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# default message bundle

STATUS_MSG = press 'New Game' to assign players and board configuration for a new game.
NEW_GAME_BTN_TIP = Start a new Game
UNDO_BTN_TIP = Undo the last move
REDO_BTN_TIP = Redo the last move
OPTIONS_BTN_TIP = Advanced computer game playing options
HELP_BTN_TIP = Show online Help
LOG_OUTPUT = Log Output

GAME = Game
CHECKERS = Checkers
CHESS = Chess
GO_MOKU = GoMoku
TIC_TAC_TOE = Tic-tac-toe
HEX = Hex
MANCALA = Mancala
BLOCKADE = Blockade
GO = Go
GALACTIC = Galactic
POKER = Poker
TRIVIAL = Trivial
SET= Set

FILE = File
OPEN = Open
SAVE = Save
SAVE_IMAGE = Save Picture
EXIT = Exit

MISSING_FILE = Could not find the file {0}.
OPTIMIZED_WEIGHTS = Optimized Weights
OPTIMIZED_WEIGHTS_TXT = The Optimized weights are:
MOVES_CONSIDERED = Moves considered:
THE_COMPUTER = The computer
YOU = You
COMPUTER_PASSES = The computer passes.
INFORMATION = Information
WARNING = Warning
NO_MOVES_TO_REDO = There are no more moves to redo.
NO_MOVES_TO_UNDO = There are no more moves to undo.
GAME_OVER = Game Over
TIE_MSG = It's a tie. Nobody won.
WON_MSG = {0} ({1}) has won the game!\n There were {2} moves.\n The strength of the win was {3}.
GAME_INFORMATION = Game Information
GENERAL_INFO = General Info
PLAYER_TO_MOVE = Player to move
CURRENT_MOVE_NUM = Current Move #
PASS_BTN_TIP = Skip your turn
RESIGN_BTN_TIP = Give up playing.
SEARCH_OPTIONS = Search Options
ACCEPT_PLAYER_OPTIONS = Accept edited player options

# EditWeightDlg
EDIT_WEIGHTS = Edit Weights
EDIT_WTS_BELOW = Edit the weights below
CANCEL = Cancel
CANCEL_EDITS = cancel current edits

CHANCE_OF_WINNING = Chance of {0} Winning

ALGORITHM = Algorithm
DEBUG = Debug
LOOK_AND_FEEL = Look and Feel
GAME_OPTIONS = Game Options
USE_OPTIONS = use these options
RESUME = Resume the current game without changing the options
PERFORMANCE_OPTIONS = Computer Algoritm Performance Options
SELECT_SEARCH_ALGORITHM = Select a search algorithm
MINIMAX_SEARCH_TIP = Most basic of brute force search strategies
NEGAMAX_SEARCH_TIP = Identical to minimax but the code is simpler
NEGASCOUT_SEARCH = Nega-Scout Search
NEGASCOUT_SEARCH_TIP = A bit like negamax, but small search windows are used to see if we can get a good result without a broader window.
NEGASCOUT_W_MEMORY_SEARCH = Nega-Scout Search (with memory)
NEGASCOUT_W_MEMORY_SEARCH_TIP = Version of negascout that uses a transposition table to remember moves that have already been searched.
NEGAMAX_W_MEMORY_SEARCH = NegaMax Search (with memory)
NEGAMAX_W_MEMORY_SEARCH_TIP = Version of negamax that uses a transposition table to remember moves that have already been searched.
MTD_NEGASCOUT_SEARCH = Memory enhanced Test Driver Search (uses negascout with memory).
MTD_NEGASCOUT_SEARCH_TIP = Memory enhanced test drive that calls out to nega-scout.
MTD_NEGAMAX_SEARCH = Memory enhanced Test Driver Search (uses nega-max with memory).
MTD_NEGAMAX_SEARCH_TIP = Memory enhanced test drive that calls out to nega-max.
UCT_SEARCH = Upper Confidence Tree (UCT) Search
UCT_SEARCH_TIP = UCT is quite different that the others. It relies on a monte carlo method to adaptively expand search.
MOVES_TO_LOOKAHEAD = Moves to look ahead (1 easy - 8 difficult and slow):
MOVES_TO_LOOKAHEAD_TIP = This controls how well the computer will play. If quiescence is on, then the look ahead may be greater thatn this for selected paths.
PERCENTAGE_AT_PLY = Percentage of best moves to consider at each ply (5-100):
PERCENTAGE_AT_PLY_TIP = The percentage of moves to consider at each ply. \nThese are the top moves using static evaluation. \nIf small percentage then the game will run faster.
UPPER_BOUND = The upper bound for the size of the game tree is :
USE_PRUNING = Use alpha beta pruning
USE_PRUNING_TIP = this will eliminate many branches in the game tree - improving performance significantly
PERCENT_LESS_THAN_BEST_THRESH = Limit to moves greater than this percent less than the best
PERCENT_LESS_THAN_BEST_THRESH_TIP = Only moves that are greater than this percent lest than the score of the best move in the list will be considered.
USE_QUIESCENCE = Use quiescence
USE_QUIESCENCE_TIP = Quiescence means we will pursue certain paths further until we can confirm that they are stable (i.e. quiet).
MAX_NUM_SIMULATIONS = Maximum number of simulations
MAX_NUM_SIMULATIONS_TIP = Runs random simulations to converge on optimal next move.
RANDOM_LOOK_AHEAD = Number of random moves when playing random game
RANDOM_LOOK_AHEAD_TIP = The number of semi-random moves to play from the starting state in a simulated random game. We choose the moves randomly from a set of good moves.
EXPLORE_EXPLOIT_RATIO = Ratio of exploration to exploitation
EXPLORE_EXPLOIT_RATIO_TIP = The larger this number is the more exploration the search does; smaller will do more exploitation of known good moves; balanced around 1.0.
MIN_BEST_MOVES = Minimum best moves to consider
MIN_BEST_MOVES_TIP = Don't consider fewer than this many of the best moves when searching for the next move
DEBUG_OPTIONS = Debugging Options
DEBUG_LEVEL = Debug Level (0-4)   :
DEBUG_LEVEL_TIP = 0=no debug info; 1= visual debug only; 2= more assertions and print minimal debug info; 3= significant printing (slows performance)
SEND_LOG_OUTPUT = Send the log output to
CONSOLE = the console
SEPARATE_WINDOW = a separate window
THIS_FILE = this file:
SHOW_PROFILE_STATS = Show Profile statistics
SHOW_PROFILE_STATS_TIP = Prints some timing information to the console after each computer generated move
SHOW_GAME_TREE = Show Game Tree
SHOW_GAME_TREE_TIP = Shows a separate window to represent the game tree for exploration and deeper understanding of the minimax algorithm
SHOW_ANIMATION = Show animation of computer processing
SHOW_ANIMATION_TIP = Cycles through all the moves that the computer considers while trying to decide where to move next (slows performance)
DEBUGGING_OPTIONS = Debugging Options
USE_SOUND = Use Sound
USE_SOUND_TIP = Make sounds for certain actions
USE_IMAGES = Use Images
USE_IMAGES_TIP = Use images for the game pieces and board
ELLIPSIS = \u2026
SELECT_BOARD_COLOR = Select a color for the board :
SELECT_BOARD_COLOR_TIP = Press this to choose a color for the Board
SELECT_GRID_COLOR = Select a color for the grid :
SELECT_GRID_COLOR_TIP = Press this to choose a color for the Grid
LOCALE = Locale
LOCALE_OPTIONS = Select the desired Locale
LOCALE_TIP = After selecting the locale and clicking ok, the labels will show the selected language.
ENGLISH = English
GERMAN = German
JAPANESE = Japanese
VIETNAMESE = Vietnamese

GAME_TUTORIAL = Game Tutorial;
AUTHOR = A game application by Barry Becker.
VERSION = Version 1.4
COPYRIGHT = Copyright (c) 2001-2015
ABOUT = About {0}

NEW_GAME = New Local Game
NEW_GAME_TIP = setup for a new local game
LOAD_GAME = Load Game
LOAD_GAME_TIP = load a game that was previously saved in SGF format.
START_GAME = Start Game
START_GAME_TIP = Start a game based on above selections
NGD_CANCEL_TIP = Resume the current game without changing the options
OPTIMIZATION = Run an Optimization (long)
OPTIMIZATION_TIP = Run an optimization instead of a single 2 player game. This may take a very long time to run.
HUMAN = human
COMPUTER = computer
FIRST_PLAYER = 1st player is
SECOND_PLAYER = 2nd player is
BOARD_CONFIGURATION = Board Configuration
BOARD_SIZE = Board Size
NUMBER_OF_ROWS = number of rows    (5-50):
NUMBER_OF_COLS = number of columns (5-50):
SPECIFY_SGF = Specify a previously saved SGF file
FILE_NAME = File name
CANT_OPEN_WHEN_STANDALONE = Can't open a file when running standalone
CANT_RUN_OPT_WHEN_STANDALONE = Can't run optimization when running standalone
PLAY_ONLINE = Play Online
PLAY_ONLINE_TIP = Play with others online

ONLINE_TABLES = Available Tables
CREATE_TABLE = Create a New Table
CREATE_TABLE_TIP = Add a new table and seat yourself at it.
TABLE_NAME = Table Name
PLAYER_NAMES_TIP = The players currently sitting at the table
MIN_NUM_PLAYERS = Required Players
MIN_NUM_PLAYERS_TIP =  When this number of players have sat down at the table, the game will start automatically
MAX_NUM_PLAYERS = Max Num Players
MAX_NUM_PLAYERS_TIP = Maximum number of players allowed
NUM_ROBOTS = Initial Num Robots
NUM_ROBOTS_TIP = Number of Robots to play initially

PLAYER1 = Player 1
PLAYER2 = Player 2

ILLEGAL_MOVE = That is an illegal move. Try again.
CLOSE = Close
ACTION = Action
ACTION_TIP = Click to join a table

ONLINE_DLG_TITLE = Join a table to play others online

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