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package com.backendless;
import com.backendless.async.callback.AsyncCallback;
import com.backendless.async.message.AsyncMessage;
import com.backendless.cache.CacheService;
import com.backendless.cache.ICache;
import com.backendless.core.responder.AdaptingResponder;
import com.backendless.core.responder.policy.PoJoAdaptingPolicy;
import com.backendless.exceptions.BackendlessException;
import com.backendless.exceptions.BackendlessFault;
import com.backendless.utils.ReflectionUtil;
import weborb.client.IChainedResponder;
import weborb.types.IAdaptingType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Date;
public class Cache
private final static String CACHE_SERVER_ALIAS = "";
private final static Cache instance = new Cache();
static Cache getInstance()
return instance;
private final BackendlessInjector injector = BackendlessInjector.getInstance();
private Cache()
public ICache with( String key, Class extends T> type )
return new CacheService<>( type, key, this );
public void put( String key, Object object, int timeToLive, AsyncCallback