com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen.AntScriptGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen.BuildTarget.TargetOs;
import com.badlogic.gdx.jnigen.FileDescriptor.FileType;
/** Generates Ant scripts for multiple native build targets based on the given {@link BuildConfig}.
* For each build target, an Ant build script is created that will compile C/C++ files to a shared library for a specific
* platform. A master build script is generated that will execute the build scripts for each platform and bundles their shared
* libraries into a Jar file containing all shared libraries for all desktop platform targets, and armeabi/ and armeabi-v7a/
* folders containing the shard libraries for Android. The scripts can be executed from the command line or via the
* {@link BuildExecutor}. The resulting shared libraries can be loaded with the {@link JniGenSharedLibraryLoader} which will load
* the correct shared library from the natives jar/arm folders based on the platform the application is running on
* A common use case looks like this:
* BuildTarget win32 = BuildTarget.newDefaultBuildTarget(TargetOs.Windows, false);
* BuildTarget win64 = BuildTarget.newDefaultBuildTarget(TargetOs.Windows, true);
* BuildTarget linux32 = BuildTarget.newDefaultBuildTarget(TargetOs.Linux, false);
* BuildTarget linux64 = BuildTarget.newDefaultBuildTarget(TargetOs.Linux, true);
* BuildTarget mac = BuildTarget.newDefaultBuildTarget(TargetOs.MacOsX, false);
* BuildTarget android = BuildTarget.newDefaultBuildTarget(TargetOs.Android, false);
* BuildConfig config = new BuildConfig("mysharedlibrary");
* new AntScriptGenerator().generate(config, win32, win64, linux32, linux64, mac, android);
* BuildExecutor.executeAnt("jni/build.xml", "clean all -v");
* // assuming the natives jar is on the classpath of the application
* new SharedLibraryLoader().load("mysharedlibrary)
* This will create the build scripts and execute the build of the shared libraries for each platform, provided that the compilers
* are available on the system. Mac OS X might have to be treated separately as there are no cross-compilers for it.
* The generator will also copy the necessary JNI headers to the jni/jni-headers folder for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
* @author mzechner */
public class AntScriptGenerator {
/** Creates a master build script and one build script for each target to generated native shared libraries.
* @param config the {@link BuildConfig}
* @param targets list of {@link BuildTarget} instances */
public void generate (BuildConfig config, BuildTarget... targets) {
// create all the directories for outputing object files, shared libs and natives jar as well as build scripts.
if (!config.libsDir.exists()) {
if (!config.libsDir.mkdirs())
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create directory for shared library files in '" + config.libsDir + "'");
if (!config.jniDir.exists()) {
if (!config.jniDir.mkdirs())
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create native code directory '" + config.jniDir + "'");
// copy jni headers
// copy memcpy_wrap.c, needed if your build platform uses the latest glibc, e.g. Ubuntu 12.10
if (config.jniDir.child("memcpy_wrap.c").exists() == false) {
new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/memcpy_wrap.c", FileType.Classpath).copyTo(config.jniDir
ArrayList buildFiles = new ArrayList();
ArrayList libsDirs = new ArrayList();
ArrayList sharedLibFiles = new ArrayList();
// generate an Ant build script for each target
for (BuildTarget target : targets) {
String buildFile = generateBuildTargetTemplate(config, target);
FileDescriptor libsDir = new FileDescriptor(getLibsDirectory(config, target));
if (!libsDir.exists()) {
if (!libsDir.mkdirs()) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't create libs directory '" + libsDir + "'");
String buildFileName = "build-" + target.os.toString().toLowerCase() + (target.is64Bit ? "64" : "32") + ".xml";
if (target.buildFileName != null) buildFileName = target.buildFileName;
config.jniDir.child(buildFileName).writeString(buildFile, false);
System.out.println("Wrote target '" + target.os + (target.is64Bit ? "64" : "") + "' build script '"
+ config.jniDir.child(buildFileName) + "'");
if (!target.excludeFromMasterBuildFile) {
if (target.os != TargetOs.MacOsX && target.os != TargetOs.IOS) {
String sharedLibFilename = target.libName;
if (sharedLibFilename == null)
sharedLibFilename = getSharedLibFilename(target.os, target.is64Bit, config.sharedLibName);
if (target.os != TargetOs.Android && target.os != TargetOs.IOS) {
libsDirs.add("../" + libsDir.path().replace('\\', '/'));
// generate the master build script
String template = new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/build.xml.template", FileType.Classpath)
StringBuffer clean = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer compile = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer pack = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < buildFiles.size(); i++) {
compile.append("\t\t \n");
for (int i = 0; i < libsDirs.size(); i++) {
pack.append("\t\t\t \n");
if (config.sharedLibs != null) {
for (String sharedLib : config.sharedLibs) {
pack.append("\t\t\t \n");
template = template.replace("%projectName%", config.sharedLibName + "-natives");
template = template.replace(" ", clean.toString());
template = template.replace(" ", compile.toString());
template = template.replace("%packFile%", "../" + config.libsDir.path().replace('\\', '/') + "/" + config.sharedLibName
+ "-natives.jar");
template = template.replace(" ", pack);
config.jniDir.child("build.xml").writeString(template, false);
System.out.println("Wrote master build script '" + config.jniDir.child("build.xml") + "'");
private void copyJniHeaders (String jniDir) {
final String pack = "com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/headers";
String files[] = {"classfile_constants.h", "jawt.h", "jdwpTransport.h", "jni.h", "linux/jawt_md.h", "linux/jni_md.h",
"mac/jni_md.h", "win32/jawt_md.h", "win32/jni_md.h"};
for (String file : files) {
new FileDescriptor(pack, FileType.Classpath).child(file).copyTo(
new FileDescriptor(jniDir).child("jni-headers").child(file));
private String getSharedLibFilename (TargetOs os, boolean is64Bit, String sharedLibName) {
// generate shared lib prefix and suffix, determine jni platform headers directory
String libPrefix = "";
String libSuffix = "";
if (os == TargetOs.Windows) {
libSuffix = (is64Bit ? "64" : "") + ".dll";
if (os == TargetOs.Linux || os == TargetOs.Android) {
libPrefix = "lib";
libSuffix = (is64Bit ? "64" : "") + ".so";
if (os == TargetOs.MacOsX) {
libPrefix = "lib";
libSuffix = (is64Bit ? "64" : "") + ".dylib";
if (os == TargetOs.IOS) {
libPrefix = "lib";
libSuffix = ".a";
return libPrefix + sharedLibName + libSuffix;
private String getJniPlatform (TargetOs os) {
if (os == TargetOs.Windows) return "win32";
if (os == TargetOs.Linux) return "linux";
if (os == TargetOs.MacOsX) return "mac";
return "";
private String getLibsDirectory (BuildConfig config, BuildTarget target) {
String targetName = target.osFileName;
if (targetName == null) targetName = target.os.toString().toLowerCase() + (target.is64Bit ? "64" : "32");
return config.libsDir.child(targetName).path().replace('\\', '/');
private String generateBuildTargetTemplate (BuildConfig config, BuildTarget target) {
// special case for android
if (target.os == TargetOs.Android) {
new AndroidNdkScriptGenerator().generate(config, target);
String template = new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/build-android.xml.template",
template = template.replace("%precompile%", target.preCompileTask == null ? "" : target.preCompileTask);
template = template.replace("%postcompile%", target.postCompileTask == null ? "" : target.postCompileTask);
return template;
// read template file from resources
String template = null;
if (target.os == TargetOs.IOS) {
template = new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/build-ios.xml.template", FileType.Classpath)
} else {
template = new FileDescriptor("com/badlogic/gdx/jnigen/resources/scripts/build-target.xml.template", FileType.Classpath)
// generate shared lib filename and jni platform headers directory name
String libName = target.libName;
if (libName == null) libName = getSharedLibFilename(target.os, target.is64Bit, config.sharedLibName);
String jniPlatform = getJniPlatform(target.os);
// generate include and exclude fileset Ant description for C/C++
// append memcpy_wrap.c to list of files to be build
StringBuffer cIncludes = new StringBuffer();
for (String cInclude : target.cIncludes) {
cIncludes.append("\t\t \n");
StringBuffer cppIncludes = new StringBuffer();
for (String cppInclude : target.cppIncludes) {
cppIncludes.append("\t\t \n");
StringBuffer cExcludes = new StringBuffer();
for (String cExclude : target.cExcludes) {
cExcludes.append("\t\t \n");
StringBuffer cppExcludes = new StringBuffer();
for (String cppExclude : target.cppExcludes) {
cppExcludes.append("\t\t \n");
// generate C/C++ header directories
StringBuffer headerDirs = new StringBuffer();
for (String headerDir : target.headerDirs) {
headerDirs.append("\t\t\t \n");
String targetFolder = target.osFileName;
if (targetFolder == null) targetFolder = target.os.toString().toLowerCase() + (target.is64Bit ? "64" : "32");
// replace template vars with proper values
template = template.replace("%projectName%", config.sharedLibName + "-" + target.os + "-" + (target.is64Bit ? "64" : "32"));
template = template.replace("%buildDir%", config.buildDir.child(targetFolder).path().replace('\\', '/'));
template = template.replace("%libsDir%", "../" + getLibsDirectory(config, target));
template = template.replace("%libName%", libName);
template = template.replace("%jniPlatform%", jniPlatform);
template = template.replace("%compilerPrefix%", target.compilerPrefix);
template = template.replace("%cFlags%", target.cFlags);
template = template.replace("%cppFlags%", target.cppFlags);
template = template.replace("%linkerFlags%", target.linkerFlags);
template = template.replace("%libraries%", target.libraries);
template = template.replace("%cIncludes%", cIncludes);
template = template.replace("%cExcludes%", cExcludes);
template = template.replace("%cppIncludes%", cppIncludes);
template = template.replace("%cppExcludes%", cppExcludes);
template = template.replace("%headerDirs%", headerDirs);
template = template.replace("%precompile%", target.preCompileTask == null ? "" : target.preCompileTask);
template = template.replace("%postcompile%", target.postCompileTask == null ? "" : target.postCompileTask);
return template;
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