Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.util.Objects;
import static;
* This asynchronous session receiver client is used to acquire session locks from a queue or topic and create
* {@link ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient} instances that are tied to the locked sessions.
* Receive messages from a specific session
* Use {@link #acceptSession(String)} to acquire the lock of a session if you know the session id.
* // The connectionString/queueName must be set by the application. The 'connectionString' format is shown below.
* // "Endpoint={fully-qualified-namespace};SharedAccessKeyName={policy-name};SharedAccessKey={key}"
* ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient sessionReceiver = new ServiceBusClientBuilder()
* .connectionString(connectionString)
* .sessionReceiver()
* .queueName(queueName)
* .buildAsyncClient();
* // acceptSession(String) completes successfully with a receiver when "<< my-session-id >>" session is
* // successfully locked.
* // `Flux.usingWhen` is used so we dispose of the receiver resource after `receiveMessages()` completes.
* // `Mono.usingWhen` can also be used if the resource closure only returns a single item.
* Flux<ServiceBusReceivedMessage> sessionMessages = Flux.usingWhen(
* sessionReceiver.acceptSession("<< my-session-id >>"),
* receiver -> receiver.receiveMessages(),
* receiver -> Mono.fromRunnable(() -> receiver.close()));
* // When program ends, or you're done receiving all messages, the `subscription` can be disposed of. This code
* // is non-blocking and kicks off the operation.
* Disposable subscription = sessionMessages.subscribe(
* message -> System.out.printf("Received Sequence #: %s. Contents: %s%n",
* message.getSequenceNumber(), message.getBody()),
* error -> System.err.print(error));
* Receive messages from the first available session
* Use {@link #acceptNextSession()} to acquire the lock of the next available session without specifying the session
* id.
* // The connectionString/queueName must be set by the application. The 'connectionString' format is shown below.
* // "Endpoint={fully-qualified-namespace};SharedAccessKeyName={policy-name};SharedAccessKey={key}"
* ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient sessionReceiver = new ServiceBusClientBuilder()
* .connectionString(connectionString)
* .sessionReceiver()
* .queueName(queueName)
* .buildAsyncClient();
* // acceptNextSession() completes successfully with a receiver when it acquires the next available session.
* // `Flux.usingWhen` is used so we dispose of the receiver resource after `receiveMessages()` completes.
* // `Mono.usingWhen` can also be used if the resource closure only returns a single item.
* Flux<ServiceBusReceivedMessage> sessionMessages = Flux.usingWhen(
* sessionReceiver.acceptNextSession(),
* receiver -> receiver.receiveMessages(),
* receiver -> Mono.fromRunnable(() -> receiver.close()));
* // When program ends, or you're done receiving all messages, the `subscription` can be disposed of. This code
* // is non-blocking and kicks off the operation.
* Disposable subscription = sessionMessages.subscribe(
* message -> System.out.printf("Received Sequence #: %s. Contents: %s%n",
* message.getSequenceNumber(), message.getBody()),
* error -> System.err.print(error));
@ServiceClient(builder = ServiceBusClientBuilder.class, isAsync = true)
public final class ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient implements AutoCloseable {
private final String fullyQualifiedNamespace;
private final String entityPath;
private final MessagingEntityType entityType;
private final ReceiverOptions receiverOptions;
private final ServiceBusConnectionProcessor connectionProcessor;
private final TracerProvider tracerProvider;
private final MessageSerializer messageSerializer;
private final Runnable onClientClose;
private final ServiceBusSessionManager unNamedSessionManager; // for acceptNextSession()
private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient.class);
ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String entityPath,
MessagingEntityType entityType, ReceiverOptions receiverOptions,
ServiceBusConnectionProcessor connectionProcessor, TracerProvider tracerProvider,
MessageSerializer messageSerializer, Runnable onClientClose) {
this.fullyQualifiedNamespace = Objects.requireNonNull(fullyQualifiedNamespace,
"'fullyQualifiedNamespace' cannot be null.");
this.entityPath = Objects.requireNonNull(entityPath, "'entityPath' cannot be null.");
this.entityType = Objects.requireNonNull(entityType, "'entityType' cannot be null.");
this.receiverOptions = Objects.requireNonNull(receiverOptions, "'receiveOptions cannot be null.'");
this.connectionProcessor = Objects.requireNonNull(connectionProcessor, "'connectionProcessor' cannot be null.");
this.tracerProvider = Objects.requireNonNull(tracerProvider, "'tracerProvider' cannot be null.");
this.messageSerializer = Objects.requireNonNull(messageSerializer, "'messageSerializer' cannot be null.");
this.onClientClose = Objects.requireNonNull(onClientClose, "'onClientClose' cannot be null.");
this.unNamedSessionManager = new ServiceBusSessionManager(entityPath, entityType, connectionProcessor,
tracerProvider, messageSerializer, receiverOptions);
* Acquires a session lock for the next available session and creates a {@link ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient}
* to receive messages from the session. It will wait until a session is available if none is immediately
* available.
* @return A {@link ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient} that is tied to the available session.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the queue or topic subscription is not session-enabled.
* @throws AmqpException if the operation times out. The timeout duration is the tryTimeout
* of when you build this client with the {@link ServiceBusClientBuilder#retryOptions(AmqpRetryOptions)}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono acceptNextSession() {
return unNamedSessionManager.getActiveLink().flatMap(receiveLink -> receiveLink.getSessionId()
.map(sessionId -> {
final ReceiverOptions newReceiverOptions = new ReceiverOptions(receiverOptions.getReceiveMode(),
receiverOptions.getPrefetchCount(), receiverOptions.getMaxLockRenewDuration(),
receiverOptions.isEnableAutoComplete(), sessionId, null);
final ServiceBusSessionManager sessionSpecificManager = new ServiceBusSessionManager(entityPath,
entityType, connectionProcessor, tracerProvider, messageSerializer, newReceiverOptions,
return new ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient(fullyQualifiedNamespace, entityPath,
entityType, newReceiverOptions, connectionProcessor, ServiceBusConstants.OPERATION_TIMEOUT,
tracerProvider, messageSerializer, () -> { }, sessionSpecificManager);
* Acquires a session lock for {@code sessionId} and create a {@link ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient}
* to receive messages from the session. If the session is already locked by another client, an
* {@link AmqpException} is thrown.
* @param sessionId The session id.
* @return A {@link ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient} that is tied to the specified session.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code sessionId} is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code sessionId} is empty.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the queue or topic subscription is not session-enabled.
* @throws AmqpException if the lock cannot be acquired.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono acceptSession(String sessionId) {
if (sessionId == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'sessionId' cannot be null"));
if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(sessionId)) {
return monoError(logger, new IllegalArgumentException("'sessionId' cannot be empty"));
final ReceiverOptions newReceiverOptions = new ReceiverOptions(receiverOptions.getReceiveMode(),
receiverOptions.getPrefetchCount(), receiverOptions.getMaxLockRenewDuration(),
receiverOptions.isEnableAutoComplete(), sessionId, null);
final ServiceBusSessionManager sessionSpecificManager = new ServiceBusSessionManager(entityPath, entityType,
connectionProcessor, tracerProvider, messageSerializer, newReceiverOptions);
return sessionSpecificManager.getActiveLink().map(receiveLink -> new ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient(
fullyQualifiedNamespace, entityPath, entityType, newReceiverOptions, connectionProcessor,
ServiceBusConstants.OPERATION_TIMEOUT, tracerProvider, messageSerializer, () -> { },
public void close() {;