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com.backblaze.b2.sample.B2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017, Backblaze Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* License
package com.backblaze.b2.sample;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.B2StorageClient;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.B2StorageClientFactory;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentHandlers.B2ContentFileWriter;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentSources.B2ContentSource;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentSources.B2ContentTypes;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.contentSources.B2FileContentSource;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.exceptions.B2Exception;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2Bucket;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2CorsRule;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2FileVersion;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2ListFileNamesRequest;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2ListFileVersionsRequest;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2Part;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2UpdateBucketRequest;
import com.backblaze.b2.client.structures.B2UploadFileRequest;
import com.backblaze.b2.json.B2Json;
import com.backblaze.b2.json.B2JsonException;
import com.backblaze.b2.util.B2ExecutorUtils;
import com.backblaze.b2.util.B2IoUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
public class B2 implements AutoCloseable {
private static final String APP_NAME = "b2_4j";
private static final String VERSION = "0.0.1";
private static final String USER_AGENT = APP_NAME + "/" + VERSION;
// these just don't make sense (yet), since i'm getting credentials from the environment:
// " b2 authorize_account [] []\n" +
// " b2 clear_account\n" +
// these are more work than i want to do right now:
// " b2 ls [--long] [--versions] []\n" +
// " b2 sync [--delete] [--keepDays N] [--skipNewer] [--replaceNewer] \\\n" +
// " [--threads N] [--noProgress] \n" +
private static final String USAGE =
"USAGE:\n" +
" b2 cancel_all_unfinished_large_files \n" +
" b2 cancel_large_file \n" +
" b2 create_bucket [allPublic | allPrivate]\n" +
" b2 delete_bucket \n" +
" b2 delete_file_version \n" +
" b2 download_file_by_id [--noProgress] \n" +
" b2 download_file_by_name [--noProgress] \n" +
" b2 finish_uploading_large_file [--noProgress] [--threads N] \n" +
" b2 get_download_authorization [--noProgress] \n" +
" b2 get_download_file_by_id_url [--noProgress] \n" +
" b2 get_download_file_by_name_url [--noProgress] \n" +
" b2 get_file_info \n" +
//" b2 help [commandName]\n" +
" b2 hide_file \n" +
" b2 list_buckets\n" +
" b2 list_file_names [] [] // unlike the python b2 cmd, this will continue fetching, until done.\n" +
" b2 list_file_versions [] [] [] // unlike the python b2 cmd, this will continue fetching, until done.\n" +
" b2 list_parts \n" +
" b2 list_unfinished_large_files \n" +
//" b2 make_url \n" +
" b2 update_bucket [allPublic | allPrivate]\n" +
" b2 update_bucket_cors_rules [rules | @rules.json]\n" +
" b2 upload_file [--sha1 ] [--contentType ] [--info =]* \\\n" +
" [--noProgress] [--threads N] \n" +
" b2 upload_large_file [--sha1 ] [--contentType ] [--info =]* \\\n" +
" [--noProgress] [--threads N] \n" +
" b2 version\n";
// where we should write normal output to.
private final PrintStream out;
// our client.
private final B2StorageClient client;
// overridden by some command line args.
private boolean showProgress = true;
private int numThreads = 6;
// this is our executor. use getExecutor() to access it.
// it's null until the first time getExecutor() is called.
private ExecutorService executor;
private B2() {
out = System.out;
client = B2StorageClientFactory.createDefaultFactory().create(USER_AGENT);
private ExecutorService getExecutor() {
if (executor == null) {
executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads, B2ExecutorUtils.createThreadFactory(APP_NAME + "-%d"));
return executor;
public void close() {
if (executor != null) {
B2ExecutorUtils.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(executor, 10, 10);
executor = null;
private static void usageAndExit(String errMsg) {
System.err.println("ERROR: " + errMsg);
public static void main(String[] args) throws B2Exception, IOException, B2JsonException {
//out.println("args = [" + String.join(",", args) + "]");
if (args.length == 0) {
usageAndExit("you must specify which command you want to run.");
final String command = args[0];
final String[] remainingArgs = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length);
try (B2 b2 = new B2()) {
if ("cancel_all_unfinished_large_files".equals(command)) {
} else if ("cancel_large_file".equals(command)) {
} else if ("create_bucket".equals(command)) {
} else if ("delete_bucket".equals(command)) {
} else if ("delete_file_version".equals(command)) {
} else if ("download_file_by_id".equals(command)) {
} else if ("download_file_by_name".equals(command)) {
} else if ("finish_uploading_large_file".equals(command)) {
} else if ("get_download_authorization".equals(command)) {
} else if ("get_download_file_by_id_url".equals(command)) {
} else if ("get_download_file_by_name_url".equals(command)) {
} else if ("get_file_info".equals(command)) {
} else if ("hide_file".equals(command)) {
} else if ("list_buckets".equals(command)) {
} else if ("list_file_names".equals(command)) {
} else if ("list_file_versions".equals(command)) {
} else if ("list_parts".equals(command)) {
} else if ("list_unfinished_large_files".equals(command)) {
} else if ("update_bucket".equals(command)) {
} else if ("update_bucket_cors_rules".equals(command)) {
} else if ("upload_file".equals(command)) {
b2.upload_file(remainingArgs, false);
} else if ("upload_large_file".equals(command)) {
b2.upload_file(remainingArgs, true);
} else if ("version".equals(command)) {
} else {
usageAndExit("unsupported command '" + command + "'");
// arg-related helpers
private void checkArgs(boolean isOk,
String errMsg) {
if (!isOk) {
private void checkArgCount(String[] args,
int minCount,
int maxCount) {
checkArgs(args.length >= minCount, "too few arguments");
checkArgs(args.length <= maxCount, "too many arguments");
private void checkArgCount(String[] args,
int exactCount) {
checkArgCount(args, exactCount, exactCount);
private void checkArgCountIsAtLeast(String[] args,
int minCount) {
checkArgCount(args, minCount, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private String getArgOrDie(String[] args,
String arg,
int iArg,
int iLastArg) {
if (iArg > iLastArg) {
usageAndExit("missing argument for '" + arg + "'");
return args[iArg];
private String getArgOrNull(String[] args,
int iArg) {
if (iArg >= args.length) {
return null;
return args[iArg];
private Integer getPositiveIntOrNull(String[] args,
String arg,
int iArg) {
final String asString = getArgOrNull(args, iArg);
if (asString == null) {
return null;
try {
return Integer.parseInt(asString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usageAndExit("argument for '" + arg + "' must be an integer");
return 666; // we never get here.
private int getIntArgOrDie(String[] args,
String arg,
int iArg,
int iLastArg) {
final String asString = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
try {
return Integer.parseInt(asString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
usageAndExit("argument for '" + arg + "' must be an integer");
return 666; // we never get here.
private int getPositiveIntArgOrDie(String[] args,
String arg,
int iArg,
int iLastArg) {
int value = getIntArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
if (value <= 0) {
usageAndExit("argument for '" + arg + "' must be a POSITIVE integer");
return value;
* processes arguments from args[iFirstArg], through args[iLastArg], inclusive,
* setting member variables as needed or does usageAndExit if the argument is unexpected.
private void handleCommonArgsOrDie(String[] args, int iFirstArg, int iLastArg) {
for (int iArg = iFirstArg; iArg <= iLastArg; iArg++) {
final String arg = args[iArg];
if ("--noProgress".equals(arg)) {
showProgress = false;
} else if ("--threads".equals(arg)) {
numThreads = getPositiveIntArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
} else {
usageAndExit("unexpected argument '" + arg + "'");
// helpers for the commands
private B2Bucket getBucketByNameOrDie(String bucketName) throws B2Exception {
for (B2Bucket bucket : client.buckets()) {
if (bucket.getBucketName().equals(bucketName)) {
return bucket;
usageAndExit("can't find bucket named '" + bucketName + "'");
throw new RuntimeException("usageAndExit never returns!");
private B2FileVersion getUnfinishedLargeFileOrDie(String bucketId,
String largeFileId) throws B2Exception {
for (B2FileVersion version : client.unfinishedLargeFiles(bucketId)) {
if (version.getFileId().equals(largeFileId)) {
return version;
usageAndExit("can't find unfinished large file " + largeFileId);
throw new RuntimeException("usageAndExit never returns!");
private B2UploadFileRequest makeUploadRequestFromArgs(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [--sha1 ]
// [--contentType ]
// [--info =]*
// [--noProgress]
// [--threads N]
checkArgCountIsAtLeast(args, 3);
int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String b2Path = args[iLastArg];
final String localPath = args[iLastArg];
final String bucketName = args[iLastArg];
String sha1 = null;
String contentType = B2ContentTypes.B2_AUTO;
final Map infos = new TreeMap<>();
for (int iArg=0; iArg <= iLastArg; iArg++) {
final String arg = args[iArg];
if ("--sha1".equals(arg)) {
sha1 = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
} else if ("--noProgress".equals(arg)) {
showProgress = false;
} else if ("--contentType".equals(arg)) {
contentType = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
} else if ("--threads".equals(arg)) {
numThreads = getPositiveIntArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
} else if ("--info".equals(arg)) {
final String pair = getArgOrDie(args, arg, iArg, iLastArg);
final String[] vParts = pair.split("=");
if (vParts.length != 2 || vParts[0].isEmpty()) {
usageAndExit("bad format for argument to '" + arg + "' (" + pair + ")");
infos.put(vParts[0], vParts[1]);
} else {
usageAndExit("unexpected argument '" + arg + "'");
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
final B2ContentSource source = B2FileContentSource
.builder(new File(localPath))
return B2UploadFileRequest
// methods for each command
private void cancel_all_unfinished_large_files(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 1);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
for (B2FileVersion version : client.unfinishedLargeFiles(bucket.getBucketId())) {
out.println(" about to cancel unfinished large file: " + version);
private void cancel_large_file(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 1);
final String largeFileId = args[0];
private void create_bucket(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 2);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final String bucketType = args[1];
client.createBucket(bucketName, bucketType);
private void update_bucket(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 2);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final String bucketType = args[1];
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
final B2UpdateBucketRequest request = B2UpdateBucketRequest
private void update_bucket_cors_rules(String[] args) throws B2Exception, B2JsonException {
// [rules | @rules.json]
checkArgCount(args, 2);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final String rulesString = args[1];
final List corsRules = parseRules(rulesString);
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
final B2UpdateBucketRequest request = B2UpdateBucketRequest
private List parseRules(String rulesString) throws B2JsonException {
final B2Json b2Json = B2Json.get();
final String rulesJson;
if (rulesString.startsWith("@")) {
rulesJson = readFile(rulesString.substring(1));
} else {
rulesJson = rulesString;
return b2Json.listFromJson(rulesJson, B2CorsRule.class);
private String readFile(String fileName) {
try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
B2IoUtils.copy(in, out);
return out.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("trouble reading from " + fileName + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
private void delete_bucket(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 1);
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(args[0]);
private void delete_file_version(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 2);
final String b2Path = args[0];
final String fileId = args[1];
client.deleteFileVersion(b2Path, fileId);
private void download_file_by_id(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [--noProgress]
checkArgCount(args, 2, 3);
final int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String fileId = args[iLastArg-1];
final String localFileName = args[iLastArg];
handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-2);
final B2ContentFileWriter sink = B2ContentFileWriter
.builder(new File(localFileName))
client.downloadById(fileId, sink);
private void get_download_authorization(String[] args) throws B2Exception, B2JsonException {
// [--noProgress]
checkArgCount(args, 3, 4);
final int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String bucketId = args[iLastArg-2];
final String fileNamePrefix = args[iLastArg-1];
final int validDurationInSecs = getPositiveIntArgOrDie(args, "validDurationInSecs", iLastArg, iLastArg);
//handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-1);
B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest request = B2GetDownloadAuthorizationRequest
.builder(bucketId, fileNamePrefix, validDurationInSecs)
.setB2ContentDisposition("attachment; filename=\"helloHagi.txt\"")
out.println(" downloadAuth: " + B2Json.get().toJson(client.getDownloadAuthorization(request)));
private void get_download_file_by_id_url(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [--noProgress]
checkArgCount(args, 1, 2);
final int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String fileId = args[iLastArg];
handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-1);
out.println(" url: " + client.getDownloadByIdUrl(fileId));
private void download_file_by_name(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [--noProgress]
checkArgCount(args, 3, 4);
final int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String bucketName = args[iLastArg-2];
final String b2Path = args[iLastArg-1];
final String localFileName = args[iLastArg];
handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-3);
final B2ContentFileWriter sink = B2ContentFileWriter
.builder(new File(localFileName))
client.downloadByName(bucketName, b2Path, sink);
private void get_download_file_by_name_url(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [--noProgress]
checkArgCount(args, 2, 3);
final int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String bucketName = args[iLastArg-1];
final String b2Path = args[iLastArg];
handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-2);
out.println(" url: " + client.getDownloadByNameUrl(bucketName, b2Path));
private void finish_uploading_large_file(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [--noProgress] [--threads N]
checkArgCount(args, 3, 5);
final int iLastArg = args.length - 1;
final String bucketName = args[iLastArg-2];
final String largeFileId = args[iLastArg-1];
final String localPath = args[iLastArg];
handleCommonArgsOrDie(args, 0, iLastArg-3);
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
final B2FileVersion largeFileVersion = getUnfinishedLargeFileOrDie(bucket.getBucketId(), largeFileId);
final B2ContentSource source = B2FileContentSource
.builder(new File(localPath))
B2UploadFileRequest request = B2UploadFileRequest
client.finishUploadingLargeFile(largeFileVersion, request, getExecutor());
private void get_file_info(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 1);
final String fileId = args[0];
final B2FileVersion version = client.getFileInfo(fileId);
out.println(" fileInfo: " + version.getFileInfo());
private void hide_file(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 2);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final String b2Path = args[1];
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
client.hideFile(bucket.getBucketId(), b2Path);
private void list_buckets(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 0);
for (B2Bucket bucket : client.buckets()) {
private void list_file_names(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// [] []
checkArgCount(args, 1, 3);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final String startFileName = getArgOrNull(args, 1);
final Integer maxPerFetch = getPositiveIntOrNull(args, "maxPerFetch", 2);
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
final B2ListFileNamesRequest.Builder builder = B2ListFileNamesRequest
if (startFileName != null) {
final B2ListFileNamesRequest request =;
for (B2FileVersion version : client.fileNames(request)) {
private void list_file_versions(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
// list_file_versions [ ] []
checkArgCount(args, 1, 4);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final String startFileName = getArgOrNull(args, 1);
final String startFileId = getArgOrNull(args, 2);
final Integer maxPerFetch = getPositiveIntOrNull(args, "maxPerFetch", 3);
if (startFileName != null) {
checkArgs(startFileId != null, "if you specify startFileName, you must specify startFileId too");
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
final B2ListFileVersionsRequest.Builder builder = B2ListFileVersionsRequest
if (startFileName != null) {
builder.setStart(startFileName, startFileId);
final B2ListFileVersionsRequest request =;
for (B2FileVersion version : client.fileVersions(request)) {
private void list_unfinished_large_files(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 1);
final String bucketName = args[0];
final B2Bucket bucket = getBucketByNameOrDie(bucketName);
for (B2FileVersion version : client.unfinishedLargeFiles(bucket.getBucketId())) {
out.println(" fileInfo: " + version.getFileInfo());
private void list_parts(String[] args) throws B2Exception {
checkArgCount(args, 1);
final String largeFileId = args[0];
for (B2Part part : {
private void upload_file(String[] args,
boolean forceLarge) throws B2Exception, IOException {
B2UploadFileRequest request = makeUploadRequestFromArgs(args);
final long contentLength = request.getContentSource().getContentLength();
if (forceLarge || client.getFilePolicy().shouldBeLargeFile(contentLength)) {
client.uploadLargeFile(request, getExecutor());
} else {
private void version(String[] args) {
checkArgCount(args, 0);
out.println("b2 command line tool in java, version " + VERSION);