com.badlogic.gdx.backends.gwt.GwtInput Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.badlogic.gdx.backends.gwt;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input;
import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Buttons;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.gwt.widgets.TextInputDialogBox;
import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.gwt.widgets.TextInputDialogBox.TextInputDialogListener;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntMap;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntSet;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.TimeUtils;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.host.Navigator;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JsArray;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.CanvasElement;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Touch;
import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes;
import com.google.gwt.logging.client.ConsoleLogHandler;
public class GwtInput implements Input {
static final int MAX_TOUCHES = 20;
boolean justTouched = false;
private IntMap touchMap = new IntMap(20);
private boolean[] touched = new boolean[MAX_TOUCHES];
private int[] touchX = new int[MAX_TOUCHES];
private int[] touchY = new int[MAX_TOUCHES];
private int[] deltaX = new int[MAX_TOUCHES];
private int[] deltaY = new int[MAX_TOUCHES];
IntSet pressedButtons = new IntSet();
int pressedKeyCount = 0;
boolean[] pressedKeys = new boolean[256];
boolean keyJustPressed = false;
boolean[] justPressedKeys = new boolean[256];
InputProcessor processor;
char lastKeyCharPressed;
float keyRepeatTimer;
long currentEventTimeStamp;
final CanvasElement canvas;
boolean hasFocus = true;
public GwtInput (CanvasElement canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas;
void reset () {
justTouched = false;
if (keyJustPressed) {
keyJustPressed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < justPressedKeys.length; i++) {
justPressedKeys[i] = false;
public float getAccelerometerX () {
return 0;
public float getAccelerometerY () {
return 0;
public float getAccelerometerZ () {
return 0;
public int getX () {
return touchX[0];
public int getX (int pointer) {
return touchX[pointer];
public int getDeltaX () {
return deltaX[0];
public int getDeltaX (int pointer) {
return deltaX[pointer];
public int getY () {
return touchY[0];
public int getY (int pointer) {
return touchY[pointer];
public int getDeltaY () {
return deltaY[0];
public int getDeltaY (int pointer) {
return deltaY[pointer];
public boolean isTouched () {
for (int pointer = 0; pointer < MAX_TOUCHES; pointer++) {
if (touched[pointer]) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean justTouched () {
return justTouched;
public boolean isTouched (int pointer) {
return touched[pointer];
public boolean isButtonPressed (int button) {
return button == Buttons.LEFT && touched[0];
public boolean isKeyPressed (int key) {
if (key == Keys.ANY_KEY) {
return pressedKeyCount > 0;
if (key < 0 || key > 255) {
return false;
return pressedKeys[key];
public boolean isKeyJustPressed (int key) {
if (key == Keys.ANY_KEY) {
return keyJustPressed;
if (key < 0 || key > 255) {
return false;
return justPressedKeys[key];
public void getTextInput (TextInputListener listener, String title, String text, String hint) {
TextInputDialogBox dialog = new TextInputDialogBox(title, text, hint);
final TextInputListener capturedListener = listener;
dialog.setListener(new TextInputDialogListener() {
public void onPositive (String text) {
if (capturedListener != null) {
public void onNegative () {
if (capturedListener != null) {
public void setOnscreenKeyboardVisible (boolean visible) {
public void vibrate (int milliseconds) {
public void vibrate (long[] pattern, int repeat) {
public void cancelVibrate () {
public float getAzimuth () {
return 0;
public float getPitch () {
return 0;
public float getRoll () {
return 0;
public void getRotationMatrix (float[] matrix) {
public long getCurrentEventTime () {
return currentEventTimeStamp;
public void setCatchBackKey (boolean catchBack) {
public boolean isCatchBackKey () {
return false;
public void setCatchMenuKey (boolean catchMenu) {
public void setInputProcessor (InputProcessor processor) {
this.processor = processor;
public InputProcessor getInputProcessor () {
return processor;
public boolean isPeripheralAvailable (Peripheral peripheral) {
if (peripheral == Peripheral.Accelerometer) return false;
if (peripheral == Peripheral.Compass) return false;
if (peripheral == Peripheral.HardwareKeyboard) return true;
if (peripheral == Peripheral.MultitouchScreen) return isTouchScreen();
if (peripheral == Peripheral.OnscreenKeyboard) return false;
if (peripheral == Peripheral.Vibrator) return false;
return false;
public int getRotation () {
return 0;
public Orientation getNativeOrientation () {
return Orientation.Landscape;
/** from https://github.com/toji/game-shim/blob/master/game-shim.js
* @return is Cursor catched */
private native boolean isCursorCatchedJSNI () /*-{
if (!navigator.pointer) {
navigator.pointer = navigator.webkitPointer || navigator.mozPointer;
if (navigator.pointer) {
if (typeof (navigator.pointer.isLocked) === "boolean") {
// Chrome initially launched with this interface
return navigator.pointer.isLocked;
} else if (typeof (navigator.pointer.isLocked) === "function") {
// Some older builds might provide isLocked as a function
return navigator.pointer.isLocked();
} else if (typeof (navigator.pointer.islocked) === "function") {
// For compatibility with early Firefox build
return navigator.pointer.islocked();
return false;
/** from https://github.com/toji/game-shim/blob/master/game-shim.js
* @param element Canvas */
private native void setCursorCatchedJSNI (CanvasElement element) /*-{
// Navigator pointer is not the right interface according to spec.
// Here for backwards compatibility only
if (!navigator.pointer) {
navigator.pointer = navigator.webkitPointer || navigator.mozPointer;
// element.requestPointerLock
if (!element.requestPointerLock) {
element.requestPointerLock = (function() {
return element.webkitRequestPointerLock
|| element.mozRequestPointerLock || function() {
if (navigator.pointer) {
/** from https://github.com/toji/game-shim/blob/master/game-shim.js */
private native void exitCursorCatchedJSNI () /*-{
if (!$doc.exitPointerLock) {
$doc.exitPointerLock = (function() {
return $doc.webkitExitPointerLock || $doc.mozExitPointerLock
|| function() {
if (navigator.pointer) {
var elem = this;
/** from https://github.com/toji/game-shim/blob/master/game-shim.js
* @param event JavaScript Mouse Event
* @return movement in x direction */
private native float getMovementXJSNI (NativeEvent event) /*-{
return event.movementX || event.webkitMovementX || 0;
/** from https://github.com/toji/game-shim/blob/master/game-shim.js
* @param event JavaScript Mouse Event
* @return movement in y direction */
private native float getMovementYJSNI (NativeEvent event) /*-{
return event.movementY || event.webkitMovementY || 0;
private static native boolean isTouchScreen () /*-{
return (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0));
/** works only for Chrome > Version 18 with enabled Mouse Lock enable in about:flags or start Chrome with the
* --enable-pointer-lock flag */
public void setCursorCatched (boolean catched) {
if (catched)
public boolean isCursorCatched () {
return isCursorCatchedJSNI();
public void setCursorPosition (int x, int y) {
// FIXME??
public void setCursorImage (Pixmap pixmap, int xHotspot, int yHotspot) {
// kindly borrowed from our dear playn friends...
static native void addEventListener (JavaScriptObject target, String name, GwtInput handler, boolean capture) /*-{
function(e) {
[email protected]::handleEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/NativeEvent;)(e);
}, capture);
private static native float getMouseWheelVelocity (NativeEvent evt) /*-{
var delta = 0.0;
var agentInfo = @com.badlogic.gdx.backends.gwt.GwtApplication::agentInfo()();
if (agentInfo.isFirefox) {
if (agentInfo.isMacOS) {
delta = 1.0 * evt.detail;
} else {
delta = 1.0 * evt.detail / 3;
} else if (agentInfo.isOpera) {
if (agentInfo.isLinux) {
delta = -1.0 * evt.wheelDelta / 80;
} else {
// on mac
delta = -1.0 * evt.wheelDelta / 40;
} else if (agentInfo.isChrome || agentInfo.isSafari) {
delta = -1.0 * evt.wheelDelta / 120;
// handle touchpad for chrome
if (Math.abs(delta) < 1) {
if (agentInfo.isWindows) {
delta = -1.0 * evt.wheelDelta;
} else if (agentInfo.isMacOS) {
delta = -1.0 * evt.wheelDelta / 3;
return delta;
/** Kindly borrowed from PlayN. **/
protected static native String getMouseWheelEvent () /*-{
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') != -1) {
return "DOMMouseScroll";
} else {
return "mousewheel";
/** Kindly borrowed from PlayN. **/
protected int getRelativeX (NativeEvent e, CanvasElement target) {
float xScaleRatio = target.getWidth() * 1f / target.getClientWidth(); // Correct for canvas CSS scaling
return Math.round(xScaleRatio
* (e.getClientX() - target.getAbsoluteLeft() + target.getScrollLeft() + target.getOwnerDocument().getScrollLeft()));
/** Kindly borrowed from PlayN. **/
protected int getRelativeY (NativeEvent e, CanvasElement target) {
float yScaleRatio = target.getHeight() * 1f / target.getClientHeight(); // Correct for canvas CSS scaling
return Math.round(yScaleRatio
* (e.getClientY() - target.getAbsoluteTop() + target.getScrollTop() + target.getOwnerDocument().getScrollTop()));
protected int getRelativeX (Touch touch, CanvasElement target) {
float xScaleRatio = target.getWidth() * 1f / target.getClientWidth(); // Correct for canvas CSS scaling
return Math.round(xScaleRatio * touch.getRelativeX(target));
protected int getRelativeY (Touch touch, CanvasElement target) {
float yScaleRatio = target.getHeight() * 1f / target.getClientHeight(); // Correct for canvas CSS scaling
return Math.round(yScaleRatio * touch.getRelativeY(target));
private void hookEvents () {
addEventListener(canvas, "mousedown", this, true);
addEventListener(Document.get(), "mousedown", this, true);
addEventListener(canvas, "mouseup", this, true);
addEventListener(Document.get(), "mouseup", this, true);
addEventListener(canvas, "mousemove", this, true);
addEventListener(Document.get(), "mousemove", this, true);
addEventListener(canvas, getMouseWheelEvent(), this, true);
addEventListener(Document.get(), "keydown", this, false);
addEventListener(Document.get(), "keyup", this, false);
addEventListener(Document.get(), "keypress", this, false);
addEventListener(canvas, "touchstart", this, true);
addEventListener(canvas, "touchmove", this, true);
addEventListener(canvas, "touchcancel", this, true);
addEventListener(canvas, "touchend", this, true);
private int getButton (int button) {
if (button == NativeEvent.BUTTON_LEFT) return Buttons.LEFT;
if (button == NativeEvent.BUTTON_RIGHT) return Buttons.RIGHT;
if (button == NativeEvent.BUTTON_MIDDLE) return Buttons.MIDDLE;
return Buttons.LEFT;
private void handleEvent (NativeEvent e) {
if (e.getType().equals("mousedown")) {
if (!e.getEventTarget().equals(canvas) || touched[0]) {
float mouseX = getRelativeX(e, canvas);
float mouseY = getRelativeY(e, canvas);
if (mouseX < 0 || mouseX > Gdx.graphics.getWidth() || mouseY < 0 || mouseY > Gdx.graphics.getHeight()) {
hasFocus = false;
hasFocus = true;
this.justTouched = true;
this.touched[0] = true;
this.deltaX[0] = 0;
this.deltaY[0] = 0;
if (isCursorCatched()) {
this.touchX[0] += getMovementXJSNI(e);
this.touchY[0] += getMovementYJSNI(e);
} else {
this.touchX[0] = getRelativeX(e, canvas);
this.touchY[0] = getRelativeY(e, canvas);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
if (processor != null) processor.touchDown(touchX[0], touchY[0], 0, getButton(e.getButton()));
if (e.getType().equals("mousemove")) {
if (isCursorCatched()) {
this.deltaX[0] = (int)getMovementXJSNI(e);
this.deltaY[0] = (int)getMovementYJSNI(e);
this.touchX[0] += getMovementXJSNI(e);
this.touchY[0] += getMovementYJSNI(e);
} else {
this.deltaX[0] = getRelativeX(e, canvas) - touchX[0];
this.deltaY[0] = getRelativeY(e, canvas) - touchY[0];
this.touchX[0] = getRelativeX(e, canvas);
this.touchY[0] = getRelativeY(e, canvas);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
if (processor != null) {
if (touched[0])
processor.touchDragged(touchX[0], touchY[0], 0);
processor.mouseMoved(touchX[0], touchY[0]);
if (e.getType().equals("mouseup")) {
if (!touched[0]) return;
this.touched[0] = pressedButtons.size > 0;
if (isCursorCatched()) {
this.deltaX[0] = (int)getMovementXJSNI(e);
this.deltaY[0] = (int)getMovementYJSNI(e);
this.touchX[0] += getMovementXJSNI(e);
this.touchY[0] += getMovementYJSNI(e);
} else {
this.deltaX[0] = getRelativeX(e, canvas) - touchX[0];
this.deltaY[0] = getRelativeY(e, canvas) - touchY[0];
this.touchX[0] = getRelativeX(e, canvas);
this.touchY[0] = getRelativeY(e, canvas);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
this.touched[0] = false;
if (processor != null) processor.touchUp(touchX[0], touchY[0], 0, getButton(e.getButton()));
if (e.getType().equals(getMouseWheelEvent())) {
if (processor != null) {
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
if (e.getType().equals("keydown") && hasFocus) {
// System.out.println("keydown");
int code = keyForCode(e.getKeyCode());
if (code == 67) {
if (processor != null) {
} else {
if (!pressedKeys[code]) {
pressedKeys[code] = true;
keyJustPressed = true;
justPressedKeys[code] = true;
if (processor != null) {
if (e.getType().equals("keypress") && hasFocus) {
// System.out.println("keypress");
char c = (char)e.getCharCode();
if (processor != null) processor.keyTyped(c);
if (e.getType().equals("keyup") && hasFocus) {
// System.out.println("keyup");
int code = keyForCode(e.getKeyCode());
if (pressedKeys[code]) {
pressedKeys[code] = false;
if (processor != null) {
if (e.getType().equals("touchstart")) {
this.justTouched = true;
JsArray touches = e.getChangedTouches();
for (int i = 0, j = touches.length(); i < j; i++) {
Touch touch = touches.get(i);
int real = touch.getIdentifier();
int touchId;
touchMap.put(real, touchId = getAvailablePointer());
touched[touchId] = true;
touchX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas);
touchY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas);
deltaX[touchId] = 0;
deltaY[touchId] = 0;
if (processor != null) {
processor.touchDown(touchX[touchId], touchY[touchId], touchId, Buttons.LEFT);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
if (e.getType().equals("touchmove")) {
JsArray touches = e.getChangedTouches();
for (int i = 0, j = touches.length(); i < j; i++) {
Touch touch = touches.get(i);
int real = touch.getIdentifier();
int touchId = touchMap.get(real);
deltaX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas) - touchX[touchId];
deltaY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas) - touchY[touchId];
touchX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas);
touchY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas);
if (processor != null) {
processor.touchDragged(touchX[touchId], touchY[touchId], touchId);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
if (e.getType().equals("touchcancel")) {
JsArray touches = e.getChangedTouches();
for (int i = 0, j = touches.length(); i < j; i++) {
Touch touch = touches.get(i);
int real = touch.getIdentifier();
int touchId = touchMap.get(real);
touched[touchId] = false;
deltaX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas) - touchX[touchId];
deltaY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas) - touchY[touchId];
touchX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas);
touchY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas);
if (processor != null) {
processor.touchUp(touchX[touchId], touchY[touchId], touchId, Buttons.LEFT);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
if (e.getType().equals("touchend")) {
JsArray touches = e.getChangedTouches();
for (int i = 0, j = touches.length(); i < j; i++) {
Touch touch = touches.get(i);
int real = touch.getIdentifier();
int touchId = touchMap.get(real);
touched[touchId] = false;
deltaX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas) - touchX[touchId];
deltaY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas) - touchY[touchId];
touchX[touchId] = getRelativeX(touch, canvas);
touchY[touchId] = getRelativeY(touch, canvas);
if (processor != null) {
processor.touchUp(touchX[touchId], touchY[touchId], touchId, Buttons.LEFT);
this.currentEventTimeStamp = TimeUtils.nanoTime();
// if(hasFocus) e.preventDefault();
private int getAvailablePointer () {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCHES; i++) {
if (!touchMap.containsValue(i, false)) return i;
return -1;
/** borrowed from PlayN, thanks guys **/
private static int keyForCode (int keyCode) {
switch (keyCode) {
case KeyCodes.KEY_ALT:
return Keys.ALT_LEFT;
case KeyCodes.KEY_BACKSPACE:
return Keys.BACKSPACE;
case KeyCodes.KEY_CTRL:
return Keys.CONTROL_LEFT;
case KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE:
return Keys.DEL;
case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN:
return Keys.DOWN;
case KeyCodes.KEY_END:
return Keys.END;
case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER:
return Keys.ENTER;
case KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE:
return Keys.ESCAPE;
case KeyCodes.KEY_HOME:
return Keys.HOME;
case KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT:
return Keys.LEFT;
case KeyCodes.KEY_PAGEDOWN:
return Keys.PAGE_DOWN;
case KeyCodes.KEY_PAGEUP:
return Keys.PAGE_UP;
case KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT:
return Keys.RIGHT;
case KeyCodes.KEY_SHIFT:
return Keys.SHIFT_LEFT;
case KeyCodes.KEY_TAB:
return Keys.TAB;
case KeyCodes.KEY_UP:
return Keys.UP;
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
return Keys.SPACE;
return Keys.INSERT;
case KEY_0:
return Keys.NUM_0;
case KEY_1:
return Keys.NUM_1;
case KEY_2:
return Keys.NUM_2;
case KEY_3:
return Keys.NUM_3;
case KEY_4:
return Keys.NUM_4;
case KEY_5:
return Keys.NUM_5;
case KEY_6:
return Keys.NUM_6;
case KEY_7:
return Keys.NUM_7;
case KEY_8:
return Keys.NUM_8;
case KEY_9:
return Keys.NUM_9;
case KEY_A:
return Keys.A;
case KEY_B:
return Keys.B;
case KEY_C:
return Keys.C;
case KEY_D:
return Keys.D;
case KEY_E:
return Keys.E;
case KEY_F:
return Keys.F;
case KEY_G:
return Keys.G;
case KEY_H:
return Keys.H;
case KEY_I:
return Keys.I;
case KEY_J:
return Keys.J;
case KEY_K:
return Keys.K;
case KEY_L:
return Keys.L;
case KEY_M:
return Keys.M;
case KEY_N:
return Keys.N;
case KEY_O:
return Keys.O;
case KEY_P:
return Keys.P;
case KEY_Q:
return Keys.Q;
case KEY_R:
return Keys.R;
case KEY_S:
return Keys.S;
case KEY_T:
return Keys.T;
case KEY_U:
return Keys.U;
case KEY_V:
return Keys.V;
case KEY_W:
return Keys.W;
case KEY_X:
return Keys.X;
case KEY_Y:
return Keys.Y;
case KEY_Z:
return Keys.Z;
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
// case KEY_SELECT_KEY: return Keys.SELECT_KEY;
return Keys.NUMPAD_0;
return Keys.NUMPAD_1;
return Keys.NUMPAD_2;
return Keys.NUMPAD_3;
return Keys.NUMPAD_4;
return Keys.NUMPAD_5;
return Keys.NUMPAD_6;
return Keys.NUMPAD_7;
return Keys.NUMPAD_8;
return Keys.NUMPAD_9;
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
case KEY_ADD:
return Keys.PLUS;
return Keys.MINUS;
return Keys.PERIOD;
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
case KEY_F1:
return Keys.F1;
case KEY_F2:
return Keys.F2;
case KEY_F3:
return Keys.F3;
case KEY_F4:
return Keys.F4;
case KEY_F5:
return Keys.F5;
case KEY_F6:
return Keys.F6;
case KEY_F7:
return Keys.F7;
case KEY_F8:
return Keys.F8;
case KEY_F9:
return Keys.F9;
case KEY_F10:
return Keys.F10;
case KEY_F11:
return Keys.F11;
case KEY_F12:
return Keys.F12;
return Keys.NUM;
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
return Keys.SEMICOLON;
return Keys.EQUALS;
return Keys.COMMA;
case KEY_DASH:
return Keys.MINUS;
return Keys.PERIOD;
return Keys.SLASH;
return Keys.UNKNOWN; // FIXME
return Keys.LEFT_BRACKET;
return Keys.BACKSLASH;
return Keys.RIGHT_BRACKET;
return Keys.APOSTROPHE;
return Keys.UNKNOWN;
// these are absent from KeyCodes; we know not why...
private static final int KEY_PAUSE = 19;
private static final int KEY_CAPS_LOCK = 20;
private static final int KEY_SPACE = 32;
private static final int KEY_INSERT = 45;
private static final int KEY_0 = 48;
private static final int KEY_1 = 49;
private static final int KEY_2 = 50;
private static final int KEY_3 = 51;
private static final int KEY_4 = 52;
private static final int KEY_5 = 53;
private static final int KEY_6 = 54;
private static final int KEY_7 = 55;
private static final int KEY_8 = 56;
private static final int KEY_9 = 57;
private static final int KEY_A = 65;
private static final int KEY_B = 66;
private static final int KEY_C = 67;
private static final int KEY_D = 68;
private static final int KEY_E = 69;
private static final int KEY_F = 70;
private static final int KEY_G = 71;
private static final int KEY_H = 72;
private static final int KEY_I = 73;
private static final int KEY_J = 74;
private static final int KEY_K = 75;
private static final int KEY_L = 76;
private static final int KEY_M = 77;
private static final int KEY_N = 78;
private static final int KEY_O = 79;
private static final int KEY_P = 80;
private static final int KEY_Q = 81;
private static final int KEY_R = 82;
private static final int KEY_S = 83;
private static final int KEY_T = 84;
private static final int KEY_U = 85;
private static final int KEY_V = 86;
private static final int KEY_W = 87;
private static final int KEY_X = 88;
private static final int KEY_Y = 89;
private static final int KEY_Z = 90;
private static final int KEY_LEFT_WINDOW_KEY = 91;
private static final int KEY_RIGHT_WINDOW_KEY = 92;
private static final int KEY_SELECT_KEY = 93;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD0 = 96;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD1 = 97;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD2 = 98;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD3 = 99;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD4 = 100;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD5 = 101;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD6 = 102;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD7 = 103;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD8 = 104;
private static final int KEY_NUMPAD9 = 105;
private static final int KEY_MULTIPLY = 106;
private static final int KEY_ADD = 107;
private static final int KEY_SUBTRACT = 109;
private static final int KEY_DECIMAL_POINT_KEY = 110;
private static final int KEY_DIVIDE = 111;
private static final int KEY_F1 = 112;
private static final int KEY_F2 = 113;
private static final int KEY_F3 = 114;
private static final int KEY_F4 = 115;
private static final int KEY_F5 = 116;
private static final int KEY_F6 = 117;
private static final int KEY_F7 = 118;
private static final int KEY_F8 = 119;
private static final int KEY_F9 = 120;
private static final int KEY_F10 = 121;
private static final int KEY_F11 = 122;
private static final int KEY_F12 = 123;
private static final int KEY_NUM_LOCK = 144;
private static final int KEY_SCROLL_LOCK = 145;
private static final int KEY_SEMICOLON = 186;
private static final int KEY_EQUALS = 187;
private static final int KEY_COMMA = 188;
private static final int KEY_DASH = 189;
private static final int KEY_PERIOD = 190;
private static final int KEY_FORWARD_SLASH = 191;
private static final int KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT = 192;
private static final int KEY_OPEN_BRACKET = 219;
private static final int KEY_BACKSLASH = 220;
private static final int KEY_CLOSE_BRACKET = 221;
private static final int KEY_SINGLE_QUOTE = 222;
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