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e.vue-gwt-processors.1.0.1.source-code.supported-css-properties.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Supported CSS properties in ph-css

Automatically generated by MainCreateSupportedCSSPropertiesFile on Tue Apr 04 14:57:17 CEST 2017

Generic properties

Name CSS 1.0 CSS 2.1 CSS 3.0 Links
align-content X
align-items X
align-self X
alignment-adjust X
alignment-baseline X
all X
animation X
animation-delay X
animation-direction X
animation-duration X
animation-fill-mode X
animation-iteration-count X
animation-name X
animation-play-state X
animation-timing-function X
azimuth X X
backface-visibility X
background X X X
background-attachment X X X
background-blend-mode X
background-clip X
background-color X X X
background-image X X X
background-origin X
background-position X X X
background-repeat X X X
background-size X
baseline-shift X
bleed X
bookmark-label X
bookmark-level X
bookmark-state X
bookmark-target X
border X X X
border-bottom X X X
border-bottom-color X X
border-bottom-left-radius X
border-bottom-right-radius X
border-bottom-style X X
border-bottom-width X X X
border-collapse X X
border-color X X X
border-image X
border-image-outset X
border-image-repeat X
border-image-slice X
border-image-source X
border-image-width X
border-left X X X
border-left-color X X
border-left-style X X
border-left-width X X X
border-radius X
border-right X X X
border-right-color X X
border-right-style X X
border-right-width X X X
border-spacing X X
border-style X X X
border-top X X X
border-top-color X X
border-top-left-radius X
border-top-right-radius X
border-top-style X X
border-top-width X X X
border-width X X X
bottom X X
box-decoration-break X
box-shadow X
box-sizing X
box-snap X
box-suppress X
break-after X
break-before X
break-inside X
caption-side X X
chains X
clear X X X
clip X X
clip-path X
clip-rule X
color X X X
color-interpolation-filters X
column-count X
column-fill X
column-gap X
column-rule X
column-rule-color X
column-rule-style X
column-rule-width X
column-width X
columns X
columns-span X
columns-width X
content X X
counter-increment X X
counter-reset X X
counter-set X
cue X X
cue-after X X
cue-before X X
cursor X X
direction X X
display X X X
display-inside X
display-list X
display-outside X
dominant-baseline X
drop-initial-after-adjust X
drop-initial-after-align X
drop-initial-before-adjust X
drop-initial-before-align X
drop-initial-size X
drop-initial-value X
elevation X X
empty-cells X X
enable-background X
filter X
flex X
flex-basis X
flex-direction X
flex-flow X
flex-grow X
flex-shrink X
flex-wrap X
float X X X
float-offset X
flood-color X
flood-opactiy X
flow-from X
flow-into X
font X X X
font-family X X X
font-feature-settings X
font-kerning X
font-language-override X
font-size X X X
font-size-adjust X
font-stretch X
font-style X X X
font-synthesis X
font-variant X X X
font-variant-alternates X
font-variant-caps X
font-variant-east-asian X
font-variant-ligatures X
font-variant-numeric X
font-variant-position X
font-weight X X X
footnote-display X
footnote-policy X
grid X
grid-area X
grid-auto-columns X
grid-auto-flow X
grid-auto-position X
grid-auto-rows X
grid-column X
grid-column-end X
grid-column-start X
grid-columns X
grid-row X
grid-row-end X
grid-row-start X
grid-rows X
grid-template X
grid-template-areas X
grid-template-columns X
grid-template-rows X
hanging-punctuation X
height X X X
hyphens X
icon X
image-orientation X
image-resolution X
ime-mode X
inline-box-align X
isolation X
justify-content X
justify-items X
justify-self X
left X X
letter-spacing X X X
lighting-color X
line-break X
line-grid X
line-height X X X
line-snap X
line-stacking X
line-stacking-ruby X
line-stacking-shift X
line-stacking-strategy X
list-style X X X
list-style-image X X X
list-style-position X X X
list-style-type X X X
margin X X X
margin-bottom X X X
margin-left X X X
margin-right X X X
margin-top X X X
marker-side X
marks X
marquee-direction X
marquee-play-count X
marquee-speed X
marquee-style X
mask X
mask-border X
mask-border-mode X
mask-border-repeat X
mask-border-slice X
mask-border-source X
mask-border-width X
mask-box-image X
mask-box-image-outset X
mask-box-image-repeat X
mask-box-image-slice X
mask-box-image-source X
mask-box-image-width X
mask-clip X
mask-composite X
mask-image X
mask-mode X
mask-origin X
mask-position X
mask-repeat X
mask-size X
mask-source-type X
mask-type X
max-height X X
max-lines X
max-width X X
max-zoom X
min-height X X
min-width X X
min-zoom X
mix-blend-mode X
nav-down X
nav-index X
nav-left X
nav-right X
nav-up X
object-fit X
object-position X
opacity X
order X
orientation X
orphans X X
outline X X
outline-color X X
outline-offset X
outline-style X X
outline-width X X
overflow X X
overflow-style X
overflow-wrap X
overflow-x X
overflow-y X
padding X X X
padding-bottom X X X
padding-left X X X
padding-right X X X
padding-top X X X
page-break-after X X
page-break-before X X
page-break-inside X X
pause X X
pause-after X X
pause-before X X
perspective X
perspective-origin X
pitch X X
pitch-range X X
play-during X X
position X X
quotes X X
region-fragment X
resize X
resolution X
rest X
rest-after X
rest-before X
richness X X
right X X
ruby-align X
ruby-merge X
ruby-overhang X
ruby-position X
ruby-span X
running X
scroll-behavior X
shape-image-threshold X
shape-margin X
shape-outside X
size X
speak X X
speak-as X
speak-header X X
speak-numeral X X
speak-punctuation X X
speech-rate X X
src X
stress X X
string-set X
tab-size X
table-layout X X
target X
target-name X
target-new X
target-position X
text-align X X X
text-align-last X
text-combine-horizontal X
text-combine-upright X
text-decoration X X X
text-decoration-color X
text-decoration-line X
text-decoration-skip X
text-decoration-style X
text-emphasis X
text-emphasis-color X
text-emphasis-position X
text-emphasis-style X
text-height X
text-indent X X X
text-justify X
text-orientation X
text-overflow X
text-shadow X
text-transform X X X
text-underline-position X
top X X
touch-action X
transform X
transform-origin X
transform-style X
transition X
transition-delay X
transition-duration X
transition-property X
transition-timing-function X
unicode-bidi X X
unicode-range X
user-zoom X
vertical-align X X X
visibility X X
voice-balance X
voice-duration X
voice-family X X
voice-pitch X
voice-range X
voice-rate X
voice-stress X
voice-volume X
volume X X
white-space X X X
widows X X
width X X X
will-change X
word-break X
word-spacing X X X
word-wrap X
wrap-flow X
wrap-through X
writing-mode X
z-index X X
zoom X

Vendor specific properties

Name EPUB (-epub-) Microsoft (-ms-) Mozilla (-moz-) Scrollbars (scrollbar-) WebKit-based browsers (-webkit-)
3dlight-color X
accelerator X
app-region X
arrow-color X
aspect-ratio X
background-composite X
background-inline-policy X
background-position-x X
background-position-y X
base-color X
behavior X
binding X
blend-mode X
block-progression X
border-after X
border-after-color X
border-after-style X
border-after-width X
border-before X
border-before-color X
border-before-style X
border-before-width X
border-bottom-colors X
border-end X
border-end-color X
border-end-style X
border-end-width X
border-fit X
border-horizontal-spacing X
border-left-colors X
border-radius-bottomleft X
border-radius-bottomright X
border-radius-topleft X
border-radius-topright X
border-right-colors X
border-start X
border-start-color X
border-start-style X
border-start-width X
border-top-colors X
border-vertical-spacing X
box-align X
box-direction X
box-flex X
box-flexgroup X
box-flex-group X
box-lines X
box-ordinal-group X
box-orient X
box-pack X
box-reflect X
color-correction X
column-axis X
column-break-after X
column-break-before X
column-break-inside X
column-progression X
column-span X
cursor-visibility X
darkshadow-color X
dashboard-region X
face-color X
float-edge X
font-size-delta X
font-smoothing X
force-broken-image-icon X
fullscreen X
grid-definition-columns X
grid-definition-rows X
highlight X
highlight-color X
hyphenate-character X
hyphenate-limit-after X
hyphenate-limit-before X
hyphenate-limit-lines X
image-region X
interpolation-mode X
layout-flow X
layout-grid X
layout-grid-char X
layout-grid-line X
layout-grid-mode X
layout-grid-type X
line-align X
line-box-contain X
line-clamp X
line-grid-mode X
locale X
logical-height X
logical-width X
margin-after X
margin-after-collapse X
margin-before X
margin-before-collapse X
margin-bottom-collapse X
margin-collapse X
margin-end X
margin-start X
margin-top-collapse X
marquee X
marquee-increment X
marquee-repetition X
mask-position-x X
mask-position-y X
mask-repeat-x X
mask-repeat-y X
max-logical-height X
max-logical-width X
min-logical-height X
min-logical-width X
nbsp-mode X
outline-radius X
outline-radius-bottomleft X
outline-radius-bottomright X
outline-radius-topleft X
outline-radius-topright X
overflow-scrolling X
padding-after X
padding-before X
padding-end X
padding-start X
perspective-origin-x X
perspective-origin-y X
print-color-adjust X
region-break-after X
region-break-before X
region-break-inside X
rtl-ordering X
shadow-color X
shape-inside X
shape-padding X
stack-sizing X
tap-highlight-color X
text-autospace X
text-blink X
text-combine X
text-decorations-in-effect X
text-fill-color X
text-kashida-space X
text-security X
text-size-adjust X
text-stroke X
text-stroke-color X
text-stroke-width X
track-color X
transform-origin-x X
transform-origin-y X
transform-origin-z X
user-drag X
user-focus X
user-input X
user-modify X
user-select X
window-shadow X
That's it.

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