geotrellis.raster.op.focal.Hillshade.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package geotrellis.raster.op.focal
import geotrellis._
import geotrellis.raster.TileNeighbors
import scala.math._
import Angles._
* Computes Hillshade (shaded relief) from a raster.
* The resulting raster will be a shaded relief map (a hill shading)
* based on the sun altitude, azimuth, and the z factor. The z factor is
* a conversion factor from map units to elevation units.
* Returns a raster of TypeShort.
* This operation uses Horn's method for computing hill shading.
* @see [[ Esri Desktop's description of Hillshade.]]
object Hillshade {
* Create a default hillshade raster, using a default azimuth of 315 degrees,
* altitude of 45 degrees, and z factor of 1.0.
* @param r Raster to for which to compute the hill shading.
* @param tns TileNeighbors that describe the neighboring tiles.
def apply(r:Op[Raster],tns:Op[TileNeighbors]):DirectHillshade = DirectHillshade(r,tns,315.0,45.0,1.0)
def apply(r:Op[Raster]):DirectHillshade = DirectHillshade(r,315.0,45.0,1.0)
* Creates a hillshade operation using a precomputed slope and aspect.
* @param aspect [[Aspect]] operation
* @param slope [[Slope]] operation
* @param azimuth Degrees clockwise from north of light source.
* @param altitude Degrees above horizon of the light source.
def apply(aspect:Aspect,slope:Slope,azimuth:Op[Double],altitude:Op[Double]) =
* Creates a hillshade operation directly from azimuth, altitude, and zFactor parameters.
* @param r Raster to for which to compute the hill shading.
* @param tns TileNeighbors that describe the neighboring
* @param azimuth Degrees clockwise from north of light source.
* @param altitude Degrees above horizon of the light source.
* @param zFactor Factor that convers altitude units to map units.
* (map units per elevation unit)
def apply(r:Op[Raster],tns:Op[TileNeighbors],azimuth:Op[Double],altitude:Op[Double],zFactor:Op[Double]) =
def apply(r:Op[Raster],azimuth:Op[Double],altitude:Op[Double],zFactor:Op[Double]) =
* Direct calculation of hill shading of a raster. Construct through the [[Hillshade]] object.
* @see [[Hillshade]]
case class DirectHillshade(r:Op[Raster],tns:Op[TileNeighbors],azimuth:Op[Double],altitude:Op[Double],zFactor:Op[Double])
extends FocalOp3[Double,Double,Double,Raster](r,Square(1),tns,azimuth,altitude,zFactor)({
(raster,n) => new SurfacePointCalculation[Raster] with ShortRasterDataResult
with Initialization3[Double,Double,Double] {
var azimuth = 0.0
var zenith = 0.0
var zFactor = 0.0
// Caches trig values for speed
var cosZ = 0.0
var sinZ = 0.0
var cosAz = 0.0
var sinAz = 0.0
def init(r:Raster,az:Double,al:Double,z:Double) = {
azimuth = radians(90.0 - az)
zenith = radians(90.0 - al)
zFactor = z
cosZ = cos(zenith)
sinZ = sin(zenith)
cosAz = cos(azimuth)
sinAz = sin(azimuth)
def setValue(x:Int,y:Int,s:SurfacePoint) {
val slope = s.slope(zFactor)
val aspect = s.aspect
val c = cosAz*s.cosAspect + sinAz*s.sinAspect // cos(azimuth - aspect)
val v = (cosZ * s.cosSlope) + (sinZ * s.sinSlope * c)
data.set(x,y,round(127.0 * max(0.0,v)).toInt)
object DirectHillshade {
def apply(r:Op[Raster],azimuth:Op[Double],altitude:Op[Double],zFactor:Op[Double]) = new DirectHillshade(r,TileNeighbors.NONE,azimuth,altitude,zFactor)
* Indirect calculation of hill shading of a raster that uses Aspect and Slope operation results.
* Construct through the [[Hillshade]] object.
* @note Does not currently work with TiledFocalOps of Aspect and Slope.
* Use the direct method with TileFocalOps and tiled raster data.
* @see [[Hillshade]]
case class IndirectHillshade(aspect:Aspect,slope:Slope,azimuth:Op[Double],altitude:Op[Double])
extends Operation[Raster] {
def _run() = runAsync(List('init,aspect,slope,azimuth,altitude))
def productArity = 4
def canEqual(other:Any) = other.isInstanceOf[IndirectHillshade]
def productElement(n:Int) = n match {
case 0 => aspect
case 1 => slope
case 2 => azimuth
case 3 => altitude
case _ => new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
val nextSteps:PartialFunction[Any,StepOutput[Raster]] = {
case 'init :: (aspect:Raster) :: (slope:Raster) :: (azimuth:Double) :: (altitude:Double) :: Nil =>
val az = radians(90.0 - azimuth)
val ze = radians(90.0 - altitude)
val cosZe = cos(ze)
val sinZe = sin(ze)
val hr = aspect.combineDouble(slope) { (aspectValue,slopeValue) =>
val slopeRads = radians(slopeValue)
val aspectRads = radians(aspectValue)
val v = (cosZe * cos(slopeRads)) +
(sinZe * sin(slopeRads) * cos(az - aspectRads))
round(127.0 * max(0.0,v))