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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static;
* Builder used to instantiate {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClient} and {@link EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient}.
* To create an instance of {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClient} or {@link EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient}, the
* following fields are required:
* - {@link #onSendBatchSucceeded(Consumer)} - A callback when events are successfully published to Event Hubs.
* - {@link #onSendBatchFailed(Consumer)} - A callback when a failure publishing to Event Hubs occurs.
* - Credentials to perform operations against Azure Event Hubs. They can be set by using one of the following
* methods:
* - {@link #credential(String, String, TokenCredential) credential(String, String, TokenCredential)} with
* the fully qualified namespace, Event Hub name, and a set of credentials authorized to use the Event Hub.
* - {@link #credential(TokenCredential)}, {@link #credential(AzureSasCredential)}, or
* {@link #credential(AzureNamedKeyCredential)} along with {@link #fullyQualifiedNamespace(String)} and
* {@link #eventHubName(String)}. The fully qualified namespace, Event Hub name, and authorized credentials
* to use the Event Hub.
* - {@link #connectionString(String) connectionString(String)} with a connection string to a specific Event
* Hub.
* - {@link #connectionString(String, String) connectionString(String, String)} with an Event Hub
* namespace connection string and the Event Hub name.
* The credential used in the following samples is {@code DefaultAzureCredential} for authentication. It is
* appropriate for most scenarios, including local development and production environments. Additionally, we recommend
* using
* managed identity
* for authentication in production environments. You can find more information on different ways of authenticating and
* their corresponding credential types in the
* Azure Identity documentation".
* Sample: Creating an {@link EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient}
* The following code sample demonstrates the creation of the asynchronous client
* {@link EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient}. The {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace} is the Event Hubs Namespace's host
* name. It is listed under the "Essentials" panel after navigating to the Event Hubs Namespace via Azure Portal. The
* credential used is {@code DefaultAzureCredential} because it combines commonly used credentials in deployment and
* development and chooses the credential to used based on its running environment. The producer is set to publish
* events every 60 seconds with a buffer size of 1500 events for each partition.
* TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();
* // "<<fully-qualified-namespace>>" will look similar to "{your-namespace}"
* // "<<event-hub-name>>" will be the name of the Event Hub instance you created inside the Event Hubs namespace.
* EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient client = new EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder()
* .credential("fully-qualified-namespace", "event-hub-name", credential)
* .onSendBatchSucceeded(succeededContext -> {
* System.out.println("Successfully published events to: " + succeededContext.getPartitionId());
* })
* .onSendBatchFailed(failedContext -> {
* System.out.printf("Failed to published events to %s. Error: %s%n",
* failedContext.getPartitionId(), failedContext.getThrowable());
* })
* .maxWaitTime(Duration.ofSeconds(60))
* .maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition(1500)
* .buildAsyncClient();
* Sample: Creating an {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClient}
* The following code sample demonstrates the creation of the synchronous client
* {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClient}. The {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace} is the Event Hubs Namespace's host
* name. It is listed under the "Essentials" panel after navigating to the Event Hubs Namespace via Azure Portal. The
* credential used is {@code DefaultAzureCredential} because it combines commonly used credentials in deployment and
* development and chooses the credential to used based on its running environment. The producer is set to publish
* events every 60 seconds with a buffer size of 1500 events for each partition.
* TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();
* // "<<fully-qualified-namespace>>" will look similar to "{your-namespace}"
* // "<<event-hub-name>>" will be the name of the Event Hub instance you created inside the Event Hubs namespace.
* EventHubBufferedProducerClient client = new EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder()
* .credential("fully-qualified-namespace", "event-hub-name", credential)
* .onSendBatchSucceeded(succeededContext -> {
* System.out.println("Successfully published events to: " + succeededContext.getPartitionId());
* })
* .onSendBatchFailed(failedContext -> {
* System.out.printf("Failed to published events to %s. Error: %s%n",
* failedContext.getPartitionId(), failedContext.getThrowable());
* })
* .buildClient();
* @see EventHubBufferedProducerClient
* @see EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient
serviceClients = {EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient.class, EventHubBufferedProducerClient.class},
protocol = ServiceClientProtocol.AMQP)
public final class EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder implements
ConfigurationTrait {
private static final ClientLogger LOGGER = new ClientLogger(EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder.class);
private final EventHubClientBuilder builder;
private final BufferedProducerClientOptions clientOptions = new BufferedProducerClientOptions();
private final PartitionResolver partitionResolver = new PartitionResolver();
private AmqpRetryOptions retryOptions;
* Creates a new instance with the following defaults:
* - {@link #maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition(int)} is 1500
* - {@link #transportType(AmqpTransportType)} is {@link AmqpTransportType#AMQP}
* - {@link #maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition(int)} is 1
* - {@link #maxConcurrentSends(int)} is 1
* - {@link #maxWaitTime(Duration)} is 30 seconds
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder() {
builder = new EventHubClientBuilder();
* Sets the client options.
* @param clientOptions The client options.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions) {
return this;
* Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the service client.
* If not specified, the default configuration store is used to configure the buffered producer. Use {@link
* Configuration#NONE} to bypass using configuration settings during construction.
* @param configuration The configuration store used to configure the buffered producer.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration) {
return this;
* Sets the credential information given a connection string to the Event Hub instance.
* If the connection string is copied from the Event Hubs namespace, it will likely not contain the name to the
* desired Event Hub, which is needed. In this case, the name can be added manually by adding {@literal
* "EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME"} to the end of the connection string. For example, "EntityPath=telemetry-hub".
* If you have defined a shared access policy directly on the Event Hub itself, then copying the connection string
* from that Event Hub will result in a connection string that contains the name.
* @param connectionString The connection string to use for connecting to the Event Hub instance. It is expected
* that the Event Hub name and the shared access key properties are contained in this connection string.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code connectionString} is null or empty. Or, the {@code
* connectionString} does not contain the "EntityPath" key, which is the name of the Event Hub instance.
* @throws AzureException If the shared access signature token credential could not be created using the
* connection string.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder connectionString(String connectionString) {
return this;
* Sets the credential information given a connection string to the Event Hubs namespace and name to a specific
* Event Hub instance.
* @param connectionString The connection string to use for connecting to the Event Hubs namespace; it is
* expected that the shared access key properties are contained in this connection string, but not the Event Hub
* name.
* @param eventHubName The name of the Event Hub to connect the client to.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code connectionString} or {@code eventHubName} is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code connectionString} or {@code eventHubName} is an empty string. Or,
* if the {@code connectionString} contains the Event Hub name.
* @throws AzureException If the shared access signature token credential could not be created using the
* connection string.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder connectionString(String connectionString, String eventHubName) {
builder.connectionString(connectionString, eventHubName);
return this;
* Sets the credential information for which Event Hub instance to connect to, and how to authorize against it.
* @param fullyQualifiedNamespace The fully qualified name for the Event Hubs namespace. This is likely to be
* similar to {@literal "{your-namespace}}".
* @param eventHubName The name of the Event Hub to connect the client to.
* @param credential The token credential to use for authorization. Access controls may be specified by the
* Event Hubs namespace or the requested Event Hub, depending on Azure configuration.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace} or {@code eventHubName} is an empty
* string.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace}, {@code eventHubName}, or {@code credential}
* is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder credential(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String eventHubName,
TokenCredential credential) {
builder.credential(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, credential);
return this;
* Sets the {@link TokenCredential} used to authorize requests sent to the service. Refer to the Azure SDK for Java
* identity and authentication documentation for more details
* on proper usage of the {@link TokenCredential} type.
* @param fullyQualifiedNamespace The fully qualified name for the Event Hubs namespace. This is likely to be
* similar to {@literal "{your-namespace}}".
* @param eventHubName The name of the Event Hub to connect the client to.
* @param credential The token credential to use for authorization. Access controls may be specified by the
* Event Hubs namespace or the requested Event Hub, depending on Azure configuration.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace}, {@code eventHubName}, or {@code credential}
* is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder credential(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String eventHubName,
AzureNamedKeyCredential credential) {
builder.credential(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, credential);
return this;
* Sets the {@link TokenCredential} used to authorize requests sent to the service. Refer to the Azure SDK for Java
* identity and authentication documentation for more details
* on proper usage of the {@link TokenCredential} type.
* @param fullyQualifiedNamespace The fully qualified name for the Event Hubs namespace. This is likely to be
* similar to {@literal "{your-namespace}}".
* @param eventHubName The name of the Event Hub to connect the client to.
* @param credential The token credential to use for authorization. Access controls may be specified by the
* Event Hubs namespace or the requested Event Hub, depending on Azure configuration.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace}, {@code eventHubName}, or {@code credential}
* is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder credential(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String eventHubName,
AzureSasCredential credential) {
builder.credential(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, credential);
return this;
* Sets the credential information for which Event Hub instance to connect to, and how to authorize against it.
* @param credential The shared access name and key credential to use for authorization.
* Access controls may be specified by the Event Hubs namespace or the requested Event Hub,
* depending on Azure configuration.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code credentials} is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder credential(AzureNamedKeyCredential credential) {
return this;
* Sets the credential information for which Event Hub instance to connect to, and how to authorize against it.
* @param credential The shared access signature credential to use for authorization.
* Access controls may be specified by the Event Hubs namespace or the requested Event Hub,
* depending on Azure configuration.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code credentials} is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder credential(AzureSasCredential credential) {
return this;
* Sets the {@link TokenCredential} used to authorize requests sent to the service. Refer to the Azure SDK for Java
* identity and authentication
* documentation for more details on proper usage of the {@link TokenCredential} type.
* @param credential The token credential to use for authorization. Access controls may be specified by the
* Event Hubs namespace or the requested Event Hub, depending on Azure configuration.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code credentials} is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder credential(TokenCredential credential) {
return this;
* Sets a custom endpoint address when connecting to the Event Hubs service. This can be useful when your network
* does not allow connecting to the standard Azure Event Hubs endpoint address, but does allow connecting through an
* intermediary. For example: {@literal}.
* If no port is specified, the default port for the {@link #transportType(AmqpTransportType) transport type} is
* used.
* @param customEndpointAddress The custom endpoint address.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code customEndpointAddress} cannot be parsed into a valid {@link URL}.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder customEndpointAddress(String customEndpointAddress) {
return this;
* Indicates whether events should be published using idempotent semantics for retries. If enabled, retries during
* publishing will attempt to avoid duplication with a minor cost to throughput. Duplicates are still possible but
* the chance of them occurring is much lower when idempotent retries are enabled.
* It is important to note that enabling idempotent retries does not guarantee exactly-once semantics. The existing
* Event Hubs at-least-once delivery contract still applies and event duplication is unlikely, but possible.
* @param enableIdempotentRetries {@code true} to enable idempotent retries, {@code false} otherwise.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder enableIdempotentRetries(boolean enableIdempotentRetries) {
return this;
* Sets the fully qualified name for the Event Hubs namespace.
* @param fullyQualifiedNamespace The fully qualified name for the Event Hubs namespace. This is likely to be
* similar to {@literal "{your-namespace}}".
* @return The updated object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace} is an empty string.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code fullyQualifiedNamespace} is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder fullyQualifiedNamespace(String fullyQualifiedNamespace) {
return this;
* Sets the name of the Event Hub to connect the client to.
* @param eventHubName The name of the Event Hub to connect the client to.
* @return The updated object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code eventHubName} is an empty string.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code eventHubName} is null.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder eventHubName(String eventHubName) {
return this;
* The total number of batches that may be sent concurrently, across all partitions. This limit takes precedence
* over the value specified in {@link #maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition(int) maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition}, ensuring
* this maximum is respected. When batches for the same partition are published concurrently, the ordering of
* events is not guaranteed. If the order events are published must be maintained, {@link
* #maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition(int) maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition} should not exceed 1.
* By default, this will be set to the number of processors available in the host environment.
* @param maxConcurrentSends The total number of batches that may be sent concurrently.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder maxConcurrentSends(int maxConcurrentSends) {
return this;
* The number of batches that may be sent concurrently for a given partition. This option is superseded by the
* value specified for {@link #maxConcurrentSends(int) maxConcurrrentSends}, ensuring that limit is respected.
* @param maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition The number of batches that may be sent concurrently for a given
* partition.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition(int maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition) {
return this;
* The total number of events that can be buffered for publishing at a given time for a given partition. Once this
* capacity is reached, more events can enqueued by calling the {@code enqueueEvent} methods on either {@link
* EventHubBufferedProducerClient} or {@link EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient}.
* The default limit is 1500 queued events for each partition.
* @param maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition Total number of events that can be buffered for publishing at a given
* time.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition(int maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition) {
return this;
* The amount of time to wait for a batch to be built with events in the buffer before publishing a partially full
* batch.
* @param maxWaitTime The amount of time to wait.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder maxWaitTime(Duration maxWaitTime) {
return this;
* The callback to invoke when publishing a set of events fails.
* @param sendFailedContext The callback to invoke.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder onSendBatchFailed(
Consumer sendFailedContext) {
return this;
* The callback to invoke when publishing a set of events succeeds.
* @param sendSucceededContext The callback to invoke when publishing a ste of events succeeds.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder onSendBatchSucceeded(
Consumer sendSucceededContext) {
return this;
* Sets the proxy configuration to use for the buffered producer. When a proxy is configured, {@link
* AmqpTransportType#AMQP_WEB_SOCKETS} must be used for the transport type.
* @param proxyOptions The proxy configuration to use.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder proxyOptions(ProxyOptions proxyOptions) {
return this;
* Sets the retry policy for the producer client. If not specified, the default retry options are used.
* @param retryOptions The retry policy to use.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder retryOptions(AmqpRetryOptions retryOptions) {
this.retryOptions = retryOptions;
return this;
* Sets the transport type by which all the communication with Azure Event Hubs occurs. Default value is {@link
* AmqpTransportType#AMQP}.
* @param transport The transport type to use.
* @return The updated {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder} object.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClientBuilder transportType(AmqpTransportType transport) {
return this;
* Builds a new instance of the async buffered producer client.
* @return A new instance of {@link EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient}.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@link #onSendBatchSucceeded(Consumer)}, {@link
* #onSendBatchFailed(Consumer)}, or {@link #maxWaitTime(Duration)} are null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link #maxConcurrentSends(int)}, {@link
* #maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition(int)}, or {@link #maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition(int)} are less than 1.
public EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient buildAsyncClient() {
if (Objects.isNull(clientOptions.getSendSucceededContext())) {
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new NullPointerException("'onSendBatchSucceeded' cannot be null."));
if (Objects.isNull(clientOptions.getSendFailedContext())) {
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new NullPointerException("'onSendBatchFailed' cannot be null."));
if (Objects.isNull(clientOptions.getMaxWaitTime())) {
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new NullPointerException("'maxWaitTime' cannot be null."));
if (clientOptions.getMaxEventBufferLengthPerPartition() < 1) {
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
"'maxEventBufferLengthPerPartition' cannot be less than 1."));
if (clientOptions.getMaxConcurrentSends() < 1) {
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
"'maxConcurrentSends' cannot be less than 1."));
if (clientOptions.getMaxConcurrentSendsPerPartition() < 1) {
throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
"'maxConcurrentSendsPerPartition' cannot be less than 1."));
final AmqpRetryOptions options = retryOptions == null
? EventHubClientBuilder.DEFAULT_RETRY
: retryOptions;
return new EventHubBufferedProducerAsyncClient(builder, clientOptions, partitionResolver, options, builder.createTracer());
* Builds a new instance of the buffered producer client.
* @return A new instance of {@link EventHubBufferedProducerClient}.
public EventHubBufferedProducerClient buildClient() {
final AmqpRetryOptions options = retryOptions == null
? EventHubClientBuilder.DEFAULT_RETRY
: retryOptions;
return new EventHubBufferedProducerClient(buildAsyncClient(), options.getTryTimeout());