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This Package contains Microsoft Azure Cosmos SDK (with Reactive Extension Reactor support) for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * Abstracts out the logic to resolve physical replica addresses for the given {@link RxDocumentServiceRequest}

* AddressCache internally maintains CollectionCache, CollectionRoutingMapCache and BackendAddressCache. * Logic in this class mainly joins these 3 caches and deals with potential staleness of the caches. */ public class AddressResolver implements IAddressResolver { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AddressResolver.class); private final static PartitionKeyRangeIdentity masterPartitionKeyRangeIdentity = new PartitionKeyRangeIdentity(PartitionKeyRange.MASTER_PARTITION_KEY_RANGE_ID); private RxCollectionCache collectionCache; private ICollectionRoutingMapCache collectionRoutingMapCache; private IAddressCache addressCache; public AddressResolver() { } public void initializeCaches( RxCollectionCache collectionCache, ICollectionRoutingMapCache collectionRoutingMapCache, IAddressCache addressCache) { this.collectionCache = collectionCache; this.addressCache = addressCache; this.collectionRoutingMapCache = collectionRoutingMapCache; } public Mono resolveAsync( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, boolean forceRefreshPartitionAddresses) { Mono resultObs = this.resolveAddressesAndIdentityAsync(request, forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); return resultObs.flatMap(result -> { try { this.throwIfTargetChanged(request, result.TargetPartitionKeyRange); } catch (Exception e) { return Mono.error(e); } request.requestContext.resolvedPartitionKeyRange = result.TargetPartitionKeyRange; return Mono.just(result.Addresses); }); } @Override public void updateAddresses(RxDocumentServiceRequest request, URI serverKey) { throw new NotImplementedException("updateAddresses() is not supported in AddressResolver"); } private static boolean isSameCollection(PartitionKeyRange initiallyResolved, PartitionKeyRange newlyResolved) { if (initiallyResolved == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parent"); } if (newlyResolved == null) { return false; } if (Strings.areEqual(initiallyResolved.getId(), PartitionKeyRange.MASTER_PARTITION_KEY_RANGE_ID) && Strings.areEqual(newlyResolved.getId(), PartitionKeyRange.MASTER_PARTITION_KEY_RANGE_ID)) { return true; } if (Strings.areEqual(initiallyResolved.getId(), PartitionKeyRange.MASTER_PARTITION_KEY_RANGE_ID) || Strings.areEqual(newlyResolved.getId(), PartitionKeyRange.MASTER_PARTITION_KEY_RANGE_ID)) { String message = "Request was resolved to master partition and then to server partition."; assert false : message; logger.warn(message); return false; } if (ResourceId.parse(initiallyResolved.getResourceId()).getDocumentCollection() != ResourceId.parse(newlyResolved.getResourceId()).getDocumentCollection()) { return false; } if (!Strings.areEqual(initiallyResolved.getId(), newlyResolved.getId()) && !(newlyResolved.getParents() != null && newlyResolved.getParents().contains(initiallyResolved.getId()))) { // the above getCondition should be always false in current codebase. // We don't need to refresh any caches if we resolved to a range which is child of previously resolved range. // Quorum reads should be handled transparently as child partitions share LSNs with parent partitions which are gone. String message = "Request is targeted at a partition key range which is not child of previously targeted range."; assert false : message; logger.warn(message); return false; } return true; } /** * Validates if the target partition to which the request is being sent has changed during retry. *

* If that happens, the request is no more valid and need to be retried. * * @param request Request in progress * @param targetRange Target partition key range determined by address resolver * */ private void throwIfTargetChanged(RxDocumentServiceRequest request, PartitionKeyRange targetRange) { // If new range is child of previous range, we don't need to throw any exceptions // as LSNs are continued on child ranges. if (request.requestContext.resolvedPartitionKeyRange != null && !isSameCollection(request.requestContext.resolvedPartitionKeyRange, targetRange)) { if (!request.getIsNameBased()) { String message = String.format( "Target should not change for non name based requests. Previous target %s, Current %s", request.requestContext.resolvedPartitionKeyRange, targetRange); assert false : message; logger.warn(message); } request.requestContext.resolvedPartitionKeyRange = null; throw new InvalidPartitionException(RMResources.InvalidTarget, request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); } } private static void ensureRoutingMapPresent( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, CollectionRoutingMap routingMap, DocumentCollection collection) { if (routingMap == null && request.getIsNameBased() && request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity() != null && request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getCollectionRid() != null) { // By design, if partitionkeyrangeid header is present and it contains collectionrid for collection // which doesn't exist, we return InvalidPartitionException. Backend does the same. // Caller (client SDK or whoever attached the header) supposedly has outdated collection cache and will refresh it. // We cannot retry here, as the logic for retry in this case is use-case specific. if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Routing map for request with partitionkeyrageid {} was not found", request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().toHeader()); } InvalidPartitionException invalidPartitionException = new InvalidPartitionException(); BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(invalidPartitionException, request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); throw invalidPartitionException; } if (routingMap == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Routing map was not found although collection cache is upto date for collection {}", collection.getResourceId()); } // Routing map not found although collection was resolved correctly. NotFoundException e = new NotFoundException(); BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(e, request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); throw e; } } private Mono> tryResolveServerPartitionAsync( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, DocumentCollection collection, CollectionRoutingMap routingMap, boolean collectionCacheIsUptodate, boolean collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptodate, boolean forceRefreshPartitionAddresses) { try { // Check if this request partitionkeyrange-aware routing logic. We cannot retry here in this case // and need to bubble up errors. if (request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity() != null) { return this.tryResolveServerPartitionByPartitionKeyRangeIdAsync( request, collection, routingMap, collectionCacheIsUptodate, collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptodate, forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); } if (!request.getResourceType().isPartitioned() && !(request.getResourceType() == ResourceType.StoredProcedure && request.getOperationType() == OperationType.ExecuteJavaScript) && // Collection head is sent internally for strong consistency given routing hints from original requst, which is for partitioned resource. !(request.getResourceType() == ResourceType.DocumentCollection && request.getOperationType() == OperationType.Head)) { logger.error( "Shouldn't come here for non partitioned resources. resourceType : {}, operationtype:{}, resourceaddress:{}", request.getResourceType(), request.getOperationType(), request.getResourceAddress()); return Mono.error(BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(new InternalServerErrorException(RMResources.InternalServerError), request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress)); } PartitionKeyRange range; PartitionKeyInternal partitionKeyInternal = request.getPartitionKeyInternal(); if (partitionKeyInternal != null || request.getHeaders().containsKey(HttpConstants.HttpHeaders.PARTITION_KEY)) { range = this.tryResolveServerPartitionByPartitionKey( request, partitionKeyInternal, collectionCacheIsUptodate, collection, routingMap); } else { range = this.tryResolveSinglePartitionCollection(request, routingMap, collectionCacheIsUptodate); } if (range == null) { // Collection cache or routing map cache is potentially outdated. Return empty - // upper logic will refresh cache and retry. logger.debug("Collection cache or routing map cache is potentially outdated." + " Returning null. Upper logic will refresh cache and retry."); return Mono.just(new Utils.ValueHolder<>(null)); } Mono> addressesObs = this.addressCache.tryGetAddresses( request, new PartitionKeyRangeIdentity(collection.getResourceId(), range.getId()), forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); return addressesObs.flatMap(addressesValueHolder -> { if (addressesValueHolder.v == null) { "Could not resolve addresses for identity {}/{}. Potentially collection cache or routing map cache is outdated. Return empty - upper logic will refresh and retry. ", new PartitionKeyRangeIdentity(collection.getResourceId(), range.getId())); return Mono.just(new Utils.ValueHolder<>(null)); } return Mono.just(new Utils.ValueHolder<>(new ResolutionResult(range, addressesValueHolder.v))); }); } catch (Exception e) { return Mono.error(e); } } private PartitionKeyRange tryResolveSinglePartitionCollection( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, CollectionRoutingMap routingMap, boolean collectionCacheIsUptoDate) { // Neither partitionkey nor partitionkeyrangeid is specified. // Three options here: // * This is non-partitioned collection and old client SDK which doesn't send partition key. In // this case there's single entry in routing map. But can be multiple entries if before that // existed partitioned collection with same name. // * This is partitioned collection and old client SDK which doesn't send partition key. // In this case there can be multiple ranges in routing map. // * This is partitioned collection and this is custom written REST sdk, which has a bug and doesn't send // partition key. // We cannot know for sure whether this is partitioned collection or not, because // partition key definition cache can be outdated. // So we route request to the first partition. If this is non-partitioned collection - request will succeed. // If it is partitioned collection - backend will return bad request as partition key header is required in this case. if (routingMap.getOrderedPartitionKeyRanges().size() == 1) { return routingMap.getOrderedPartitionKeyRanges().get(0); } logger.debug("tryResolveSinglePartitionCollection: collectionCacheIsUptoDate = {}", collectionCacheIsUptoDate); if (collectionCacheIsUptoDate) { throw BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(new BadRequestException(RMResources.MissingPartitionKeyValue), request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); } else { return null; } } private Mono resolveMasterResourceAddress(RxDocumentServiceRequest request, boolean forceRefreshPartitionAddresses) { assert ReplicatedResourceClient.isReadingFromMaster(request.getResourceType(), request.getOperationType()) && request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity() == null; // ServiceIdentity serviceIdentity = this.masterServiceIdentity; Mono> addressesObs = this.addressCache.tryGetAddresses(request, masterPartitionKeyRangeIdentity,forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); return addressesObs.flatMap(addressesValueHolder -> { if (addressesValueHolder.v == null) { logger.warn("Could not get addresses for master partition"); // return Observable.getError() NotFoundException e = new NotFoundException(); BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(e, request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); return Mono.error(e); } PartitionKeyRange partitionKeyRange = new PartitionKeyRange(); partitionKeyRange.setId(PartitionKeyRange.MASTER_PARTITION_KEY_RANGE_ID); return Mono.just(new ResolutionResult(partitionKeyRange, addressesValueHolder.v)); }); } private static class RefreshState { volatile boolean collectionCacheIsUptoDate; volatile boolean collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate; volatile DocumentCollection collection; volatile CollectionRoutingMap routingMap; volatile ResolutionResult resolutionResult; } private Mono getOrRefreshRoutingMap(RxDocumentServiceRequest request, boolean forceRefreshPartitionAddresses) { RefreshState state = new RefreshState(); state.collectionCacheIsUptoDate = !request.getIsNameBased() || (request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity() != null && request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getCollectionRid() != null); state.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate = false; Mono> collectionObs = this.collectionCache.resolveCollectionAsync(BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), request); Mono stateObs = collectionObs.flatMap(collectionValueHolder -> { state.collection = collectionValueHolder.v; Mono> routingMapObs = this.collectionRoutingMapCache.tryLookupAsync(BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), collectionValueHolder.v.getResourceId(), null, request.forceCollectionRoutingMapRefresh,; final Utils.ValueHolder underlyingCollection = collectionValueHolder; return routingMapObs.flatMap(routingMapValueHolder -> { state.routingMap = routingMapValueHolder.v; if (request.forcePartitionKeyRangeRefresh) { state.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate = true; request.forcePartitionKeyRangeRefresh = false; if (routingMapValueHolder.v != null) { return this.collectionRoutingMapCache.tryLookupAsync(BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), underlyingCollection.v.getResourceId(), routingMapValueHolder.v, .map(newRoutingMapValueHolder -> { state.routingMap = newRoutingMapValueHolder.v; return state; }); } } return Mono.just(state); }); }); return stateObs.flatMap(newState -> { if (newState.routingMap == null && !newState.collectionCacheIsUptoDate) { // Routing map was not found by resolved collection rid. Maybe collection rid is outdated. // Refresh collection cache and reresolve routing map. request.forceNameCacheRefresh = true; newState.collectionCacheIsUptoDate = true; newState.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate = false; Mono> newCollectionObs = this.collectionCache.resolveCollectionAsync(BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), request); return newCollectionObs.flatMap(collectionValueHolder -> { newState.collection = collectionValueHolder.v; Mono> newRoutingMapObs = this.collectionRoutingMapCache.tryLookupAsync( BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), collectionValueHolder.v.getResourceId(), null,; return -> { newState.routingMap = routingMapValueHolder.v; return newState; }); } ); } return Mono.just(newState); }); } private Mono getStateWithNewRoutingMap(RefreshState state, Mono> routingMapSingle) { return -> { state.routingMap = routingMapValueHolder.v; return state; }); } /** * Resolves the endpoint of the partition for the given request * * @param request Request for which the partition endpoint resolution is to be performed * @param forceRefreshPartitionAddresses Force refresh the partition's endpoint * @return ResolutionResult */ private Mono resolveAddressesAndIdentityAsync( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, boolean forceRefreshPartitionAddresses) { if (ReplicatedResourceClient.isReadingFromMaster(request.getResourceType(), request.getOperationType()) && request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity() == null) { return resolveMasterResourceAddress(request, forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); } Mono refreshStateObs = this.getOrRefreshRoutingMap(request, forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); return refreshStateObs.flatMap( state -> { try { AddressResolver.ensureRoutingMapPresent(request, state.routingMap, state.collection); } catch (Exception e) { return Mono.error(e); } // At this point we have both collection and routingMap. Mono> resultObs = this.tryResolveServerPartitionAsync( request, state.collection, state.routingMap, state.collectionCacheIsUptoDate, state.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate, forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); Function> addCollectionRidIfNameBased = funcResolutionResult -> { assert funcResolutionResult != null; if (request.getIsNameBased()) { // Append collection rid. // If we resolved collection rid incorrectly because of outdated cache, this can lead // to incorrect routing decisions. But backend will validate collection rid and throw // InvalidPartitionException if we reach wrong collection. // Also this header will be used by backend to inject collection rid into metrics for // throttled requests. request.getHeaders().put(WFConstants.BackendHeaders.COLLECTION_RID, state.collection.getResourceId()); } return Mono.just(funcResolutionResult); }; return resultObs.flatMap(resolutionResultValueHolder -> { if (resolutionResultValueHolder.v != null) { return addCollectionRidIfNameBased.apply(resolutionResultValueHolder.v); } // result is empty // result is null: assert resolutionResultValueHolder.v == null; Function> ensureCollectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDateFunc = funcState -> { if (!funcState.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate) { funcState.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate = true; Mono> newRoutingMapObs = this.collectionRoutingMapCache.tryLookupAsync( BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), funcState.collection.getResourceId(), funcState.routingMap,; return getStateWithNewRoutingMap(funcState, newRoutingMapObs); } else { return Mono.just(state); } }; Function>> resolveServerPartition = funcState -> { try { AddressResolver.ensureRoutingMapPresent(request, funcState.routingMap, funcState.collection); } catch (Exception e) { return Mono.error(e); } return this.tryResolveServerPartitionAsync( request, funcState.collection, funcState.routingMap, true, true, forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); }; Function, Mono> onNullThrowNotFound = funcResolutionResult -> { if (funcResolutionResult.v == null) { logger.debug("Couldn't route partitionkeyrange-oblivious request after retry/cache refresh. Collection doesn't exist."); // At this point collection cache and routing map caches are refreshed. // The only reason we will get here is if collection doesn't exist. // Case when partition-key-range doesn't exist is handled in the corresponding method. return Mono.error(BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(new NotFoundException(), request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress)); } return Mono.just(funcResolutionResult.v); }; // Couldn't resolve server partition or its addresses. // Either collection cache is outdated or routing map cache is outdated. if (!state.collectionCacheIsUptoDate) { request.forceNameCacheRefresh = true; state.collectionCacheIsUptoDate = true; Mono> newCollectionObs = this.collectionCache.resolveCollectionAsync(BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), request); Mono newRefreshStateObs = newCollectionObs.flatMap(collectionValueHolder -> { state.collection = collectionValueHolder.v; if (!StringUtils.equals(collectionValueHolder.v.getResourceId(), state.routingMap.getCollectionUniqueId())) { // Collection cache was stale. We resolved to new Rid. routing map cache is potentially stale // for this new collection rid. Mark it as such. state.collectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDate = false; Mono> newRoutingMap = this.collectionRoutingMapCache.tryLookupAsync( BridgeInternal.getMetaDataDiagnosticContext(request.requestContext.cosmosDiagnostics), collectionValueHolder.v.getResourceId(), null,; return getStateWithNewRoutingMap(state, newRoutingMap); } return Mono.just(state); }); Mono> newResultObs = newRefreshStateObs.flatMap(ensureCollectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDateFunc) .flatMap(resolveServerPartition); return newResultObs.flatMap(onNullThrowNotFound).flatMap(addCollectionRidIfNameBased); } else { return ensureCollectionRoutingMapCacheIsUptoDateFunc.apply(state) .flatMap(resolveServerPartition) .flatMap(onNullThrowNotFound) .flatMap(addCollectionRidIfNameBased); } }); } ); } private ResolutionResult handleRangeAddressResolutionFailure( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, boolean collectionCacheIsUpToDate, boolean routingMapCacheIsUpToDate, CollectionRoutingMap routingMap) { // Optimization to not refresh routing map unnecessary. As we keep track of parent child relationships, // we can determine that a range is gone just by looking up in the routing map. if (collectionCacheIsUpToDate && routingMapCacheIsUpToDate || collectionCacheIsUpToDate && routingMap.isGone(request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getPartitionKeyRangeId())) { String errorMessage = String.format( RMResources.PartitionKeyRangeNotFound, request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getPartitionKeyRangeId(), request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getCollectionRid()); throw BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(new PartitionKeyRangeGoneException(errorMessage), request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); } logger.debug("handleRangeAddressResolutionFailure returns null"); return null; } private Mono returnOrError(Callable function) { try { return Mono.just(; } catch (Exception e) { return Mono.error(e); } } private Mono> tryResolveServerPartitionByPartitionKeyRangeIdAsync( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, DocumentCollection collection, CollectionRoutingMap routingMap, boolean collectionCacheIsUpToDate, boolean routingMapCacheIsUpToDate, boolean forceRefreshPartitionAddresses) { PartitionKeyRange partitionKeyRange = routingMap.getRangeByPartitionKeyRangeId(request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getPartitionKeyRangeId()); if (partitionKeyRange == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cannot resolve range '{}'", request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().toHeader()); } return returnOrError(() -> new Utils.ValueHolder<>(this.handleRangeAddressResolutionFailure(request, collectionCacheIsUpToDate, routingMapCacheIsUpToDate, routingMap))); } Mono> addressesObs = this.addressCache.tryGetAddresses( request, new PartitionKeyRangeIdentity(collection.getResourceId(), request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().getPartitionKeyRangeId()), forceRefreshPartitionAddresses); return addressesObs.flatMap(addressesValueHolder -> { if (addressesValueHolder.v == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Cannot resolve addresses for range '{}'", request.getPartitionKeyRangeIdentity().toHeader()); } try { return Mono.just(new Utils.ValueHolder<>(this.handleRangeAddressResolutionFailure(request, collectionCacheIsUpToDate, routingMapCacheIsUpToDate, routingMap))); } catch (CosmosException e) { return Mono.error(e); } } return Mono.just(new Utils.ValueHolder<>(new ResolutionResult(partitionKeyRange, addressesValueHolder.v))); }); } private PartitionKeyRange tryResolveServerPartitionByPartitionKey( RxDocumentServiceRequest request, PartitionKeyInternal partitionKey, boolean collectionCacheUptoDate, DocumentCollection collection, CollectionRoutingMap routingMap) { if (request == null) { throw new NullPointerException("request"); } if (collection == null) { throw new NullPointerException("collection"); } if (routingMap == null) { throw new NullPointerException("routingMap"); } if (partitionKey == null) { // this is just a safe guard to ensure if partitionKeyInternal is not set in DSR // but its encoded value is set in headers, we try deserializing partitionKeyInternal from header String partitionKeyString = request.getHeaders().get(HttpConstants.HttpHeaders.PARTITION_KEY); if (partitionKeyString != null) { try { logger.warn("PartitionKeyInternal is not set in DocumentServiceRequest, attempting to deserialize header {}." + " Note, any code setting PARTITION_KEY header value must also set PartitionKeyInternal to avoid deserialization cost.", partitionKeyString); partitionKey = PartitionKeyInternal.fromJsonString(partitionKeyString); } catch (Exception ex) { throw BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(new BadRequestException( String.format(RMResources.InvalidPartitionKey, partitionKeyString), ex), request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); } } } if (partitionKey == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(String.format("partition key is null")); } if (partitionKey.equals(PartitionKeyInternal.Empty) || Utils.getCollectionSize(partitionKey.getComponents()) == collection.getPartitionKey().getPaths().size()) { // Although we can compute effective partition getKey here, in general case this GATEWAY can have outdated // partition getKey definition cached - like if collection with same getName but with RANGE partitioning is created. // In this case server will not pass x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid check and will return back InvalidPartitionException. // GATEWAY will refresh its cache and retry. String effectivePartitionKey = PartitionKeyInternalHelper.getEffectivePartitionKeyString(partitionKey, collection.getPartitionKey()); // There should be exactly one range which contains a partition key. Always. return routingMap.getRangeByEffectivePartitionKey(effectivePartitionKey); } if (collectionCacheUptoDate) { BadRequestException badRequestException = BridgeInternal.setResourceAddress(new BadRequestException(RMResources.PartitionKeyMismatch), request.requestContext.resourcePhysicalAddress); badRequestException.getResponseHeaders().put(WFConstants.BackendHeaders.SUB_STATUS, Integer.toString(HttpConstants.SubStatusCodes.PARTITION_KEY_MISMATCH)); throw badRequestException; } // Partition key supplied has different number paths than locally cached partition key definition. // Three things can happen: // 1. User supplied wrong partition key. // 2. Client SDK has outdated partition key definition cache and extracted wrong value from the document. // 3. GATEWAY's cache is outdated. // // What we will do is append x-ms-documentdb-collection-rid header and forward it to random collection partition. // * If collection rid matches, server will send back 400.1001, because it also will not be able to compute // effective partition key. GATEWAY will forward this status code to client - client will handle it. // * If collection rid doesn't match, server will send back InvalidPartiitonException and GATEWAY will // refresh name routing cache - this will refresh partition key definition as well, and retry. if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Cannot compute effective partition getKey. Definition has '{}' getPaths, values supplied has '{}' getPaths. Will refresh cache and retry.", collection.getPartitionKey().getPaths().size(), Utils.getCollectionSize(partitionKey.getComponents())); } return null; } private static class ResolutionResult { final PartitionKeyRange TargetPartitionKeyRange; final AddressInformation[] Addresses; ResolutionResult( PartitionKeyRange targetPartitionKeyRange, AddressInformation[] addresses) { if (targetPartitionKeyRange == null) { throw new NullPointerException("targetPartitionKeyRange"); } if (addresses == null) { throw new NullPointerException("addresses"); } this.TargetPartitionKeyRange = targetPartitionKeyRange; this.Addresses = addresses; } } }

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