geotrellis.raster.mapalgebra.local.MinN.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014 Azavea.
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package geotrellis.raster.mapalgebra.local
import geotrellis.raster._
import spire.syntax.cfor._
* Implementation to find the Nth minimum element of a set of rasters for each cell.
* Uses a randomized in-place quick select algorithm that was found to be the fastest on average in benchmarks.
* @author jchien
object MinN extends Serializable {
case class ArrayView[Num](arr: Array[Num], from: Int, until: Int) {
def apply(n: Int) =
if (from + n < until) arr(from + n)
else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(n)
def partitionInPlace(p: Num => Boolean): (ArrayView[Num], ArrayView[Num]) = {
var upper = until - 1
var lower = from
while (lower < upper) {
while (lower < until && p(arr(lower))) lower += 1
while (upper >= from && !p(arr(upper))) upper -= 1
if (lower < upper) { val tmp = arr(lower); arr(lower) = arr(upper); arr(upper) = tmp }
(copy(until = lower), copy(from = lower))
def size = until - from
def isEmpty = size <= 0
object ArrayView {
def apply(arr: Array[Double]) = new ArrayView(arr, 0, arr.size)
def apply(arr: Array[Int]) = new ArrayView(arr, 0, arr.size)
def findNthIntInPlace(arr: ArrayView[Int], n: Int): Int = {
if(n >= arr.size) {
} else {
val pivot = arr(scala.util.Random.nextInt(arr.size))
val (left, right) = arr partitionInPlace (_ < pivot)
if (left.size == n) pivot
else if (left.isEmpty) {
val (left, right) = arr partitionInPlace (_ == pivot)
if (left.size > n) pivot
else findNthIntInPlace(right, n - left.size)
} else if (left.size < n) findNthIntInPlace(right, n - left.size)
else findNthIntInPlace(left, n)
def findNthDoubleInPlace(arr: ArrayView[Double], n: Int): Double = {
if(n >= arr.size) {
} else {
val pivot = arr(scala.util.Random.nextInt(arr.size))
val (left, right) = arr partitionInPlace (_ < pivot)
if (left.size == n) pivot
else if (left.isEmpty) {
val (left, right) = arr partitionInPlace (_ == pivot)
if (left.size > n) pivot
else findNthDoubleInPlace(right, n - left.size)
} else if (left.size < n) findNthDoubleInPlace(right, n - left.size)
else findNthDoubleInPlace(left, n)
def apply(n: Int, rs: Tile*): Tile =
apply(n, rs)
def apply(n: Int, rs: Traversable[Tile])(implicit d: DI): Tile = {
val layerCount = rs.toSeq.length
if(layerCount < n) {
sys.error(s"Not enough values to compute Nth")
} else {
val newCellType =
val (cols, rows) = rs.head.dimensions
val tile = ArrayTile.alloc(newCellType, cols, rows)
cfor(0)(_ < rows, _ + 1) { row =>
cfor(0)(_ < cols, _ + 1) { col =>
if(newCellType.isFloatingPoint) {
val minN = findNthDoubleInPlace(ArrayView( => r.getDouble(col, row)).filter(num => !isNoData(num)).toArray), n)
tile.setDouble(col, row, minN)
}else { // integer values
val minN = findNthIntInPlace(ArrayView( => r.get(col, row)).filter(num => !isNoData(num)).toArray), n)
tile.set(col, row, minN)
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