Download com.axellience JAR files with all dependencies
vue-gwt-core from group com.axellience (version 1.0-beta-6)
Vue GWT Core classes
vue-router-gwt from group com.axellience (version 1.0.1)
Vue Router JsInterop classes to be used with Vue GWT.
vue-gwt-gwt2 from group com.axellience (version 1.0.1)
Vue GWT compatibility classes for GWT 2.x
vue-gwt-parent from group com.axellience (version 1.0.1)
Let you use Vue.js Components in GWT application and code Vue.js Components in Java
Group: com.axellience Artifact: vue-gwt-parent
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vue-gwt from group com.axellience (version 1.0.1)
Vue GWT for GWT 2.x
vue-gwt-processors from group com.axellience (version 1.0.1)
Annotation Processors for Vue GWT
vue-gwt-tests from group com.axellience (version 1.0-beta-9)
Tests suite for Vue GWT
Group: com.axellience Artifact: vue-gwt-tests
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