com.badlogic.gdx.ai.fma.Formation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.badlogic.gdx.ai.fma;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.steer.Steerable;
import com.badlogic.gdx.ai.utils.Location;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
/** A {@code Formation} coordinates the movement of a group of characters so that they retain some group organization. Characters
* belonging to a formation must implement the {@link FormationMember} interface. At its simplest, a formation can consist of
* moving in a fixed geometric pattern such as a V or line abreast, but it is not limited to that. Formations can also make use of
* the environment. Squads of characters can move between cover points using formation steering with only minor modifications, for
* example.
* Formation motion is used in team sports games, squad-based games, real-time strategy games, and sometimes in first-person
* shooters, driving games, and action adventures too. It is a simple and flexible technique that is much quicker to write and
* execute and can produce much more stable behavior than collaborative tactical decision making.
* @param Type of vector, either 2D or 3D, implementing the {@link Vector} interface
* @author davebaol */
public class Formation> {
/** A list of slots assignments. */
Array> slotAssignments;
/** The anchor point of this formation. */
protected Location anchor;
/** The formation pattern */
protected FormationPattern pattern;
/** The strategy used to assign a member to his slot */
protected SlotAssignmentStrategy slotAssignmentStrategy;
/** The formation motion moderator */
protected FormationMotionModerator motionModerator;
private final T positionOffset;
private final Matrix3 orientationMatrix = new Matrix3();
/** The location representing the drift offset for the currently filled slots. */
private final Location driftOffset;
/** Creates a {@code Formation} for the specified {@code pattern} using a {@link FreeSlotAssignmentStrategy} and no motion
* moderator.
* @param anchor the anchor point of this formation, usually a {@link Steerable}. Cannot be {@code null}.
* @param pattern the pattern of this formation
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the anchor point is {@code null} */
public Formation (Location anchor, FormationPattern pattern) {
this(anchor, pattern, new FreeSlotAssignmentStrategy(), null);
/** Creates a {@code Formation} for the specified {@code pattern} and {@code slotAssignmentStrategy} using no motion moderator.
* @param anchor the anchor point of this formation, usually a {@link Steerable}. Cannot be {@code null}.
* @param pattern the pattern of this formation
* @param slotAssignmentStrategy the strategy used to assign a member to his slot
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the anchor point is {@code null} */
public Formation (Location anchor, FormationPattern pattern, SlotAssignmentStrategy slotAssignmentStrategy) {
this(anchor, pattern, slotAssignmentStrategy, null);
/** Creates a {@code Formation} for the specified {@code pattern}, {@code slotAssignmentStrategy} and {@code moderator}.
* @param anchor the anchor point of this formation, usually a {@link Steerable}. Cannot be {@code null}.
* @param pattern the pattern of this formation
* @param slotAssignmentStrategy the strategy used to assign a member to his slot
* @param motionModerator the motion moderator. Can be {@code null} if moderation is not needed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the anchor point is {@code null} */
public Formation (Location anchor, FormationPattern pattern, SlotAssignmentStrategy slotAssignmentStrategy,
FormationMotionModerator motionModerator) {
if (anchor == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The anchor point cannot be null");
this.anchor = anchor;
this.pattern = pattern;
this.slotAssignmentStrategy = slotAssignmentStrategy;
this.motionModerator = motionModerator;
this.slotAssignments = new Array>();
this.driftOffset = anchor.newLocation();
this.positionOffset = anchor.getPosition().cpy();
/** Returns the current anchor point of the formation. This can be the location (i.e. position and orientation) of a leader
* member, a modified center of mass of the members in the formation, or an invisible but steered anchor point for a two-level
* steering system. */
public Location getAnchorPoint () {
return anchor;
/** Sets the anchor point of the formation.
* @param anchor the anchor point to set */
public void setAnchorPoint (Location anchor) {
this.anchor = anchor;
/** @return the pattern of this formation */
public FormationPattern getPattern () {
return pattern;
/** Sets the pattern of this formation
* @param pattern the pattern to set */
public void setPattern (FormationPattern pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
/** @return the slot assignment strategy of this formation */
public SlotAssignmentStrategy getSlotAssignmentStrategy () {
return slotAssignmentStrategy;
/** Sets the slot assignment strategy of this formation
* @param slotAssignmentStrategy the slot assignment strategy to set */
public void setSlotAssignmentStrategy (SlotAssignmentStrategy slotAssignmentStrategy) {
this.slotAssignmentStrategy = slotAssignmentStrategy;
/** @return the motion moderator of this formation */
public FormationMotionModerator getMotionModerator () {
return motionModerator;
/** Sets the motion moderator of this formation
* @param motionModerator the motion moderator to set */
public void setMotionModerator (FormationMotionModerator motionModerator) {
this.motionModerator = motionModerator;
/** Updates the assignment of members to slots */
public void updateSlotAssignments () {
// Apply the strategy to update slot assignments
// Set the newly calculated number of slots
// Update the drift offset if a motion moderator is set
if (motionModerator != null) motionModerator.calculateDriftOffset(driftOffset, slotAssignments, pattern);
/** Changes the pattern of this formation and updates slot assignments if the number of member is supported by the given
* pattern.
* @param pattern the pattern to set
* @return {@code true} if the pattern has effectively changed; {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean changePattern (FormationPattern pattern) {
// Find out how many slots we have occupied
int occupiedSlots = slotAssignments.size;
// Check if the pattern supports one more slot
if (pattern.supportsSlots(occupiedSlots)) {
// Update the slot assignments and return success
return true;
return false;
/** Adds a new member to the first available slot and updates slot assignments if the number of member is supported by the
* current pattern.
* @param member the member to add
* @return {@code false} if no more slots are available; {@code true} otherwise. */
public boolean addMember (FormationMember member) {
// Find out how many slots we have occupied
int occupiedSlots = slotAssignments.size;
// Check if the pattern supports one more slot
if (pattern.supportsSlots(occupiedSlots + 1)) {
// Add a new slot assignment
slotAssignments.add(new SlotAssignment(member, occupiedSlots));
// Update the slot assignments and return success
return true;
return false;
/** Removes a member from its slot and updates slot assignments.
* @param member the member to remove */
public void removeMember (FormationMember member) {
// Find the member's slot
int slot = findMemberSlot(member);
// Make sure we've found a valid result
if (slot >= 0) {
// Remove the slot
// slotAssignments.removeIndex(slot);
slotAssignmentStrategy.removeSlotAssignment(slotAssignments, slot);
// Update the assignments
private int findMemberSlot (FormationMember member) {
for (int i = 0; i < slotAssignments.size; i++) {
if (slotAssignments.get(i).member == member) return i;
return -1;
// debug
public SlotAssignment getSlotAssignmentAt (int index) {
return slotAssignments.get(index);
// debug
public int getSlotAssignmentCount () {
return slotAssignments.size;
/** Writes new slot locations to each member */
public void updateSlots () {
// Find the anchor point
Location anchor = getAnchorPoint();
float orientationOffset = anchor.getOrientation();
if (motionModerator != null) {
orientationOffset -= driftOffset.getOrientation();
// Get the orientation of the anchor point as a matrix
// Go through each member in turn
for (int i = 0; i < slotAssignments.size; i++) {
SlotAssignment slotAssignment = slotAssignments.get(i);
// Retrieve the location reference of the formation member to calculate the new value
Location relativeLoc = slotAssignment.member.getTargetLocation();
// Ask for the location of the slot relative to the anchor point
pattern.calculateSlotLocation(relativeLoc, slotAssignment.slotNumber);
T relativeLocPosition = relativeLoc.getPosition();
// System.out.println("relativeLoc.position = " + relativeLocPosition);
// [17:31] <@Xoppa> davebaol, interface Transform> { T getTranslation(); T getScale(); float getRotation();
// void transform(T val); }
// [17:31] <@Xoppa>
// https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/blob/master/gdx/src/com/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g3d/utils/BaseAnimationController.java#L40
// [17:34] * ThreadL0ck ([email protected]) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
// [17:35] thanks Xoppa, sounds interesting
// TODO Consider the possibility of declaring mul(orientationMatrix) in Vector
// Transform it by the anchor point's position and orientation
// relativeLocPosition.mul(orientationMatrix).add(anchor.position);
if (relativeLocPosition instanceof Vector2)
else if (relativeLocPosition instanceof Vector3) ((Vector3)relativeLocPosition).mul(orientationMatrix);
// Add the anchor and drift components
relativeLoc.setOrientation(relativeLoc.getOrientation() + orientationOffset);
// Possibly reset the anchor point if a moderator is set
if (motionModerator != null) {