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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.time.DateTimeException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Utility class containing implementation specific methods.
public final class ImplUtils {
private static final HttpHeaderName RETRY_AFTER_MS_HEADER = HttpHeaderName.fromString("retry-after-ms");
private static final HttpHeaderName X_MS_RETRY_AFTER_MS_HEADER = HttpHeaderName.fromString("x-ms-retry-after-ms");
// future improvement - make this configurable
public static final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 10000;
private static final Charset UTF_32BE = Charset.forName("UTF-32BE");
private static final Charset UTF_32LE = Charset.forName("UTF-32LE");
private static final ClientLogger LOGGER = new ClientLogger(ImplUtils.class);
private static final byte ZERO = (byte) 0x00;
private static final byte BB = (byte) 0xBB;
private static final byte BF = (byte) 0xBF;
private static final byte EF = (byte) 0xEF;
private static final byte FE = (byte) 0xFE;
private static final byte FF = (byte) 0xFF;
private static final Pattern CHARSET_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("charset=(\\S+)\\b", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
* Attempts to extract a retry after duration from a given set of {@link HttpHeaders}.
* This searches for the well-known retry after headers {@code Retry-After}, {@code retry-after-ms}, and
* {@code x-ms-retry-after-ms}.
* If no well-known headers are found null will be returned.
* @param headers The set of headers to search for a well-known retry after header.
* @param nowSupplier A supplier for the current time used when {@code Retry-After} is using relative retry after
* time.
* @return The retry after duration if a well-known retry after header was found, otherwise null.
public static Duration getRetryAfterFromHeaders(HttpHeaders headers, Supplier nowSupplier) {
// Found 'x-ms-retry-after-ms' header, use a Duration of milliseconds based on the value.
Duration retryDelay = tryGetRetryDelay(headers, X_MS_RETRY_AFTER_MS_HEADER, ImplUtils::tryGetDelayMillis);
if (retryDelay != null) {
return retryDelay;
// Found 'retry-after-ms' header, use a Duration of milliseconds based on the value.
retryDelay = tryGetRetryDelay(headers, RETRY_AFTER_MS_HEADER, ImplUtils::tryGetDelayMillis);
if (retryDelay != null) {
return retryDelay;
// Found 'Retry-After' header. First, attempt to resolve it as a Duration of seconds. If that fails, then
// attempt to resolve it as an HTTP date (RFC1123).
retryDelay = tryGetRetryDelay(headers, HttpHeaderName.RETRY_AFTER,
headerValue -> tryParseLongOrDateTime(headerValue, nowSupplier));
// Either the retry delay will have been found or it'll be null, null indicates no retry after.
return retryDelay;
private static Duration tryGetRetryDelay(HttpHeaders headers, HttpHeaderName headerName,
Function delayParser) {
String headerValue = headers.getValue(headerName);
return CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(headerValue) ? null : delayParser.apply(headerValue);
private static Duration tryGetDelayMillis(String value) {
long delayMillis = tryParseLong(value);
return (delayMillis >= 0) ? Duration.ofMillis(delayMillis) : null;
private static Duration tryParseLongOrDateTime(String value, Supplier nowSupplier) {
long delaySeconds;
try {
OffsetDateTime retryAfter = new DateTimeRfc1123(value).getDateTime();
delaySeconds = nowSupplier.get().until(retryAfter, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (DateTimeException ex) {
delaySeconds = tryParseLong(value);
return (delaySeconds >= 0) ? Duration.ofSeconds(delaySeconds) : null;
private static long tryParseLong(String value) {
try {
return Long.parseLong(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return -1;
* Writes a {@link ByteBuffer} into an {@link OutputStream}.
* This method provides writing optimization based on the type of {@link ByteBuffer} and {@link OutputStream}
* passed. For example, if the {@link ByteBuffer} has a backing {@code byte[]} this method will access that directly
* to write to the {@code stream} instead of buffering the contents of the {@link ByteBuffer} into a temporary
* buffer.
* @param buffer The {@link ByteBuffer} to write into the {@code stream}.
* @param stream The {@link OutputStream} where the {@code buffer} will be written.
* @throws IOException If an I/O occurs while writing the {@code buffer} into the {@code stream}.
public static void writeByteBufferToStream(ByteBuffer buffer, OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
// First check if the buffer has a backing byte[]. The backing byte[] can be accessed directly and written
// without an additional buffering byte[].
if (buffer.hasArray()) {
// Write the byte[] from the current view position to the length remaining in the view.
stream.write(buffer.array(), buffer.position(), buffer.remaining());
// Update the position of the ByteBuffer to treat this the same as getting from the buffer.
buffer.position(buffer.position() + buffer.remaining());
// Next begin checking for specific instances of OutputStream that may provide better writing options for
// direct ByteBuffers.
if (stream instanceof FileOutputStream) {
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = (FileOutputStream) stream;
// Writing to the FileChannel directly may provide native optimizations for moving the OS managed memory
// into the file.
// Write will move both the OutputStream's and ByteBuffer's position so there is no need to perform
// additional updates that are required when using the backing array.
// All optimizations have been exhausted, fallback to buffering write.
* Utility method for parsing a {@link URL} into a {@link UrlBuilder}.
* @param url The URL being parsed.
* @param includeQuery Whether the query string should be excluded.
* @return The UrlBuilder that represents the parsed URL.
public static UrlBuilder parseUrl(URL url, boolean includeQuery) {
final UrlBuilder result = new UrlBuilder();
if (url != null) {
final String protocol = url.getProtocol();
if (protocol != null && !protocol.isEmpty()) {
final String host = url.getHost();
if (host != null && !host.isEmpty()) {
final int port = url.getPort();
if (port != -1) {
final String path = url.getPath();
if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
final String query = url.getQuery();
if (query != null && !query.isEmpty() && includeQuery) {
return result;
public static final class QueryParameterIterator implements Iterator> {
private final String queryParameters;
private final int queryParametersLength;
private boolean done = false;
private int position;
public QueryParameterIterator(String queryParameters) {
this.queryParameters = queryParameters;
this.queryParametersLength = queryParameters.length();
// If the URL query begins with '?' the first possible start of a query parameter key is the
// second character in the query.
position = (queryParameters.startsWith("?")) ? 1 : 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return !done;
public Map.Entry next() {
if (done) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
int nextPosition = position;
char c;
while (nextPosition < queryParametersLength) {
// Next position can either be '=' or '&' as a query parameter may not have a '=', ex 'key&key2=value'.
c = queryParameters.charAt(nextPosition);
if (c == '=') {
} else if (c == '&') {
String key = queryParameters.substring(position, nextPosition);
// Position is set to nextPosition + 1 to skip over the '&'
position = nextPosition + 1;
return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, "");
if (nextPosition == queryParametersLength) {
// Query parameters completed.
done = true;
return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(queryParameters.substring(position), "");
String key = queryParameters.substring(position, nextPosition);
// Position is set to nextPosition + 1 to skip over the '='
position = nextPosition + 1;
nextPosition = queryParameters.indexOf('&', position);
String value = null;
if (nextPosition == -1) {
// This was the last key-value pair in the query parameters ''
done = true;
value = queryParameters.substring(position);
} else {
value = queryParameters.substring(position, nextPosition);
// Position is set to nextPosition + 1 to skip over the '&'
position = nextPosition + 1;
return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, value);
* Attempts to convert a byte stream into the properly encoded String.
* This utility method will attempt to find the encoding for the String in this order.
* - Find the byte order mark in the byte array.
* - Find the charset in the {@code contentType} header.
* - Default to {@code UTF-8}.
* @param bytes The byte array.
* @param offset The starting offset in the byte array.
* @param count The number of bytes to process in the byte array.
* @param contentType The {@code Content-Type} header value.
* @return A string representation of the byte encoded to the found encoding, or null if {@code bytes} is null.
public static String bomAwareToString(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, String contentType) {
if (bytes == null) {
return null;
if (count >= 3 && bytes[offset] == EF && bytes[offset + 1] == BB && bytes[offset + 2] == BF) {
return new String(bytes, 3, bytes.length - 3, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else if (count >= 4 && bytes[offset] == ZERO && bytes[offset + 1] == ZERO
&& bytes[offset + 2] == FE && bytes[offset + 3] == FF) {
return new String(bytes, 4, bytes.length - 4, UTF_32BE);
} else if (count >= 4 && bytes[offset] == FF && bytes[offset + 1] == FE
&& bytes[offset + 2] == ZERO && bytes[offset + 3] == ZERO) {
return new String(bytes, 4, bytes.length - 4, UTF_32LE);
} else if (count >= 2 && bytes[offset] == FE && bytes[offset + 1] == FF) {
return new String(bytes, 2, bytes.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_16BE);
} else if (count >= 2 && bytes[offset] == FF && bytes[offset + 1] == FE) {
return new String(bytes, 2, bytes.length - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE);
} else {
* Attempt to retrieve the default charset from the 'Content-Encoding' header, if the value isn't
* present or invalid fallback to 'UTF-8' for the default charset.
if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(contentType)) {
try {
Matcher charsetMatcher = CHARSET_PATTERN.matcher(contentType);
if (charsetMatcher.find()) {
return new String(bytes, offset, count, Charset.forName(;
} else {
return new String(bytes, offset, count, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (IllegalCharsetNameException | UnsupportedCharsetException ex) {
return new String(bytes, offset, count, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} else {
return new String(bytes, offset, count, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
* Creates a new {@link URL} from the given {@code urlString}.
* This is a temporary method that will be removed once all usages of {@link URL#URL(String)} are migrated to
* {@link URI}-based methods given the deprecation of the URL methods in Java 20.
* @param urlString The string to convert to a {@link URL}.
* @return The {@link URL} representing the {@code urlString}.
* @throws MalformedURLException If the {@code urlString} isn't a valid {@link URL}.
public static URL createUrl(String urlString) throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL(urlString);
public static Class extends T> getClassByName(String className) {
Objects.requireNonNull("'className' cannot be null");
try {
return (Class extends T>) Class.forName(className, false, ImplUtils.class.getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
String message = String.format("Class `%s` is not found on the classpath.", className);
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new RuntimeException(message, e));
* Converts the {@link RetryOptions} into a {@link RetryStrategy} so it can be more easily consumed.
* @param retryOptions The retry options.
* @return The retry strategy based on the retry options.
public static RetryStrategy getRetryStrategyFromOptions(RetryOptions retryOptions) {
Objects.requireNonNull(retryOptions, "'retryOptions' cannot be null.");
if (retryOptions.getExponentialBackoffOptions() != null) {
return new ExponentialBackoff(retryOptions.getExponentialBackoffOptions());
} else if (retryOptions.getFixedDelayOptions() != null) {
return new FixedDelay(retryOptions.getFixedDelayOptions());
} else {
// This should never happen.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'retryOptions' didn't define any retry strategy options");
private ImplUtils() {