com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.sets.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.avsystem.commons
package redis.commands
import com.avsystem.commons.redis._
import com.avsystem.commons.redis.commands.ReplyDecoders._
trait SetsApi extends ApiSubset {
/** Executes [[ SADD]] */
def sadd(key: Key, member: Value): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Sadd(key, member.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ SADD]] */
def sadd(key: Key, member: Value, members: Value*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Sadd(key, member +:: members))
/** Executes [[ SADD]]
* or simply returns 0 when `members` is empty */
def sadd(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Sadd(key, members))
/** Executes [[ SCARD]] */
def scard(key: Key): Result[Long] =
execute(new Scard(key))
/** Executes [[ SDIFF]] */
def sdiff(source: Key, keys: Key*): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Sdiff(source, keys))
/** Executes [[ SDIFF]] */
def sdiff(source: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Sdiff(source, keys))
/** Executes [[ SDIFFSTORE]] */
def sdiffstore(destination: Key, source: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Sdiffstore(destination, source, keys))
/** Executes [[ SDIFFSTORE]] */
def sdiffstore(destination: Key, source: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Sdiffstore(destination, source, keys))
/** Executes [[ SINTER]] */
def sinter(key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Sinter(key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ SINTER]]
* NOTE: `keys` MUST NOT be empty */
def sinter(keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Sinter(keys))
/** Executes [[ SINTERSTORE]] */
def sinterstore(destination: Key, key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Sinterstore(destination, key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ SINTERSTORE]]
* NOTE: `keys` MUST NOT be empty */
def sinterstore(destination: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Sinterstore(destination, keys))
/** Executes [[ SISMEMBER]] */
def sismember(key: Key, member: Value): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Sismember(key, member))
/** Executes [[ SMEMBERS]] */
def smembers(key: Key): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Smembers(key))
/** Executes [[ SMISMEMBER]] */
def smismember(key: Key, member: Value, members: Value*): Result[Seq[Boolean]] =
execute(new Smismember(key, member +:: members))
/** Executes [[ SMISMEMBER]] */
def smismember(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]): Result[Seq[Boolean]] =
execute(new Smismember(key, members))
/** Executes [[ SMOVE]] */
def smove(source: Key, destination: Key, member: Value): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Smove(source, destination, member))
/** Executes [[ SPOP]] */
def spop(key: Key): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Spop(key))
/** Executes [[ SPOP]] */
def spop(key: Key, count: Int): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new SpopCount(key, count))
/** Executes [[ SRANDMEMBER]] */
def srandmember(key: Key): Result[Opt[Value]] =
execute(new Srandmember(key))
/** Executes [[ SRANDMEMBER]] */
def srandmember(key: Key, count: Int): Result[Seq[Value]] =
execute(new SrandmemberCount(key, count))
/** Executes [[ SRANDMEMBER]] */
def srandmemberDistinct(key: Key, count: Int): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new SrandmemberCountDistinct(key, count))
/** Executes [[ SREM]] */
def srem(key: Key, member: Value): Result[Boolean] =
execute(new Srem(key, member.single).map(_ > 0))
/** Executes [[ SREM]] */
def srem(key: Key, member: Value, members: Value*): Result[Int] =
execute(new Srem(key, member +:: members))
/** Executes [[ SREM]]
* or simply returns 0 when `members` is empty */
def srem(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]): Result[Int] =
execute(new Srem(key, members))
/** Executes [[ SSCAN]] */
def sscan(key: Key, cursor: Cursor, matchPattern: OptArg[Value] = OptArg.Empty, count: OptArg[Int] = OptArg.Empty): Result[(Cursor, Seq[Value])] =
execute(new Sscan(key, cursor, matchPattern.toOpt, count.toOpt))
/** Executes [[ SUNION]] */
def sunion(key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Sunion(key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ SUNION]]
* or simply returns empty set when `keys` is empty */
def sunion(keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[BSet[Value]] =
execute(new Sunion(keys))
/** Executes [[ SUNIONSTORE]] */
def sunionstore(destination: Key, key: Key, keys: Key*): Result[Long] =
execute(new Sunionstore(destination, key +:: keys))
/** Executes [[ SUNIONSTORE]]
* NOTE: unlike in `SUNION` `keys` MUST NOT be empty because `SUNIONSTORE` overwrites destination key.
* An operation equivalent to invoking `SUNIONSTORE` with only `destination` and no `keys` would be `DEL destination` */
def sunionstore(destination: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]): Result[Long] =
execute(new Sunionstore(destination, keys))
private final class Sadd(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SADD").key(key).datas(members).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(members, 0)
private final class Scard(key: Key) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SCARD").key(key).result
private final class Sdiff(source: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SDIFF").key(source).keys(keys).result
private final class Sdiffstore(destination: Key, source: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SDIFFSTORE").key(destination).key(source).keys(keys).result
private final class Sinter(keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SINTER").keys(keys).result
private final class Sinterstore(destination: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SINTERSTORE").key(destination).keys(keys).result
private final class Sismember(key: Key, member: Value) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SISMEMBER").key(key).data(member).result
private final class Smembers(key: Key) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SMEMBERS").key(key).result
private final class Smismember(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisSeqCommand[Boolean](integerAsBoolean) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SMISMEMBER").key(key).datas(members).result
private final class Smove(source: Key, destination: Key, member: Value) extends RedisBooleanCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SMOVE").key(source).key(destination).data(member).result
private final class Spop(key: Key) extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SPOP").key(key).result
private final class SpopCount(key: Key, count: Int) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SPOP").key(key).add(count).result
private final class Srandmember(key: Key) extends RedisOptDataCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SRANDMEMBER").key(key).result
private final class SrandmemberCount(key: Key, count: Int) extends RedisDataSeqCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
require(count >= 0, "count cannot be negative")
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SRANDMEMBER").key(key).add(-count).result
private final class SrandmemberCountDistinct(key: Key, count: Int) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
require(count >= 0, "count cannot be negative")
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SRANDMEMBER").key(key).add(count).result
private final class Srem(key: Key, members: Iterable[Value]) extends RedisIntCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SREM").key(key).datas(members).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[Int] = whenEmpty(members, 0)
private final class Sscan(key: Key, cursor: Cursor, matchPattern: Opt[Value], count: Opt[Int])
extends RedisScanCommand[Value](multiBulkAsSeqOf[Value]) with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SSCAN").key(key).add(cursor.raw).optData("MATCH", matchPattern).optAdd("COUNT", count).result
private final class Sunion(keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisDataSetCommand[Value] with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SUNION").keys(keys).result
override def immediateResult: Opt[BSet[Value]] = whenEmpty(keys, Set.empty)
private final class Sunionstore(destination: Key, keys: Iterable[Key]) extends RedisLongCommand with NodeCommand {
val encoded: Encoded = encoder("SUNIONSTORE").key(destination).keys(keys).result
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