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com.backendless.Persistence Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Android SDK used by developers to provide Backendless API in apps.
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package com.backendless;
import com.backendless.async.callback.AsyncCallback;
import com.backendless.core.responder.AdaptingResponder;
import com.backendless.core.responder.policy.PoJoAdaptingPolicy;
import com.backendless.exceptions.BackendlessException;
import com.backendless.exceptions.BackendlessFault;
import com.backendless.exceptions.ExceptionMessage;
import com.backendless.persistence.BackendlessDataQuery;
import com.backendless.persistence.QueryOptions;
import com.backendless.utils.ResponderHelper;
import weborb.types.Types;
import weborb.writer.IObjectSubstitutor;
import weborb.writer.MessageWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
public final class Persistence
private final static String PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS = "";
private final static String DEFAULT_OBJECT_ID_GETTER = "getObjectId";
public final static String DEFAULT_OBJECT_ID_FIELD = "objectId";
public final static String DEFAULT_CREATED_FIELD = "created";
public final static String DEFAULT_UPDATED_FIELD = "updated";
public final static String DEFAULT_META_FIELD = "__meta";
public final static String LOAD_ALL_RELATIONS = "*";
public final static DataPermission Permissions = new DataPermission();
private static final Persistence instance = new Persistence();
private static final Class backendlessUserClass = BackendlessUser.class;
static Persistence getInstance()
return instance;
private Persistence()
Types.addClientClassMapping( "", BackendlessDataQuery.class );
Types.addClientClassMapping( "", BackendlessCollection.class );
Types.addClientClassMapping( "", ObjectProperty.class );
Types.addClientClassMapping( "", QueryOptions.class );
public void mapTableToClass( String tableName, Class clazz )
weborb.types.Types.addClientClassMapping( tableName, clazz );
public E save( final E entity ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
checkDeclaredType( entity.getClass() );
final Map serializedEntity = serializeToMap( entity );
MessageWriter.setObjectSubstitutor( new IObjectSubstitutor()
public Object substitute( Object o )
if( o == entity )
return serializedEntity;
return o;
} );
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.putMissingPropsToEntityMap( entity, serializedEntity );
E newEntity;
if( serializedEntity.get( Footprint.OBJECT_ID_FIELD_NAME ) == null )
newEntity = (E) create( entity.getClass(), serializedEntity );
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.duplicateFootprintForObject( entity, newEntity );
newEntity = (E) update( entity.getClass(), serializedEntity );
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.updateFootprintForObject( newEntity, entity );
return newEntity;
MessageWriter.setObjectSubstitutor( null );
public void save( final E entity, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
checkDeclaredType( entity.getClass() );
final Map serializedEntity = serializeToMap( entity );
MessageWriter.setObjectSubstitutor( new IObjectSubstitutor()
public Object substitute( Object o )
if( o == entity )
return serializedEntity;
return o;
} );
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.putMissingPropsToEntityMap( entity, serializedEntity );
if( serializedEntity.get( Footprint.OBJECT_ID_FIELD_NAME ) == null )
create( (Class) entity.getClass(), serializedEntity, new AsyncCallback()
public void handleResponse( E newEntity )
MessageWriter.setObjectSubstitutor( null );
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.duplicateFootprintForObject( entity, newEntity );
if( responder != null )
responder.handleResponse( newEntity );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
MessageWriter.setObjectSubstitutor( null );
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( fault );
} );
update( (Class) entity.getClass(), serializedEntity, new AsyncCallback()
public void handleResponse( E newEntity )
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.updateFootprintForObject( newEntity, entity );
if( responder != null )
responder.handleResponse( newEntity );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( fault );
} );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
private E create( Class aClass, Map entity ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "create", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( aClass ), entity }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( aClass ) );
private void create( final Class aClass, final Map entity, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "create", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( aClass ), entity }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( aClass ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
private E update( Class aClass, Map entity ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "update", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( aClass ), entity }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( aClass ) );
private void update( final Class aClass, final Map entity, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "update", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( aClass ), entity }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( aClass ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected Long remove( final E entity ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
String id = getEntityId( entity );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
Object result = Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "remove", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity.getClass() ), id } );
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.removeFootprintForObject( entity );
return ((Number) result).longValue();
protected void remove( final E entity, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
String id = getEntityId( entity );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "remove", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity.getClass() ), id }, new AsyncCallback()
public void handleResponse( Object response )
FootprintsManager.getInstance().Inner.removeFootprintForObject( entity );
if( responder == null )
responder.handleResponse( ((Number) response).longValue() );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( fault );
} );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected E findById( final Class entity, final String id,
final List relations ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY_NAME );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "findById", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ), id, relations }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
protected E findById( final Class entity, final String id, final List relations,
final int relationsDepth ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY_NAME );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "findById", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), entity.getSimpleName(), id, relations, relationsDepth }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
protected void findById( final Class entity, final String id, final List relations,
AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "findById", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ), id, relations }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected void findById( final Class entity, final String id, final List relations,
final int relationsDepth, AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "findById", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), entity.getSimpleName(), id, relations, relationsDepth }, responder );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected void loadRelations( final E entity, final List relations ) throws Exception
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY_NAME );
String id = getEntityId( entity );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
E loadedRelations = (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "loadRelations", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity.getClass() ), id, relations }, new AdaptingResponder( (Class) entity.getClass(), new PoJoAdaptingPolicy() ) );
loadRelationsToEntity( entity, loadedRelations, relations );
protected void loadRelations( final E entity, final List relations, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
String id = getEntityId( entity );
if( id == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ID );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "loadRelations", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity.getClass() ), id, relations }, new AsyncCallback()
public void handleResponse( E loadedRelations )
loadRelationsToEntity( entity, loadedRelations, relations );
if( responder != null )
responder.handleResponse( entity );
catch( Exception e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( fault );
}, new AdaptingResponder( (Class) entity.getClass(), new PoJoAdaptingPolicy() ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
private void loadRelationsToEntity( E entity, E loadedRelations,
List relations ) throws IllegalAccessException
if( entity.getClass().equals( backendlessUserClass ) )
BackendlessUser userWithRelations = (BackendlessUser) loadedRelations;
BackendlessUser sourceUser = (BackendlessUser) entity;
sourceUser.putProperties( userWithRelations.getProperties() );
Field[] declaredFields = entity.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for( Field declaredField : declaredFields )
if( !relations.contains( declaredField.getName() ) )
if( !declaredField.isAccessible() )
declaredField.setAccessible( true );
declaredField.set( entity, declaredField.get( loadedRelations ) );
public List describe( String classSimpleName ) throws BackendlessException
if( classSimpleName == null || classSimpleName.equals( "" ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY_NAME );
ObjectProperty[] response = Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "describe", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), classSimpleName } );
return Arrays.asList( response );
public void describe( String classSimpleName, final AsyncCallback> responder )
if( classSimpleName == null || classSimpleName.equals( "" ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY_NAME );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "describe", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), classSimpleName }, new AsyncCallback()
public void handleResponse( ObjectProperty[] response )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleResponse( Arrays.asList( response ) );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( fault );
} );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected BackendlessCollection find( Class entity,
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
checkPageSizeAndOffset( dataQuery );
Object[] args = new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ), dataQuery };
BackendlessCollection result = (BackendlessCollection) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "find", args, ResponderHelper.getCollectionAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
result.setQuery( dataQuery );
result.setType( entity );
return result;
protected void find( final Class entity, final BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery,
final AsyncCallback> responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
checkPageSizeAndOffset( dataQuery );
AsyncCallback> callback = new AsyncCallback>()
public void handleResponse( BackendlessCollection response )
if( responder != null )
response.setQuery( dataQuery );
response.setType( entity );
responder.handleResponse( response );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( fault );
Object[] args = new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ), dataQuery };
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "find", args, callback, ResponderHelper.getCollectionAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected E first( final Class entity ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "first", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ) }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
protected E first( final Class entity, final List relations,
final int relationsDepth ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "first", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), entity.getSimpleName(), relations, relationsDepth }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
protected void first( final Class entity, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "first", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ) }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected void first( final Class entity, final List relations, final int relationsDepth,
final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "first", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), entity.getSimpleName(), relations, relationsDepth }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected E last( final Class entity ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "last", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ) }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
protected E last( final Class entity, final List relations,
final int relationsDepth ) throws BackendlessException
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return (E) Invoker.invokeSync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "last", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), entity.getSimpleName(), relations, relationsDepth }, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
protected void last( final Class entity, final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "last", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), getSimpleName( entity ) }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
protected void last( final Class entity, final List relations, final int relationsDepth,
final AsyncCallback responder )
if( entity == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
Invoker.invokeAsync( PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_SERVER_ALIAS, "last", new Object[] { Backendless.getApplicationId(), Backendless.getVersion(), entity.getSimpleName(), relations, relationsDepth }, responder, ResponderHelper.getPOJOAdaptingResponder( entity ) );
catch( Throwable e )
if( responder != null )
responder.handleFault( new BackendlessFault( e ) );
public IDataStore of( final Class entityClass )
if( entityClass == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_ENTITY );
return DataStoreFactory.createDataStore( entityClass );
/*private Map getEntityMapWithFootprint( Object entity )
static String getEntityId( Object entity ) throws BackendlessException
String id;
Method declaredMethod = entity.getClass().getMethod( DEFAULT_OBJECT_ID_GETTER, new Class[ 0 ] );
if( !declaredMethod.isAccessible() )
declaredMethod.setAccessible( true );
id = (String) declaredMethod.invoke( entity );
catch( Exception e )
id = null;
if( id == null )
id = FootprintsManager.getInstance().getObjectId( entity );
return id;
private void checkDeclaredType( Class entityClass )
if( entityClass.isArray() || entityClass.isAssignableFrom( Iterable.class ) || entityClass.isAssignableFrom( Map.class ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.WRONG_ENTITY_TYPE );
Constructor[] constructors = entityClass.getConstructors();
if( constructors.length > 0 )
entityClass.getConstructor( new Class[ 0 ] );
catch( NoSuchMethodException e )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.ENTITY_MISSING_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR );
private void checkPageSizeAndOffset( BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery ) throws BackendlessException
if( dataQuery != null )
if( dataQuery.getOffset() < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.WRONG_OFFSET );
if( dataQuery.getPageSize() < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.WRONG_PAGE_SIZE );
static Map serializeToMap( T entity )
if( entity.getClass().equals( backendlessUserClass ) )
return ((BackendlessUser) entity).getProperties();
HashMap result = new HashMap();
weborb.util.ObjectInspector.getObjectProperties( entity.getClass(), entity, result, new ArrayList(), true, true );
return result;
private String getSimpleName( Class clazz )
if( clazz.equals( backendlessUserClass ) )
return "Users";
return clazz.getSimpleName();