOptStringCommand with ConnectionCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "GETNAME").result
private final class ClientSetname(connectionName: String) extends RedisUnitCommand with ConnectionCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("CLIENT", "SETNAME").add(connectionName).result
sealed trait ClientFilter extends Any
case class ClientId(raw: Long) extends AnyVal with ClientFilter {
override def toString: String = java.lang.Long.toUnsignedString(raw)
object ClientId {
def apply(str: String): ClientId =
final case class ClientAddress(ip: String, port: Int) extends ClientFilter {
override def toString = s"$ip:$port"
object ClientAddress {
def apply(str: String): ClientAddress = {
val Array(ip, port) = str.split(':')
ClientAddress(ip, port.toInt)
sealed abstract class ClientType(val name: String) extends NamedEnum with ClientFilter
object ClientType extends NamedEnumCompanion[ClientType] {
case object Normal extends ClientType("normal")
case object Master extends ClientType("master")
case object Slave extends ClientType("slave")
case object Pubsub extends ClientType("pubsub")
val values: List[ClientType] = caseObjects
case class Skipme(skipme: Boolean) extends AnyVal with ClientFilter
object ClientFilter {
implicit val commandArg: CommandArg[ClientFilter] = CommandArg {
case (ce, id: ClientId) => ce.add("ID").add(id.toString)
case (ce, addr: ClientAddress) => ce.add("ADDR").add(addr.toString)
case (ce, ct: ClientType) => ce.add("TYPE").add(
case (ce, Skipme(value)) => ce.add("SKIPME").add(if (value) "yes" else "no")
class ClientFlags(val raw: Int) extends AnyVal {
import ClientFlags._
def |(other: ClientFlags) = new ClientFlags(raw | other.raw)
def &(other: ClientFlags) = new ClientFlags(raw & other.raw)
def ^(other: ClientFlags) = new ClientFlags(raw ^ other.raw)
def unary_~ : ClientFlags = new ClientFlags(~raw)
def slaveMonitor: Boolean = (this & O) != NoFlags
def slave: Boolean = (this & S) != NoFlags
def master: Boolean = (this & M) != NoFlags
def transaction: Boolean = (this & x) != NoFlags
def waitingBlocking: Boolean = (this & b) != NoFlags
def waitingVMIO: Boolean = (this & i) != NoFlags
def dirty: Boolean = (this & d) != NoFlags
def closingAfterReply: Boolean = (this & c) != NoFlags
def unblocked: Boolean = (this & u) != NoFlags
def unixSocket: Boolean = (this & U) != NoFlags
def clusterReadonly: Boolean = (this & r) != NoFlags
def closingASAP: Boolean = (this & A) != NoFlags
override def toString: String =
if (this == NoFlags) "N"
else reprValuePairs.iterator.collect {
case (ch, f) if (this & f) != NoFlags => ch
object ClientFlags {
val NoFlags = new ClientFlags(0)
val O = new ClientFlags(1 << 0)
val S = new ClientFlags(1 << 1)
val M = new ClientFlags(1 << 2)
val x = new ClientFlags(1 << 3)
val b = new ClientFlags(1 << 4)
val i = new ClientFlags(1 << 5)
val d = new ClientFlags(1 << 6)
val c = new ClientFlags(1 << 7)
val u = new ClientFlags(1 << 8)
val U = new ClientFlags(1 << 9)
val r = new ClientFlags(1 << 10)
val A = new ClientFlags(1 << 11)
private val reprValuePairs = Seq(
'O' -> O,
'S' -> S,
'M' -> M,
'x' -> x,
'b' -> b,
'i' -> i,
'd' -> d,
'c' -> c,
'u' -> u,
'U' -> U,
'r' -> r,
'A' -> A
def apply(str: String): ClientFlags =
reprValuePairs.foldLeft(NoFlags) {
case (acc, (ch, ev)) => if (str.contains(ch)) acc | ev else acc
class ClientEvents(val raw: Int) extends AnyVal {
import ClientEvents._
def |(other: ClientEvents) = new ClientEvents(raw | other.raw)
def &(other: ClientEvents) = new ClientEvents(raw & other.raw)
def ^(other: ClientEvents) = new ClientEvents(raw ^ other.raw)
def unary_~ : ClientEvents = new ClientEvents(~raw)
def readable: Boolean = (this & r) != NoEvents
def writable: Boolean = (this & w) != NoEvents
override def toString: String =
reprValuePairs.iterator.collect {
case (ch, ev) if (this & ev) != NoEvents => ch
object ClientEvents {
val NoEvents = new ClientEvents(0)
val r = new ClientEvents(1 << 0)
val w = new ClientEvents(1 << 1)
private val reprValuePairs = Seq(
'r' -> r,
'w' -> w
def apply(str: String): ClientEvents =
reprValuePairs.foldLeft(NoEvents) {
case (acc, (ch, ev)) => if (str.contains(ch)) acc | ev else acc
case class ClientInfo(infoLine: String) {
private val attrMap =
MHashMap() ++ infoLine.split(" ") { attr =>
val Array(name, value) = attr.split("=", 2)
(name, value)
def id: ClientId = ClientId(attrMap("id"))
def addr: ClientAddress = ClientAddress(attrMap("addr"))
def fd: Int = attrMap("fd").toInt
def name: String = attrMap("name")
def age: Long = attrMap("age").toLong
def idle: Long = attrMap("idle").toLong
def flags: ClientFlags = ClientFlags(attrMap("flags"))
def db: Int = attrMap("db").toInt
def sub: Int = attrMap("sub").toInt
def psub: Int = attrMap("psub").toInt
def multi: Int = attrMap("multi").toInt
def qbuf: Long = attrMap("qbuf").toLong
def qbufFree: Long = attrMap("qbuf-free").toLong
def obl: Long = attrMap("obl").toLong
def oll: Long = attrMap("oll").toLong
def omem: Long = attrMap("omem").toLong
def events: ClientEvents = ClientEvents(attrMap("events"))
def cmd: Opt[String] = attrMap("cmd").opt.filter(_ != "NULL")
override def toString: String = infoLine
sealed abstract class UnblockModifier(val name: String) extends NamedEnum
object UnblockModifier extends NamedEnumCompanion[UnblockModifier] {
object Timeout extends UnblockModifier("TIMEOUT")
object Error extends UnblockModifier("ERROR")
val values: List[UnblockModifier] = caseObjects
case class CommandInfo(
name: String,
arity: CommandArity,
flags: CommandFlags,
firstKey: Int,
lastKey: Int,
stepCount: Int
case class CommandArity(arity: Int, more: Boolean)
class CommandFlags(val raw: Int) extends AnyVal {
import CommandFlags._
def |(other: CommandFlags) = new CommandFlags(raw | other.raw)
def &(other: CommandFlags) = new CommandFlags(raw & other.raw)
def ^(other: CommandFlags) = new CommandFlags(raw ^ other.raw)
def unary_~ : CommandFlags = new CommandFlags(~raw)
def write: Boolean = (this & Write) != NoFlags
def readonly: Boolean = (this & Readonly) != NoFlags
def denyoom: Boolean = (this & Denyoom) != NoFlags
def admin: Boolean = (this & Admin) != NoFlags
def pubsub: Boolean = (this & Pubsub) != NoFlags
def noscript: Boolean = (this & Noscript) != NoFlags
def random: Boolean = (this & Random) != NoFlags
def sortForScript: Boolean = (this & SortForScript) != NoFlags
def loading: Boolean = (this & Loading) != NoFlags
def stale: Boolean = (this & Stale) != NoFlags
def skipMonitor: Boolean = (this & SkipMonitor) != NoFlags
def asking: Boolean = (this & Asking) != NoFlags
def fast: Boolean = (this & Fast) != NoFlags
def movablekeys: Boolean = (this & Movablekeys) != NoFlags
override def toString: String =
byRepr.iterator.collect({ case (repr, flag) if (this & flag) != NoFlags => repr }).mkString("CommandFlags(", ",", ")")
object CommandFlags {
val NoFlags = new CommandFlags(0)
val Write = new CommandFlags(1 << 0)
val Readonly = new CommandFlags(1 << 1)
val Denyoom = new CommandFlags(1 << 2)
val Admin = new CommandFlags(1 << 3)
val Pubsub = new CommandFlags(1 << 4)
val Noscript = new CommandFlags(1 << 5)
val Random = new CommandFlags(1 << 6)
val SortForScript = new CommandFlags(1 << 7)
val Loading = new CommandFlags(1 << 8)
val Stale = new CommandFlags(1 << 9)
val SkipMonitor = new CommandFlags(1 << 10)
val Asking = new CommandFlags(1 << 11)
val Fast = new CommandFlags(1 << 12)
val Movablekeys = new CommandFlags(1 << 13)
val byRepr = Map(
"write" -> Write,
"readonly" -> Readonly,
"denyoom" -> Denyoom,
"admin" -> Admin,
"pubsub" -> Pubsub,
"noscript" -> Noscript,
"random" -> Random,
"sort_for_script" -> SortForScript,
"loading" -> Loading,
"stale" -> Stale,
"skip_monitor" -> SkipMonitor,
"asking" -> Asking,
"fast" -> Fast,
"movablekeys" -> Movablekeys
sealed trait RedisRole
case class MasterRole(replOffset: Long, slaveOffsets: Seq[(NodeAddress, Long)]) extends RedisRole
case class SlaveRole(master: NodeAddress, replState: ReplState, receivedDataOffset: Long) extends RedisRole
case class SentinelRole(masterNames: Seq[String]) extends RedisRole
object RedisRole {
final val MasterStr = BulkStringMsg(ByteString("master"))
final val SlaveStr = BulkStringMsg(ByteString("slave"))
final val SentinelStr = BulkStringMsg(ByteString("sentinel"))
sealed abstract class ReplState(val name: String) extends NamedEnum
object ReplState extends NamedEnumCompanion[ReplState] {
case object Connect extends ReplState("connect")
case object Connecting extends ReplState("connecting")
case object Connected extends ReplState("connected")
val values: List[ReplState] = caseObjects
sealed abstract class ShutdownModifier(val name: String) extends NamedEnum
object ShutdownModifier extends NamedEnumCompanion[ShutdownModifier] {
case object Save extends ShutdownModifier("SAVE")
case object Nosave extends ShutdownModifier("NOSAVE")
val values: List[ShutdownModifier] = caseObjects
case class SlowlogEntry(id: Long, timestamp: Long, duration: Long, command: Seq[ByteString],
clientAddress: Opt[ClientAddress] = Opt.Empty, clientName: Opt[String] = Opt.Empty)
case class RedisTimestamp(seconds: Long, useconds: Long)
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