Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/** Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2000-2011. Licensed under MIT License: */
import com.barrybecker4.ui.util.ColorMap;
import com.barrybecker4.common.geometry.Location;
import com.barrybecker4.ui.util.GUIUtil;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Static Utility methods for rendering a GoGroup.
* A GoString by comparison, is composed of a strongly connected set of one or more same color stones.
* Groups may be connected by diagonals or one space jumps, or uncut knights moves, but not nikken tobi
* @author Barry Becker
final class GoGroupRenderer {
private static final float BORDER_OFFSET = 0.5f;
private static final Color EYE_TEXT_COLOR = new Color( 30, 10, 10 );
* Cache the border area, color, and cellSize in hashMaps
* so that we don't have to recompute them if they have not changed.
* Is this optimization needed? Is it dangerous?
private static final Map hmRegionCache_ = new HashMap<>();
private ColorMap colormap_;
private final float cellSize_;
private final int margin_;
private final GoBoard board_;
private Graphics2D g2_;
* Constructor
public GoGroupRenderer(GoBoard board, ColorMap colormap, float cellSize,
int margin, Graphics2D g2) {
board_ = board;
colormap_ = colormap;
cellSize_ = cellSize;
margin_ = margin;
g2_ = g2;
* draw debugging information about the group like its border and eye shapes.
public void drawGroupDecoration(GroupAnalyzer groupAnalyzer) {
IGoGroup group = groupAnalyzer.getGroup();
GroupRegion cachedRegion = hmRegionCache_.get(group);
if ( !groupAnalyzer.isValid() || cachedRegion == null || cellSize_ != cachedRegion.cellSize ) {
// the colormap will show red if close to dead,
// so reverse the health value for the other player
double h = (groupAnalyzer.getRelativeHealth(board_, true));
if (!group.isOwnedByPlayer1()) {
h = -h;
cachedRegion = new GroupRegion();
cachedRegion.borderArea = calcGroupBorder( group.getStones() );
cachedRegion.borderColor = colormap_.getColorForValue( h );
cachedRegion.cellSize = cellSize_;
// cache these new values (until something changes again)
hmRegionCache_.put(group, cachedRegion);
if (!groupAnalyzer.getEyes(board_).isEmpty()) {
* accumulate an area geometry that can be rendered to show the group border.
* @return the groups border shape.
private Area calcGroupBorder( GoBoardPositionSet groupStones) {
if (groupStones == null || groupStones.isEmpty()) {
return null; // nothing to draw an area for.
GoBoardPosition firstStone = groupStones.iterator().next();
if ( groupStones.size() == 1 ) {
return createSingleStoneBorder(firstStone.getLocation());
return createMultiStoneBorder(firstStone.getLocation());
* @return the boarder for a single stone.
private Area createSingleStoneBorder(Location firstStoneLoc) {
float offset = + BORDER_OFFSET + 0.5f;
// case where the group contains only 1 stone
float x = margin_ + (firstStoneLoc.getCol() - offset) * cellSize_;
float y = margin_ + (firstStoneLoc.getRow() - offset) * cellSize_;
return new Area( new Ellipse2D.Float( x, y, cellSize_, cellSize_ ) );
* To avoid adding the same stone to the queue twice we maintain a hashSet
* which does not allow dupes.
* @return the border for a multi-stone group.
private synchronized Area createMultiStoneBorder(Location firstStoneLoc) {
GoBoard boardCopy = board_.copy();
List q = new ArrayList<>();
GoBoardPositionSet qset = new GoBoardPositionSet();
GoBoardPositionList visitedSet = new GoBoardPositionList();
GoBoardPosition firstStone = (GoBoardPosition) boardCopy.getPosition(firstStoneLoc);
q.add( firstStone );
qset.add( firstStone );
Area area = new Area();
NeighborAnalyzer nbrAnalyzer = new NeighborAnalyzer(boardCopy);
while ( !q.isEmpty() ) {
GoBoardPosition stone = (GoBoardPosition) q.remove( 0 );
qset.remove( stone );
stone.setVisited( true );
GoBoardPositionSet nbrs = nbrAnalyzer.findGroupNeighbors( stone, true );
for (GoBoardPosition nbrStone : nbrs) {
// accumulate all the borders to arrive at the final group border
area.add( new Area( getBorderBetween( stone, nbrStone ) ) );
if ( !nbrStone.isVisited() && !qset.contains( nbrStone ) ) {
q.add( nbrStone );
qset.add( nbrStone );
// mark all the stones in the group unvisited again.
if (GameContext.getDebugMode() > 1) {
new BoardValidator(boardCopy).confirmAllUnvisited();
return area;
* @return a path marking the border between the 2 specified stones.
private GeneralPath getBorderBetween( GoBoardPosition s1, GoBoardPosition s2) {
// we can tell which case we have by how far apart the two stones are
double dist = s1.getDistanceFrom( s2 );
GeneralPath border = null;
if ( dist == 1.0 || dist == 2.0 ) {
// ** or *_*
border = getLinearNbrBorder(s1, s2);
else if ( (dist - Math.sqrt( 2.0 )) < 0.001 ) {
// *_
// _*
border = getDiagonalNbrBorder(s1, s2);
else if ( (dist - Math.sqrt( 5.0 )) < 0.001 ) {
// *__
// __*
border = getKogeimaNbrBorder(s1, s2);
assert false: "error! dist="+dist ;
assert ( border!=null) : "the border was null. dist=" + dist;
return border;
* @return path corresponding to a linear neighbor border.
private GeneralPath getLinearNbrBorder( GoBoardPosition s1, GoBoardPosition s2)
GeneralPath border = new GeneralPath();
float celld2 = cellSize_ / 2.0f;
if ( s1.getRow() == s2.getRow() ) { // horizontal
GoBoardPosition leftStone;
GoBoardPosition rightStone;
if ( s1.getCol() < s2.getCol() ) {
leftStone = s1;
rightStone = s2;
else {
leftStone = s2;
rightStone = s1;
float xleft = margin_ + ((float) leftStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float yleft = margin_ + ((float) leftStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float xright = margin_ + ((float) rightStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float yright = margin_ + ((float) rightStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
border.moveTo( xleft, yleft + celld2 );
border.quadTo( xleft - celld2, yleft + celld2, xleft - celld2, yleft );
border.quadTo( xleft - celld2, yleft - celld2, xleft, yleft - celld2 );
border.lineTo( xright, yright - celld2 );
border.quadTo( xright + celld2, yright - celld2, xright + celld2, yright );
border.quadTo( xright + celld2, yright + celld2, xright, yright + celld2 );
else { // vertical
GoBoardPosition topStone;
GoBoardPosition bottomStone;
if ( s1.getRow() < s2.getRow() ) {
topStone = s1;
bottomStone = s2;
else {
topStone = s2;
bottomStone = s1;
float xtop = margin_ + ((float) topStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET ) * cellSize_;
float ytop = margin_ + ((float) topStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float xbottom = margin_ + ((float) bottomStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float ybottom = margin_ + ((float) bottomStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
border.moveTo( xtop - celld2, ytop );
border.quadTo( xtop - celld2, ytop - celld2, xtop, ytop - celld2 );
border.quadTo( xtop + celld2, ytop - celld2, xtop + celld2, ytop );
border.lineTo( xbottom + celld2, ybottom );
border.quadTo( xbottom + celld2, ybottom + celld2, xbottom, ybottom + celld2 );
border.quadTo( xbottom - celld2, ybottom + celld2, xbottom - celld2, ybottom );
return border;
* @return a path corresponding to a diagonal neighbor border.
private GeneralPath getDiagonalNbrBorder( GoBoardPosition s1, GoBoardPosition s2) {
GeneralPath border = new GeneralPath();
float celld2 = cellSize_ / 2.0f;
// upper left = ul, lr = lower right, ...
GoBoardPosition ulStone = null, lrStone = null, llStone = null, urStone = null;
if ( s1.getRow() < s2.getRow() ) {
if ( s1.getCol() < s2.getCol() ) {
ulStone = s1;
lrStone = s2;
else {
llStone = s2;
urStone = s1;
else {
if ( s1.getCol() < s2.getCol() ) {
llStone = s1;
urStone = s2;
else {
lrStone = s1;
ulStone = s2;
if ( urStone == null ) {
float ulx = margin_ + ((float) ulStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float uly = margin_ + ((float) ulStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float lrx = margin_ + ((float) lrStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float lry = margin_ + ((float) lrStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
border.moveTo( ulx, uly + celld2 );
border.quadTo( ulx - celld2, uly + celld2, ulx - celld2, uly );
border.quadTo( ulx - celld2, uly - celld2, ulx, uly - celld2 );
border.quadTo( ulx + celld2, uly - celld2, ulx + celld2, uly );
border.quadTo( ulx + celld2, uly + celld2, lrx, lry - celld2 );
border.quadTo( lrx + celld2, lry - celld2, lrx + celld2, lry );
border.quadTo( lrx + celld2, lry + celld2, lrx, lry + celld2 );
border.quadTo( lrx - celld2, lry + celld2, lrx - celld2, lry );
border.quadTo( ulx + celld2, lry - celld2, ulx, uly + celld2 );
else {
float llx = margin_ + ((float) llStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float lly = margin_ + ((float) llStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float urx = margin_ + ((float) urStone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float ury = margin_ + ((float) urStone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
border.moveTo( llx + celld2, lly );
border.quadTo( llx + celld2, lly + celld2, llx, lly + celld2 );
border.quadTo( llx - celld2, lly + celld2, llx - celld2, lly );
border.quadTo( llx - celld2, lly - celld2, llx, lly - celld2 );
border.quadTo( llx + celld2, lly - celld2, urx - celld2, ury );
border.quadTo( urx - celld2, ury - celld2, urx, ury - celld2 );
border.quadTo( urx + celld2, ury - celld2, urx + celld2, ury );
border.quadTo( urx + celld2, ury + celld2, urx, ury + celld2 );
border.quadTo( urx - celld2, ury + celld2, llx + celld2, lly );
return border;
* @return a border corresponding to a kogeima (nights move) neighbor border.
private GeneralPath getKogeimaNbrBorder( GoBoardPosition s1Stone, GoBoardPosition s2Stone) {
GeneralPath border = new GeneralPath();
float celld2 = cellSize_ / 2.0f;
// calc vector from s1 to s2
Point2D.Float p =
new Point2D.Float( celld2 * (s2Stone.getCol() - s1Stone.getCol()),
celld2 * (s2Stone.getRow() - s1Stone.getRow()) );
float s1x = margin_ + ((float) s1Stone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float s1y = margin_ + ((float) s1Stone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float s2x = margin_ + ((float) s2Stone.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
float s2y = margin_ + ((float) s2Stone.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET) * cellSize_;
if ( Math.abs( p.x ) > Math.abs( p.y ) ) { // horizontal
p.x /= 2.0;
p.y = -p.y;
border.moveTo( s1x, s1y + p.y );
border.quadTo( s1x - p.x, s1y + p.y, s1x - p.x, s1y );
border.quadTo( s1x - p.x, s1y - p.y, s1x, s1y - p.y );
border.lineTo( s2x, s2y + p.y );
border.quadTo( s2x + p.x, s2y + p.y, s2x + p.x, s2y );
border.quadTo( s2x + p.x, s2y - p.y, s2x, s2y - p.y );
border.quadTo( s2x - p.x, s2y - p.y, s2x - p.x, s2y );
border.quadTo( s2x - p.x, s2y + p.y, s2x - 2.0f * p.x, s2y + p.y );
border.quadTo( s1x + p.x, s1y - p.y, s1x + p.x, s1y );
border.quadTo( s1x + p.x, s1y + p.y, s1x, s1y + p.y );
else { // vertical
p.y /= 2.0;
border.moveTo( s1x - p.x, s1y );
border.quadTo( s1x - p.x, s1y - p.y, s1x, s1y - p.y );
border.quadTo( s1x + p.x, s1y - p.y, s1x + p.x, s1y );
border.lineTo( s1x + p.x, s1y + 2.0f * p.y );
border.quadTo( s2x - p.x, s2y - p.y, s2x, s2y - p.y );
border.quadTo( s2x + p.x, s2y - p.y, s2x + p.x, s2y );
border.quadTo( s2x + p.x, s2y + p.y, s2x, s2y + p.y );
border.quadTo( s2x - p.x, s2y + p.y, s2x - p.x, s2y );
border.lineTo( s2x - p.x, s2y - 2.0f * p.y );
border.quadTo( s1x + p.x, s1y + p.y, s1x, s1y + p.y );
border.quadTo( s1x - p.x, s1y + p.y, s1x - p.x, s1y );
return border;
* draw the group's eyes (for debugging/understanding purposes).
private void drawEyes(GoEyeSet eyes) {
if ( !eyes.isEmpty() ) {
Font font = new Font(GUIUtil.DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, Font.PLAIN, (int) (1.6 * Math.sqrt( cellSize_ ) - 1) );
g2_.setFont( font );
g2_.setColor( EYE_TEXT_COLOR );
for (IGoEye eye : eyes) {
String eyeName = eye.getEyeTypeName();
for (GoBoardPosition eyeSpace : eye.getMembers()) {
float x = margin_ + ((float) eyeSpace.getCol() - BORDER_OFFSET - 0.5f) * cellSize_;
float y = margin_ + ((float) eyeSpace.getRow() - BORDER_OFFSET + 0.1f) * cellSize_;
g2_.drawString(eyeName, x, y);
* Draw the border for the group.
* fill in the cumulative group border.
private void fillInRegion(GroupRegion region) {
if ( region != null && region.borderArea != null) {
g2_.setColor( region.borderColor );
g2_.fill( region.borderArea );
g2_.setColor( );
g2_.draw( region.borderArea );
private static class GroupRegion {
Area borderArea;
Color borderColor;
float cellSize;
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