geotrellis.proj4.CRS.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package geotrellis.proj4
import org.osgeo.proj4j._
object CRS {
private lazy val proj4ToEPSGMap = new Memoize[String, Option[String]](readEPSGCodeFromFile)
private val crsFactory = new CRSFactory
private val filePrefix = "/geotrellis/proj4/nad/"
* Creates a [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]]
* from a PROJ.4 projection parameter string.
* An example of a valid PROJ.4 projection parameter string is:
* +proj=aea +lat_1=50 +lat_2=58.5 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-126 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m
* @param proj4Params a PROJ.4 projection parameter string
* @return the specified [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]]
def fromString(proj4Params: String): CRS =
new CRS {
val proj4jCrs = crsFactory.createFromParameters(null, proj4Params)
def epsgCode: Option[Int] = getEPSGCode(toProj4String + " <>")
* Returns the numeric EPSG code of a proj4string
* @param proj4String
* @return
def getEPSGCode(proj4String: String): Option[Int] =
* Creates a [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]]
* from a PROJ.4 projection parameter string.
* An example of a valid PROJ.4 projection parameter string is:
* +proj=aea +lat_1=50 +lat_2=58.5 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-126 +x_0=1000000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m
* @param name a name for this coordinate system.
* @param proj4Params a PROJ.4 projection parameter string
* @return the specified [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]]
def fromString(name: String, proj4Params: String): CRS =
new CRS {
val proj4jCrs = crsFactory.createFromParameters(name, proj4Params)
def epsgCode: Option[Int] = getEPSGCode(toProj4String + " <>")
* Creates a [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]] (CRS) from a well-known-text String.
* @param wktString
* @return
def fromWKT(wktString: String): CRS = {
val epsgCode: String = WKT.getEPSGCode(wktString)
* Creates a [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]] (CRS) from a well-known name.
* CRS names are of the form: "authority:code",
* with the components being:
* - authority is a code for a namespace supported by
* PROJ.4.
* Currently supported values are
* NA83,
* NAD27.
* If no authority is provided, the EPSG namespace is assumed.
- code is the id of a coordinate system in the authority namespace.
* For example, in the EPSG namespace a code is an integer value
* which identifies a CRS definition in the EPSG database.
* (Codes are read and handled as strings).
* An example of a valid CRS name is EPSG:3005.
* @param name the name of a coordinate system, with optional authority prefix
* @return the [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]] corresponding to the given name
def fromName(name: String): CRS =
new CRS {
val proj4jCrs = crsFactory.createFromName(name)
def epsgCode: Option[Int] = getEPSGCode(toProj4String + " <>")
/** Creates a [[CoordinateReferenceSystem]] (CRS) from an EPSG code. */
def fromEpsgCode(epsgCode: Int) =
private def readEPSGCodeFromFile(proj4String: String): Option[String] = {
val stream = getClass.getResourceAsStream(s"${filePrefix}epsg")
try {
.find { line =>
!line.startsWith("#") && {
val proj4Body = line.split("proj")(1)
s"+proj$proj4Body" == proj4String
}.flatMap { l =>
val array = l.split(" ")
val length = array(0).length
Some(array(0).substring(1, length - 1))
} finally {
trait CRS extends Serializable {
val Epsilon = 1e-8
def epsgCode: Option[Int]
def proj4jCrs: CoordinateReferenceSystem
/** Override this function to handle reprojecting to another CRS in a more performant way */
def alternateTransform(dest: CRS): Option[(Double, Double) => (Double, Double)] =
* Returns the WKT representation of the Coordinate Reference System
* @return
def toWKT(): Option[String] =
// TODO: Do these better once more things are ported
def hashCode = toProj4String.hashCode
def toProj4String: String = proj4jCrs.getParameterString
def isGeographic: Boolean = proj4jCrs.isGeographic
def equals(o: Any): Boolean =
o match {
case other: CRS => compareProj4Strings(other.toProj4String, toProj4String)
case _ => false
private def compareProj4Strings(p1: String, p2: String) = {
def toProj4Map(s: String): Map[String, String] =
s.trim.split(" ").map(x =>
if (x.startsWith("+")) x.substring(1) else x).map(x => {
val index = x.indexOf('=')
if (index != -1) (x.substring(0, index) -> Some(x.substring(index + 1)))
else (x -> None)
}).groupBy(_._1).map { case (a, b) => (a, b.head._2) }
.filter { case (a, b) => !b.isEmpty }.map { case (a, b) => (a -> b.get) }
.map { case (a, b) => if (b == "latlong") (a -> "longlat") else (a, b) }
.filter { case (a, b) => (a != "to_meter" || b != "1.0") }
val m1 = toProj4Map(p1)
val m2 = toProj4Map(p2) {
case (key, v1) => m2.get(key) match {
case Some(v2) => compareValues(v1, v2)
case None => false
}.forall(_ != false)
private def compareValues(s1: String, s2: String) = {
def isNumber(s: String) = s.filter(c => !List('.', '-').contains(c)) forall Character.isDigit
val s2IsNumber = isNumber(s1)
val s1IsNumber = isNumber(s2)
if (s1IsNumber == s2IsNumber) {
if (s1IsNumber) math.abs(s1.toDouble - s2.toDouble) < Epsilon
else s1 == s2
} else false
protected def factory = CRS.crsFactory