geotrellis.process.RasterLayer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis.process
import geotrellis._
import geotrellis.util._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util._
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import spray.http._
import spray.client.pipelining._
* Represents a Raster Layer that can give detailed information
* about the Raster it represents, cache the raster, and get the
* raster cropped to an extent or at a different resolution.
* This represents a layer in a bound Context, not an abstract
* representation of the Raster. In other words, if you are
* holding one of these objects, then the code that uses it
* should only execute on the machine that the RasterLayer is
* from. If you pass around RasterLayers, you will be passing around
* the cache as well, which is not ideal.
* To implement a new RasterLayer, inherit from this class, implement
* the cache(c:Cache) method for caching the raster layer, and implement
* the getRaster() (for getting a Raster with it's native RasterExtent) and
* getRaster(rasterExtent:RasterExtent) (for getting a Raster at a different
* extent\resolution). Optionally you can override getRaster(extent:Extent),
* which by default just creates a RasterExtent with that extent snapped to
* the raster's native resolution.
abstract class RasterLayer(val info:RasterLayerInfo) {
private var _cache:Option[Cache[String]] = None
protected def getCache =
_cache match {
case Some(c) => c
case None =>
sys.error("No cache is currently set. Check isCached before accessing this member.")
def setCache(c:Option[Cache[String]]) = {
_cache = c
private var _isCached = false
def isCached = _isCached
def cache():Unit = {
_cache match {
case Some(c) =>
_isCached = true
info.cached = true
case None => //pass
protected def cache(c:Cache[String]):Unit
def getRaster():Raster = getRaster(None)
def getRaster(targetExtent:Option[RasterExtent]):Raster
def getRaster(extent:Extent):Raster =
def getTile(tileCol:Int, tileRow:Int):Raster = getTile(tileCol,tileRow,None)
def getTile(tileCol:Int, tileRow:Int, targetExtent:Option[RasterExtent]):Raster
abstract class UntiledRasterLayer(info:RasterLayerInfo) extends RasterLayer(info) {
def getTile(tileCol:Int, tileRow:Int, targetExtent:Option[RasterExtent]) =
object RasterLayer {
* Build a RasterLayer instance given a path to a JSON file.
def fromPath(path:String):Try[RasterLayer] =
try {
val base = Filesystem.basename(path) + ".json"
val src = Source.fromFile(path)
val data = src.mkString
fromJSON(data, base)
} catch {
case e:Exception => Failure(e)
def fromFile(f:File):Try[RasterLayer] = RasterLayer.fromPath(f.getAbsolutePath)
* Build a RasterLayer instance given a JSON string.
def fromJSON(data:String, basePath:String):Try[RasterLayer] =
try {
Success(json.RasterLayerParser(data, basePath))
} catch {
case e:Exception => Failure(e)
def fromUrl(jsonUrl:String, d: Duration = 5 seconds)
(implicit t: Timeout = 5 seconds):Try[RasterLayer] = {
val (system, shutdown) =
// If the GeoTrellis.server is being used, use it's Actor System
(GeoTrellis.server.system, { () => })
else {
// otherwise, create a temporary one
val s = ActorSystem(s"system-request-$jsonUrl")
(s, () => s.shutdown)
implicit val s = system
import s.dispatcher
try {
val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[String]
val response: Future[String] =
val json = Await.result(response, d)
fromJSON(json, jsonUrl)
} catch {
case e:Exception => Failure(e)
} finally {