com.barrybecker4.puzzle.hiq.model.PegBoard.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright by Barry G. Becker, 2000-2018. Licensed under MIT License:
package com.barrybecker4.puzzle.hiq.model
import com.barrybecker4.common.geometry.{ByteLocation, Location}
import PegBoard._
import scala.collection.mutable
object PegBoard {
/** this must be odd */
val SIZE = 7
private[model] val NUM_PEG_HOLES = 33
private val CENTER: Byte = 3
private val CORNER_SIZE: Int = 2
/** The initial board position constant */
val INITIAL_BOARD_POSITION: PegBoard = createInitialBoard()
private def createInitialBoard(): PegBoard ={
var b = new PegBoard()
for (i <- 0 until SIZE; j <- 0 until SIZE if isValidPosition(i, j))
b = b.setPosition(i.toByte, j.toByte, value = true)
b.setPosition(CENTER, CENTER, value = false)
/** @return true if the coordinates refer to one of the 33 board positions that can hold a peg. */
def isValidPosition(row: Int, col: Int): Boolean = {
if (row < 0 || row >= SIZE || col < 0 || col >= SIZE) return false
(row >= CORNER_SIZE && row < SIZE - CORNER_SIZE) || (col >= CORNER_SIZE && col < SIZE - CORNER_SIZE)
private def createNewBoardState(pos: PegBoard, move: PegMove, undo: Boolean): PegBoard = {
val fromRow = move.getFromRow
val fromCol = move.getFromCol
val toRow = move.getToRow
val toCol = move.getToCol
var board = pos.setPosition(fromRow, fromCol, undo)
// Remove or replace the piece that was jumped as appropriate
board = board.setPosition(((fromRow + toRow) >> 1).toByte, ((fromCol + toCol) >> 1).toByte, undo)
board.setPosition(toRow, toCol, !undo)
* Immutable representation of a PegBoard.
* Maintains the compressed peg position information for the board.
* @author Barry Becker
case class PegBoard(bits: PegBits) {
def this() = { this(PegBits()) }
def getPosition(row: Byte, col: Byte): Boolean = get(bits.getIndexForPosition(row, col))
/** Private so others can not modify our immutable state after construction. */
private def setPosition(row: Byte, col: Byte, value: Boolean): PegBoard =
PegBoard(set(bits.getIndexForPosition(row, col), value))
def isEmpty(row: Byte, col: Byte): Boolean = !getPosition(row, col)
/** Because of symmetry, there is really only one first move not 4.
* @return Move the first move.
def getFirstMove = new PegMove(CENTER, (CENTER - 2).toByte, CENTER, CENTER)
def isSolved: Boolean = getNumPegsLeft == 1 && getPosition(CENTER, CENTER)
/** Creates a new board with the move applied */
def doMove(move: PegMove, undo: Boolean = false): PegBoard = createNewBoardState(this, move, undo)
/** @param pegged boolean if true, get pegged locations, else empty locations
* @return List of pegged or empty locations
def getLocations(pegged: Boolean): List[Location] = {
var list = List[Location]()
for {
i <- 0 until SIZE
j <- 0 until SIZE
if isValidPosition(i, j) && getPosition(i.toByte, j.toByte) == pegged
} list +:= new ByteLocation(i, j)
/** @return number of pegs left on the board. */
def getNumPegsLeft: Int = bits.getNumPegsLeft
def containedIn(setOfBoards: mutable.Set[PegBoard]): Boolean = {
var visited = false
var i = 0
while (!visited && i < PegBoardSymmetries.SYMMETRIES) {
if (setOfBoards.contains(symmetry(i))) visited = true
i += 1
/** Check all 8 symmetries
* if rotateIndex = 0 then no rotation
* if rotateIndex = 1 mirror image of this,
* if rotateIndex = 2 then 90 degree rotation of this,
* if rotateIndex = 3 then mirror image of 2, etc
* @return specified rotation of the board.
private def symmetry(symmIndex: Int) =
if (symmIndex == 0) this else rotate(PegBoardSymmetries.getSymmetry(symmIndex))
override def equals(b: Any): Boolean = bits equals b.asInstanceOf[PegBoard].bits
/** All but one bit accounted for in the hash. */
override def hashCode: Int = bits.hashCode
/** Rotate the board according to symmetry.
* Not all are rotational symmetries, but you get the idea....
* @return new board with specified rotation applied.
private def rotate(rotateIndices: Array[Byte]): PegBoard = {
var rotatedBoard = new PegBoard()
for (i <- 0 until NUM_PEG_HOLES)
rotatedBoard = PegBoard(rotatedBoard.set(i, get(rotateIndices(i))))
private def set(i: Int, value: Boolean): PegBits = bits.set(i, value)
private def get(i: Int): Boolean = bits.get(i)
override def toString: String = bits.toString