Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.publisher.Signal;
import reactor.core.publisher.Sinks;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* A token cache that supports caching a token and refreshing it.
public final class AccessTokenCache {
// The delay after a refresh to attempt another token refresh
private static final Duration REFRESH_DELAY = Duration.ofSeconds(30);
// the offset before token expiry to attempt proactive token refresh
private static final Duration REFRESH_OFFSET = Duration.ofMinutes(5);
// AccessTokenCache is a commonly used class, use a static logger.
private static final ClientLogger LOGGER = new ClientLogger(AccessTokenCache.class);
private final AtomicReference> wip;
private volatile AccessToken cache;
private volatile OffsetDateTime nextTokenRefresh =;
private final TokenCredential tokenCredential;
// Stores the last authenticated token request context. The cached token is valid under this context.
private TokenRequestContext tokenRequestContext;
private final Predicate shouldRefresh;
* Creates an instance of RefreshableTokenCredential with default scheme "Bearer".
public AccessTokenCache(TokenCredential tokenCredential) {
Objects.requireNonNull(tokenCredential, "The token credential cannot be null");
this.wip = new AtomicReference<>();
this.tokenCredential = tokenCredential;
this.shouldRefresh = accessToken ->
* Asynchronously get a token from either the cache or replenish the cache with a new token.
* @param tokenRequestContext The request context for token acquisition.
* @return The Publisher that emits an AccessToken
public Mono getToken(TokenRequestContext tokenRequestContext, boolean checkToForceFetchToken) {
return Mono.defer(retrieveToken(tokenRequestContext, checkToForceFetchToken))
// Keep resubscribing as long as Mono.defer [token acquisition] emits empty().
.repeatWhenEmpty((Flux longFlux) ->
longFlux.concatMap(ignored -> Flux.just(true).delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(500))));
* Synchronously get a token from either the cache or replenish the cache with a new token.
* @param tokenRequestContext The request context for token acquisition.
* @return The Publisher that emits an AccessToken
public AccessToken getTokenSync(TokenRequestContext tokenRequestContext, boolean checkToForceFetchToken) {
return this.getToken(tokenRequestContext, checkToForceFetchToken).block();
private Supplier> retrieveToken(TokenRequestContext tokenRequestContext,
boolean checkToForceFetchToken) {
return () -> {
try {
if (tokenRequestContext == null) {
return Mono.error(LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(
new IllegalArgumentException("The token request context input cannot be null.")));
if (wip.compareAndSet(null, {
final Sinks.One sinksOne = wip.get();
OffsetDateTime now =;
Mono tokenRefresh;
Mono fallback;
// Check if the incoming token request context is different from the cached one. A different
// token request context, requires to fetch a new token as the cached one won't work for the
// passed in token request context.
boolean forceRefresh = (checkToForceFetchToken && checkIfForceRefreshRequired(tokenRequestContext))
|| this.tokenRequestContext == null;
Supplier> tokenSupplier = () ->
if (forceRefresh) {
this.tokenRequestContext = tokenRequestContext;
tokenRefresh = Mono.defer(() -> tokenCredential.getToken(this.tokenRequestContext));
fallback = Mono.empty();
} else if (cache != null && !shouldRefresh.test(cache)) {
// fresh cache & no need to refresh
tokenRefresh = Mono.empty();
fallback = Mono.just(cache);
} else if (cache == null || cache.isExpired()) {
// no token to use
if (now.isAfter(nextTokenRefresh)) {
// refresh immediately
tokenRefresh = Mono.defer(tokenSupplier);
} else {
// wait for timeout, then refresh
tokenRefresh = Mono.defer(tokenSupplier)
.delaySubscription(Duration.between(now, nextTokenRefresh));
// cache doesn't exist or expired, no fallback
fallback = Mono.empty();
} else {
// token available, but close to expiry
if (now.isAfter(nextTokenRefresh)) {
// refresh immediately
tokenRefresh = Mono.defer(tokenSupplier);
} else {
// still in timeout, do not refresh
tokenRefresh = Mono.empty();
// cache hasn't expired, ignore refresh error this time
fallback = Mono.just(cache);
return tokenRefresh
.flatMap(processTokenRefreshResult(sinksOne, now, fallback))
.doFinally(ignored -> wip.set(null));
} else if (cache != null && !cache.isExpired() && !checkToForceFetchToken) {
// another thread might be refreshing the token proactively, but the current token is still valid
return Mono.just(cache);
} else {
// if a force refresh is possible, then exit and retry.
if (checkToForceFetchToken) {
return Mono.empty();
// another thread is definitely refreshing the expired token
Sinks.One sinksOne = wip.get();
if (sinksOne == null) {
// the refreshing thread has finished
return Mono.just(cache);
} else {
// wait for refreshing thread to finish but defer to updated cache in case just missed onNext()
return sinksOne.asMono().switchIfEmpty(Mono.fromSupplier(() -> cache));
} catch (Exception ex) {
return Mono.error(ex);
private boolean checkIfForceRefreshRequired(TokenRequestContext tokenRequestContext) {
return !(this.tokenRequestContext != null
&& (this.tokenRequestContext.getClaims() == null ? tokenRequestContext.getClaims() == null
: (tokenRequestContext.getClaims() == null ? false
: tokenRequestContext.getClaims().equals(this.tokenRequestContext.getClaims())))
&& this.tokenRequestContext.getScopes().equals(tokenRequestContext.getScopes()));
private Function, Mono extends AccessToken>> processTokenRefreshResult(
Sinks.One sinksOne, OffsetDateTime now, Mono fallback) {
return signal -> {
AccessToken accessToken = signal.get();
Throwable error = signal.getThrowable();
if (signal.isOnNext() && accessToken != null) { // SUCCESS
LOGGER.log(LogLevel.INFORMATIONAL, () -> refreshLog(cache, now, "Acquired a new access token"));
cache = accessToken;
nextTokenRefresh =;
return Mono.just(accessToken);
} else if (signal.isOnError() && error != null) { // ERROR
LOGGER.log(LogLevel.ERROR, () -> refreshLog(cache, now, "Failed to acquire a new access token"));
nextTokenRefresh =;
return fallback.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(error));
} else { // NO REFRESH
return fallback;
private static String refreshLog(AccessToken cache, OffsetDateTime now, String log) {
StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(log);
if (cache == null) {
} else {
Duration tte = Duration.between(now, cache.getExpiresAt());
info.append(" at ").append(tte.abs().getSeconds()).append(" seconds ")
.append(tte.isNegative() ? "after" : "before").append(" expiry. ")
.append("Retry may be attempted after ").append(REFRESH_DELAY.getSeconds()).append(" seconds.");
if (!tte.isNegative()) {
info.append(" The token currently cached will be used.");
return info.toString();
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