Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector;
/** A {@code Proximity} defines an area that is used by group behaviors to find and process the owner's neighbors.
* Typically (but not necessarily) different group behaviors share the same {@code Proximity} for a given owner. This allows you to
* combine group behaviors so as to get a more complex behavior also known as emergent behavior. Emergent behavior is behavior
* that looks complex and/or purposeful to the observer but is actually derived spontaneously from fairly simple rules. The
* lower-level agents following the rules have no idea of the bigger picture; they are only aware of themselves and maybe a few of
* their neighbors. A typical example of emergence is flocking behavior which is a combination of three group behaviors:
* {@link Separation separation}, {@link Alignment alignment}, and {@link Cohesion cohesion}. The three behaviors are typically
* combined through a {@link BlendedSteering blended steering}. This works okay but, because of the limited view distance of a
* character, it's possible for an agent to become isolated from its flock. If this happens, it will just sit still and do
* nothing. To prevent this from happening, you usually add in the {@link Wander wander} behavior too. This way, all the agents
* keep moving all the time. Tweaking the magnitudes of each of the contributing behaviors will give you different effects such as
* shoals of fish, loose swirling flocks of birds, or bustling close-knit herds of sheep.
* Before a steering acceleration can be calculated for a combination of group behaviors, the neighbors must be determined and
* processed. This is done by the {@link #findNeighbors} method and its callback argument.
* Notes:
* - Sharing a {@code Proximity} instance among group behaviors having the same owner can save a little time determining the
* neighbors only once from inside the {@code findNeighbors} method. Especially, {@code Proximity} implementation classes can use
* {@link Timepiece#getTime() GdxAI.getTimepiece().getTime()} to calculate neighbors only once per frame (assuming delta time is
* always greater than 0, if time has changed the frame has changed too). This means that
* - if you forget to {@link Timepiece#update(float) update the timepiece} on each frame the proximity instance will be
* calculated only the very first time, which is not what you want of course.
* - ideally the timepiece should be updated before the proximity is updated by the {@link #findNeighbors(ProximityCallback)}
* method.
* - If you want to make sure a Proximity doesn't use as a neighbor a given agent from the list, for example the evader or the
* owner itself, you have to implement a callback that prevents it from being considered by returning {@code false} from the method
* {@link ProximityCallback#reportNeighbor(Steerable) reportNeighbor}.
* - If there is some efficient way of pruning potential neighbors before they are processed, the overall performance in time
* will improve. Spatial data structures such as multi-resolution maps, quad-trees, oct-trees, and binary space partition (BSP)
* trees can be used to get potential neighbors more efficiently. Spatial partitioning techniques are crucial when you have to
* deal with lots of agents. Especially, if you're using Bullet or Box2d in your game, it's recommended to implement proximities
* that exploit their methods to query the world. Both Bullet and Box2d internally use some kind of spatial partitioning.
* @param Type of vector, either 2D or 3D, implementing the {@link Vector} interface
* @author davebaol */
public interface Proximity> {
/** Returns the owner of this proximity. */
public Steerable getOwner ();
/** Sets the owner of this proximity. */
public void setOwner (Steerable owner);
/** Finds the agents that are within the immediate area of the owner. Each of those agents is passed to the
* {@link ProximityCallback#reportNeighbor(Steerable) reportNeighbor} method of the specified callback.
* @return the number of neighbors found. */
public int findNeighbors (ProximityCallback callback);
/** The callback object used by a proximity to report the owner's neighbor.
* @param Type of vector, either 2D or 3D, implementing the {@link Vector} interface
* @author davebaol */
public interface ProximityCallback> {
/** The callback method used to report a neighbor.
* @param neighbor the reported neighbor.
* @return {@code true} if the given neighbor is valid; {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean reportNeighbor (Steerable neighbor);